Abbeyhill, 71, 74
Abbotsford, 58
Abercrombie Street Burial Ground, 207
Aberdeen University, 151
Academy of St. Luke, 110
Academy of the Fine Arts, 242
Acheson, Sir Archibald, 75
Adam, Robert, 51, 118, 120–122, 125, 140, 152, 189
Adam, Robert Moyes, 143
Adam, William, 94
Adamson, Robert, 105, 106, 117, 135–136, 155, 160, 161, 168
Advocates’ Library, 59, 64–65
Aikenhead, Thomas, 175, 176
Akenside, Mark, 296
Alan, Alexander, 10, 17
Alasdair, Alasdair mac Mhaighstir, 91
Albert, Prince, 122, 181
Albert Memorial, 122, 123–124
Aldred, Guy, 300
Alesius. See Alan, Alexander
Alston, Charles, 140
America, 15, 19, 32, 65–66, 147, 179, 214, 217, 218, 219–220 264, 275, 276
American Civil War, 80
American War of Independence, 4, 19, 219–220
Anderson, Robert Rowand, 115, 116
Anderson’s College, 256, 277
Annan, Thomas, 136, 220, 236, 251, 252, 260, 265
Annand, David, 82, 83
Anniesland, 224
Ann Street, 125
Antelope, 14
Anthony, John, 143
Antonine Wall, 311, 313
Arandora Star, 149
Arbuckle, James, 218, 296–297
Argyle Arcade, 225–226 229
Argyle car, 309
Argyle Square, 119
Argyle Street, 225, 231
Arnot, Hugo, 9, 20, 78
Arrol Company, 301
Arthur, T. G., 291
Arthur’s Seat, 18, 88, 93, 94, 95, 155, 175
Ashton Lane, 274
Assembly Halls, 57–58, 97
Athens, 27–28, 113, 133, 134, 135
Atkinson, Eleanor, 166–167
Audubon, John J., 156
Auld Reikie (nickname), 17
Austen, Jane, 59, 201
Australia, 201, 204, 262
Aye Write Festival, 35
Baird, John Logie, 239, 279, 310
Bakunin House, 300
Balfour, A. J., 290
Balfour, James, 139, 140
Ballantyne (publishers), 171
Ballantyne, R. M., 125
Balliol Street, 300
Balmoral Hotel, 101, 109
Bank of Scotland, 5, 7, 39, 103, 186
Bannockburn, 233
Barbados, 198
Barker, Robert, 3
Barony Kirk, 189
Barrie, J. M., 117
Bartholomew (cartographers), 171
Bath Street, 286
BBC, 86, 239, 306
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, 261
Beattie, Rev. Alexander Ogilvie, 191
Belford Road, 128
Belgrave Mews, 126
Bell, Charles, 159, 160
Bell, Henry, 302
Bell, Joseph, 156, 163–164
Bellahouston Park, 266
Bellany, John, 130
Beresford Building, 231
Bernstein, Marion, 25
Berry, Simon, 250
Bilsland, William, 206
Bissell, George E., 138
Black, Ian, 40
Black, Joseph, 85, 157, 165, 200
Blackfriars Church, 12, 268
Blackie, Walter, 247
Blackmore, Stephen, 143
Blackstone Chair, 272
Blackwood, William, 138, 171
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 6, 124, 138
Blair, Hugh, 60, 85, 110, 119, 157
Blair, Tony, 97
Blake, George, 302–303 304
Blake, William, 128
Blanc, Jean Hippolyte, 45–46, 172
Blantyre, 277
“Bloody Friday,” 185
Blythswood New Town, 284
Blythswood Square, 280, 281, 283, 284
Blythswood Street, 280
Borrow, George, 44
Boswell, James, 65, 270
Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 140
Botanic Gardens. See Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Botanic Gardens (Glasgow), 183, 233, 274–279
Bothwell, Earl of, 11, 90
Bothwell Street, 279, 284
Bough, Sam, 298
Bowles, Caroline, 279
Braidwood, Thomas, 169
Brewster, Patrick, 138
Bridie, James, 216
Briggait Steeple, 196
Bright, Joseph, 80
Britannia, 146, 147
British Council, 34
British Library, 128
British Sociological Society, 55
Brodie, Jean (sister of the Deacon), 79
Brodie, Deacon William, 78–79, 166
Brodie, William (sculptor), 166
Broomielaw, 298, 300, 310
Broughton Street, 127
Brown, Gordon, 152
Brown, Jenny, 124
Brown, Dr. John, 165, 167
Brown Square, 119
Bruce, King Robert the, 45
Bruntsfield Place, 69
Buccleuch Street, 248, 253
Buchan, John, 212, 213
Buchanan, Andrew, 224
Buchanan, George, 60, 89, 90, 105, 165, 166, 217
Buchanan Galleries, 224
Buchanan Street, 218, 223–230 231, 234, 236, 237, 241, 280, 283
Buckham, Alfred G., 114
Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, 165
Burke, William, 85, 120, 159–164 168, 169, 175, 176, 311
Burn, William, 129, 131
Burnbank Terrace, 300
Burnet, Sir John James, 231
Burns, Robert, 19, 28, 56, 59, 66, 70, 78, 79, 81–82, 84, 85, 96, 113, 116, 123, 134, 137, 155, 166, 171, 173, 187, 202, 207–208 211, 255, 256, 258, 285, 312
Burrell, Mary, 291
Burrell, Sir William, 265, 289–294, 295
Burrell Collection, 265, 266, 291–294
Bute House, 121
Byres Road, 274
Byrne, John, 206
Byron, Lord, 59, 117
Cadell, Francis Campbell Boileau, 129
Ca’ d’Oro Building, 284
Caledonian Railway Company, 29
Caledonia Road Kirk, 287
Calton (Glasgow), 205, 207, 208
Calton Hill, 3, 51–53, 94, 95, 97, 101, 106, 113, 118, 121, 131, 133–138 144–145
Calton Jail, 162
Calvin, John, 14, 227
Cambuslang, 275
Camden, William, 12
