
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.


AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), 194

abdomen, 174, 180–81

abdominal surgery, 167–68, 174, 181, 256

Abernethy, John, 77

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction, 289, 295

actinomycetes, 137

adaptation to life on other worlds, 159

adjacent possible, 14

Advancement of Learning, The (Bacon), 43–44

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 290–92

AGI (artificial general intelligence), 333

A.H. Robins Company, 216

AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), 290–92

air/oxygen, 145, 146–47, 148

AKH (Vienna General Hospital), 101–2, 106, 167

Albucasis (Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi), 20–21

Alexander, Albert, 134

Alexandria, xvii–xviii, 15

alkaloids, 169

al-Kindī, 19

Allgemeines Krankenhaus (AKH),Vienna, 101–2, 106, 167

Al-Mamun, 19

alternate allocation trials, 139

AMA (American Medical Association), 201–2, 203–4, 205, 256

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), 194

American Journal of Surgery, 185–86

American Medical Association (AMA), 201–2, 203–4, 205, 256

Amish people of central Pennsylvania, xi–xii

Anatomia (Mondino), 28–29


pathologic anatomy, 95

Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus Exhibited in Figures (Hunter), 70

anatomy theater, Padua, Italy, 59

Anderson, Clayton and Company, 226–27

Anderson, Frank, 226, 227

Anderson, H. Clarke, 80–84

Anderson, Monroe Dunaway, 226–27

Andrews, James, 284

anesthesia, 142–59

alleviating pain as first goal, 142–43

chloroform, 157–58

cocaine, 168–71

effectiveness and safety of newer agents, 158

with ether, 153, 154–57

for eye surgery, 169–70

laudanum, 75, 144

nitrous oxide, 149, 152–53

plant and animal cross-reactivity, 143–44

regional anesthesia, 170, 171, 172, 250–51

animal experimentation

creating an animal model for Parkinson’s, 317

dissection of live animals, 36, 63

guinea pigs, 190

Halsted’s abdominal surgery practice with dogs, 174

microelectrodes in cats and monkeys, 314–15

national standard for, 174

testing streptomycin with guinea pigs, 138

ankle replacement surgery, 293

ankylosing spondylitis, 283

anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, 289, 295

anthrax, Koch identifies bacterial cause of, 115–18

antibiotics, 122–41

development of, 139–40

penicillin, 5, 124–25, 131, 134–35, 136

streptomycin, 137–40, 269

antiseptic surgery

in battlefields, 166

with carbolic acid, 107

with chloride solution, 105

Listerism, 112–13, 118, 121, 138, 166, 177, 202

appendectomy, 177


Arab scholars’s interest in, xix

on “healers” as philosophers, xv

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), 230, 302

Arthrex, 277–80


overview, 190

shoulder implants for pain from, 267–68

X-rays allow doctors to see, 190

arthroscopic lenses, 278

arthroscopic surgery, 278–79, 294–96

Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) hip implant, 217, 219, 220, 221–25

Articular Surface Replacement (ASR XL) hip implant, 217, 219, 220

artificial general intelligence (AGI), 333

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), 230, 302

atomic theory, 149

atoxyl molecule experimentation, 126–27

attorneys’ fees for MDL litigation against DePuy, 225

Aubertin, Ernest, 310–11

augmentation surgery, 289–90

Austenal Laboratories, 192

Australia, 221, 222

Austrian War, 166

autoplasticity process, 187

autopsy of young man who had a heart attack, 80–84

azo dyes (aniline derivatives), 126, 128


Bacon, Francis, 39, 43–45, 45–46, 61, 65, 290

bacteriology, 115–18, 130, 173–74, 329

Bad Medicine (Wootton), xiii

Bakken, Earl, 239–40, 241, 242

Balanced Budget Act (1997), 206

barbers as Barber-Surgeons, 65–66

barbers as bloodletters, 29

barber-surgery, 29–30

Barrow, Isaac, 51

basal ganglia, 315, 316, 317–18

Bassinio, Edoardo, 181

Bauer, Göran, 220

Bayer, 127–29

Baylor Medical School, Houston, 228

Baylor University Medical Center, 200

Belize, man in infirmary needs extrication, ix

Bellevue Hospital, New York City, 164, 165, 176

Bell Laboratories, 240–41

Benabid, Alim Louis, 319–20

Berengario, Giacomo, 28

Berlin Medical Society, 188

Bettercare health insurance proposal, 205–6

BHR (Birmingham Hip Resurfacing) implants, 218

Bicétre Hospital, Paris, 310–11

Billings, John Shaw, 164

Billroth, Theodor, 87, 108, 165, 166–68, 169, 174

biological implants, 229–30

BioMEMs (Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems), 331–32, 334, 336

