The Root Chakra sits at the base of your tailbone and is your center of stability. When it is out of alignment, you feel anxious, nervous, dizzy, or as if you have vertigo. When this chakra is overactive, you feel unable to make progress in your life, on personal or professional levels, and you feel stagnant in your primary relationships. Both extremes feel deeply troubling to you, as if your very life depends on the adjustment.
This is because the Root Chakra is your primary point of balance between the Below and the Above. An unbalanced or unattended Root Chakra can affect every aspect of your life, which is why many energy workers and Reiki practitioners take a bottoms-up approach to chakra work, beginning at the Root (or, even deeper, at the Earth Star) and working upward toward Source channels at the Third Eye, Crown, and Soul Star. When your Root Chakra is active, clear, and functioning well, you are free to move confidently in the world, knowing you are safe, supported, and seen.
In Sanskrit, the name of this chakra, Muladhara, means “support” or “root.” This is where male sexual energy sits in the physical body (feminine sexual energy sits at the Sacral Chakra). Where the Earth Star Chakra is a portal to the Earthly kingdom of minerals, crystals, and subterranean channels of spirit animals and insects, the Root Chakra is a portal to our relationship with our own physical kingdom—the bodily resources and physical structures that keep us safe in the three-dimensional world we inhabit right now. The masculine energy of the Root Chakra isn’t specifically male; it is a protective force field that can bring a deep sense of comfort to anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or identification. When you learn to connect to the masculine energy stream, you find a steady companion for your journey, one who can ground, stabilize, and direct you toward the best outcome for your work and your life.
In this chapter, you’ll learn a great deal about grounding, a concept that’s a little more complicated than many people think it is. Lack of grounding remains the number one challenge for empaths and energy workers. Many have yet to learn how to engage the lower and upper chakras all at once, so that while we channel and receive guidance, we can anchor that new wisdom, integrate it, and bring it into embodied form. When you are not grounded, it is difficult to manifest effectively or quickly.
In energy terms, manifestation is the act of bringing thought into form, or bringing your desires into being. The very act of manifestation requires you to engage a deeper density of matter, calling in energies to create new form, which requires a powerful tethering of your energy to the Earth. If you manifest from an ungrounded place, your creations will be temporal and fleeting. Imagine building a house without a solid foundation. You wouldn’t even think about doing it, would you? Well, then, neither should you attempt to create or manifest from a place of ungrounded floating in the ethers. I often tell my students to “lift up and root down,” a mantra I offer as a reminder that we are equipped with both roots and wings. You are both the Earth and the Spirit. You inhabit both. And so you must create from both.
An induction is designed to help welcome energies, so this exercise is designed to help you inhabit this chakra or energy center and fully experience its gifts. Take a moment and call your energy into present time: Try speaking your full name out loud to call your personal energy in. Bring your attention to this moment. There is nothing to change, fix, move, or shift right now. Your full attention is requested right here, right now. Then let this meditation guide you.
1/ This meditation can be done either standing or lying down. Stretch out your arms, stretch out your legs, and lift your head. Notice how very tree-like your body is: Your arms are beautiful branches, adorned with lovely, leaf-like fingernails. Next, bring your attention to your legs. They are also strong branches—or, when held together, they are the strong trunk of your tree. Your neck is another branch, lifting your face to the sky so you can receive the beauty of the world, the life force energy of the air you breathe. When you realize how much you are nature in every way, you realize that there is no distance between you and The Mother, Pachamama, great and bountiful Gaia.
2/ The Mother figure is one of the most important archetypes, as The Mother is not merely one figure or character in your life; instead, she comes in many forms and as many teachers. Some teach you of the loving, benevolent mother who keeps you safe, nourished, and fed. Others teach you of the dark mother who jeopardizes your well- being through her own selfish actions and desires. The reality of mothering in human form is found somewhere along the spectrum between martyrdom and abandonment. One model harms us; the other harms the other.
3/ To discern what type of mothering energy is most relevant to you right now, sense where in your life or in your energy field you feel neglected. Bring your attention to that place or places. What might help you heal the feelings of neglect you sense? If you do not sense any places of neglect, notice you feel nourished and well looked after. Once you discern whether you are nourished or neglected, you can do a more effective job of balancing Root Chakra energies.
4/ When you balance Earth with Source, when you stand between the Below and the Above, and allow yourself to receive both, integrate both, and be both, you begin to access a deeper layer of conscious awakening. Allow yourself the freedom to be curious about this moment and to notice where you balance the Above and Below within. Ask yourself where you feel most connected to Source energies. How does your connection to each manifest? How do you create balance within your body and externally in your life?
