- activism see disability activism; feminist activism; LGBT activism
- Adams, T. E.
- advertising
- bra adverts
- condoms
- feminist graffiti
- femvertizing
- LGBT people
- lifestyle media
- lipstick lesbian/hot lesbian
- love your body (LYB)
- magazine-funding
- postfeminism and
- Protein World advert
- Puma running shoes
- safe/r sex
- sexual objectification
- target demographics
- Advertising Standards Authority
- Advocate Classified (magazine)
- Advocate (magazine)
- aesthetic labour
- Aguilera, Christina
- Ahmed, Sara
- Albury, Kath
- Alvear, Michael
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
- Amnesty International
- anal sex
- centring of male pleasure and
- Anderson, B.
- Angels in America (play)
- Ann Summers stores/parties
- Ansari, Azis
- Apple, Jennifer
- The Apprentice (TV series)
- apps
- beauty apps
- dating apps
- hook up apps
- self-help
- self-surveillance
- self-tracking/self-monitoring
- sex apps
- Arthurs, Jane
- asexuality
- AskMen (website)
- @Feminista Jones
- Attwood, Feona
- Australia
- Bad Sex Media Bingo (website)
- Bake, C.
- Banana (TV series)
- Banet-Weiser, Sarah
- barebacking
- Barker, M-J.
- Bartky, Sandra Lee
- Bashford, A.
- Battles, Kathleen
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- abusive behaviour
- accessories
- consent
- pleasure
- safewords
- beach-body ready
- Bechdel Test
- Beck, Ulrich
- Beck-Gernsheim, Elizabeth
- Becker, Ron
- Beckham, David
- Belle de jour (blog)
- Benefits Broods (TV series)
- Benefits Street (TV series)
- Bennet, M.
- Beres, M.A.
- Berlant, Lauren
- Berman, Laura
- Berman, M.
- Bevan, K.
- bi-curiosity
- Big Brother (TV series)
- Big Fat Gypsy Weddings (TV series)
- The Biggest Loser (TV series)
- Bingham, Adrian
- Binkley, Sam
- biphobia
- Biressi, A.
- birth control
- class/ethnicity and
- contraceptive pill
- eugenics and
- as women's responsibility
- bisexuality
- in the media
- stereotypes of
- see also LGBT people
- BishUK (website)
- Black feminism
- Blanc, Julien
- Blinne, K.C.
- blogs
- Black feminists
- consent
- disabled feminists
- feminist blogging
- see also social media
- Blue is the Warmest Colour (film)
- bodies
- beach-body ready
- body hair removal
- body hate
- close-ups
- confidence
- disabled body
- disciplined body
- fat
- genital remodelling
- genitals
- love your body (LYB)
- mediated bodies
- men's bodies
- pharmacological body
- projects of the self
- sexualized body
- sexy body
- as source of identity
- surgical body
- surveilled body
- Body Count Rising (documentary)
- bondage see BDSM
- books
- asexuality
- communication
- consent
- dating advice
- emotional labour
- heteronormativity
- medicalized discourses of sex
- for men
- mononormativity
- normal sexual script
- normal verus spicy sex
- number of pages devoted to each topic
- pickup techniques
- seduction/dirty talk
- sex as labour
- sexual pleasure
- sexual problems
- structure
- techniques
- working class women
- Bordo, Susan
- Bosch, Hieronymus
- Boston Women's Health Collective
- Bourne, A.
- Boynton, Petra
- bra adverts
- Bradbury-Rance, Clara
- Brah, Avtar
- Braun, Virginia
- Bright, D.
- Bright, Susie
- Brissett, D.
- Britain's Missing Top Model (TV series)
- British Film Institute Flare festival
- British Medical Journal (magazine)
- broadcasting see radio; television
- Brook (website)
- Butler, Judith
- Byers, E.S.
- Cacchioni, T.
- Califia, Pat
- Calman, Susan
- Carol (film)
- Carr, Alan
- Caster, W.