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) implants, 218

Black, Joseph, 147, 148

Blalock, Alfred, 235–36, 237

Bleeding Edge (film), 323, 327

Block, John, xiv–xv

blood circulation, Harvey’s theory of, 62–65

blood flow and Hippocrates’s four humors theory, xv–xvi

bloodletting, xi–xii, xvii, 29, 77

blood transfusion, 177

BMIs (brain machine interfaces), 230, 301, 320–21, 331

Bnoetus, Theophilus, 84–85

Bohlman, Harold, 194

Boston, Massachusetts, 151–52

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 155–56

Boston Public Garden Ether Monument, 159

Boyle, Robert, 48–49, 65

brain aneurysm, 300

brain machine interfaces (BMIs), 230, 301, 320–21, 331

breast augmentation implants, 304

breathing, xix

British National Health Service, 199

Broca, Pierre Paul, 310–11

Brown, Thomas, 10–11

bubble oxygenator for cardiopulmonary support, 238

Bureau of Medical Devices, 216

Bureau of Radiological Health, 215

Butazolidin “Bute,” 283

Butler Sanitarium, Providence, 173, 174–75


Callaghan, John, 221

Camp, Walter, 281–82


anticancer medicines, 139

dedicated cancer hospital, 227–28

excising rectal cancer, 167

radical mastectomy, 177–79

Canon of Medicine, The (Avicenna), 20–21

cardiac device implants, 231–32

cardiopulmonary bypass machine, 236, 238, 328–29

Carter, Jimmy, 207

cartilage, evaluating slipperiness of, 270–71

cartilage and arthritis, 190

cartilage implant surgery, 296

Catholicism. See Roman Catholic Church

CDRH (Center for Device and Radiological Health), 216

cell as building block of life, 93–94, 96–97

Cellular Pathology (Virchow), 96

Center for Device and Radiological Health (CDRH), 216

Centre for Hip Surgery, Wrightington, England, 210–12, 272–75

Chain, Ernst, 132, 133–36, 137

Charles II, King, 45, 46, 52

Charnley, Sir John, 210, 211–12, 263, 268–75


ability to make anything taste edible, 213–14

atoxyl molecule experimentation, 126–27

biochemical revolution in Germany, 127–28

Dalton exposes our universe’s structure, 149

discovery of dyes, 91, 125

as impetus for industrial growth, 91–92, 93

model of quantitative chemical investigation, 147

periodic table and complex molecules, 126

pre mid-19th century, 90

rise of, in 19th century, 149–50

stoichiometry, 90–91

studies of gases, 145–48

synthetic heroin with MPTP, 308–9

chemotherapy, 127, 129–30, 139

childbirth in hospital vs. midwife, 102–4, 105

chloroform, 157–58

Christianity, 16, 17

Civil Rights Act (1964), 198, 205

Civil Rights activism, 206

“Civil Rights Address” (Kennedy), 198

Civil War, chloroform use during, 158

Cleveland Clinic, 244

Cleveland Rams, 282

Cline, Henry, 77

coal tar, 91, 111, 128

cocaine addiction, 171–73, 174, 176, 181

cocaine uses, 168–71

cochlear implant, 290, 301, 331

codex (wooden tablet notebook), 16

Codman, Ernest Amory, 3, 7

cognitive neuroscience, 311

Cohen, Deborah, 221

Cohen, Wilbur, 206, 207

Cohn, Ferdinand, 117

Cohnheim, Julius, 117–18

Colombo, Realdo, 62

Columbus, Christopher, 24

Commentaria (Berengario), 28

commercial insurance companies add health insurance, 202–3, 208

communication skills of a deaf and blind couple, 323–26

Compound 606 (Salvarsan), 126–27

Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (Pasteur), 110

Constantine the African, 21

Constantinople, 25

Cooke, John, 192

Cooper, Theodore, 215–16

Cooper Report, 216

Copernicus, 24–25

coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 244

cotton and technological progress, 14

Crane Court, London, 39, 40

Craven, Harry, 272

CRISPR technology, 329, 336

cross-circulation cardiopulmonary support, 236–37

Cushing, Henry, 181

cyclosporine, 301–2


Dalkon Shield crisis, 216

Dalton, John, 149

Dandy, Walter, 311

Danger Within, The (Lenzer), 234

Darrach, William, 6

Darwin, Charles, 337

Darwin, Francis, 112

Davy, Humphry, 149

DBS (deep-brain stimulation), 290, 300–301, 320–21

De humani corporis fabricaDe fabrica” (Vesalius), xviii, 25, 33–38

Deiters, Otto, 311–12

DeLong, Mahlon, 315–19, 317–18

de Luzzi, Mondino, 28, 32

Democratic Party, 205

dental implants, 305

dental procedures with ether, 153, 154

Denver General Hospital, 247–52

DePalma, A. F., 8

DePuy Orthopedics, Warsaw, Indiana, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221–23, 224