Camera Obscura, 50–58
Cameron, May, 171
Campbell, Colin, 180–181 262
Campbell, John, 198
Campbell, Margaret, 162
Campbell, Stephen, 130–131
Campbell, Thomas, 23
Canada, 75, 107, 179, 204, 212
Candlemaker Row, 165
Canmore, King Malcolm, 49
Canongate, 74–99, 157, 163
Canongate Kirk and Kirkyard, 80–83
Canongate Tolbooth, 75
Canonmills, 125
Cape Club, 84
Carfrae, James, 79
Carfrae, John, 79
Carfrae, Mrs., 79, 84
Caribbean, 14–15, 19, 20, 51, 139, 179, 198, 200, 219, 222, 275
Carlaw, David, 214
Carlyle, Alexander, 21
Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 282
Carlyle, Thomas, 117, 267
Carnegie, Andrew, 255
Carrick, Alexander, 45
Carron Iron Works, 312
Carstares, William, 156
Castle Esplanade, 44, 50
Castlehill, 44, 50, 53, 58, 74, 84, 174
Castlehill School, 68
Castle Rock, 43, 44, 49, 50, 102
Castle Street (Edinburgh), 119
Castle Street (Glasgow), 193
Cathedral Square, 201
Cathedral Street, 187
Cathkin Park, 29
Caxton, William, 228
Celtic Connections, 35
Celtic Football Club, 29–30
Central Hotel, 310
Centre for Contemporary Arts, 241
Chadwick, Edwin, 25
Chambers, Robert, 24, 67, 125, 161, 170–172
Chambers, William, 60, 82, 145, 148, 165, 170
Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 6, 170, 171, 281
Chambers Street, 151, 172–175
Charing Cross, 231, 233, 237, 254, 259, 267, 300
Charing Cross Mansions, 231
Charles I, King, 59, 174
Charles II, King, 59
Charles, Prince (Charles Edward Stuart), 91–92, 115, 117, 207, 220
Charles, Prince (contemporary), 306
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society, 247
Charlotte Square, 104, 120–125
Chartists, 211
Chinese culture, 39, 141, 142, 228, 292, 293
Chipperfield, David, 306
Chomet, Sylvain, 35
Chopin, Frédéric, 125
Christison, Robert, 163, 164, 281
Church of Scotland, 57–58, 72, 97
Cinemas, 234, 238, 239–241
Citizens Theatre, 216, 217
Clapperton, Thomas J., 45
Clerk, Sir John, 175
Clyde Arc, 301
Clyde Auditorium, 305
Clydebank Blitz, 264–265
Clyde, Firth and River, 15, 16, 19, 25, 37, 195, 196, 198, 209, 218, 262, 290, 295–310
Clyde Model Dockyard, 229
Clyde Navigation Trust, 300, 302, 303
Clydesdale, Ronnie, 274
Clyde Shipbuilders Association, 301
Clyde Valley, 295–296
Clyde Walkway, 300
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 170
Cochrane, Andrew, 7, 218, 219
Cochrane Street, 216
Cockburn, Lord Henry, 51–52, 63, 122–123 126, 133, 166
Colonies, the (Edinburgh), 125
Colvin, Calum, 117, 131
Comet, 302
Commonwealth Games, 39, 306, 309
Connolly, Billy, 206, 214, 305
Conroy, Stephen, 131
Conservative Party, 97
Constable (publishers), 171
Cooper, James Fenimore, 104
Copland and Lye, 233
Corstorphine Hill, 39
Cosmo Cinema, 240–241
Cotton, 22, 210
Covenanters, 64, 76, 169–170
Cowgate, 66, 67, 86
Craig, Agnes. See McLehose, Agnes
Craig, James, 51, 105, 118–120 121, 135, 165, 166
Craigen, Jessie, 203
Cranston, Catherine, 236–237
Cranston’s Tea Rooms, 228, 236–237 239, 247
Crawford, Robert, 206
Crawfurd, Helen, 183
Creech, William, 66, 78
Crichton’s Close, 86, 87
Crown Street, 210, 213, 252–253
Crozier, William, 113
Cullen, William, 157
Culloden, 92
Cunninghame, William, 219, 220, 221, 227
Currie, Ken, 131, 204–205
Cursiter, Stanley, 101
Curtis, Eric W., 275
Custom House Quay, 300
Daguerre, Louis, 94
Daiches, David, 4
Dale, David, 296
Dalí, Salvador, 266
Dalrymple, David (Lord Hailes), 17
Daniel Stewart’s and Melville College, 126
Darien, 96, 217
Darnley, Henry Lord, 48, 89–90, 152, 153, 163
Darwin, Charles, 55, 59, 140–141, 143, 147, 152–156, 158, 159, 160, 164, 168, 170, 270
Darwin, Erasmus, 270
David I, King, 13, 88
Davidson, Anna, 253
Dean Bridge, 125–126
Dean Cemetery, 126
Dean Gallery, 111, 126–128
Dean Orphanage, 126
Dean Village, 126
Defoe, Daniel, 7, 197, 217, 248, 297
Degas, Edgar, 111, 291, 293
Deguy, Michel, 86
Denholm, James, 219
Dennistoun, 191
Denny shipyard, 302
De Quincey, Thomas, 285, 287
Derain, André, 130, 266
Detroit, 38, 302
Devolution, 97–99
Dewar, Donald, 98, 224
De Wet, Jacob, 93
Diana, Princess of Wales, 146, 306
Din Eidyn, 9, 43
Disraeli, Benjamin, 277
Disruption (1843), 135–136
Divan, William, 210
Dolly the Sheep, 128, 158
Donaldson, James, 169
Donaldson’s School, 169
Dooley, Arthur, 300
Douglas, David, 276, 278–279
Douglas, Gavin, 49
Douglas, Sir William Fettes, 114
Doulton, Sir Henry, 204
Doulton Fountain, 204–205
Downie, David, 48–49
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 66, 156, 164, 259
Drummond, Flora, 80
Drummond, Provost George, 119–120 156
Drummond Street, 159
Dublin, 16, 186