- casual sex
- hook up apps
- hook up culture
- celebrity expertise
- The celluloid closet (film)
- Channel
- chemsex
- HIV/AIDS and
- homonormativity and
- as inauthentic intimacy
- individual responsibility
- nature of
- safe/r sex promotion and
- Chemsex (documentary)
- children
- LGB families
- relationships with
- sex education
- sexualization
- class
- birth control and
- eugenics and
- lifestyle media
- marriage and
- public health and
- sexualization of culture
- see also working class
- close-ups
- co-produced intimacy
- coital imperative
- orgasm
- pleasure and
- safer sex and
- colonialism
- comedy programming
- Comfort, A.
- communication
- as foundational
- meta communication
- as necessary but simple
- no coverage
- Reddit sex spreadsheat
- as seduction/dirty talk
- companionate marriage
- condoms
- advertising
- deliberate non-use
- risk/safety
- safe/r sex and
- sex education
- thinking ahead
- confidence
- Connell, E.
- consciousness-raising
- consent
- blogs
- consent cultures
- enthusiastic consent
- micro-consent practices
- ‘no means no’
- non-consensual acts
- power and
- Reddit sex spreadsheat
- safewords
- Schrödinger-sex
- websites and
- constructionism
- consumer culture
- class
- consuming the Other
- gay male sexuality
- postfeminist
- recreational sexuality
- sex shopping
- sex toys
- consumer sexualities
- Contagious Diseases Acts
- contraception see birth control
- Corn, L.
- Cosmopolitan (magazine)
- Cover, Rob
- Cox, Tracey
- Crip Confessions (blog)
- crip theory
- The Crunk Feminist Collective (blog)
- Cucumber (TV series)
- Cuklanz, Lisa
- cyber-bullying
- cybersex
- The Daily Mirror
- Dapper Laughs: On the Pull (TV series)
- Darwin, Charles
- dating advice
- aesthetic labour
- books
- for men
- pickup techniques
- tactical dating
- TV shows
- websites
- Davies, Bronwyn
- Davis, Angela
- Davis, M.D.M.
- De Botton, Alain
- Dean, Michelle
- Dean, T.
- democratization
- of desire
- of relationships
- desire see sexual desire
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
- Diamond, Lisa
- dirty talk
- disability activism
- Disability Discrimination Act
- disabled people
- books
- charity model of disability
- crip theory
- the disabled body
- feminist blogging
- inclusion
- media depictions
- medical model of disability
- paralympians
- pleasure
- reality TV
- representations of disability
- sexuality and
- social model of disability
- disciplined body
- Dittmar, Linda
- Dix, Dorothy
- DIY media
- Dobson, Amy
- docusoaps
- Doe, Lindsey
- Doezema, Jo
- double standards, sexual
- Downing, L.
- Drag Race (TV series)
- Driving School (TV series)
- Duggan, Lisa
- Dunham, Lena
- Dworkin, Andrea
- E Harmony (website)
- e-bile
- Eat pray love (book/film)
- Ehlberg, Michelle
- Ellen (TV series)
- Ellis, Havelock
- Ellis, Rowan
- Embarrassing bodies (TV series)
- emotional capitalism
- emotional labour
- emotionalism
- Eng, David
- entrepreneurship
- intimate entrepreneurship
- see also sexual entrepreneurship
- erotica
- advice columns
- lesbian erotica
- pornography and
- ethnicity see race/ethnicity
- ethnographic research
- eugenics
- birth control and
- race and
- Evans, Adrienne
- everyday sexism (forum)
- Fahs, Breanne
- family, myth of
- Farris, Sara
- Farvid, Pantea
- fat
- obesity crisis
- weight-loss shows
- Fat Camp (TV series)
- Favaro, Laura
- Feminista Jones
- feminism
- Black feminism
- blogs
- consciousness-raising
- lads mags and
- men's rights movement and
- objectification
- postfeminism and
- racism/Islamaphobia and
- second-wave
- self-help and
- sexualization of culture
- third-wave
- feminist activism
- birth control
- consciousness-raising
- consent
- graffiti on adverts
- lads mags
- objectification
- pleasure
- sexual violence in the media
- women's sexuality
- feminist blogging
- feminist research
- femonationalism
- Fifty shades of grey (novel)
- film
- Bechdel Test
- depictions of gays and lesbians
- Flare festival
- homophobia in
- New Queer Cinema
- Oscars So White
- queer visibility
- self-help
- First Dates (TV series)
- first person media
- Fleabag (TV series)
- Foley, S.