Descartes, René, 47, 52, 65

De Sedibus (Morgagni), 74, 84–86

DeWall, Richard, 238

diabetes, 330

digitalis, 143

“discovery” as a new word, 24

discrimination and segregation, 196–98, 206–7


cellular basis of, 93, 96, 97, 214

Morgagni’s new understanding of, 85–86

three-way war of the future, 330

See also specific diseases


Aristotle as first to use, xvi

attempts to understand blood flow, 60

Harvey’s obsession with, 61, 62–65

of live animals, 36, 63

See also human dissection

Domagk, Gerhard, 128

Dreyer, George, 131

Dubos, René, 137

Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford, 131–32

dyes and microscopy slides, 91–93, 126, 128, 311–12


Edinburgh, Scotland, 108, 157

Effler, Donald, 244

Ehrlich, Paul, 125–28

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 204, 245

elbow replacement surgery, 293

Eldercare health insurance proposal, 205–6

elective surgery, 180–82

Tommy John operation, 285–87

electroceuticals, 334

electromotive force of metals, 193

electronic implants, 235

embolism, 94–95

embryologists, 96

Emperor of All Maladies (Mukherjee), xv

Empire of Cotton (Beckert), 14


Black Death in, 47–48

Company of Barbers and Surgeons of London, 252

condemned men’s bodies, 67–68

Industrial Revolution, 252

monarchs and Parliament, 45

Royal College of Physicians, 252

Royal College of Surgeons, 65–66, 252

See also Royal Society

entitlement, 199


overview, 88, 103, 109

anthrax, 115–18

cholera outbreaks, 111, 126

decrease in scope after identifying germs, 120, 125

influenza pandemic, 200

plague, 16, 42, 47–48, 56

epidemiology, 125, 126, 158

ether, 78, 150, 151

Ether Monument, Boston Public Garden, 159

Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever (Semmelweis), 106


and animal experimentation, 36, 63

awakening of intellectual curiosity, 17, 22, 25–28

ether transformation in, 156–57

Halley predicts total solar eclipse, 39–40

Islamic libraries superior to, 19–20

political upheavals in 1848, 86–87

primitive conditions 500 years ago, 56–57

Revolutions of 1848, 95

wars, 30–31, 73–74, 166

See also England

Evans, Rowland, 205

Evarts, Edward, 314–15, 331

Ewing, Oscar, 203, 204

Ex Machina (film), 333, 334

eye surgery, 169–70


Fabricius, Hieronymus, 59, 64

Favaloro, René, 244

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

Feldman, William, 138

fetomaternal transfer, 230


from infection, 30

penicillin vs., 134–35

puerperal fever believed to be in the air, 102–3, 104, 105, 106

Rhazes’s theory, 20

finger replacement surgery, 293

flail arm patients, 4, 8–9

Flaubert, Gustave, xiv

flea, microscopic view of, 88

Fleming, Alexander, 130–31, 137

Florey, Howard, 132, 133–36, 137

Fontenelle, Bernard de, 89

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938), 214–15

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

overview, 209, 215

Bureau of Radiological Health, 215

Center for Device and Radiological Health, 216

creation of, 213

erroneous approvals, 217

International Corsortium of Orthopedic Registries, 225

premarket approval for medical devices, 216

Ford, Gerald R., 216

four humors theory of Hippocrates, xv–xvii

fracture care

overview, 294

implants of metal plates and screws, 190

pre-antibiotics, 5–6

stabilization surgery, 289–90

trauma hardware for internal stabilization, 289

and X-rays, 3

“Fracture of the neck of the humerus with dislocation of the head fragment” (Neer, Brown, and McLaughlin), 10–11, 266–67