Duffy, Carol Ann, 124
Duke Street, 183, 309
Dumbarton, 302, 309
Dunbar, Gavin, 13
Dunbar’s Close, 81
Dunn, Douglas, 97
Dyer, Henry, 256–258
Dynamic Earth, 74, 88
Eardley, Joan, 130, 189–190
Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, 105
Edinburgh Calotype Club, 136
Edinburgh Castle, 17, 27, 43–50, 112, 136, 311
Edinburgh City Art Centre, 105, 111, 114
Edinburgh City Chambers, 37, 74
Edinburgh College of Art, 28, 45, 127, 143
Edinburgh Cross, 174
Edinburgh Dungeon, 70
Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 34
Edinburgh High School, 159
Edinburgh International Book Festival, 122, 123–124
Edinburgh International Festival, 34, 63, 86
Edinburgh Military Tattoo, 44–45
Edinburgh Miscellany, 5–6
Edinburgh Napier University, 151
Edinburgh Park, 138
Edinburgh Review, 6, 63, 124, 126, 211
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 156
Edinburgh Town Council, 52, 158
Edinburgh University, 58, 78, 121, 127, 143, 151–158, 164, 172, 175
Edinburgh Zoo, 39
Edmonston, John, 156
Eglinton Street, 252
Egyptian Halls, 286
Eisenhower, Dwight, 108
Elgin, Lord, 133
El Greco, 111, 113, 294
Eliot, George, 124, 282
Eliot, T. S., 63
Elizabeth I, Queen, 5, 48, 90, 196
Elizabeth II, Queen, 92, 94, 97, 146, 293, 313
Elliot, Gilbert (Lord Minto), 15, 16, 17, 119
Emancipation Monument, 138
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6, 12, 85
Enlightenment, 12, 85, 96, 134–135, 140, 157, 196, 268
Ewing, Dr. Winifred, 97
Fairfield shipyard, 302
Fair Intellectual Club, 5–6
Falkirk, 311, 312
Falkirk Wheel, 311–316
Ferguson, Adam, 85
Fergusson, John Duncan, 129
Fergusson, Robert, 18, 19, 46–47, 60, 81–84, 85, 86, 93, 124, 144, 169
Fettes College, 97
Fife, 100, 187
Findlay, John Ritchie, 114
Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 106–107 310
Finnieston, 301
Finnieston Crane, 301, 302–303 305, 306, 309
Fir Park, 190, 192
Fitzroy Place, 275
Flaxman, John, 179
Fleischer, Philipp, 233
Fleming, Alexander, 172
Fleming, Marjorie, 101
Flodden, 10, 88, 107
Flodden Wall, 10, 15
Floral Clock, 108, 109
Forrest, George, 141
Forsyth, Robert, 20, 21, 28
Forth, Firth and River, 10, 44, 61, 100, 124, 141, 143
Forth and Clyde Canal, 21, 219, 311, 312, 313, 314
Forth Bridges, 29, 127, 141
Foster, Sir Norman, 305
Foulis, Robert and Andrew, 242, 269
Fowke, Francis, 172, 173
France and French culture, 45, 54, 86, 88–89, 93, 147, 196, 247
Frank, Richard, 197
Franklin, Benjamin, 85, 140
Fraser, Malcolm, 86, 87
Frasers (department store), 228
Frazer, Daniel, 224–228
Frazer, Sir James George, 228
Free Church of Scotland, 58, 239, 267
French, Annie, 234
Fry, Michael, 37, 38
Fyffe, Will, 35
Gainsborough, Thomas, 113
Galloway, Janice, 36
Gallowgate, 196
Gardieloo, 17
Gardner’s Warehouse, 284
Gasser, Hans, 270
Gasson, Barry, 293
Gear, William, 130
Geddes, Jenny, 59, 60
Geddes, Patrick, 53–56, 110
Geikie, Walter, 163, 168–169
George III, King, 201
George IV, King, 93
George IV Bridge (Edinburgh), 59, 66, 158, 165
George IV Railway Bridge (Glasgow), 310
George Heriot’s School, 166, 167–168
George Square (Edinburgh), 38, 119
George Square (Glasgow), 179–187, 190, 200, 216, 256, 272, 277
George Street, 109
Georgian House, the, 123
Gibson, James, 217
Gibson, John, 15, 218
Gibson, Walter, 217
Gilchrist, Marion, 259
Gillies, Sir William, 111, 130
Gilmorehill, 267, 268, 271, 272, 273
Gilmour, Allan, 192
Gladstone, William Ewart, 187, 227, 273, 277
Glasgay Festival, 35
Glasgow Anarchist Group, 300
Glasgow Architectural Society, 286
“Glasgow Boys,” 32–33, 292
Glasgow Bridge, 298, 300
Glasgow Caledonian University, 270
Glasgow Cathedral, 12, 13–14, 104, 181, 187–189, 192, 193, 195, 196, 214, 242, 262, 268
Glasgow Central Mosque, 216
Glasgow Central Station, 284
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, 4, 219
Glasgow City Art Gallery. See Kelvingrove
Glasgow City Chambers, 33, 180, 181–186 207, 272, 290
Glasgow City Council, 181
Glasgow City Heliport, 307
Glasgow City Improvements Trust, 252
Glasgow Communist Group, 300
Glasgow Cross, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 209, 257
Glasgow Empire Theatre, 239
Glasgow Film Society, 240
Glasgow Film Theatre, 240–241
Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art, 220–221 227, 266
Glasgow Garden Festival, 305, 306
Glasgow Green, 196, 201, 202–207 208, 209, 232, 239, 296–297 298
Glasgow Herald. See Herald (Glasgow)
Glasgow International Exhibition (1888), 32, 233, 261–262
Glasgow International Exhibition (1901), 264
Glasgow Looking Glass, 258, 275–276
