Abrams, Creighton Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Abrasimov, Pyotr Soviet Ambassador to East Germany
Agnew, Spiro Vice President of the United States
Aiken, George U.S. Senator (R-VT)
Allison, Royal Member, U.S. delegation to the SALT talks
Alsop, Joseph Syndicated columnist, Washington Post
Alsop, Stewart Columnist, Newsweek
Andrews, John White House speechwriter
Antonov, Sergei Official, Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB)
Atherton, Alfred “Roy” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
Bahr, Egon State Secretary, West German Chancellor’s Office
Baker, Howard U.S. Senator (R-TN)
Barzel, Rainer Chairman, Christian Democratic Union Party (West Germany)
Beam, Jacob U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Bentsen, Lloyd U.S. Senator (D-TX)
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali President of Pakistan
Biden, Joseph U.S. Senator-elect (D-DE)
Binh, Madame See Nguyen Thi Binh
Brandt, Willy Chancellor, West Germany
Brezhnev, Leonid General Secretary, Soviet Union
Bruce, David K. E. Chief, U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Buckley, William F. Editor in Chief, National Review
Bundy, McGeorge President, Ford Foundation; former National Security Advisor
Bunker, Ellsworth U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam
Burns, Arthur Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
Bush, George H. W. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Butterfield, Alexander Deputy Assistant to the President
Calley, William Former U.S. Army officer found guilty of the My Lai massacre
Carver, George Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs to the CIA Director
Ceausescu, Nicolae General Secretary, Romania
Chancellor, John Anchor, NBC Nightly News
Chapin, Dwight Deputy Assistant to the President
Chapman, Leonard Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
Chiang Kai-shek President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Chiles, Lawton U.S. Senator (D-FL)
Church, Frank U.S. Senator (D-ID)
Clark, Ramsey Former Attorney General
Clifford, Clark Former Secretary of Defense
Colson, Charles Special Counsel to the President
Connally, John Secretary of the Treasury
Cooper, John Sherman U.S. Senator (R-KY)
Cronkite, Walter Anchor, CBS Evening News
David, Edward, Jr. Science Advisor to the President
Davison, Michael Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Europe
Dean, John Counsel to the President
De Gaulle, Charles Former President of France
DeLoach, Cartha “Deke” Former Assistant Director of the FBI
DePuy, William Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
Dewey, Thomas Former Governor of New York (R)
Diem, Ngo Dinh Former President of South Vietnam (assassinated in 1963)
Dobrynin, Anatoly Soviet Ambassador to the United States
Dole, Robert U.S. Senator (R-KS); Chairman, Republican National Committee
Dulles, John Foster Former Secretary of State
Duong Van Minh, aka “Big Minh” Former ARVN general and South Vietnamese leader
Ehrlichman, John Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs
Eisenhower, Dwight 34th President of the United States (1953–61)
Ellender, Allen U.S. Senator (D-LA)
Ellsberg, Daniel Former RAND analyst, coauthor of the Pentagon Papers
Farland, Joseph U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan
Farley, Philip Deputy Director of ACDA
Finch, Robert Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Fisher, Max Philanthropist and advocate of Jewish causes
Ford, Gerald Minority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives (R-MI)
Frankel, Max Chief Washington correspondent, New York Times
Fulbright, William U.S. Senator (D-AR); Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee
Furtseva, Yekaterina Soviet Minister of Culture
Gardner, John W. Former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Giap, Vo Nguyen North Vietnamese Commander in Chief
Goldwater, Barry U.S. Senator (R-AZ); 1964 presidential candidate
Goodpaster, Andrew NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Graham, Billy Chairman, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Grechko, Andrei Soviet Defense Minister
Green, Marshall Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Gromyko, Andrei Soviet Foreign Minister
Haig, Alexander Deputy National Security Advisor
Haldeman, H. R. “Bob” White House Chief of Staff
Halperin, Morton Former National Security Council staff member
Harriman, W. Averell Former head of the U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Hatfield, Mark U.S. Senator (R-OR)
Heath, Edward Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Helms, Richard Director of the CIA
Hilaly, Agha Pakistani Ambassador to the United States
Hirohito Emperor of Japan
Hoang Duc Nha General, ARVN
Hodgson, James Secretary of Labor
Hoover, J. Edgar Director of the FBI
Hua, Huang Chinese (PRC) Ambassador to the United Nations
Hubbard, Henry White House correspondent, Newsweek
Hughes, James Donald Deputy Commander, U.S. Air Force
Humphrey, Hubert Former Vice President
Hunt, E. Howard Former CIA officer; member of the White House “Plumbers”
Jackson, Henry “Scoop” U.S. Senator (D-WA)
Jarring, Gunnar Swedish diplomat; UN Special Envoy to the Middle East
Johnson, Lyndon B. 36th President of the United States (1963–69)
Judd, Walter Former U.S. Representative (R-MN)
Kalb, Marvin Reporter, CBS News
Kennedy, Edward U.S. Senator (D-MA)
Kennedy, John 35th President of the United States (1961–63)
Kennedy, Richard National Security Council staff member
Kerry, John Spokesman, Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Khiem, Tran Thien Prime Minister of South Vietnam
Khrushchev, Nikita Former General Secretary, Soviet Union
Kiichi, Aichi Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kissinger, Henry National Security Advisor
Kleindienst, Richard Deputy Attorney General, later Attorney General
Korologos, Thomas Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations
Kosygin, Alexei Premier, Soviet Council of Ministers
Kraemer, Fritz G. A. Pentagon analyst and Kissinger mentor
Kraft, Joseph Columnist, Field Newspapers Syndicate
Kuznetsov, Vasily First Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister
Ky, Nguyen Cao Former Prime Minister of South Vietnam
