Conclusion: Giving the Chakras a Voice

In this, the final chapter of this book, each chakra is given a voice here to speak to you directly so as to offer its wisdom. These are channeled, high-frequency messages designed to help you connect even more deeply with each of the nine energy centers explored in this book. As you prepare to enjoy each section, take a moment to call your energy into present time, inhale deeply and exhale fully, and consider anointing yourself with one of the essential oils for each of the chakras to help open your other channels of awareness. You could choose to hold one of the gemstones of that chakra as you read; or, perhaps, simply lying down in a comfortable position, wrapped in a warm blanket, feels best to you. Trust and follow your intuition in this (and

This chapter is not an “intellectual” chapter; it is a spiritual experience of energy concepts translated into the written word. Allow yourself to melt into the words of this chapter. When words are translated through spirit, they take on a different vibration. The words that follow have the capacity to open, heal, restore, soothe, and bless you. Meet them from where you are today, and let them take you where you are intended to go.

Amen, A’ho, So it is. And on we go.

If the Earth Star Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of deep chambers in the innermost layers of the Earth’s core, where all of the ancestors’ bones create a pyramid of lived wisdom. This wisdom takes root deep in the Earth and feeds the crystals and minerals as they form over thousands of years. The ancestors speak these words of wisdom through the gem and mineral people, the rock and stone people, and the bone spirits. When you work with rock or bone, you are harnessing stored energy from ages past. You can rest down here in this labyrinth of wisdom and time. Set down your worries and cares and take a seat. Stay for a while—for thousands of years, if you like. This place is not unfamiliar to your spirit, for you have traveled here before. Here your aunts and uncles commune with your great-great-grandparents, who connect to the ones who initiated your line. You are well known here.

When you work with your crystals and minerals, you are working with me, too—Vasundhara, Daughter of the Earth. I am your grandmother, too, the embodied union of your wise woman ancestors across time. Can you hear us? We seek only to comfort and protect you from the cares of this world. We are here to remind you that you truly are held in a womb of love at all times, and you do not need to do or be anything special to deserve or receive this love. It is simply yours now, as it has always been.

If I, the Earth Star Chakra, could speak, I would offer you the blessing of my bountiful and strong embrace. You can place your faith in me, for I am strong enough to hold you and anchor you, to tether you to a place that will not fail or resist you. Here you will never experience rejection or sorrow, for here you are known, seen, held, appreciated, and wanted. Here you are the child that was deeply desired by both of her parents, and here you are the child whose needs are met by a community of loving souls whose ultimate priority is your care and well-being. I see you.

If the Root Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of protection, for mine is the chakra of safety and home. I would want you to understand that safety is your birthright. All sentient creatures care for their young and do so on the basis of instinct, not desire. If you were not cared for in this way, you deserve to find protection now in your adult years, for safety is still your birthright. I am here to take your hand and show you the way. I have many tools I can offer you for this work. You are not doing this work alone; many on this planet right now feel lost and afraid, alone without direction or guidance.

Let me introduce you to the plant and flower kingdom and the many allies you have there. When you work with flowers and flower essences or herbs and essential oils, you are in the realm of the Root Chakra, the borderland between what is visible and what is buried, the present and the past. When you connect with the plant medicines and sacraments that present themselves as healers and messengers of hidden wisdom, you make the spiritual progress necessary for you to fulfill your soul’s purpose for incarnation. This work is very important. Take the time to learn the ancient names of familiar herbs, for even their names offer vibrational magic. Touch the herbs and flower petals, rubbing them between your fingers, releasing their sacred essence and perfuming your body and hair with their oils. Enjoy working with the fruits of my trees, the flowers on my vines. They are my art, and I toil over them in anticipation of your joy.

Next, let us walk alongside the spirit animal helpers who have arrived to support us. In the east, birthplace of new beginnings, eagle and condor fly to meet us and help us see our lives from a loftier angle. Jaguar and hummingbird meet us in the south to connect us with fire element energies. We move west to find crow and black bear waiting, patient teachers of insight and integration. Then in the north, all of the snow creatures arrive: deer, bison, moose, buffalo, and elk, with their teachings of process and time, grounding and proud strength.