Glasgow Magazine, 209
Glasgow Merchants’ House, 190, 193, 194, 196
Glasgow Necropolis, 189, 190–194 242, 275
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 224, 230
Glasgow School of Art, 33, 130, 236, 241, 242–247, 253, 265
Glasgow Science Centre, 37, 305, 306
Glasgow Ship Bank, 219
Glasgow Society of Lady Artists, 234, 236
Glasgow Style, 236
Glasgow Tower, 305–306
Glasgow University, 12, 13, 151, 198–200 222, 240, 242, 247, 256, 264, 267–274, 276, 286
Glasgow University Library, 274
Glasgow Women’s Library, 259–260
Glasser, Ralph, 213
Glassford, Christian, 275
Glassford, Henry, 275
Glassford, John, 219–222 275
Glassford, Rebecca, 219
Glassford Street, 187, 196, 216, 220, 225
Glenlee, 306–307 309–310
Glover, William, 52
Gododdin, 43, 88
Golborne, John, 297
Goose Pie, the, 109
Gorbals, 183, 209–217 252–253 298
Gorbals Baronial Halls, 211
Gorbals Die-Hards, 212, 253
Gorbals Street, 216, 252
Gordon, Douglas, 131
Gordon, Frances, 237
Gordon Street, 225, 227, 284
Gormley, Anthony, 132
Govan, 220, 301, 302, 304, 310
Govan Bar Iron Works, 211
Govan Ferry, 307, 310
Govanhill, 252
Govan Old Parish Church, 310
Govan Town Hall, 306
Graham, Robert, 140–141
Graham, Thomas, 181
Grant, Elizabeth, 122
Grant, Robert, 155, 159
Granville Street, 259
Grassmarket, 78, 174
Gray, Alasdair, 36, 37, 258, 259, 271, 274
Gray, John, 165
Gray, John Miller, 115
Great Western Road, 274, 276, 279, 287, 300
Great Western Terrace, 252, 276, 287, 290, 293
Grecian Chambers, 241
Greenock, 15, 198, 264, 302, 303
Greville, Robert, 141
Greyfriars Bobby, 165–167
Greyfriars Kirkyard, 10, 136, 140, 164–170
Grierson, John, 240–241 301
Grigor, Murray, 109
Grimshaw, John Atkinson, 298
Grosvenor Terrace, 276
Gutenberg, Johannes, 228
Hadid, Zaha, 301, 306, 307
Haig, Field Marshal Douglas, 123
Haldane’s Academy, 242
Hamilton, James Lord, 268
Hamilton, Margaret, 75
Hamilton, Thomas, 126, 133, 134
Hampden Park, 30
Hardie, Gwen, 131
Hardy, Bert, 215
Hare, William, 85, 120, 159–164 168, 175, 176
Harris, Jane, 283
Harriston, William, 22
Hart, W. D., 53
Havergal, Giles, 216
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 228, 282
Hearst, William Randolph, 294
Heart of Midlothian Football Club, 30
Helensburgh, 247, 280, 310
Hemingway, Ernest, 300
Henderson, D. and W., 308
Henderson, Robert, 53
Hengler’s Grand Cirque, 238
Henley, W. E., 79
Henry VIII, King, 88
Henry, George, 33
Herald (Glasgow), 4, 33, 181, 182, 202, 211, 223, 224, 228, 243, 256, 286
Heriot, George, 167
Heriot Watt University, 151
Hibernian Football Club, 30
Higgs, Peter, 157
High Court (Edinburgh), 59, 281, 282
High School Yards, 84, 158
High Street (Edinburgh), 58–73, 74, 84, 164, 168, 174
High Street (Glasgow), 196, 197, 200, 201, 249, 250–251 257, 268, 270
Hill, David Octavius, 105, 106, 111, 117, 126, 135–136, 155, 160, 161, 168
Hill House, 247
Hillman Imp, 309
Hirst, Damien, 130
Hogg, James, 79, 164, 175–176
Hole, William Brassey, 115–116
Holmwood House, 288–289
Holy Cross Academy, 148
Holyrood Abbey, 13, 50, 74, 88, 92–93, 94
Holyroodhouse, Palace of, 74, 87–94, 139, 140
Holyrood Park, 88
Holyrood Road, 86
Holy Trinity Church, 126
Home, John, 85, 91
Honeyman, Tom, 265–266, 267, 293
Hooker, William Jackson, 276
Hope, John, 140, 142, 143
Hopkirk, Thomas, 275–276, 298
Hornell, Edward A., 33
Howe Street, 70
Howson, Peter, 131
Hughes, Edith Burnet, 200
Humanity Classroom, 272
Hume, David, 12, 17, 65, 85, 117, 134, 140, 152, 157, 269
Hume, Joseph, 137
Hunter, David, 110
Hunter, Leslie, 129
Hunter, William, 270
Hunterian Art Gallery, 247, 274
Hunterian Museum, 270
Huntly House, 75–76
Hunyman, Alexander, 60
Hutcheson, Francis, 6, 268
Hutcheson, George and Thomas, 190
Hutchesons’ Grammar School, 190, 212
Hutchesons’ Hospital, 190
Hutchesontown, 212
Hutton, James, 88, 110, 157
Huxley, T. H., 54
Hydro Arena, 309
Ibárruri, Dolores, 300
Ibrox Stadium, 30
Immigration, 30, 147, 210, 211, 214, 259
Independent Labour Party, 185
India Place, 125
Inglis, A. and J., 307
Inglis, John, 282
Ingram, Archibald, 219
Ingram Street, 216, 229, 242, 255
Inverleith, 138–143
Inverleith House, 139
Inverleith Terrace, 68
Irish culture, 30, 172, 179, 201, 210, 211, 227
Italian culture, 147–150, 211, 309
Islamic culture, 216, 240
Jacobites, 64, 91–92
Jacquio, Ponce, 117
Jamaica, 198, 200, 207, 262
Jamaica Bridge, 310
Jamaica Street, 200, 217, 284
James III, King, 10, 100
James IV, King, 88
James V, King, 88
James VI, King, 5, 12, 48, 49, 89, 90, 91, 96, 167, 196
James VII, 46, 81
James, Henry, 283