fractures (compound) as potentially lethal, 5, 106–7, 282

Franco-Prussian War, Germans use Listerism, French do not, 112–13, 166

Franklin, Benjamin, 71

Fye, Bruce, 252–53


Gage, Phineas, 309–10

Galante, Jorge, 183


Arab scholars’s interest in, xix

biographical info, xvii–xix

Harvey and Galen’s theory of blood flow, 59–60, 62–65

Hunter, J., and scientific training of surgeons, 78

influence of, xiii

On the Natural Faculties, xi

teachings about blood flow and lungs, 59–61

Vesalius’s comprehensive analysis of, 33–37

Galileo, 41–42

gallstone surgery, 177

“Gangrene” (Lister), 108

gases, 145–48, 149, 152–53

genetic modification of humans, 329, 330, 332

Genius on the Edge (Imber), 172, 177–78

genius societies, 46.See also Royal Society

Gerard of Cremona, 21–22

German Opthalmological Society Conference, 170


awareness of cellular basis of diseases, 214

biochemical revolution, 127–28

discovery of mauveine, 126, 311–12

effect of WWII on antibiotic research, 136–37

Hitler attacks Poland, 134

Sickness Insurance Act of 1883, 199

surgery pioneers, 166

germs, 98–121

overview, 120–21, 125

chloride solution as effective deterrent, 105

discovery of germs in infected tissue, 113

fungal colonies on an AIDS patient, 98–101

Listerism vs., 112–13, 118, 121, 138, 166, 202

Pasteur finds yeast and bacteria in slimy beer, 110–11

puerperal fever believed to be in the air, 102–3, 104, 105

and Semmelweis, 101, 103–6, 105–6, 112

two main classes stain as purple or red, 125–26

See also Koch, Robert; Lister, Joseph

Gibbon, John, 236

Gibney, Virgil, 258, 260

glassmakers in Venice, 25–26

Gluck, Themistocles, 187–88, 195

Goetz, Thomas, 114

Golgi, Camillo, 312–13

Gompers, Samuel, 212

graft-versus-host disease, 229

Gram, Hans Christian, 125

Grass Stimulator, 239

grave robbing, 33, 68

Graves, Steven, 221

Greater Journey, The (McCullough), 255

Great Instauration, New Organon (Bacon), 39, 43–44

Greek gods, 144

Greenblatt, Stephen, xiv

Grenoble, France, 319

Gross, Robert, 235

guilds, 29

Guinter, Johann, 32–33

Gutenberg, Johannes, 16–17

gynecology, 304


Hahnemann, Samuel, 144

Halley, Edmund, 39–40

Halsted, William Stewart

abdominal surgery experiments, 174

biographical info, 164–65, 168, 176, 179–80

cocaine addiction, 171–73, 174, 176, 181

and gloves for nurse’s inflamed hands, 177

at Johns Hopkins, 175–78, 179–82

legacy of, 179–80

morphine addiction, 173, 174–75, 181

regional anesthesia with cocaine idea, 170, 171, 172

in sanitarium for cocaine addiction, 173, 174–75

Handbook of Systematic Human Anatomy (Henle), 113–14

hand surgery, 286

Harvey, William

biographical info, 57–58, 59, 61, 78

learning about the heart, lungs, and blood flow, 62–65

at University of Padua, 42

healthcare, paying for, 288–89, 327–28

health insurance

Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 201–2, 207

in Germany, 199

as government-subsidized fringe benefit of workers, 202, 203

helping the elderly, 203

hospital prepayment program for teachers, 200–201

incrementalism plan, 204

Medicaid, 198, 205, 206

“sick benefit fund” for teachers, 200

See also Medicare

heart attack response, 233, 245

heart surgery, 235–46

overview, 243, 245–46, 297–300

angioplasty, 245

cardiac valve disease, 243–44

on children and teens, 236–37, 238–39

coronary artery bypass grafting, 244

development of cardiopulmonary support, 236–38

harvesting a vein to bypass blockage, 244

on newborns, 235–36

postoperative complete heart block, 238–39, 240–41

Heatley, Norman, 133

Hematoxylin & eosin (H&E), 92–93

Henle, Jacob, 109, 113–14

Her (film), 332, 334

Hermundslie, Palmer, 239

hernia repair surgery, 180–81, 303–4

Hill-Burton Hospital Survey and Construction Act (1946), 203

Hilts, Phillip, 214

Hinshaw, Corwin, 138

HIPAA (1996), 225

hip nailing with the Smith-Petersen nail, 6–7

Hippocrates, xi, xiii, xiv–xv, 143

“Hippocratic corpus,” xiv

hip replacement surgery

overview, 217–18, 291–92

BHR, 218

failure of ASR hip and ramifications, 221

MDL complaints against DePuy, 223–24

Smith-Petersen’s contribution to, 190–92

histological staining, 91–93

History of the Royal Society of London (Sprat), 52–53

Hitti, Philip, 19

HMWP (polyethylene), 274–75

Hobbes, Thomas, 42

Hodgkin, Thomas, 107

homeopathy, 144

home remedies, 140

Homo electrus, 334–35, 337–38

Hooke, Robert, 49, 87–88

Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, 258, 259–60

Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled (R&C), New York, 258–59


childbirth with a midwife vs., 102–4, 105

as death houses, 181, 252

dedicated cancer hospital, 227–28

as healing institutions, 102

segregation in, 197–99, 206–7

House of Wisdom, Baghdad, 19

Houston, Texas, 226–29

human body

balance and imbalance theories, 143–44

doctors experimenting with, 157

electrical nature of, 238

as a GMO, 330

human brain

overview, 321–22

basal ganglia, 315, 316, 317–18

increase in signaling molecule results in a decrease in a corresponding effect, 317

indications that there specific regions of function, 309–11, 315–16

isolating an individual nerve cell, 311–12

medical artwork of neurons, brain and spinal cord, 312–14

neuromodulation, 290, 300–301, 315–19, 320–21

staining nerve cells, 312–14

subthalmic nucleus, 317–18

testing electrical transmissions of, 314–15

thalamus, 319–20

human dissection

in ancient times, xvi

Galen’s opposition to, 34

by Harvey, 62

Italians proceed with, 27–28

procurement of bodies, 67–70, 71

prohibitory bull of Boniface VIII, 27

by Vesalius, 29, 32

humeral head fractures, 7–8, 9, 10–11, 163, 185–86, 267–68

humoral theory, xv, 76, 78, 85, 143, 167. See also Galen

Hunter, John

achieving surgeon status, 75

biographical info, 54, 71, 77–78, 79

caring for patients and teaching, 72, 77

injecting himself with gonorrhea and syphilis, 76–77

study of embryo development, 71

teaching at St. George’s Hospital, 75

training and working with his brother William, 66–67, 68–70

treating war wounded, 73–74

unblocking a urethral stricture, 70–71

Hunter, William, 66–67, 68–70

hydraulics and Greek medicine, xv

hydrocelphalus, 300


IAA (Intercollegiate Athletic Association), 281

ibn Sina, 20–21

ICOR (International Corsortium of Orthopedic Registries), 225

ideaphoria (flow of ideas), 279


anatomical illustrations gain importance, 28, 32–33, 34

in De fabrica, 35–37

Imber, Gerald, 172, 177–78

implant manufacturers

A.H. Robins Company, 216

DePuy Orthopedics, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221–23, 224

and FDA, 216–17

market analysis drives research, 233

requirement for success, 209

sources of metals, 231

implant revolution, 263–76

overview, 229–32, 260, 308, 337–38

Bacon’s prediction of, 44

bacteriology leading to, 121

categorizing implants based on function, 289–90

and heart attack recovery, 246

impact to medical costs, 288–89

national implant registry needed, 225, 234, 290–91

in today’s world, 263–66

transistors and integrated circuits leading to, 241


overview, 11, 121, 140–41, 225, 229–32, 235

and antimicrobial medicines, 149

national implant registries, 219–21, 223–34, 225, 290–91

shoulder implant arthroplasty, 185–86

individualism, 26–27

Industrial Revolution, 102, 270

inexorable technological progress, 14


overview, 103

cadaver particles as cause of puerperal fever, 105

discovery of germs in infected tissue, 113

fever from, 30

penicillin for treating, 134–35

puerperal fever, 102–3, 104, 105

washing hands with chloride solution as effective deterrent, 105

inflatable penile implant, 302

influenza pandemic (1918), 200

inguinal hernias, 180–81

Institutiones Anatomicae (Guinter), 32

Institutiones Anatomicae (Vesalius), 32–33

Institut Pasteur, 129

insulin pumps, 303

intellectual property, 218

Intercollegiate Athletic Association (IAA), 281

International Corsortium of Orthopedic Registries (ICOR), 225

International Medical Congress of 1876, Philadelphia, 111

intestinal anastomosis, 174

“Intracapsular Fractures of the Neck of the Femur” (McLaughlin and Neer), 6

intraocular lens implantation surgery, 303

Invention of Science, The (Wootton), 24

in vitro fertilization (IVF), 230, 302


Abbasid Caliphate, the Golden Age of Arabic learning/Islam, 19

Mohammad, 18

Sunni Umayyad caliphate, 18–19

Italian Renaissance, 28, 84

IVF (in vitro fertilization), 230, 302

ivory for joint replacement, 188


Jackson, Charles, 153, 154, 156

Jobe, Frank, 283–87

John, Tommy, 284–85, 286–87

Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 165, 175, 176–78, 194, 235–36, 255, 260, 316–17

Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Society, 181

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 164, 173

Johnson, Lyndon B., 198, 206, 245

Johnson, Steven, 14, 26

joint arthroplasty

overview, 187, 276, 290–94

designing femoral head replacement, 194

metal shoulder replacement, 188–89

search for a material that works, 187, 192, 211

stemmed implants, 194–95

Joseph II, King, 101–2

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 195, 275–76

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 189

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 212–13


Katz, David, 224

Katznelson, Ira, 205

Kauffman, Stuart, 14

Kennedy, Donald, 315

Kennedy, John F., 198, 204, 205, 215

Kerlan, Robert, 282

Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic, Los Angeles, 284

Kerr-Mills Act (1960), 204

Keynes, John Maynard, 51–52

Khwarizmi, al-, 19

kidney transplants, 329

Kimball, Justin Ford, 199–201

King-Anderson bill, 204

Kircher, Athanasius, 105

knee replacement surgery, 292, 295

Knick, The (TV series), 176–77

Knight, James, 258

Koch, Robert

biographical info, 113–14, 163

discovery of TB bacilli, 118–20

identifying anthrax bacteria and how it spreads, 115–18

identifying tuberculosis bacterium, 186–87

Nobel Prize for TB research, 120, 187

seeing patients in Wöllstein, 116, 121

Koller, Carl, 169–70

Kolletschka, Jakob, 104–5

Koufax, Sandy, 283, 284

Krebs, Edwin, 113

Kurzweil, Ray, 335–36


Lambert, Karen, ix

Lambert, Mark, ix–x

Langenbec, Bernhard von, 165–66

Langston, William, 308–9

Latin important for medical training, 29

Latin Vulgate Bible, Gutenberg’s, 17

laudanum, 75, 144

Lavoisier, Antoine, 90–91

Leborgne, Louis Victor “Tan,” 310–11

leeches, xi–xii

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, 88–89, 105

Lenzer, Jeanne, 234

lesion case studies, 310

leukemia, discovery of, 94

Lewis, F. John, 236

Lillehei, Walton, 236–38, 239, 240

Lille University (French-Belgian border), Pasteur at, 110–11

Lind, James, 139

Lister, Agnes Syme, 108–9, 110

Lister, Joseph

belief that germs were in the air, 111

biographical info, 107–10

experimenting with antisepsis, 106–7, 111–12

first to propose a therapeutic intervention, 121

performing surgeries antiseptically, 112

studying Pasteur’s work, 111

Lister, Joseph Jackson, 107

Listerism, 112–13, 118, 121, 138, 166, 177, 202

Liston, Robert, 156–57

LMN (lower motor neuron), 314

Locke, John, 80

London, England

coffeehouses open, 51

during English Renaissance, 42–43

Long, Crawford, 150–51, 156, 158, 159

Los Angeles Rams, 282

Louvain, Brussels, cadaver found and restored by Vesalius, 31–32

lower motor neuron (LMN), 314

low friction arthroplasty, 271

Lucretius, xiv, 26

lysozyme, discovery of, 130–31, 132


Mainz, Germany, 16

Mall, Franklin, 174

Malpighi, Marcello, 65

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, 152, 153, 154, 155

mastectomy development, 177–79

mauveine (azo dye), 126, 311–12

Mayo, Charles Horace, 253, 257

Mayo, William James “Will,” 253, 254, 255

elected president of the AMA, 256

promoting multi-specialty group practices, 256–57

Mayo, William Worrall, 253–54

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

first registry on joint prostheses, 219–20, 291

originally Saint Marys Hospital, 254, 255

stimulating growth, 255–56

testing streptomycin, 138

McBride, Earl, 194–95

McLaughlin, Harrison, 6, 10–11

McMinn, Derek, 218, 222

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 228

M.D. Anderson Foundation (MDAF), 227

MDL (Multidistrict Litigation) hearings for complaints against DePuy, 223–24

Mecca, 18

Medicaid, 198, 205, 206

Medical Device Amendments (1976), 216

medical devices

Dalkon Shield crisis, 216

design teams and process, 218–19

heroic gallantry and optimism in 1950s, 241–42

intellectual property, 218

invention of, 233–34

pre-1940s, 215

See also specific devices

medical industrial complex, 228, 232–33

medical training

and Flexner report of 1910, 182

four years for baccalaureate degree, 28–29

Langenbeck training apprentices, 166

Latin important for, 29

on-the-job, 251–52

in Rwanda, 183–85

in specialties, 256, 257–58

in urban hospitals, 149–50

Medicare, 198–209

overview, 199, 206

establishment of, 198, 204–5

fee schedule, 207, 208

hospital integration as result of, 206–7

resource-based relative value scale, 208

size and budget, 208–9, 288


overview, 22, 93, 142–44, 173–73, 243

in Europe 500 years ago, 56–57

experimental, 70–71, 72–73

high cost in the United States, 209

seizure patient treatment, 3

See also pharmaceuticals

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), 222

Medtronic, 242. See also Bakken, Earl

Meier, Barry, 221–22

Merck cultivates cocaine, 168–69

mercury calx powder, 148–49

metal implants, 231

metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacement, 218, 221–22

metal plates and screws, 190, 192–93

microbiology, 110–11

microelectrodes, 314–15

Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems (BioMEMs), 331–32, 334, 336