5/ Imagine it now. You are, quite literally, straddling these two worlds even as you read these words. You are the Above and Below in one magnificent form. Allow yourself to feel that power now, that connection. Feel your hips open and imagine the bright beam of white universal light that flows through all beings flowing through and into the soles of your feet, from the core of the Earth, through Gaia and the great Earth Star, up through the Root and remaining chakras, through the Crown to the Soul Star and beyond, out to the farthest galaxies.
6/ Then, see the very top of your head open to the skies, allowing that white beam of universal light energy to return from the farthest reaches of the universe back through the star systems and constellations, down through the Earth’s atmosphere and into your Soul Star and Earth Star chakras, through the central column, down through the lower chakras and back … here. Here in the Mother’s womb; here in Gaia’s uppermost realms; here, where mortals walk, learn, grow, love, laugh, lose, and explore. Here where energy becomes matter.
7/ Here you are. Here it is. Here you can rest, safe, connected, and able to release any energy no longer in your sacred service. Say, silently or aloud, “Guardian Angels, bless us as we integrate the magic and wisdom of the upper and lower realms. Bring us peace as we stand between the worlds and expand our consciousness to reflect universal love and oneness. Amen, A’ho, So it is.”
8/ To conclude this induction, take a deep breath. On the exhale, imagine that you are dropping a huge golden anchor down into the Earth below you. As you do, feel the grounding as it strengthens and supports you. Allow yourself to rest here, knowing you are safe, whole, and well. These are the gifts of the Root Chakra. May they serve you well, always.
Reflective writing allows you a safe and sacred channel for integration of whatever you are learning. Words and writing are so sacred that our ancestors believed every word we spoke or wrote was either a blessing or a curse. So, mind your words, but do use them: The more you write, the more you soften to the process of allowing words to come to you unbidden, and the more likely you are to begin to channel spirit wisdom through your words. In this way, another type of psychic gift becomes available to you.
For now, as you ponder the energy of the Root Chakra, let these questions guide you. You can burn an incense of the Root Chakra herbs, anoint with Root Chakra essential oils, or hold your Root Chakra gemstones while you write, if that feels comfortable for you.
1/ The Root Chakra is the seat of karmic memories—a record of what your ancestors did, thought, and experienced in their lives—and it is the location of the imprints of your ancestors around major issues and energies. When you think about stored memories you experience on a regular basis, what words, phrases, symbols, or ideas come to mind? Keep in mind that stored memories often surface as repeated patterns of behaviors and beliefs. As you begin to question your own internal assumptions, you might uncover some patterns that no longer serve you. Assessing what you take for granted, especially long-held beliefs and entrenched behaviors (like smoking, for example), will help you bring your behaviors and beliefs into alignment with your intentions for health, wellness, prosperity, and peace in your life. Where might you be incubating old or outdated models of working with energies of love, money, work, or happiness that could be limiting you today? If you can access those energies, what messages do they have for you?
2/ How safe do you feel in your life, and why? What or who makes you feel safe and secure? Safety is rooted in the Base or Root Chakra, so it’s important to understand your relationship to safety, comfort, and protection.
3/ How do you incorporate nature into your physical routine or sacred spaces? When you want to deepen your connection to Root Chakra energy, it is important to access nature’s energy field, either by spending time in nature or by bringing nature indoors in the form of home décor, sacred items you collect on magical hikes through enchanted forests, or gifts that nature leaves for you on your doorstep. For instance, working and decorating with the medicine of peacock feathers (and those of other magical birds) is one way to bring the magic of nature into your life on a daily basis.
The peacock is particularly associated with the Root Chakra. In Greek mythology, Hera, Queen of the Gods and wife to Zeus, had a protector named Argus who had a thousand eyes so that he never lost sight of her. When Argus was killed, Hera placed his thousand eyes on the tail of her favorite bird—the peacock. And so the peacock became Hera’s totem creature, protecting her in the same way that Argus had. Think about this story. What protective totems do you treasure in your life, and why? Does peacock medicine resonate with you, and if so, how?
Once your writing is complete, offer a gesture, word, sound, or other offering of gratitude to your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write. Keep your gems and other writing tools together in a special place so they are handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.
tarot card
essential oils/herbs
Pele and Kali are the two primary goddesses of the Root Chakra, but they are also goddesses who work with the element of fire in order to manifest, to transform, and to create. Pele hails from the Hawaiian pantheon—she is keeper of the fiery cauldron of lava from which the Hawaiian island chain was born—while Kali is the Hindu goddess of death and transformation.