- Ford, V.
- 40 Year Old Virgin (film)
- forums
- Foucault, Michel
- care of the self
- deliberative art of self-conduct
- entrepreneurs of the self
- power in neoliberal societies
- technologies of self
- The history of sexuality
- Friedman, J.
- Friends with Benefits (TV series)
- Friends (TV series)
- Frith, Hannah
- Frostrup, Mariella
- Game of Thrones (TV series)
- Gamson, Joshua
- gay and lesbian see LGBT people
- du Gay, Paul
- gender in the media
- advertising
- Bechdel test
- centring of male pleasures
- feminist graffiti
- LGBTQ characters
- norms of appearance/desirability
- rape
- sexual double standards
- sexual objectification
- sexual violence
- transgender people
- gendertrolling
- genitals
- as gender
- genital remodelling
- waxing
- Gerbner, George
- Giddens, Anthony
- democratization of relationships
- pure relationship
- Gill, Rosalind
- Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriweather (‘Dorothy Dix’)
- Girl with a one track mind (blog)
- girlfriend gaze see surveilled body
- Girls (TV series)
- Glamour (magazine)
- Glee (TV series)
- Global Financial Crisis 2008
- Godson, S.
- GQ (magazine)
- Grace and Frankie (TV series)
- graffiti
- Grant, Ruby
- Gray, J.
- Green, Laci
- Greenham Common
- Gross, Larry
- Guardian
- Gupta, K.
- Gwynne, Joel
- gynaeoptic surveillance see surveilled body
- Haire, Norman
- Halberstam, Jack
- Hall, L.
- Hall, Stuart
- Hancock, Justin
- Hansen, S.
- Harris, Anita
- Harris, B.
- Harvey, Laura
- Hays Code
- health benefits of sex
- Hegarty, P.
- Heideman, Paul
- Heinlein, K.A.
- Heinlein, R.M.
- Henderson, L.
- Henderson, Meg
- He's just not that into you (book)
- heteroflexibility
- heteronormativity
- heterosexual questionnaire
- Higginbotham, E.B.
- Hildegard of Bingen
- Hill, Annette
- Hill, D.
- Hilton-Morrow, Wendy
- hip-hop
- Hirschfeld, Magnus
- Hite, Shere
- chemsex and
- homophobia and
- LGBT activism
- magazines
- as privatized experience
- risk, concept of
- see also safe/r sex
- Hochschild, Arlie
- Hollaback
- Hollyoaks (TV series)
- homonormativity
- chemsex and
- in the media
- same-gender marriage
- homophobia
- chemsex and
- in film
- hate crime
- in HIV/AIDS discourse
- ironized/hipster
- lad culture
- in the media
- homosexuality
- criminalization
- decriminalization
- as disease
- as disorder
- in film
- Section
- Victorian era
- see also LGBT people
- hook up culture
- Horeck, Tanya
- Hossain, S.
- House of Cards (TV series)
- How to be single (film)
- How to be a woman (book)
- How to Look Good Naked (TV series)
- The Huffington Post (website)
- Hughes, Chi
- Hunt, A.
- ‘I Kissed a Girl and I liked it’ (song)
- Ian Wright's Unfit Kids (TV series)
- Iantaffi, A.
