Four Poems
Alice Notley
canyon and spirit mountains peaceful spring with springs; not paying attention to
glyphs. there are rabbits the springs are damp circles on the sand among greener
bushes sunlight a lovely tone what can i do with it one says. musnt. try to know
amid words which are deep and alive large as dolmens glyphs whose lines cut deeply
into the past which is not a gone thing linear but a depth and a returning power
also. know. in a clearing what i’m doing. not at all walking through my life as i often
thing think but standing in place where i am been will be not using words not making
them not being them but being among them as they are nature. past may be a gracious
door always open skylike but in place a, wind in place or as a massive invisible process
is both carven and calmly fluid the sky moves. i never move. chunk rock but not ice
will never weep, when i cry its to break open to. you will not know if you dont suffer,
why, a closed system cannot know but a knowing sky can be a mountain a knowing all
can be carved as well and the words, the words part of all are like these.
use me suddenly i might say, and the canyon of my youth goes mosaic, i’m in the
basilica by rights. walk toward that mosaic, as far as the spirit mountains,
flickering light, across the glass cubes of. precious stones have been used in places, the
mountains themselves are partly made of.
agate, jasper, quartz.
and you have disliked me last night in a dark hall. meaningless or not? if
i am a thing and you are, the forces between us those emotions are the small
winds of the universe lines or forces between things but undiagrammable and
being an aberration of the lines of like or a part of. no, you have disliked me disrupted
me last night in a dark hall, is abstract and whats real is, that i am not a thing and so
not dislikeable and cannot dislike on the real plane. where the glyphs are, and
the dolmens, left to tell, of what is permanent, messages of, from the enduring
“feelings,” such as existence itself.
go on a little faster now in the wind the blank blue and theres a rabbit will he shoot it
so we can eat it tonight jack rabbit cotton tail eat cotton tail. all these rocks
pebbles in the mosaic from the past when i was a child one april in grapevine canyon.
lines of motion and emotion telepathies and paths all intertwined like
grapevines with leaves of and the purple globes of, the
telepathic the sending of all the messages all the thoughts ever and going on all in
those little lines scattered toward and blown away ever everywhere everything ever
thought at all blown about
in the canyon the glyphs
are paradise as preserved in the mind thats why theres the past.
i mean why theres no past
but in the next moneyless year there is a nearly fully grown snake of mine snake
what is this snake, this principles nearly large enough to bite me has a head like a
rattlers. you want some other symbol made out of modern fabric i dont have it no
life principle in you if thats you modern fabric. this snake is nearly large enough
to bite me, so i should turn it loose in the building to hide behind the furniture in
the dark where it lives best now. sister life cuts hers truncates hers though, before
she sets them loose, and she beats them, beats them into submission, i dont want to
do that. the snakes hide behind the bookcases making slime and skin in the dark
shedding and shedding
making more and more new years. in this new year i can find the buried person
the oldest person or year but the year the new year is that old one, the pieces
scattered throughout us and irretrievable, unless reamassed whole in a vision
and so the dreams and so the peculiarities of them.
the men who lived only with each other said to fear their room it was full of naked
men, i said i was afraid but i wasnt. i was searching searching the house, what was I
looking for? certainly not the department of gender
what is
a gender what on earth what is earth i was looking for what is earth in a world a
modern fabric
how is all this depicted in the church cant you see
a serpent asleep in the dark protects the original nature,
or vision. old mother python. there was a castle.
on a shelf in it were heads, sculptures and one was of joan of arc, next to it under a
sheet, was that of king she served, i peeked at him under the sheet and so
he came as a ghostly wind, to terrify me in my sleep. the wind of the dead king
plucked up my own sheet from the bed and tried to strangle me. the principle
of the king tried to kill me, as my sister life keeps trying to bludgeon into submission
the snake
my sex is still involved.