If I, the Root Chakra, could speak, I would tell you that you never walk alone. Here you walk among giants and ancient ones, beings of stone and light who are patient and all-seeing. Here you are rescued from the struggle of life; you need only say yes and allow us to hold you, sweet one. I see you.

If the Sacral Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of passion and desire, and tell you tales of adventures in longing and lust. I would summon you into my chamber and urge you to leave your hesitations outside, for mine is the chakra of exploration into the secret desires of our hearts. Mine is also the chakra of life, for it is within my womb that life nests, anchors, and grows. My ability to inspire, seduce, and create is the source of my power, and it is not a power to be underestimated.

When you feel disconnected from your inner goddess and your deepest desires, simply call upon me. I am here to remind you of the most delicate aspects of your sensual beauty. I can remind you of the way your eyes glisten in the sun or the beautiful way your hands move when you speak. I will tell you tales of how others have desired you and longed for your attention. I will mirror back to you the many ways you have brought beauty to this world by expanding your capacity to love, to desire, and to create. As the last of the lower chakras, I will anchor your magic in your physical body to keep you grounded and connected as you move and explore the treasures of this world.

When you work with the element of fire, you are activating one of my primary channels for Sacral Chakra energy. Masculine fire energy can fill depleted reserves and strengthen you in times of challenge or confusion. I am the chakra of clarity and motion: As my delegate of this sacred work, the Fire Element will push you forward and offer momentum to stay the course in all you do.

If I, the Sacral Chakra, could speak, I would tell you that you are worthy of desire just as you are right now, today. You are a magnificent vessel of creative potential and every curve of your body is a delight worthy of deep and slow exploration. Your lips spill seductive secrets; your eyes, aglow with the fire burning inside of you, are windows to a soul that has so much living left to do. I am here to whisper in your ear, “Keep going.” Your best and sexiest years are ahead, goddess, and a universe of passions awaits you. I see you.

If the Solar Plexus Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of power, because you have arrived in the human body’s epicenter of personal power, self-esteem, ego, and will. Here, in my space, power is not just a concept, but also a currency, a flow of energy you can connect to as you wish. I would tell you stories of power and prestige, tales of conquest from ancient civilizations—stories of war and bloodshed, but also of sovereignty and divine-right authority bestowed upon humans by God. Many think of power as a curse, but I am here to remind you that power is one of the keys to peace. To find happiness, you must feel as though you can influence the outcomes of your life. The events of your life are not just happening to you; they are happening through you, because of you, and in light of you. You are a divine co-author of your life.

When you work with the sun, you harness the direct energy of my frequency. Allow the warm rays of the sun to penetrate your own energy field and fill you with an overwhelming sense of confidence and purpose. Feel yourself stand taller as you turn your face to the sun and give thanks for the blessings offered to you here. Let yourself rest here, basking in its comforting embrace. In this moment, everything is in order and just as it should be. In this moment, you are capable of all that you desire to create in life. You are powerful, competent, and worthy. You have the skills you need to live this one life to its fullest limits, experiencing every joy and blessing. You have the energy it takes to become your true, authentic self and to express your full essence in the world. Nothing about you needs to be changed, molded, or adapted to suit anyone else’s needs.

If I, the Solar Plexus Chakra, could speak, I would tell you to rise, queen. Rise, king. Take your rightful place in the universe as a bright star capable of birthing a universe. You do not take orders from others. You do not bow to another’s commands. You are the ruler of your realm, and your sovereignty is unquestioned. Your authority is both legitimate and valuable. You have much to learn, but you also have much to share. The world needs you. May you come to see the power you have always held. I see you.

If the Heart Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of love, for here in my arms you can find the unconditional tenderness you have sought for many lifetimes. I am here to teach you how to both give and receive love.

Oh, how the heart becomes wounded in this life. Desires mingle with expectations and then the reality of humanity sets in. People can only give so much, love so much, offer so much. There is always a limit in the mortal realm. Humans can only do so much with what they have and where they are. It is not for lack of desire or will—it simply is. You seek a spiritual love—a love that transcends time and space. A love that feels like home. When humans speak of home, connect to the idea of home, they are anchoring themselves in the Universal Home—the star systems from which all of our souls emerged many thousands of years ago to pioneer the human experience on Earth—from which all souls collectively descend and to which all souls return.