- Ideal Marriage (manual)
- iKamaSutra (app)
- Illouz, Eva
- I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here
- imperialism
- inclusivity
- disabled people
- LGBT people
- pleasure
- individualism
- communication and
- compulsory individuality
- intimacy and
- love your body (LYB)
- neoliberalism and
- pick-up techniques
- individualization
- choice and
- individualization thesis
- safe/r sex and
- self-care
- self-help and
- sex addiction
- Instagram
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
- Internet
- blogs see blogs
- cyber-bullying
- cybersex
- forums
- LGB channels
- online advice
- see also online advice; social media; websites
- intersectionality
- intimacy
- individualism and
- mediated intimacy
- neoliberalism
- postfeminism
- presumed intimacy
- professionalization
- transformations of
- intimate entrepreneurship
- dating and
- see also sexual entrepreneurship
- intimate gaze
- iPhone sex tracker
- Iqani, Mehita
- Islamaphobia
- Jackson, S.
- Jensen, Tracey
- Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room (TV series)
- The Jeremy Kyle Show (TV series)
- Jerry Springer Show
- Johnson, Virginia
- see also Masters and Johnson
- Jones, S. H.
- Jones, Steve
- The joy of gay sex (book)
- The joy of lesbian sex (book)
- The Joy of Teen Sex (TV series)
- Kaplan, Dana
- Kaplan, H.S.
- Kavka, M.
- Kerner, I.
- Kick, R.
- The Kids are Alright (film)
- Kilbourne, Jean
- Kingsley, E.
- Kinsey, Alfred
- Kippax, S.
- Kitzinger, C.
- knowledge
- collective production of
- power and
- sexual knowledge
- Koedt, Anne
- Kope, S. A.
- Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
- labour
- aesthetic labour
- emotional labour
- hook up culture
- making-over the sexual self
- psychic labour
- sex apps
- sex as labour
- the sexual quantified self
- see also sexual entrepreneurs
- lads mags
- Lady Chatterley's Lover
- Laipson, P.
- de Lauretis, Teresa
- Lawrence, D.H.
- Lee, C.
- Lemieux, A.
- lesbians
- erotica
- lipstick lesbian/hot lesbian
- portrayal of
- sexual desire
- see also LGBT people
- Lewis, L.
- LGBT activism
- assimilation and
- de-radicalization of queer politics
- magazines
- pleasure
- safe/r sex
- work with other movements
- YouTube campaign
- LGBT people
- advertising
- assimilation
- bi-curiosity
- comedy programming
- consumer culture and
- fictional characters
- homophobia/biphobia/transphobia
- inclusivity
- lesbian desire
- lesbian erotica
- lipstick lesbian/hot lesbian
- magazines and newspapers
- in the media
- pop music
- portrayal of lesbians
- racism and
- same-gender marriage
- sex advice
- stereotypes of bisexuality
- television representation
- transgender people
- lifestyle media
- advertisements
- class
- consuming the Other
- docusoaps
- emphasis on the psychological
- ethnicity
- extreme/intense forms of encounter
- first person media
- love
- makeover programmes
- neoliberal governmentality and
- non-normative groups/identities
- obesity crisis
- recreational sexuality
- sex advice
- talk shows
- transgender people
- lingerie adverts
- literacy
- Little Britain (TV series)
- Litvinoff, S.
- Longtime Companion (film)
- Lorde, Audre
- love
- attracting love
- communication and
- enduring love
- lifestyle media
- neoliberalism and
- privacy and
- Love (TV series)
- love your body (LYB)
- Lovesick (TV series)
- The L Word (TV series)
- Lupton, Deborah
- Lury, Celia
- McGee, Micki
- MacKenzie, Kelvin
- MacKinnon, Catherine
- McNair, Brian
- McQueen, G.
- McRobbie, A.
- Madonna
- magazines and newspapers
- advertising funding
- advice as entertainment
- consent
- dating advice see dating advice
- DIY publications
- emotional labour
- gay male sexuality
- lads mags
- LGBT magazines
- lifestyle magazines
- list-articles (listicles)
- look and feel of
- men's magazines
- problem pages see problem pages
- sex/relationship advice
- The Mail
- makeover shows
- Malik, Zayn
- manuals see books
- marriage
- companionate marriage
- racism and
- same-gender marriage
- marriage manuals
- Married at First Sight (TV series)
- Martinez-San Miguel, Yolanda
- Master of None (Tv series)
- Masters and Johnson
- Masters, William
- see also Masters and Johnson
- masturbation
- megjohnandjustin (website)
- Mens Fitness (magazine)
- Men's Health (magazine)
- middle class
- birth control and
- marriage and
- Millbank, L.