Laird, Melvin Secretary of Defense
Lake, Antony Former National Security Council staff member
Le Duan First Secretary, North Vietnamese Workers’ Party
Le Duc Tho Special Advisor, North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Liddy, G. Gordon Member of the White House “Plumbers”
Lodge, Henry Cabot Director, U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Lon Nol Prime Minister of Cambodia
MacGregor, Clark Counsel to the President for Congressional Relations
Malraux, André Former French Minister of Culture
Mansfield, Michael Majority Leader, U.S. Senate (D-MT)
Mao Zedong Chairman, People’s Republic of China
Matskevich, Vladimir Soviet Minister of Agriculture
Mazurov, Kirill First Deputy, Soviet Foreign Ministry
McCain, John Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command (CINCPAC)
McConaughy, Walter U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of China (Taiwan)
McCracken, Paul Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
McGovern, George U.S. Senator (D-SD); 1972 Democratic presidential nominee
McNamara, Robert Former Secretary of Defense
Meany, George President, AFL-CIO
Mitchell, John Attorney General
Moorer, Thomas Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Murphy, Robert Former American diplomat; informal advisor to Henry Kissinger
Muskie, Edmund U.S. Senator (D-ME); 1972 Democratic presidential candidate
Nguyen Phu Doc Special Assistant to South Vietnamese President Thieu
Nguyen Thi Binh Chief Delegate of the PRG in South Vietnam
Nguyen Van Thieu President of South Vietnam
Nitze, Paul Member, U.S. delegation to the SALT talks
Nixon, Patricia “Pat” First Lady of the United States
Nixon, Richard 37th President of the United States (1969–74)
Noyes, Crosby Reporter and editor, Washington Star
O’Neill, John Leader, Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace
Osborne, John F. Columnist, New Republic
Packard, David Deputy Secretary of Defense
Panetta, Leon Former Assistant to Secretary Robert Finch
Patolichev, Nikolai Soviet Minister of Foreign Trade
Pearson, Drew Former syndicated columnist
Pegov, Nikolai Soviet Ambassador to India
Percy, Charles U.S. Senator (R-IL)
Peterson, Peter Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs
Pham Van Dong Prime Minister of North Vietnam
Podgorny, Nikolai Chairman, Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
Pompidou, Georges President of France
Porter, Sylvia Financial reporter and journalist
Porter, William Chief, U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Price, Raymond White House speechwriter
Rabin, Yitzak Israeli Ambassador to the United States
Rather, Dan White House correspondent, CBS News
Reagan, Ronald Governor of California (R)
Reston, James “Scotty” Vice President, New York Times
Richardson, Elliot Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Roberts, Chalmers Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, Washington Post
Rockefeller, Nelson Governor of New York (R)
Rogers, William Secretary of State
Rostow, Walt Former National Security Advisor
Rowen, Hobart Financial editor, Washington Post
Rumsfeld, Donald Counselor to the President
Rush, Kenneth U.S. Ambassador to West Germany
Rusk, Dean Former Secretary of State
Ryan, John Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
Sadat, Anwar President of Egypt
Safire, William White House speechwriter
Scali, John Special Counsel to the President
Schecter, Jerrold Moscow Bureau Chief, Time magazine
Schumann, Maurice Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Scott, Hugh U.S. Senator (R-PA)
Semenov, Vladimir Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister
Sevareid, Eric Journalist, CBS Evening News
Shakespeare, Frank Director, United States Information Agency
Shen, James Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador to the United States
Shultz, George Director, Office of Management and Budget
Singh, Swaran Foreign Minister of India
Sisco, Joseph Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
Smith, Gerard Director, ACDA
Smith, Howard K. Co-anchor, ABC Evening News
Snow, Edgar American pro–Chinese Communist journalist
Stalin, Josef Former General Secretary, Soviet Union
Stans, Maurice Secretary of Commerce
Stein, Herbert Member and later Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Stennis, John U.S. Senator (D-MS)
Stephens, Melville U.S. Army Vietnam veteran
Stevenson, Adlai U.S. Senator (D-IL)
Sullivan, William Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Symington, Stuart U.S. Senator (D-MO)
Thieu, Nguyen Van See Nguyen Van Thieu
Thompson, Llewellyn Member, U.S. delegation to the SALT talks
Thompson, Robert British military officer and counterinsurgency expert
Thurmond, Strom U.S. Senator (R-SC)
Tito, Josip Broz President of Yugoslavia
Tower, John U.S. Senator (R-TX)
Train, Russell Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality
Tran Kim Phuong South Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States
Tran Van Lam South Vietnamese Foreign Minister
Tri, Do Cao ARVN general
Trudeau, Pierre Prime Minister of Canada
Vogt, John Deputy Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Volcker, Paul Undersecretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs
Volpe, John Secretary of Transportation
Vorontsov, Yuli Soviet Minister Counselor to the United States
Wallace, George Governor of Alabama (D)
Walters, Vernon Military Attaché, U.S. Embassy in Paris; Deputy Director of Intelligence
Warren, Gerald Deputy White House Press Secretary
Watson, Richard “Dick” U.S. Ambassador to France
Weinberger, Caspar Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
Westmoreland, William Former Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Weyand, Frederick Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Whitehouse, Charles Deputy U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam
Xuan Thuy Chief, North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Yahya Khan President of Pakistan
Young, David National Security Council staff member
Young, Milt U.S. Senator (R-ND)
Zhou Enlai Premier, People’s Republic of China
Zhou Shukai Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador to the United States
Ziegler, Ronald White House Press Secretary
Zumwalt, Elmo Chief of Naval Operations