If I, the Heart Chakra, could speak, I would remind you that love is truly all there is. You are here to see, experience, learn, give, and receive love. Nothing more, nothing less. My greatest teaching to you, if you can receive it, is that people are flawed and will fail you. You must find a way to love them anyway. Life will bestow hundreds of moments of magic upon you, if you can pause long enough to see and appreciate them. Those moments will sustain you when it seems like all is lost. Let yourself be immersed in those moments and know that more always come. They always come. Love always comes.

Love eludes the human grasp. Cling to it too tightly, and love flees; ignore it too long, and love disappears. Love needs even and consistent care, appreciation, and acknowledgment to flourish. That is the secret: Tell love often that it is loved. In return, love will tell you often that you are loved. Love wants you to experience ease and flow. When you stop struggling, you will float. I promise. I see you.

If the Throat Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of your voice and your ability to articulate, understand, see, and honor truth. Now is the time for you to step into an authentic way of living and being, because hiding your true self prevents you from making spiritual progress.

When you work with your voice—through speaking, writing, or singing—you make a sacred offering to the universe because your voice is needed. Your message is sacred. Your gifts are unique. And you were created in the image of the divine to bring these gifts to the planet at this time. You were chosen for a reason.

When you work with the crystals of angelic presence, you connect with me as well, for my chakra is the domain of angels. Here, where your truth lives, so too does the voice of your truth and the fullest expression of your authentic self. When you live deeply, accepting all of yourself—even the parts that seem unlovable—you are presenting a gift to the entire cosmos. Your most powerful guardian angel is, ironically, you. Both power and protection truly come from within. You are both mortal and immortal, and the immortal parts of you keep watch over the mortal parts. That is why protection is your birthright; you carry it with you.

The entire universe seeks to hear your voice. Speak! Sing! Let all who surround you learn the songs of your soul. If you need to yell, yell! Scream and shout, and then laugh, cry, and let it all fall to silence for a moment. Silence can also be a facet of your voice.

If I, the Throat Chakra, could speak, I would tell you that your truth is Truth. You are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, and your fullest self—with all your flaws—is beautiful. I see you.

If the Third Eye Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of knowing and wisdom. I would ask you what is troubling you in order to help you interpret the signs presenting themselves to you as occluded symbols and mysteries. I would teach you to see with all three of your eyes—your two human eyes to see, and your one knowing eye to understand.

At the Third Eye Chakra, a new dimensional world becomes available to you. As you inch closer to the border between the physical body and the soul, your awareness begins to drift away from the things of mortal concern and your consciousness expands to include the greater collective of spirits that incarnated together in this lifetime. You are here to help and guide others, as they are here to help and guide you.

When you look outside of yourself for tools to use in helping others, never forget that your greatest tool is your intuition. It speaks a thousand languages and is as old as time. It knows both the masculine and feminine path, and so nothing in the human realm is foreign to your deepest knowing. When you begin to doubt yourself and your access to this knowing, you need to spend more time right here, in this sanctuary of insight. Go within, not without, to find the answers to all of your heart’s questions.

If I, the Third Eye Chakra, could speak, I would remind you that you already have the answers to your questions; you may simply not have access to them right now because you are not ready to see. Sometimes the spirit guides are benevolent that way: They bring to your vision and attention only the concepts and realities you are prepared to receive and integrate into your present level of awareness. Begin dialogue with your guides: Ask for signs and wisdom. Ask to be shown what you are ready to receive now. Know that intuition sometimes appears as a series of tiny locked doors. Each tiny door of truth or awareness that you unlock leads you to another. Keys to each door are provided when and as you are ready. Be in a state of gratitude for the many keys you have already been given, and be in a state of trust that more keys are arriving. When the signs come, integrate and act fearlessly upon them. You are always shown what you need to see, even if what you see is difficult for you to accept. Remember that all wisdom is a blessing. In your quest for wisdom and truth, know that I see you.