- mindfulness
- The Mindy Project (TV series)
- Mintz, L.
- Mirowski, Philip
- misogyny
- Modern romance (book)
- Moll, Albert
- Monitin (magazine)
- mononormativity
- Moorti, Sujata
- Moran, Caitlin
- Morgan, Joan
- Mort, F.
- Muise, A.
- mumsnet (forum)
- Munoz, José Esteban
- Murdoch, Rupert
- The myth of the vaginal orgasm
- Nash, Meredith
- National Black Women's Health Project
- Negra, Diane
- neoliberalism
- affective life
- character and
- choice
- compulsory individuality
- emotionalism
- governmentality
- individualism and
- intimacy and
- lifestyle media
- love, sex and everyday neoliberalism
- neoliberal self
- postfeminism and
- power
- psychic life
- public health and
- self-help and
- sexualization of culture
- technologies
- working class and
- young women and
- Neuhaus, J.
- new femininities
- new media
- New Queer Cinema
- Newman, F.
- newspapers see magazines and newspapers
- Nolan, Coleen
- normality
- asexuality
- health benefits of sex
- heteronormativity
- mononormativity
- normal sexual script
- normal verus spicy sex
- problem-page columns
- in sex advice
- sex as necessary for individuals
- sex as necessary for relationships
- sex therapy
- sexology
- sexual dysfunction
- sexual imperative
- The Normal Heart (film)
- Norton, Graham
- Not that kind of girl (book)
- nuclear family
- obesity crisis
- objectification see sexual objectification
- Observer
- O'Byrne, R.
- On Our Backs (magazine)
- Onania (book)
- One born every minute (TV series)
- O'Neill, Rachel
- online advice
- communication
- consent
- pleasure
- safe/r sex
- see also blogs; forums; Internet
- Oprah Winfrey Show
- Orange is the New Black (TV series)
- orgasm
- achievement of
- blended orgasm
- coital imperative
- first description of
- health advice
- mutual orgasm
- sex as labour
- stages of sex
- The myth of the vaginal orgasm
- vaginal orgasm
- Oscars So White
- the Other
- constructions of
- intimacy and
- lifestyle media
- Ouellette, Laurie
- Our bodies ourselves
- oxytocin
- Page, R.
- Paralympics 2012
- paraphilic disorders
- Paterson, Alexander
- Pelling, Rowan
- Perel, E.
- Perkins, Sue
- Perry, Katy
- personal responsibility
- personalization
- Petersen, A.R.
- pharmacological body
- Phoenix, Ann
- The Pickup Artist (TV series)
- pickup techniques
- Playboy Magazine
- pleasure
- actual sex
- books
- centring of male pleasures
- coital imperative
- communicating pleasures
- disabled people
- feminist blogging
- inclusivity
- orgasmic achievement
- Sex Box
- Plummer, Ken
- pop music
- Pop-Idol (TV series)
- pornography
- erotica and
- gay and lesbian
- poverty porn
- second-wave feminists and
- sex education and
- sexualization and
- Porter, R.
- Posner, Jill
- postfeminism
- advertising and
- consumer culture
- feminism and
- as gendered neoliberalism
- self-help and
- sexual double standard
- sexual entrepreneurs
- sexualization of culture
- women as sexual subjects
- Potts, Annie
- poverty porn
- power
- consent and
- intimate life and
- knowledge and
- neoliberal societies
- self-efficacy
- sexual assault and
- sexual safety and
- social media and
- presumed intimacy
- Pride (film)
- problem pages
- asexuality
- communication
- consent
- heteronormativity
- mononormativity
- sexual problems
- see also magazines and newspapers
- Projansky, Sarah
- projects of the self
- Proops, Marjorie
- Protein World advert
- psychic labour
- confidence
- hook up culture
- public health
- behaviour-change interventions
- chemsex
- individual responsibility
- media and
- neoliberalism and
- safe/r-sex promotion
- self-management
- sexual health
- social medicine
- Pulse Orlando
- Puma running shoes advert
- pure relationship
- quantified self (QS)
- Queer Eye (TV series)
- Queer as Folk (TV series)
- queer reading
- queer theory
- Quilliam, S.
