PRAISE FOR The Case for Democracy
“This book has the merit of straightforwardness. It is written with vigor, argued with panache and imbued with the fierce conviction of a man who grew up in a society where ‘every typewriter had to be registered with the authorities.’”
—The New York Times
“In the hands of U.S. policy makers, [The Case for Democracy] can be a blueprint for measurable, positive change not just in the Palestinian Authority but in the Arab world as a whole.”—National Review
“Natan Sharansky ... has written a provocative and important book that has already attained a great deal of influence.” —Philadelphia Inquirer
“[The Case for Democracy] is the perfect gift... for friends or family members on the political right who think that the Arabs or Muslims are too primitive for freedom and democracy and who worry that for America to promote freedom and democracy in the Middle East would jeopardize American interests. It is also the perfect gift for friends or family members on the political left who think that freedom and democracy can’t be exported by America, or that to do so is a form of imperialism.”—New York Sun
“The Case for Democracy is suffused with the optimism that sustained Sharansky during his years of imprisonment. He conveys a genuine love for the Jewish people, respect for ordinary Palestinians, and faith in democracy. It’s hard to imagine a more compelling advocate for the cause of freedom.” —Commentary
“[The Case for Democracy] is a powerful argument for spreading freedom around the world as the ultimate weapon against totalitarian societies and fundamentalist movements.
—Cal Thomas, Virginian-Pilot
“Natan Sharansky explains, clearly and cogently, the linkages between freedom and peace and between tyranny and terror. In the light of these two linkages and of his own personal experiences of both, he compares the successful ending of the Cold War with the stalled peace process in the Middle East; Helsinki with Oslo. This is a brave book by a brave man—an eloquent plea for moral clarity, and a fine example of it.”
—Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
“Natan Sharansky has written a book about a concept that serves America’s interests and America’s values; to wit, the absolute necessity to encourage democracies in some of the most difficult places in the world, because authoritarian and totalitarian governments are inherently unreliable in terms of their commitments to peace and co-existence. He draws upon his unique experiences with the Soviet Union and with Israel to make his case in specific terms. That case is a compelling one.”
—Mort Zuckerman, Editor-in-Chief, US News & World Report
“As KGB prisoner, human rights hero and Jewish leader, Natan Sharansky has lived at the very center of the history of our time. In this extraordinary book, he brings his passion, experience, and intellect to make the case, long overlooked and denigrated, for the power of freedom in international affairs. The Case for Democracy is both a rebuke and a challenge to all conventional thinking. It must be read.”
—Dr. Charles Krauthammer, syndicated columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winner