Micrographia (Hooke), 87–88

microscopes and microscopy

dyes discovered for histological staining, 91–93, 126, 128, 311–12

initial fervor and pause because slides lack color, 87–90

Lister, J.J., resolves chromatic aberration problem, 107

Mihaljevic, Tomislav, 244

Mills, Wilbur, 204–5, 206

Moes, Mother Alfred, 254

Mohammad, 18

mold, 130–31

MoM (metal-on-metal) hip replacement, 218, 221–22

Moore, Wendy, 70–71

Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 74, 84–86, 87, 309

morphine, 74, 145

morphine addiction, 173, 175, 181

Morton, William, 153, 154–56, 158

Mukherjee, Siddhartha, xv, 167

Muller, Johannes, 93–94

Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) hearings for complaints against DePuy, 223–24

Mumford, Lewis, 27

Murano glassmakers, 25–26, 41

Musk, Elon, 333

mycobacterium genus, 118

mycobacterium tuberculosis, 184–85, 186–87, 269


Nargol, Antoni, 222–23

nasal mucus inhibits bacterial growth, 130

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, 18

national implant registries, 219–21, 225, 233–34, 290–91

National Inpatient Sample (NIS), 290–91

National Institute of Mental Health, 315

National Joint Registry of England and Wales, 222

Nature is revealed through science (statue, Sorbonne), xiii

necrotizing fasciitis, 123–25

Neer, Charles Sumner, I, 4

Neer, Charles Sumner, II “Charlie”

biographical info, 4–5, 6–8, 260–62, 266

on fracture treatment, 6

polyethylene shoulder socket component, use of, 275–76

replacement prosthesis proposal, 11

research on shoulder treatments, 1929 to 1950s, 9–10

on shoulder fractures, 1, 3

shoulder implant arthroplasty, 185–86

shoulder implants for pain from arthritis, 267–68

Negro Ward, University of Kansas, 196–98

nerve cells, staining, 312–13

nerves in the human body, 170–71

neural straining, 312–14

neuromodulation, 290, 300–301, 315–19, 320–21

neurosurgery, 290, 300–301, 318, 319–20, 320–21

New Atlantis (Bacon), 44

Newton, Sir Isaac, 42, 46–48, 49–52

New York Orthopedic Hospital, 5

New Zealand, 222

NIS (National Inpatient Sample), 290–91

nitrous oxide, 149, 152–53

Nixon, Richard M., 215–16

Novak, Robert, 205

Noyes, Henry, 170


Oeuvres (Paré), 30–31

Of the seats and causes of diseases investigated through anatomy (Morgagni), 84–85

Okun, Michael, 321

O’Malley, C. D., 33

On Anatomical Procedures (Galen), xviii

“On Miasmata and Contagia” (Henle), 109, 114

“On the Antibacterial Action of Cultures of a Penicillium” (Fleming), 131

On the Fabric of the Human Body (Vesalius), xviii

On the Motion of the Heart (Harvey), 59, 65

On the Natural Faculties (Galen), xi

“On the Nature of Things” (Lucretius), xiv, 26

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 337

“On Tuberculosis” (Koch), 118–20

ophthalmology, 303


overview, 144–45

commercialization of, 74–75

morphine from, 145

Oporinus, Johannes, 36

oral surgery dental implants, 305

organic implants, 229

orthopedic surgeons, 163, 290

Osler, Sir William, 20, 175, 179, 247

otolaryngology, 301

oversight and entitlement

overview, 200

discrimination and segregation, 196–98, 206–7

See also health insurance

“Overview of Operating Room Procedures During Inpatient Stays in U.S. Hospitals, 2014” (AHRQ), 291

oxygen, 145, 146–47, 148


pacemakers, 221, 225, 232, 242, 290, 298

Padua, Italy, 32, 42, 58–59, 84

Paget, Stephen, 235

papyrus, 15, 16

Paracelsus, 144

Paré, Ambroise, 30–31, 35

Parkinson’s disease, sudden-onset, 308–9

Parkinson’s disease and the brain, 317–19

path dependence, 14

pathologic anatomy, 95

pathologic physiology, 95


autopsy of a heart attack victim, 80–84

Cellular Pathology (Virchow), 96

Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford, 131–32

importance of, 174

training in, at University of Vienna, 168

patient allegories

AIDS patient with fungal colonies, 98–101

boy’s dog brings him back to life in SICU, 54–56

boy with compound fracture survives treatment, 106–7, 111–12

dislocated shoulders and seizures patient, 1–3

elderly woman with shoulder fracture, 3, 8–9

lumber mill worker with fingers sawed off, 12–14

necrotizing fasciitis in arm of 78-year-old man, 122–25

railroad worker has spike pass through his head, 309–10

replacing a shoulder replacement with bone nearly destroyed, 263–66

TB patient with a tumor below his jaw, 155

tumor growing on the back of the neck, 151

urethral stricture, 70–71

Péan, Jules-Emile, 188–89

pelvic organ prolapse (POP), 304

penicillin, 5, 124–25, 131, 134–35, 136

“Penicillin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent” (Florey and Chain), 135

Penicillium, 131, 133–36

Peoria USDA laboratory, 135–36

pergamum/parchment, 15–16

periodic table, 90–91

Perkin, William Henry, 91, 126, 311

Perry, Jacquelin, 286


antibiotic discovery and production, 140

Butazolidin “Bute,” 283

cyclosporine, 301–2

digitalis, 143

Ehrlich dreaming of targeted drug in 1907, 126

legislation preventing fraud and requiring review, 213–15

penicillin, 136

Prontosil, by Bayer, 127–29

Salvarsan (Compound 606), 126–27

sulfa-based antibacterials, 136–37

sulfa drugs, 137

sulfanilamide, 128–31, 134

Thalidomide disaster, 217

working in the bloodstream, 145

phenol (carbolic acid), 111–12

philosophers pondering the human body, xv

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton), 51–52

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 40

phrenology, 309

plants and animals, cross-reactivity of, 143

plastic (or polymer) implants, 230–31

plastic surgery, 304

Plummer, Henry, 255–56, 257

PMA (premarket approval) for medical devices, 216

PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate)/acrylic cement, 272

pneuma (a vital spirit), xix, 60

pneumoencephalography, 311

Poggio Bracciolini, xiv

polyethylene (HMWP), 274–75

polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)/acrylic cement, 272

polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)/Teflon, 211–12, 271–72, 273