- Rabbit vibrator
- race/ethnicity
- Australian Aboriginal communities
- birth control and
- Black feminism
- complicated visibilities
- eugenics and
- exploitation
- HIV/AIDS activism
- public health and
- Pulse Orlando
- reality TV
- racism
- activist groups
- cultural racism
- feminism and
- hipster racism
- in the LGBT movement
- marriage and
- media coverage of rape
- new racism
- Oscars So White
- pleasure and
- sex trafficking
- radical psychiatry movement
- radio
- rape
- blaming the victim
- ‘false claims’
- fictional media
- in the media
- myths about
- news reporting
- racial bias
- trivialization
- see also sexual violence
- Rapley, M.
- Rayner, Claire
- reality TV
- recreational sexuality
- Redbook (online magazine)
- Reddit sex spreadsheat
- reflexive modernity
- Relate (website)
- representations
- Richardson, Niall
- Riley, Sarah
- Ringrose, Jessica
- risk
- concept
- see also safe/r sex
- Robinson, Brian
- Rochlin, M.
- Role Models (film)
- Rose, Nikolas
- Roseneil, Sasha
- Rottenberg, Catherine
- Rowland, Kelly
- The Rules (book)
- RuPaul
- Russo, Vito
- Ryan Flood, Roisin
- sadomasochism see BDSM
- safe/r sex
- barebacking
- barriers
- chemsex
- coital imperative and
- commercialization
- condoms see condoms
- individual responsibility
- individualization and
- LGBT activism
- media and public health
- safer sex online
- serosorting
- talk shows
- thinking ahead
- what counts as ‘safe sex’
- safewords
- Sanger, Margaret
- Savage, Dan
- Sawicki, Jana
- Scarleteen (website)
- Scheele, Julia
- Schrödinger-sex
- Schumer, Amy
- Scott, S.
- The Secret World of Tinder (TV series)
- Section
- Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky
- seduction
- Seidman, Steven
- Seinfeld (TV series)
- self
- making-over the sexual self
- neoliberal self
- projects of
- quantified self
- the sexual quantified self
- technologies of
- work on see labour
- self-efficacy
- self-help
- anti-self-help
- changing nature of
- dating advice
- disabled people and
- emotional labour
- feminism and
- neoliberalism and
- postfeminism and
- rise of
- safer sex online
- self-actualization
- TV shows
- self-surveillance
- self-tracking
- self-transformation
- Sender, Katherine
- Sense about Sex (website)
- Sense8 (TV series)
- serosorting
- sex addiction
- sex apps
- Sex Box (TV series)
- actual sex
- communicating pleasures
- orgasmic achievement
- pleasure
- Sex and the City (TV series)
- sex education
- activism and
- condom-use
- pleasure and
- pornography and
- safe/r sex
- teenage pregnancy and
- The Sex Education Show (TV series)
- sex experts
- The Sex God Method (blog)
- The Sex Inspectors (TV series)
- sex research
- sex shopping
- sex therapy
- sex toys
- sex trafficking
- sex-critical approach
- compassionate critique
- guidelines
- key elements
- sexperts
- sexual desire
- black women
- communication
- consent and
- democratization of
- disabled people
- discrepancies in
- female
- gender and
- lack of
- lesbian desire
- monitoring
- non-heterosexual
- normality
- responsive desire
- same-sex
- scientific research
- sexual double standards
- sexual dysfunction
- sexual entrepreneurs
- hook up culture
- postfeminism and
- the sexual quantified self
- see also labour
- sexual objectification
- advertising
- in the media
- see also sexual subjectification
- sexual response cycle
- sexual subjectification
- sexual violence
- in the media
- rape see rape
- sex trafficking
- sexual objectification and
- sexuality and the media
- bisexuality
- comedy programming
- complicated visibilities
- homonormativity
- homophobia/biphobia/transphobia
- LGBT people
- non-normative sexualities
- portrayal of lesbians
- queer reading
- same-gender marriage
- symbolic annihilation
- transgender people
- sexualization
- of children
- class and
- of culture
- feminist perspective
- intersectionality
- neoliberalism
- postfeminism
- power relations
- sexualized body
- working class women
- Shakespeare, Tom
- Siconolfi, D.E.