To work with these goddesses, you must begin by entering their ancient domain—the Earth—with reverence. This means that you are called to walk carefully upon the Earth, taking only what you need and leaving this planet more beautiful than you found it. One way to pay homage to the great goddesses is to begin seeing yourself as a divine creature, elevating the way you speak to and about yourself. When you treat yourself with deep respect, it becomes second nature to treat others and the Earth accordingly. Once you demonstrate your reverence in this way, both goddesses will open themselves to you, allowing you to warm yourself by Pele’s fire and meet Kali’s transformational gaze.
When a deity makes itself known to you, you may begin seeing symbols related to her more frequently, or you might sense her energy in meditation. When you seek goddesses such as Pele and Kali, you begin to see echoes of them in even the most mundane details of life. You can turn to either of these deities in times of fear and insecurity, such as illness, personal or political crises, or periods of transformation and change, for both are capable of assuaging your mortal concerns.
Both goddesses use destruction as a tool of creation, facilitating new beginnings through the conscious release of what no longer serves you. Be cautious as you work with these deities, however, if your intentions are unclear. Approach them with reverence and awareness of their powerful lineages. These are warrior goddesses who protect by virtue of their own powerful energy fields, where the cycles of birth, life, and death turn sometimes violently upon themselves. Because death is a natural extension of life, these goddesses invite our connection with all cycles of life and seek to attune you to the fullness of creation. Once you release fear of their potency, you will find them to be helpful allies who summon in you the same fearless fire that attracted you to them in the first place. Commit to standing fully in your power as you engage them and theirs.
BLACK TOURMALINE guards its keeper and her property with the utmost care and devotion. It is the most protective stone in the mineral kingdom. Place four pieces at the four corners of your home or property to protect your home and land, and keep a piece in your car to prevent theft.
JET is a product of wood that is decayed and deoxygenated under high pressure. Although it is light in weight, jet packs a heavy punch when it comes to protection, removing curses or hexes, and filtering dark magic that stems from previous ages or lifetimes. Our ancestors believed that carrying a piece of jet would help protect them from disease, including the Plague.
ONYX helps empaths as a working tool by absorbing and transmuting low vibrations within people or places. It is believed to make the bearer physically strong and invincible, and to attract good luck and a strong harvest.
RED AVENTURINE purifies and detoxifies energy frequencies to help clear stored trauma, promoting a deeper connection to Source energy. It helps facilitate strong circulation in the body, releasing stored toxins and improving blood flow.
RED JASPER is a stone of strength in battle and reminds the bearer of her personal strength and fortitude to resist challenges. Native Americans believed that red jasper strengthened warriors who were heading into battle. Its red color represented the blood they would not have to shed due to the stone’s protective properties.
To work with the Root Chakra gemstones, consider making a Safe Surroundings Medicine Bundle to help ground and stabilize you. To begin, find a piece of fabric that has a special meaning for you—perhaps a piece of an old T-shirt you loved, or a piece of your child’s clothing, or an abandoned but much-loved blanket. Ideally, this piece of fabric should be about 4 square inches (26 cm2) so that it can hold two to three tumbled stones as well as any herbs you may wish to add. Also, gather twine, silk ribbon, or a beautiful thread to tie the bundle closed.
When crafting a medicine bundle, always let your intuition guide you about what to include. When you do, you might reach for items such as photographs, seashells, gemstones, pieces of jewelry, or other things that surprise you. Trust your intuition as you do this. If you are called to include something, it is because that item is meant to work with you right now; it has something to teach or show you that is worthwhile. You might not know why at the moment, but down the road, in hindsight, it will likely make more sense than it does now.
Once you have gathered your medicine bundle items, place them in the center of your fabric square. Be sure that all of the ingredients are safely captured within the bundle. Be mindful as you add each piece, whispering prayers of intention for peace and protection as you go. Once all the items are safely inside, pick up each of the four corners of the fabric square. Bring them to the center, and then fold the bundle in on itself to make a rectangle or square “envelope.” Wrap the bundle with the twine, ribbon, or thread three times before tying a bow. (In magic, the number three represents the triple goddess, the three primary phases of the moon, the three faces of God—Father, Son, Holy Spirit—and much more.)
When you have tied the bow, blow your breath of life across the bundle and give thanks for its medicine. Carry it with you or keep it on your altar. Some people keep their medicine bundles with them for years, if not decades, while others bury their bundles, burn them, or release them into the ocean. Listen to your spirit guides for counsel about how best to work with this sacred tool, and trust your intuition. It is most traditional to bury a medicine bundle once it is complete, as long as all of the ingredients are biodegradable. May it serve you and protect you well.