superficially as the fabric of this world lies, the lies by which we
always why death is so important. the only life the
second world entangled like coils of always in this very one. death is so
important its freedom from us, the figures on the
walls know this being dead
snake piss behind everything can you like that as i do
hes killing the snake again for the pure maiden? what is she, she is himself hates
snake piss, the feel of old skins to the bare feet, have you ever walked through a yard
full of sloughing layers and layers, with bare feet? and feared both pollution
and that something live was there a real snake, amid the shed skins the real life the
first nature, under everything. the naturally slithering mosaic as the light takes the
walls of the church or as a candleflame takes them at night
serpent of enclosure of our mystery, here I am inside and cant
know it without the old symbols, like that, its like that through layers and layers, the
skeleton of the person is there but is the principle still there beyond symbols and
principles is it still i am i there?
sheds us the universe will shed us without a “thought” we are dead in so many coiled
faraway futures how many are there are there am i like them too? but i am not like,
skimming gold toward. and what did you say,
lib-by, in exile
so skimming and inviting like night of the stars in a small garbage quartier
anywhere world small garbage neighborhood this coin is so dirtied with snake piss
i wonder if i’m dead, shoved out into the cold new years night all alone and with no
access to water, i most needed water. no one needed to sleep they were already and
always. i never knew if i was or not was i asleep there
was a man so depressed because he was asleep it wasnt the same as
dead dead was full of light
floated floating in the city of ancient ancient
sleep, tears were sleep grief cold and dirt were sleep and fucking strangers for money
was sleep and talking to strangers for money, and talking to people who
gradually pulled closer and closer to one in sleep. in the church
a mauve river flickers along its length its made of real amethysts not of water its
made of purest thought
flickering in and out of being messages
from. i don’t know what, the ever future now the extensive reality which isnt a
universe that no one understands but that talks to us all the time the whole thing is
always talking within us and to us and outwardly toward the other us thats outside
us and i, i am a focus an all-point with only fabricated outward characteristics but the
medium in which i am alive is not fabricated. blood is not
blood and see, see the blood, is not see, where are we
then in a
and what isnt dreams is now the future
words dont remain her dead mouth opens and closes instead she
kept in thrall by someone who reads our thoughts. the story of the egyptian captivity
babylonian captivity, reads the thoughts youve been given by him, thats how hes able
to read them
especially in a widows house, can read thought from outside, is outside secretly in the
dark reading her thoughts. her house is all windows panes into night and she knows
hes there listening to her head
she says to me, he can read yours too. the more intelligent you are, the easier it is for
him to read them. is that because intelligent means educated, to most, and educations
so standardized. i know he can read my thoughts
because when i speak my voice crackles as if through a microphone, presumably my
thoughts crackle too, as if magnified in volume by his powers. who is he. is he her
dead husband perhaps, someone else suggests.
let me go. thats what all people say. or youll later be drowned in the red sea. thats
what people say, drown them drown them all, golden bodies others beneath the
waters dead and now knowledgeable
if he knows so much says the widow why does he haunt me why doesnt he stay in his
knowledge. what does the attachment of people for each other, including the desire to
dominate utterly, have to do with the beginning
of things. is there a mathematical formula for a two become one which later must
split. a sort of symmetry, a kind of emotional elastic stretching in which the mauve
feelings are horror and the green ones fascination still
she now has given up on his death she accepts that hes never died though he still
might, he didnt die disappear and come back, hes always been here sick reading her
mind, hes moved back into the house
this is the life of the past. there is no past its a story. stories are bodies we keep going
on alive only in others minds everyone acts as if this is lovely its inutterably hideous,
to live in others. there is a way out
there must be, to leave the icon of symmetry tear it tear away.