Jameson, Robert, 155, 159
Jamieson, Mary, 210
Japanese culture, 32, 33, 242, 245, 256–258 264
Jeffrey, Francis, 63, 126
Jencks, Charles, 131, 132
Jenners, 102
Jewish culture, 191, 211, 213, 240, 241, 259, 267
John Knox Free Church, 211
John Knox’s House, 72, 75, 76
Johns Hopkins University, 273
Johnson, Samuel, 169, 270
Johnston, Arthur, 8, 43, 144, 195, 196, 296
Kames, Lord, 31
Kay, Arthur, 291
Kay, Jackie, 138
Kay, John, 15, 49
Keith, Thomas, 170
Kelman, James, 36, 258, 259
Kelvin, Lord, 262, 267, 272–273
Kelvingrove, 33, 232, 261–266 292, 293
Kelvingrove Park, 254, 261, 263–264, 266–267
Kelvin Hall, 267
Kelvin River, 261, 264, 270, 276, 307
Kelvin Way, 267, 274
Kemp, George Meikle, 103–104
Kennedy, A. L., 36
Kettle, Tony, 316
Kibble, John, 277, 278
Kibble Palace, 233, 277–278
King, Elspeth, 204
King, Jessie M., 236, 258
Kingston Bridge, 37
Kirk, Charles J., 299
Kirkcaldy, 130, 269
Kirkcaldy, Sir William, 48
Kirklee Road, 278
Kirklee Terrace, 252
Kirkwood, David, 185
Knox, John (artist), 298
Knox, John (Reformer), 48, 58, 60, 63, 89, 190–191 195
Knox, Robert, 136, 159–164
Kokoschka, Oskar, 130, 240
Kuppner, Frank, 258–259
Labour Party, 38, 97
Lady Stair’s Close, 56, 84
Laing, Samuel, 52
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 155
Lamb’s House, 144
Lamont, John, 123
Lancefield Quay, 302
L’Angelier, Pierre Emile, 279–282
Langside, 195
Lavery, John, 32, 183, 291
Law Courts (Edinburgh), 58–59
Lawnmarket, 74, 78
Lean, David, 283
Lee, Chiang, 141–142
Lee, Corlinda, 192
Leith, 10, 15, 20, 89, 127, 128, 136, 143–149
Leith Fort, 118
Leith School of Art, 147
Leith Walk, 145–146, 148
Lennon, John, 305
Leopold Place, 145
Lethaby, W. R., 244–245
Lettice, John, 100
Levi, Joseph, 191
Liberal Democrat Party, 97, 227, 239
Liddell, Faith, 124
Lincoln, Abraham, 80, 138, 207
Linnaeus, 139, 140
Linwood, 309
Lipton, Sir Thomas, 214
Lister, Joseph, 156, 267
Little, Clement, 152
Livingstone, David, 59, 102, 126, 277
Lochhead, Liz, 259
Loch Lomond, 15
Locke, John, 175
Lockerbie, Catherine, 124
Lockhart, George, 64
Lodge, Sara, 107
London, 15, 25, 54, 91, 127, 172, 292
Long, H. Kingsley, 212
Lonsdale, Henry, 161
Lorimer, Sir Robert, 50, 60
Luckenbooths, 60
Lutyens, Edwin, 236
Lynch, Benny, 214
MacAlpin dynasty, 10
Macarthur, Mary, 24
MacCaig, Norman, 86, 101
MacDiarmid, Hugh, 26, 34, 54, 96
MacDonald, Ethel, 300
Macdonald, Flora, 264
Macdonald, Margaret, 33, 236, 244, 247
MacDonald, Ramsay, 186
MacDonald, Robert David, 216
Macdonell, Alastair, 110
Macfarlan, James, 23–24
Macfarlane, Alexander, 198
Macfarlane Observatory, 198–200
Macgillivray, William, 154, 156
Mach, David, 130
Mackenzie, Sir George, 64, 170
Mackenzie, Henry, 123
Mackenzie, Isa, 264
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 33, 191, 192, 228, 236–237 241, 242–248 266, 274
Mackintosh, Ewart Alan, 107
MacLaurin, Colin, 198
Maclean, John, 183–186
MacLean, Sorley, 86, 186
MacNicol, Bessie, 234
MacTaggart, William, 113, 123
MacTaggart, Sir William, 111
Madeleine of Valois, 88
Maitland, William, 9–12, 17
Market Street, 70, 105
Martin, John, 287
Martyrs’ Monument, 170
Maryhill, 252
Mary King’s Close, 37, 70
Mary of Guise, 88, 144
Mary Queen of Scots, 5, 10–11, 12, 46, 47, 49, 88–91, 93, 117, 144, 152, 153, 158, 163, 195
Masson, Rosaline, 101
Matchboxes, 232–233
Matisse, Henri, 130, 236, 263, 265
Maver, Irene, 29
Maxwell, Catherine, 70
Maxwell, Eglintoune, 70
Maxwell, James Clerk, 109, 272
Maxwell, Jane, 70
Mayne, John, 19, 20
McArthur, Alexander, 212
McDougal, Helen, 162, 163
McGill, James, 272
McGonagall, William, 168, 169
McHattie, John, 108
McInnes, William, 265
McKenzie, Robert Tait, 107–108
McLehose, Agnes, 82, 207–208
McLeish, Robert, 213
McLellan, Archibald, 232, 291
McLellan Galleries, 232, 237, 239, 242
McNeilage, Rev. John, 239
McUre, John, 7–8, 9, 12, 13–14, 26
McWilliam, Candia, 36
Meadows, the, 151
Melrose Abbey, 104
Melville, Andrew, 14, 268
Mendelssohn, Felix, 94
Mercat Cross, 268
Merchant City, 198, 199, 216–220 241
Merchants’ Park, 190, 275
Merchants’ Steeple, 196
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 131, 136, 293
Millar, John, 222
Miller, David Prince, 191
Miller, Hugh, 105, 125, 136
Miller, William, 191–192
Mills, George, 249
Minto, Lord. See Elliot, Gilbert
Miralles, Enric, 94–96
Mitchell, James, 291
Mitchell, John, 23
Mitchell, John Oswald, 256
Mitchell, Stephen, 255, 256
Mitchell Library, 255–260 261
Mitchell Street, 227, 228
Mitchison, Naomi, 86
Molendinar Burn, 193
Monro, Alexander, 6, 156, 159, 164
Mons Meg, 46–47, 50
