First thing Tuesday morning I checked my email. There was something from Max.

from: Max <Maxwell_Julycamper@campkanakwa.com>

to: Henry <9999Henry9999@jmail.com>

subject: Co-ed stinks

Hey Henry,

Guess what? Camp Kanakwa has gone co-ed. Do you know what that means? It means there are girls at camp this year. It’s horrible.

My parents never told me there’d be girls here. I wonder if my parents even know.

Co-ed stinks.

This is a disaster.

Write to me.

Your friend,


I didn’t write back to Max. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to tell him about the Elvis, or the bottle rocket, or the ice-cream float, or anything. Part of me was happy that his camp was co-ed. Part of me was happy it was a disaster. It served him right for being a jerk and going away to camp and leaving me here all alone. I wondered if he sent the same email to his chess club friends. I wondered if he emailed Gretchen Thorn.

Instead of writing to Max, I wrote another email to my mom.

from: Henry <9999Henry9999@jmail.com>

to: Mom <Rose@herbit.com>

subject: me again

Hi Mom,

I just got an email from Max. Guess what? His camp is co-ed now. That means there are girls at his camp this year. He says it’s horrible. I think it’s funny.

Write to me again soon.