Burdock brings prosperity and strength, but also cleanses the aura of negative thoughts and vibrations, and is especially helpful with negative inner monologues. Clove brings protection and attracts what you seek; it also helps you connect to memories of love or safety from childhood. Dandelion is connected to the Underworld and is said to facilitate easy communication with the dead, while rosemary helps clear stuck energies and entities from spaces. Paprika is energetically grounding and helpful to empaths who need to avoid holding onto the energy of their clients. Cayenne has similar properties to paprika, but is also helpful for cleansing and purification rituals. (Cayenne can also boost the spice in your love life—no pun intended!) Allspice draws money to the bearer and ensures good fortune. Nutmeg ensures loyalty and luck, while cedarwood grounds and strengthens the physical body. Finally, angelica protects both people and property, helping filter out the influence of negative entities—especially in trauma, where a life ended tragically or unexpectedly.
One way to work with herbs and resins without consuming or burning them is to arrange them in a beautiful, sacred, repeating pattern in your garden or on your altar. Herbal mandalas like these can be left in place for weeks at a time before being taken apart and then ritually burned or scattered to release the energies once the work is complete.
• 8 whole cloves
• 8 sprigs of rosemary, fresh or dried
• 8 cedarwood chips
• Cayenne, paprika, or allspice powder for sprinkling
• Quartz points and Root Chakra gemstones, if desired
Before creating your mandala, think about the appropriate location for your design. Will it be a temporary space, or would you prefer to leave the mandala in place permanently? This will help you decide whether to work indoors or outdoors. Next, think about what kind of protection you seek based on the elements, and let that decision guide the directional placement. Do you seek the protection of ancestors? If so, create a north-facing mandala. Do you seek the protection of clear sight and freedom of thought, or a new beginning? If so, create an east-facing mandala. Do you seek the protection of strength in battle? If so, create a south-facing mandala. Do you seek emotional protection? If so, create a west-facing mandala.
Then, lay out all of the herbs and resins in front of you, and ask for guidance about how to arrange them. Avoid overthinking this: Let Spirit work through your hands instead. Try laying out four pieces of each herb, spice, and resin first, one in each direction. Then divide the quarters in quarters again with the remaining pieces. Place the rosemary sprigs at the cross-quarters between the spices and resins. Sprinkle the loose spice and herb powders around the mandala, creating patterns as you go. (When creating a mandala, you always want to place objects with intention to create repeating patterns.) Once your mandala is pleasing to your eye, you are finished. Give thanks for the inspiration and magic it represents, as well as the protection it will bring to you and your space. Amen, A’ho, So it is.
In the Tarot, The World card is said to denote the cycles of time and nature, and the impact of both time and nature on the human experience. In many ways, The World represents the union of Earth and Source—the mingling of the metaphysical with the mundane—that characterizes the Root Chakra. The main theme of The World card is integration, for it represents the amalgam of tools and resources necessary to build an empire. All knowledge of the past, present, and future meet in The World card, and can be harnessed for your use. The main question asked by The World card is, “What do you desire most?”
If you could access all that you desire, and if you were able to fully integrate the spiritual with the mundane in your life, what would that cosmic integration look like? So many people are unable to manifest what they seek simply because they do not believe their desires are attainable. You might feel that way, too. But just for a moment, allow The World card to open your mind and your heart so that they can hold space for what seems impossible. Your belief is fuel for your dreams. Such is the medicine of The World.
Algiz is one of Odin’s original 24 runes of the Elder Futhark (the oldest form of the runic alphabets). It represents the overarching protection of the universe that is available to all humans at any time. By uttering the word or drawing the symbol of this powerful rune, you too can harness its protective energies, for it forms a protective shield over you, keeping you safe from the storms of life. Whether your fears are physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature, you can turn to the energy of Algiz to calm and comfort you. Let its energy pour over you like a virtual shield of energy.
Algiz carries the vibration of the Valkyries from the Norse tradition. They are the female warrior spirits who carry out Odin’s divine will on the battlefield, deciding who will die in battle and who will survive. The Valkyries are strong figures of protection who often saved soldiers’ lives on the battlefields when their mortal journeys were not yet complete. In this way, the Algiz rune reminds you to trust in the energy of the Valkyries, for they will protect you in times of danger and can save your spirit on the battlefields of life. During an especially challenging period in a relationship or at work, for example, you can connect to the Valkyries and ask that they deliver you safely to the other side of whatever obstacle you face. They can carry you through and help you connect to energies of bravery, courage, and strength.