Montrose, James, Marquis of, 174–175
Monymusk Reliquary, 175
Moody, Dwight, 277, 278
Moore, Sir John, 179–180
Moray Place (Edinburgh), 125
Moray Place (Glasgow), 287
Morgan, Edwin, 97, 127, 186, 254, 258, 259, 271, 274, 308
Morison, Robert, 139
Morris, William, 283
Mossman, John, 181, 228
Motherwell, 185
Mound, the, 100, 103
Muir, Edwin, 34, 101
Muir, Thomas, 136–137, 201
Mumford, Lewis, 56
Murray, John (archive), 59
Murray, Patrick, 69–70
Murray, Sarah, 67–68, 93, 102
Murray, Stewart, 276
Murrayfield Stadium, 30
Museum of Childhood, 69–70, 71, 72
Museum of Edinburgh, 27, 75–80, 165, 170
Nasmyth, Alexander, 113, 116, 132, 135
National Covenent, 169–170
National Gallery of Scotland, 96, 110, 111–114 296
National Library of Scotland, 59, 66, 158, 161, 171, 210
National Monument, 133–134
National Museum of Scotland, 27, 172–175 301
National Theatre of Scotland, 261
National Trust for Scotland, 123, 247, 253, 288
Nelson (publishers), 171
Nelson, Horatio, 204
Nelson, William, 46
Nelson Monument (Edinburgh), 52, 134, 135
Nelson Monument (Glasgow), 204
Netherlee, 288
Newark, 297
Newbery, Francis, 242–243
Newbold, Walton, 185
New Club, 102
New College, 57–58
New Harmony, 296
Newhaven, 124, 136, 168
Newington, 80
Newington Place, 162
New Lanark, 295–296
Newton, Sir Isaac, 128–129 198
New Town (Edinburgh), 16, 22, 39, 51, 100–125, 135, 144, 157
New York, 78, 127, 130, 131, 259, 262, 283, 293, 310
Nicolson Street, 152, 158
Niven, Frances, 148
North Bridge, 121
North British Locomotive Works, 302
North British Railway Company, 29
North Fort Street, 118
North Loch, 16, 18, 100, 102
North Street, 255, 259
Norton Park Group, 71–72
Norton Park School, 71
Norway, 54
Norwich, John Julius, 293
Oakley, Charles, 240
Ocean Terminal, 146
Old Calton Burial Ground, 134
Old College Bar, 200
Old Town (Edinburgh), 16, 39, 56, 82–85, 119, 120, 121, 165
Old Town Improvement, 74
Oliphant, J., 162
Oliphant, Margaret, 63
Oran Mor, 274
Outlook Tower, 53–56
Owen, Robert, 296
Owen, Wilfred, 34, 35
Oxford, 268
Pacific Quay, 306
Paine, Tom, 137, 201
Paisley, 181
Pandemonium Club, 84
Panmure House, 81
Panoramic Building, 233
Paolozzi, Sir Eduardo, 70, 127–129 148–150
Paris, 32, 55, 127, 191, 225, 236, 237, 238
Park Circus, 266, 267, 279
Parliament Hall, 58, 63–64, 65
Parliament Square, 60, 64, 66
Paterson, David, 161, 162
Paterson, Mary, 162–163
Paton, Amelia, 126
Patrick, Jenny, 300–301
Patterson, Oscar, 214
Peel, Robert, 181
Pentland Hills, 44
People’s Palace, 204–206 222
People’s Story, the, 75
Peploe, Samuel John, 129, 236
Philadelphia, 78
Picardy Place, 150
Pinkerton, Allan, 214
Pirie, Margaret, 232
Pitcairne, Archibald, 158
Plantation Quay, 301, 306
Playfair, William, 109, 126, 133, 134, 144, 152, 153, 154, 158, 169
Pointhouse shipyard, 307
Poker Club, 85
Political Economy Club, 219
Political Martyrs’ Memorial, 136–137
Pollock, Jackson, 130
Pollok House, 294
Pollok Park, 293–294
Pollokshields, 253
Porteous Riots, 74–75
Port Glasgow, 15, 290, 297, 302
Portland Street, 184
Portobello, 143
Powell, Sir Francis, 243–244
Prague, 49
Prince’s Dock, 305
Princes Square mall, 230
Princes Street, 34, 57, 80, 100–113, 133, 146, 230, 234
Princes Street Gardens, 44, 57, 100, 104–109 119, 126, 166
Pritchard, Edward William, 232
Professors’ Square, 273–274
Prostitution, 84–85, 145, 163
Proust, Marcel, 216
Provand’s Lordship, 193–195
Prowse, Philip, 216
Pugin, Augustus, 286
Pugin, P. P. and C. W., 298
Quartermile, 151
Queen Elizabeth, 309
Queen Elizabeth II, 309
Queen Margaret University, 151
Queen Mary, 304, 309
Queensberry House, 96
Queen’s Cross Church, 247
Queen’s Gallery, 93–94
Queen’s Park, 195
Queen’s Park Church, 287
Queen’s Park Football Club, 29
Queen’s Park Terrace, 252
Queen Street (Edinburgh), 100, 114, 117, 122
Queen Street (Glasgow), 193, 194, 220, 221, 227
Raeburn, Henry, 95, 110, 117, 123, 125, 167
Railways, 28–29, 302–303 309, 311
Ramsay, Allan (Sr., poet), 19, 54, 108, 109–110
Ramsay, Allan (Jr., artist), 110, 111, 117
Ramsay, Dean, 107
Ramsay Gardens, 54, 110, 112
Rangers Football Club, 29–30
Rankin, Ian, 79, 124, 135, 175
Ransford, Tessa, 86
Ray, John, 197
Red Clydeside, 183–186 205, 304
Red Commune, 300
“Red Flag, The,” 239
Reformation, 60, 151, 188, 190–191 268. See also Knox, John
Register House, 121
Reid, Alastair, 38
Reid, Alexander, 33, 265, 292
Reid, Jimmy, 304–305
Reid, McNeill, 265, 274
Reid, Robert (architect), 121, 122, 123
Reid, Robert (benefactor), 152
Rembrandt, 111, 263, 291
Renfrew Street, 241, 242
Rhind, Birnie, 107
