
“The Roots of Existentialism: An Introduction,” translated from Petite Histoire de “L’Existentialisme” by Forrest Williams and Stanley Maron, 1949.

“The Humanism of Existentialism,” translated from L’Existentialisme Est un Humanisme by Bernard Frechtman, 1947.

“The Problem of Nothingness,” translated from L’Être et le Néant by Hazel E. Barnes, 1956.

“The Emotions: Outline of a Theory,” translated from Esquisse d’une Théorie des Emotions by Bernard Frechtman, 1948.

“The Role of the Image in Mental Life,” translated from L’Imaginaire, 1948.

“What Is Writing?” translated from Qu’est-ce que la Littérature? by Bernard Frechtman, 1949.

“Essays in Aesthetics”: “The Venetian Pariah” appeared as “Le Sésquestre de Venice” in Les Temps Modernes, November 1957; “The Paintings of Giacometti” appeared in Les Temps Modernes, June, 1954; “The Mobiles of Calder” and “The Quest for the Absolute” were first published in Les Temps Modernes and later in Situations III, Paris, Gallimard, 1948; all translated by Wade Baskin, 1963.