… from a letter to MacTweed and Company …

… inasmuch as his bringing suit would only convince the public that this was indeed Andrew Callingham’s own story I believe the publication of The Hunter’s Wife to be without danger to the firm. A number of features in the story coincide with facts in Callingham’s life, but we can show point for point where they coincide with eight other well-known writers’ lives including Dreiser, Lewis, Hardy, Wells, Zola, Hawthorne, Galsworthy, and Ford. Callingham would be deliberately wooing ridicule by a suit or an injunction. I would advise getting in touch with the former Mrs. Callingham and smoothing her over in advance. Some trouble might come up there, particularly since the characterization here is unmistakable according to all report, though here again we can cite a dozen famous authors’ wives whose portraits conform to this satiric outline.

Yours faithfully,

John Lambert
Lambert, Arrnst and Bing, Attorneys