Richardson, James, 211
Riddle’s Court, 55
Ritchie, James T. R., 72
Riverside Museum, 230, 301, 306–310
Rizzio, David, 89–90, 92
RMJM Architects, 94, 313
Roberts, David, 286
Roberts, Field Marshal, 267
Robertson, E. H., 234
Robertson, William, 85, 157
Robison, William, 85
Rochead, John Thomas, 276
Rock House, 106, 135, 136
Rogers, Richard, 151
Rollock, Robert, 152
Rosebery, Lord, 255
Rose Street, 120
Roslin Institute, 158
Rosner, Lisa, 162
Ross, Daniel, 107
Ross Fountain, 107
Rottenrow, 268
Rowling, J. K., 37, 109, 124, 146
Royal Bank of Scotland, 5, 39, 127
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 108, 138–143
Royal College of Physicians, 139, 140
Royal College of Surgeons, 158–164
Royal College of Surgeons’ Museum, 159–160 164
Royal Exchange Square, 220, 283
Royal High School, 133, 134
Royal Mile, 10, 12, 15, 37, 44, 49, 50–99, 119, 270
Royal Observatory, 51, 118, 135
Royal Scots Greys, 107
Royal Scottish Academy, 32, 33, 101, 109, 110, 111, 112, 130, 165
Royal Scottish Museum, 172–173
Royal Scottish National Orchestra, 261
Royal Society of Edinburgh, 109, 156, 159, 173
Rugby, 30
Ruskin, John, 118, 285
Ruthven Street, 274
St. Andrews, 10, 135, 136, 139
St. Andrew’s Halls, 259, 290
St. Andrews in the Square, 207
St. Andrews University, 151, 152, 268
St. Bernard’s Well, 132
St. Cecilia’s Hall, 86
St. Cuthbert’s Church, 108, 109
St. Enoch, 187, 228
St. Enoch Centre, 187
St. Enoch’s Burn, 228
St. Enoch’s Station, 182, 302
St. Gaudens, Augustus, 63
St. George’s Church, 121, 122, 123
St. George’s Cross, 254
St. Giles, 10, 11
St. Giles Cathedral, 58–63, 66, 74, 82, 103, 164, 168
St. Kentigern. See St. Mungo
St. Margaret, 46, 49, 88
St. Margaret’s Chapel, 45, 49–50
St. Mary’s Church, 46
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, 127, 150
St. Mary’s Street, 74
St. Mungo, 12, 13, 21, 187–188 189, 195, 228, 254, 262
St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art, 195
St. Rollox works and chimney, 22, 23, 24, 37
St. Serf, 187, 188
St. Thenew. See St. Enoch
St. Vincent Place, 186, 227
St. Vincent Street, 191
St. Vincent Street Free Church, 288
Salisbury Crags, 88, 94
Salmond, Alex, 98
Saltire Society, 240
Saltmarket, 196, 248, 296
Sandyford, 275, 276
Sankey, Ira, 277, 278
Sauchiehall Street, 224, 229, 231–242 251, 260, 265, 275, 280, 301
Saughton Prison, 149
Sayers, Dorothy L., 283
Schiller, Friedrich, 90
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 288
Schotz, Benno, 267
Scone, 10
Scotland Street School, 247
Scotsman newspaper, 30, 86, 104, 114, 137, 149, 165, 239, 242, 289
Scots Whisky Centre, 68
Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 270, 271, 273, 286
Scott, John, 63
Scott, Sir Walter, 21, 27, 49, 56, 64, 93, 96, 102–104, 109, 110, 113, 117, 119, 124, 133, 135, 136, 138, 145, 152, 156, 164, 180, 187, 201, 227
Scottish American War Memorial, 107–108
Scottish Chamber Orchestra, 261
Scottish Colourists, 129–130 265
Scottish Constitutional Convention, 97
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, 301, 305, 309
Scottish Government, 98
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, 111, 114, 126–132
Scottish National Party, 97, 98, 239
Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 27, 111, 114–117, 136
Scottish National War Memorial, 50
Scottish Office, 33
Scottish Opera, 261
Scottish Parliament, 38, 74, 86, 87, 94–99, 134, 313
Scottish Poetry Library, 86–87
Scottish Storytelling Centre, 72–73, 75
Scott Monument, 102–106 166
Scott Street, 245
Seafield, Earl of, 64
Sectarianism, 30, 213
Select Society, 140
Serrent, Duc de, 93
“Shadow” (author), 250–251 252
Shawfield House, 220
Sheehy, William, 283
Short, Maria Theresa, 51–53
Short, Thomas, 51
Short’s Observatory, 51–53
Sibbald, Robert, 139, 140
Signet Library, 59, 64
Simpson, Sir James Young, 102, 156, 166
Simpson, William, 211
Sinclair, Catherine, 122
Sinclair, Sir John, 122
Singing Street, The, 71–72
Skeel, Kenneth, 97
Slater, Oscar, 259
Slavery, 15, 80, 138, 198, 201, 217, 219, 222–223 255, 269, 306
Slezer, John, 8, 11, 196
Slums, 66–67, 84–85, 211–215 249–252
Smeaton, John, 21
Smellie, William, 12, 85
Smith, Adam, 6, 19, 81, 85, 140, 157, 218–219 222, 223, 268–270, 312
Smith, Alexander, 26–27, 29, 37, 104, 298–299
Smith, Alexander McCall, 124
Smith, Duncan, 232
Smith, Horace, 287
Smith, James (architect), 279, 280
Smith, Rev. James, 207
Smith, Dr. John, 159
Smith, Madeleine, 279–284
Smith, Sidney, 211
Smith, Tommy, 271
Smollett, Tobias, 85, 219
Society of Antiquaries, 109