POP (pelvic organ prolapse), 304

poppy plants, 144

premarket approval (PMA) for medical devices, 216

Priestley, Joseph, 148–49

biographical info, 145–46

printing press

effects of, 22, 25

Gutenberg’s means for inventing, 16–17

and rise of surgery, 15

pro-drugs, 129

Progressive Party (political), 199

prosthetic mesh, 303–4

Ptolemy, 15

puerperal fever, 102–3, 104

sulfanilamide for treating, 129

puerperal fever believed to be in the air, 105, 106

Purbach, Bodo, 210–11

Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 213, 214


quality, commitment to, 327–28


radical mastectomy, 177–79

radioactivity, invention of, 215

Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 313–14, 316

Razi, al- “Rhazes,” 20

RBRVS (resource-based relative value scale) for Medicare, 208

R&C (Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled), New York, 258–59

Reagan, Ronald, 208

“Reconstruction of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament in Athletes” (Jobe, Stark, and Lombardo), 286

reconstruction surgery, 289

regional anesthesia, 170, 171, 172, 250–51

Reinhardt, Uwe, 207


effect of Lucretius poem, “On the Nature of Things,” xiv

and mirrors, 26

Muslims’s roles in moving toward, 19, 21

openness and discovery of truth, 43–45

printing press as breakthrough device, 15, 16–17, 22

repair surgery, 289

research and researchers

1950s and now compared, 9–10

double-blind study of streptomycin, 139

weekly meetings, 133

resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) for Medicare, 208

restoration surgery, 289–90

rete mirabile, xix

robots and artificial intelligence (AI), 333

Rochester, Minnesota, 253, 254

Rockwood, Charles, 183

Rokitansky Carl von, 86–87, 89–90

Roman Catholic Church, 27, 45

Roman Empire

breaking apart, xix

history of, xvii

papyrus codex changed to parchment, 16

war with Francis I of France, 31

Röntgen, Wilhelm, 3, 311

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 214

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr., 129

Roosevelt, Theodore, 212, 213–14

rotator cuff repair, 295–96

Royal College of Physicians, 252

Royal College of Surgeons, 65–66, 252

Royal Society, 45, 46, 48–49, 52–53, 75, 146

Rutgers University, 137–38

Rwanda, Schneider mentoring physicians in, 183–85


Sack of Constantinople, 25

Saint Marys Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, 254

Salvarsan (Compound 606), 126–27

Santayana, George, xiv

Sayre, Lewis, 258

Schatz, Albert, 137, 138

Schleiden, Matthias Jacob, 93–94

Schleswig-Holstein Wars, 166

Schmieding, Reinhold, 277–80

Schneider, David

autopsy of a heart attack victim, 80–84

biographical info, 160, 162

excising fungal colonies from an AIDS patient, 98–101

on home encyclopedia’s anatomy pictures, 23–24

patient with necrotizing fasciitis, 122–25

seizure patient with shoulder dislocations, 1–3

shoulder replacement surgery, 160–63

in SICU when a boy’s dog brings him back to life, 54–56

studying nerves in medical school, 170

viewing a 1543 copy of De fabrica, 37–38

weekend shift in trauma, 12–14

Schneider, David, MD

a busy night at Denver General Hospital, 247–52

deaf and blind couple with amazing communication skills, 323–26

in Rwanda, 183–85

Schmieding interview, 277–80

studying in the Negro Ward at KU, 196–98

visiting Bakken at his home in Hawaii, 242

Schwann, Theodor, 93–94


founder of surgical science, 78

materials available to, 233

and modern, clear glass, 26

war and scientific advances, 266

scientific revolution, 39–53

Bacon’s rejection of all existing knowledge, 43–45

Halley predicts total solar eclipse, 39–40

and Newton, 42, 46–48, 49–52

scurvy, 139

S.E. Massengill company, 214

seizures, 1–3

Semmelweis, Ignác, 101, 103–6, 105–6, 112

Sepulchretum (Bonetus, ed.), 84–85

Seven Years’ War, 73–74

Shippen, William, Jr. “Billy,” 72

Shockley, William, 241

Shoulder, The (Codman), 3–4, 7

shoulder issues

flail arm patients, 4, 8–9

fracture, 4

humeral head fractures, 7–8, 9, 10–11, 163, 185–86, 267–68

multiple dislocations, 1–3

research on treatments, 1929 to 1950s, 9–10

shoulder replacement surgery, 160–63, 185–86, 292–93

shoulder stabilization surgery, 296

Simpson, James Young, 157–58

Sinclair, Upton, 212–13

singularity, 335–36

Singularity is Near, The (Kurzweil), 336

Six Million Dollar Man (TV series), 195

Smith-Petersen, Marius Nygaard, 6, 190–92, 193, 217

snake-oil medicine salesmen, 213–14

Snow, John, 125, 126, 158

Social Security Act (1935), 203

Social Security Amendments (1960), 204

Social Security Amendments (1965), 198, 206

Sones, Mason, 243–44

Sorbonne, Paris, xiii

spinal cord injuries, 331

spinal cord stimulators, 301

spinal fusion, 289–90, 293–94

sports medicine

overview, 294–96

arthroscopic surgery, 278–79, 294–96

Schmieding, 277–80

Sprat, Thomas, 52–53

St. Alban’s, Gorhambury, 44–45

stabilization surgery, 289–90

Starry Messenger (Galileo), 41, 42–43

