Footnotes - Chapter 9

112 From the work Le attioni di Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli Signori di Lucca con la genealogia della famiglia, Aldo Manucci, printed in Rome in 1950.

113 Storia dei Tarocchi , Giordano Berti, edizione Mondadori 2007.

114 From Il Castello dei Tarocchi , Andrea Vitali, Scarabeo edition, 2010.

115 There are many other elements of the Cathedral which would be very interesting to examine but in order to understand them correctly, a more detailed analysis of the Codes of the Tarot is required.

116 Among these are numbered Giovanni di Stefano, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Domenico Beccafumi and others.

117 This Code, together with the fact that the God Thoth was considered the inventor of hieroglyphic scripture, explains at least in part why there is a book at the feet of the Hermit .