Solicitors’ Library, 64
Somerville, Mary, 71
Somerville, Thomas, 120
Sousa, John Philip, 264
South Bridge, 152
South Gray Street, 80
South Lorne Place, 146
Spanish Civil War, 205, 300–301
Spark, Muriel, 34, 69, 70–71, 79, 117, 127, 141, 148
Spence, Sir Basil, 214
Spencer, Stanley, 301
Sport, 29–30, 234
Spottiswoode, John, 12, 14
Spreull’s Land, 248–249
Springburn, 252, 302, 309
Stark, John, 154
Steell, Gourlay, 165
Steell, Sir John, 105, 165
Stevenson, D. W., 132
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 8, 47, 56, 63, 64, 66, 68–69, 70, 71, 79, 102, 106, 118, 156, 169, 170
Stewart, Dugald, 134
Stewart’s and Macdonald’s, 228
Stieglitz, Alfred, 136
Stirling Castle, 10
Stoddart, Alexander, 81, 270
Stothard, Thomas, 64
Strachan, Douglas, 50
Strang, John, 191
Strathaven, 201
Strathclyde University, 256, 270
Suffragettes, 79–80, 137, 203, 237–238
Sugar trade, 15, 198, 222
Surgeons’ Hall, 158
Surgeons’ Square, 159
Sutherland, James, 139–140, 275
Syme, James, 163
Symons, Jelinger C., 249–250
Tacitus, 115, 311–312
Tagliabue, Benedetta, 94
Tagore, Rabindranath, 55
Tait, William, 84–85
Tall Ship, the, 306–307, 309–310
Tassie, James, 115
Taylor, John, 43, 47
Telford, Thomas, 125
Templeton Business Centre, 207
Tenement House, the, 248, 253–254
Tenements, 84–85, 248–254, 258
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 167, 280, 285
Thatcher, Margaret, 300
Thistle Street, 120
Thomson, Alexander “Greek,” 191, 241, 252, 276, 284–289
Thomson, James, 118–119
Thomson, William. See Kelvin, Lord
Titian, 112, 263, 266
Tobacco Exchange, 220
Tobacco Lords, 200–201, 216–222, 269
Tobacco trade, 15, 216–222, 255, 262, 302
Tognieri, Giovanni, 309
Tolbooth (Edinburgh), 58, 78, 174
Tolbooth (Glasgow), 195–196, 197, 248
Tolbooth Kirk (Edinburgh), 58
Tolbooth Steeple (Glasgow), 196, 198, 200
Tollcross, 275
Toward, Agnes, 253–254
Trades Hall, 187, 196
Trades House, 196
Trams, 98, 146, 237
Trench, John Thompson, 259
Treron et Cie., 234, 237–238
Trinity House, 144
Tron Church (Edinburgh), 58
Tron Church (Glasgow), 196
Trongate, 196, 200, 248–250
Tron Theatre, 196, 260
Tucker, Thomas, 197
Turgot, 49
Turnbull, William, 13
Turner, J. M. W., 111, 113, 135, 286, 296
Tweeddale Court, 86
Ubiquitous Chip, 274
UNESCO, 37, 39, 124
Union Canal, 162, 311, 312, 314
Union of the Crowns (1603), 5, 48, 196
Union of Parliaments (1707), 5, 15, 64, 74, 96, 133, 217
Union Street, 286
Universities. See entries for specific universities
University Avenue, 270, 274
University Physic Garden, 275
Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, 205, 206, 304–305
Ure, Joan, 304
Usher Hall, 109
Van Gogh, Vincent, 111, 263, 265, 292
Vaughan Bequest, 111
Verse magazine, 86
Victoria, Queen, 93, 105, 124, 179, 181–182, 183, 204, 262, 263
Victoria and Albert Docks, 146
Victoria Bridge, 298
Virginia, 139, 198, 218
Virginia Chambers, 220
Virginia Street, 216, 218, 220
Votadini, 43
Waddell, Helen, 150
Walker, Rev. Robert, 110
Walkinshaw, Clementina, 220
Wallace, William, 45, 202
Walton, E. A., 183
Wardle, Lena, 283. See also Smith, Madeleine
Warriston Crescent, 125
Washington, George, 218, 219
Water of Leith, 125, 126, 132, 143
Water of Leith Village, 126
Watson, Bessie, 79, 80
Watson, John, 258
Watt, James, 20, 22, 173, 174, 187, 198–200, 206–207, 208, 289, 297–298, 300, 302
Watt, Robert, 48–49
Watt Brothers, 241
Waverley (paddle steamer), 308
Waverley Railway Station, 18, 139
Weavers, 23, 202, 205, 207, 210
Weir, Jean, 76–78
Weir, Major, 76–78
Welsh, Irvine, 36, 146
Wernerian Society, 159
West, William, 117
West Bow, 76
West Coates, 169
West Nile Street, 283
West Princes Street, 259
Whistler, James McNeill, 32, 265, 274, 291, 292
Whiteford, Kate, 131
Whitehill, 220
Whyte, Hamish, 250, 259
Wigham, Eliza, 80
Wilcox, John, 311, 312, 316
Wilde, Oscar, 259
Wilkie, Sir David, 93, 110
William III, King, 201
William Cunninghame and Co., 219
Williams, Alice Meredith, 50
Williamson, Peter, 65–66
Willow Tea Rooms, 228–229, 236–237
Wilson, Charles, 279
Wilson, Daniel, 45
Wilson, James, 201–203, 204
Wilson, Jean, 79
Wilson, Walter & Co., 234
Wood, Harry Harvey, 34
Woodside, 254
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 298
Wordsworth, William, 244
Wright, Fanny, 296
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 245
Writers’ Museum, 56–58, 79
Wylie and Lochhead, 228, 229
Wylie Hill, 229
Wyllie, George, 305
Yamao, Yozo, 256–258
Yeats, William Butler, 96, 244
Yorkhill Quay, 310
York Place, 117
Young, William, 181
Youngson, A. J., 117
Zangwill, Israel, 32