Steindler, Arthur

stem cells, 96

stents in the heart, 233

Streptococci as test bacterium, 128–29

streptomycin, 137–40, 269

substitution surgery, 289

subthalmic nucleus, 317–18

sudden-onset Parkinson’s disease, 308–9

sulfanilamide, 128–29, 214

Sullenberger, Chesley “Sully,” 285

surgeons and surgery

overview, 162–63, 180

abdominal surgery, 167–68

characteristics, 31, 41

doctors’ self-sacrifice, 77

failure to self-report poor outcomes, 220

German form of medical training, 179

individuals were better off not going to, 96–97

subservient to physicians, 29

surgeon’s skills and characteristics, 285

Surgery of the Shoulder (DePalma), 8

surgiomechanics, 258

sutures, absorbable and non-absorbable, 229

Sweden’s implant registry, 220

Swerve, The (Greenblatt), xiv

Sydenham, Thomas, 75, 144–45

Syme, James, 108–9


Tabulae Anatomicae (Vesalius), 32

TB. See tuberculosis

Technics and Civilization (Mumford), 27

Teflon fails for joint replacement, 211–12, 271–72, 273

Tegmark, Max, 335

telescopes, 41–42

Temkin, Owsei, xvii

tendon transfers, 286–87

Terminator (movie series), 334–35

test-tube babies, 230

tetralogy of Fallot, 235–36, 237

Texas Medical Center, Houston, 228

thalamus, 319–20

Thalidomide disaster, 217

theory of opposites, 143. See also Galen

thumb replacement surgery, 293

Tommy John operation, 285–87

tornado damage in Rochester, Minnesota, 253

training. See medical training

transition movement (Muslim convert to Christianity translates Arabic works into Latin), 21–22

transplant surgery, 301–2

transvaginal mesh (TVM) implant, 304

Traumatic Deformities and Disabilities of the Upper Extremity (Steindler), 7

traumatic injuries in the future, 329

tuberculosis (TB)

overview, 186–87

Charnley and chronic sufferers, 269

Koch presents his findings, 118–20

mycobacterium tuberculosis, 184–85, 186–87, 269

patient with screeching hip prosthesis, 270

reoccurrence after shoulder implant, 189

in Rwanda, 183–85

sanitarium facilities, 269

streptomycin as cure, 138

tumor suppression gene, 317

TVM (transvaginal mesh) implant, 304

Tycho’s nova, 41


ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow, 285, 286

UMN (upper motor neuron), 314

United Network for Organ Sharing, 302

United States

overview, 135

Americans’s postwar prosperity and interest in health, 149

failure to maintain a national implant registry, 219, 225, 233–34, 290–91

financial support for pharmaceutical companies, 136

Florey and Chain work on penicillin at USDA labs, 135–36

University of Alabama, 198

University of Bologna, Italy, 28, 303–4

University of Kansas, 80–84, 196–98

University of Pennsylvania surgical amphitheater, 152

University of Vienna, 166

upper motor neuron (UMN), 314

urinary incontinence surgery, 303, 304

urology, 302

“Use of the Microscope in Medicine” (Lister), 108


van Helmont, Jan, 147, 149

Venable, Charles, 193–94

venereal diseases

germ theorists’s interest in, 109

Hunter injecting himself with gonorrhea and syphilis, 76–77

syphilis, 126–27

syphilitic lesion in the frontal lobe affects speech, 311

Venice, 25–26

ventricular-peritoneal (VP) shunt, 300

Verne, Jules, 187, 193

Vesalius, Andreas

biographical info, 28–29

De fabrica, xviii, 25, 33–38

Instutiones Anatomicae (revised) published, 32–33

Louvain cadaver found and restored, 31–32

medical training, 31–32

Tabulae Anatomicae published, 32

teaching dissection skills, 33

writing and publishing De fabrica, 33–37

Vienna, Austria, Rokitansky’s Pathological Institute, 87

Vienna General Hospital (AKH), 101–2, 106, 167

Vigo, Giovanni da, 30

Virchow, Rudolf, 93, 94–95, 96–97

Virchows Archiv (journal), 95

Vitallium, 192, 193, 268

vivisection, xviii, 83

VP (ventricular-peritoneal) shunt, 300


Waksman, Selman, 137, 138

Wallace, George, 198

war and scientific advances, 266

Warren, John Collins, 151, 154–56

Watanabe, Masaki, 278

Welch, William Henry, 163–64, 165, 172–73, 174–75

Wells, Horace, 152–53, 156

Wells, Thomas Spencer, 111

Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson), 14

Whitman, Royal, 258–59

Wienroth, Matthias, 224–25

Wilson, Catherine, 89

Wöllstein, eastern Prussia, 113, 114–15, 120–21

Wood, Alexander, 145

Woolsthorpe Manor, 46–47, 48–50

Wootton, David, xiii, 40–41

World War I, 127, 128, 200

World War II, 127, 260–61, 268–69


cauterizing with hot oil, 30

effect of anesthesia and antiseptics, 166

Hunter treating war wounded, 73–74

Koch proves presence of bacteria, 118

scrap caused by a rusty nail, 232–33

Wren, Christopher, 49

Wrightington, England, 210–12

Wrightington Hospital, England, 269–75

wrist replacement surgery, 293


xenograft implants, 229


arthritis becomes surgically treatable, 190

discovery of, 3

and fracture care, 192

invention of, 215

live X-rays for neurosurgery, 319

platinum and rubber shoulder implant, 189


Yale vs. Princeton football game, 280–81

yeast as agent of fermentation, 110