- Silverstein, C.
- Sisley, E.L.
- Skeggs, Bev
- Slut walk
- smartphone apps see apps
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smith, Clarissa
- Snog Marry Avoid (TV series)
- soap operas
- social media
- peer surveillance
- power relations
- trolling
- see also blogs
- social medicine
- sofeminine (website)
- Soothill, Keith
- Sothern, M.
- Soulmates (blog)
- Spears, Britney
- Stabile, Carol
- Stacey, Judith
- stages of sex
- Stanway, A.
- Stephenson Connolly, Pamela
- Stevens, Bethany
- Stonewall riots
- Stopes, Marie
- Storr, Merl
- Strange, C.
- Strauss, Neil
- Streitmatter, Rodger
- striptease culture
- Stuart, David
- Stuart, Graham
- Sugrue, D. P.
- Sunday Express (newspaper)
- The Sun (newspaper)
- surgical body
- surveilled body
- girlfriend gaze
- gynaeoptic surveillance
- self-surveillance
- tactical dating
- talent shows
- talk shows
- Tasker, Yvonne
- Taylor, Anthea
- technologies of mediation
- technologies of sexiness
- teenage pregnancy
- The Telegraph
- television
- Channel
- comedy programming
- dating shows
- docusoaps
- female nudity
- gender in see gender in the media
- homophobia
- LGBT people
- makeover shows
- pickup advice
- poverty porn
- rape scenes
- reality TV
- self-help
- sex toys
- soap operas
- talent shows
- talk shows
- weight-loss shows
- Temple, Ann
- theclotheslineproject
- Thomas, Deborah
- Thompson, Laura
- Time (magazine)
- Tobias, Sarah
- Trainwreck (film)
- transformations of intimacy
- transgender people
- in the media
- see also LGBT people
- Transgender Studies Quarterly
- Transparent (TV series)
- transphobia
- Trisha (Tv series)
- trolling
- Tyler, Imogen
- Tyler, Melissa
- The Undateables (TV series)
- underwear adverts
- Undressed (TV series)
- vaginapagina (forum)
- Van Zoonen, Liesbet
- venereal disease
- Vertoont, Susan
- Viagra
- vibrators
- VICE (magazine)
- The Voice (TV series)
- Walby, Sylvia
- Walkerdine, Valerie
- Waller-Bridge, Phoebe
- Warner, Michael
- Watney, S.
- waxing
- websites
- consent and
- dating advice
- safe/r sex
- see also Internet
- Weeks, J.
- weight-loss shows
- West, Mae
- Westheimer, Ruth (‘Dr Ruth’)
- Whelehan, Imelda
- White, E.
- Wicks, Joe
- Wife Swap (TV series)
- Wiki How (website)
- Wilde, Alison
- Will & Grace (TV series)
- Williams, Ruth
- Winch, Alison
- Witton, Hannah
- Woman (magazine)
- Women's Health (website)
- Womenshealth.gov (website)
- Wood, Helen
- Wood, Rachel
- work see labour
- working class
- black culture
- books
- exploitation of
- HIV/AIDS activism
- neoliberalism and
- public health and
- sexualization
- teenage pregnancy
- TV talk shows
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
- YourTango (website)
- youth, prolongation of
- YouTube
- Zimmermann, Amy
- Zopol, F.