1. Ameena Hussein: The Jagged Edge of my Imagination
2. Amruta Patil: Scribbling Block
3. Anita Nair: Beyond the Horizon
4. Anjum Hasan: In Search of Anjum Hasan
5. Anuradha Marwah: The Activist vs Sunflowers: Writing Fifty
6. Bapsi Sidhwa: Why and How I Write
7. Bina Shah: My Father’s Thesis
8. Jaishree Misra: The Truth About Fiction
9. Janice Pariat: Journey from the Hills
10. Kavery Nambisan: Knives at Work
11. Lavanya Sankaran: This Writing Thing
14. Meira Chand: A Jigsaw Identity
15. Mishi Saran: Split in Half Six Ways
17. Namita Devidayal: Cupcake Addict
18. Ru Freeman: When in Doubt, Climb the Roof
19. Shashi Deshpande: Looking Back
20. Shinie Antony: A Word about Words
21. Susan Visvanathan: Speaking, Writing: Twin Skills
23. Tishani Doshi: Around the Edges of the Great Swamp: Reasons for Writing