Chapter Ten




The Contented


One second Merryn stood there, happy as could be, and five minutes later she saw him wandering up the laneway looking tired, staggering a bit, naked, but smiling nonetheless. She’d had enough time to call Dirk to say thanks but no thanks. He seemed more angry than sad—she didn’t look forward to the next time she’d encounter him, but at least she’d have Merryn by her side.

Unlike the first time she’d seen him, she didn’t hesitate to stare at all of him, from his long blond hair, to his beautiful sparkling green eyes, down his toned torso, to his semi-hard cock.

Most of you looks tired, but the rest …” She reached out for him and he folded her in a comforting embrace.

He pressed himself against her and said in her ear, “That part of me has missed you every bit as much as my heart has.” He looked at her; his eyes were no longer bright. “The question is, how will I live if I must live so much longer than you?”

I’ve been thinking about that. You said that pixies do eventually die of old age. If an hour here is fifty years in your world, surely we’ll grow old together.”

He smiled. “That makes my heart very glad, my beautiful Ivy.”

Let’s get you home and into some clothes,” she said.

But first, let’s get you out of yours.”

Ivy took him by the hand and together they entered their home.




~*The End*~




For all the beautiful long-haired men in the world. Step away from the scissors!





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About the Author




Linda G. Hill has been writing out-of-this world romance stories since she was a child. Living vicariously through the characters in her head, she’s experienced the kinds of love that mortals only dream of. In reality, she’s just a mom, an author, an editor, and a couch potato if there ever was one.


Linda’s published works include the award-winning Gothic paranormal romance novel The Magician’s Curse, and its sequel, The Magician’s Blood, as well as All Good Stories, a romcom novelette, and several short stories published by Transmundane Press and The Phoenix Quill.


You can find Linda at the following:


Facebook: lindaghill.fiction 

Twitter: @LindaGHill