Perfume blows from the kingfisher

Green trees. Bright as targets in

Their new dyed skirts, beautiful girls,

Hands joined, scamper amongst the

Odorous blossoms. Green shadows,

Red silhouettes. They lie on

Fine Persian rugs. They put flowers

In their hair to enhance their

Beauty. They look sidelong in

Their phoenix mirrors. I only

Fear that their painted faces

May vanish, and the spring evening

Will be unworthy of its

Name and spoiled of all charm.

In reality—

On the green moss, after the rain,

I have seen a few spots of

Scarlet. I opened my door

And went out for a stroll. Coming back,

I leaned long on the vermilion balcony.

The autumn fruits, hanging here

And there, are covered with the faint

Frost of ripeness. Their delicate

Veins of rose brought back those painted

Faces. Men, in moments of

Idleness, occupy their minds

With the vacuity of

Feminine eyebrows. Who ever

Has been benefitted by the

Presence of a woman? Still

My lewd heart yearns for the past.

Next year, once more, the Spring wind will

Start me thinking amorous thoughts.