If the Crown Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of your oneness with Source and divine union, for here at the Crown Chakra you experience for the first time your absolute connection to Source energy. On many levels you know that you are a spiritual being in human form, but it is not until you engage the Crown Chakra that you begin to embody this truth and live it in a way others can see, experience, and learn from.

I would remind you that you are a teacher, and your greatest lesson is love. It has always been love, and will always be love. It is a challenge to teach love if you have not experienced it yourself. Even without the experience of love in physical form, you are still obliged to learn, embody, and teach love. That is why Crown Chakra work is the hardest of all for some, while it comes naturally and effortlessly for others. How you experience the Crown Chakra is about how your spirit evolves in this lifetime, which is anchored in not just your past on this planet but your past lives as well. At the Crown Chakra, we are reunited with Source/God/Creator as a means of helping us to experience, on a spiritual level, the love we may not have been given on a physical or emotional level. The Crown Chakra fills in the gaps of the Heart Chakra with an even more profound kind of love—one that is unconditional and universally accessible to all.

When you work with sound tools, yoga, and meditation, you are actively opening the channel to receive Crown Chakra energy. Through drumming, breathing, and quieting the mind we find ourselves in an intimate dance with our creator. Crystal and plant allies also offer themselves as points of access to the Great Mystery. The sacred Lakota prayer Mitakuye Oyasin, which means “all are related,” is a powerful mantra for the Crown Chakra, as it is a central access point for all energies, all levels of consciousness, and all faces of the divine.

If I, the Crown Chakra, could speak, I would urge you to see the entire world as both your mirror and your muse, reflecting your own beauty back to you and inspiring you to become something greater than you are today. I would encourage you to see your own magic in the magic of others, in the tiniest miracles—right down to the unfurling of the smallest leaf on the plants and trees. When the cares of the world feel like too much to witness or carry, remember who you are and more importantly, what you are: an echo of the divine. I bow to the divine in you, and I see you.

If the Soul Star Chakra Could Speak …

I would speak to you of magic beyond your experience or imagination, for here in my realm, time and space collapse in on each other. They support the edges of the third dimension and so they anchor your human reality as you experience it today. Thus, you may not even be able to consciously conceive of what is possible at the Soul Star Chakra. You cannot live in the Soul Star Chakra, but you can reach it. It is available to you. The gestures here, though, must be intentional. Your permission is required.

At the Soul Star Chakra, you will find a peace that is not accessible through the traditional seven-chakra system. Here, peace is not just part of the energy field: It is the energy field. Nothing exists outside of peace at the Soul Star Chakra. I see how you struggle with your own process to locate peace and I want to assist you, guide you, teach you. Although you are a teacher, a wise one, a guru to others, you still need to be taught and guided. There is still much you do not know. Much of that mystery resides here, in my domain. Welcome. Your arrival has been planned.

When you work with ascension tools and beings of higher dimensions, you are activating my energy. There are few ascension tools—crystals, candles, herbs, oils—for humans to access at this time, because most people are not doing this work. However, this is not something to mourn or worry about. Not all are ready; in fact, most are not. And yet ascension is the End Game of all incarnations in your universe. When the time comes for ascension work to begin, every aspect of the person’s life becomes a tool, and every person in her life becomes a teacher capable of facilitating progress and development. You do not need to seek tools of ascension. When the time arrives, tools and teachers will appear. This is law.

If I, the Soul Star Chakra, could speak, I would remind you of the simplicity and intelligence of all things. Humans have made spiritual matters so complex, but they are natural, equivalent, automatic, and intelligently designed. There is a grand architecture in the universe that you are prevented from seeing, for the sight of it would make human life impossible. How would you continue to agree to struggle through the challenges and toils of this life if you knew that ease and grace were all around you, all the time? Yet toil you must—at least a little—to learn the lessons and pass the trials. In the universe, there has always been an exchange—a this for a that, a consequence for every action. This law of reciprocity is a basic law of fundamental physics that explains most of the magic you experience as a human—the ebb, the flow. Ascension requires embodiment of the truths of the universe. You are in that process now, and I see you.