Saturn is the father of the solar system, the great teacher of what must be and the bearer of life lessons. At the Root Chakra, Saturn affirms the importance of stable rhythms and cadence in life and the role of structure in your personal and spiritual development. Order and moderation in all things is the law of Saturn. Saturn tightens the noose on us energetically, forcing development rather than letting it unfold on its own terms. If you fall out of line or do not complete the tasks of life, Saturn reminds you of the gaps you overlooked and then requires you to complete what is undone, closing energy loops. Knowing this, you can anticipate some of the Root Chakra challenges and work to overcome any natural inclination to leave tasks incomplete. By noting where Saturn falls in your personal natal astrological chart, including the house Saturn sits in as well as the sign governing Saturn for you personally, you can better understand how parental energies are likely to manifest in your own life.
Here, at the Root, you are invited to discover The Guardian Angel and The Soldier, two different but aligned faces of protection that manifest in people, places, or the experiences that you choose (or that choose you). The Guardian Angel archetype provides protection through wisdom and deep access to hidden understandings. For many, the Archangels—and in particular, Archangel Michael—are also archetypes of the Root Chakra.
The Soldier, on the other hand, is able to keep you physically safe by forcibly protecting your spaces through acts of aggression. (When working with protection archetypes, it is important to recognize that one’s face is non-violent while the other’s is violent. Without judgment, we recognize that some transgressions in life require action for protection and some require diplomacy.) Both the Guardian Angel and the Soldier offer shelter from the worries and challenges of mortal life. Their method of entry and modus operandi are different, but their intention is the same: your protection and safety. As you encounter the Root Chakra archetypes, let yourself soften into the role of child and surrender your major worries and concerns to them. Where can you learn to trust more deeply that all is well, and that you are supported, held, and protected? What parts of your life or health would improve if you made fewer of your decisions based on fear?
Call upon these energies when you are feeling tired, discouraged, or weak. Imagine them as strong allies to you who can take from you the anxieties, hesitations, and insecurities that keep you from feeling strong and stable in your life today.
In Sanskrit, the mantra Aad Guray Namay means “I bow to the primal wisdom [of Source],” and is considered to be a mantra of the White Light of Divine Protection. It is thought that by honoring the divine wisdom of the planet, you become able to walk in that wisdom—indeed, to walk through it and inhabit it, thus lessening personal human suffering and erasing human fears. When you feel scared and alone, simply uttering this mantra will bring you closer to God (regardless of how you conceptualize the Force that created you, and by whatever name you summon it). The recitation of this mantra is also said to attract new teachers to you, in addition to new sources of wisdom and protection.
Consider what it means to send out a universal request for new teachers or new pathways to learning. Doing so creates space in your life for new energies and new people to arrive who can offer you new insights and ways of deepening your spiritual practice. What would you like to learn, how, and from whom? Meditate on the many ways you might benefit from deepening your own practice and expanding your toolkit. Give thanks for the wisdom already on its way to you.
Root Chakra activation is one way of accessing a deeper level of connection to the Earth to help stabilize your energy centers and strengthen your energy reserves. Then you can begin the sacred task of integrating the wisdom of this protective energy center, this pulsing center of swirling red light that is like a beacon of safety and wellness. Use this short meditation to guide you.
1/ First, know that when you rest in the space of the Root Chakra, you are home. There is no need to seek peace outside yourself. Give thanks to the protection goddesses and your spirit guides who guard you daily. Give thanks also to Archangel Michael who comes to guide you toward the light of love and protection in your life. Say, thank you, thank you, thank you.
2/ Just as you would crawl into your mother’s lap as a child at the end of the day, or after a stressful event, so you can now crawl into the Root Chakra. Imagine yourself curling deeply into a fetal embrace, holding yourself as you are held within the planet, within the solar system, and by ancestors whose bones lie below you and whose spirits fly above you.
3/ Let yourself curl up and in, and know it is safe to rest here and now. It is safe to believe that dreams can come true and circumstances can change in your favor, quickly, and without force or toil. It is safe to allow the river of your life to flow without feeling the need to force it here or there? The river is not waiting on your command and does not require your permission to flow. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, speak softly to yourself the way you would speak to a small child who was afraid. Remind yourself that all is well, here and now.
4/ Here at the Root, it is not only safe to let go, it is also the law. You must surrender. Choose surrender. Do not wait for surrender to choose you. The easier path is the path of allowance. As you think about allowance, notice any areas of discomfort or resistance you encounter. Acknowledge the resistance, then consciously release it and let it go. Keep talking to your child self. She is safe to allow. She is safe to trust. She is safe to be. Breathe in this allowance: It is the Great Mother’s gift to you. She wants you to enjoy the one life you’ve been given—this life. Treasure it, guard it, appreciate it. Use it for the good of all.
Amen, A’ho, So it is. And on we go.