the only possible freedom is mental so i didnt speak to pharoah, didnt approach
nebechudnezzar i entered a cave for seven years not even accessible to daniels dreams
no one could read my thoughts there, fed on grasses slugs and bitter water. there is the
picture, another gold cell, the only real monk in cappadoccia, under under ground so
the dead man couldnt make my voice crackle, so all the listening dead men ruling
the world couldnt have me. daniel dont dream of me
destroy the thoughts hes given me in order to read them. he reads them backwards
even, sthguoht eht yortsed. he uses symmetry to enslave me, he uses logic, but he
doesnt use reason. the depth of all there is, in which he drowns his troops in order to
rule, remaining ignorant, as you are ignorant who have never broken from formation
broken symmetry, broken from any symmetric rearrangement of pieces after a
presumed radical break
i dont care about your welfare, you have what you need the ability to break and
reform, the ability to force others to do so too, so you can read their minds. what
would you do if you no longer could read their minds. what would you do in your
own mind. what would you think what would you do about time always previously
measured out by you in your own symmetries lengthwise and so exactly controllably
widthwise, all mathematics your invention the stars have been lenient to you
compliant havent they do you listen to their thoughts. of course you do in time they
tell you all their secrets you are the great and have remained innocent like a graph or a
snowflake, or a stave of 18th century music. under the dirt in cave unbidden invisible
no name on list in time what a nightmare couldnt have mind read by history by
future pharoahs of enlightenment. i break brek like mountains away into so slow
there almost is none. sitting next to dirt part of one retime without tracks here and
what is already in mind, still partly his, keeps singing, what did i do then and then but
that was to be sequence, after this death theres no sequence, going on justly not pat if
possi how does it look now in areas of if its symmetry well its not his is it can he
read it i dont read it i look quickly at its movement staying still it and i all the
movements in stillness. the swaying toward, hes out there again trying to get in
by saying i need him to eat so dont eat tae benowst. having no sympathy is
beautiful. the best of icons are unpat, unsympathetic are not about about projection
of the superficial only the dee. upon mortuary slab pasts rising up in days going on
symmetrically so wh wh do yo its for fod foo all of it the slave. ddeep deep green that
year, a bit of a story. in the mid did wha, it was because of the baby. there was nothing
else to do because of the baby, who had to be brought to a pass to decide for himself.
thus became tied to the process of money for food. thats the only story really and its
real a real story, where i solemn not mad eat wild grasses and nurse the baby. there is
no ending, dont you know a. wants a humane piece of furniture. honor. but i want
money so i can eat. i dont really have to eat in here which is why i spend as much
time as possible. i cant find out anything unless you stay out. its not a cave church it
needs too much light its in light but cave is a figure on a wall i go in in reaction.
underneath as always there its the same as in the light.
is there some loss
with the hybrid baskets lovely but woven into machines,
straw woven with wires, robotic as at la villette
fish there with our eyes but small bodies, treated like robots edible robotics
mice genetically engineered fluorescent for no reason.
have evinced no reason in eras. have not and within here is there reason. is there
some loss, tracy? yes, tracy replies there has been great loss so great we can hardly
recognize whats been lost, “how do you like your country?”
“its cold. i was lying with abrith oil
before.” a birth oil
and i was born once, but am i now
ceaseless need to care for adolescents, in a black dress when someone needs sex.
we are needing needing what have we ever. all the dead fish, thrown back to
rot because we didn’t need them, with their sensitive eyes, electricity
burning stupid the metro on the way, what are we on the way, everyone
was on the way. straight, so straight
singing in the ash trees, is a too fragmentary knowledge of happiness
remember the 666 that the purchases in the dress store added up to. you always
knew it, said the clerk, what have i always known? that white
peoples houses contain too much water, flowing at will, they have coopted all the
birth or is it rebirth, have coopted it, shit, says the indian, look at all that lifegiving
edenic water inside a white persons house, i always knew it. and i knew
how cold it was to have no oil in the afterbirth
too fragmentary the tropes of a nonfunctional mind. ra rings. goin on, the virgin
at the foot of the cross is simple desolation, in black and nearly faceless, at the end
of eras eras erase all this and have created this sec sec you are that i i c must concen
have you t noticed how the future is always anticipated by letters which will appear
in future words?
plastic cans of iowa anywhere says the invader of houses of water
mind mine, mine is not their developments or yours, mine is not yours, my mind
is there some loss
concentrated, just alive this morn in the after of butterflies in cages up and down the
rue papillon cocoons, worms and les comètes the grand yellow ones of madagascar
scar gas of what keeps us going, throwing useless dead fish back, because
we’ve joined the worldwide capitalize project.
so you preach revolution, revolution, against who everyone, the
figure on the wall is looking at you, if you would simply stand up straight
is that figure that straightbacked saint or prophet or sad
viri virgin virgin free? oh so yes, to be free is to face the world straight on and gravely
united robe not to obfuscate the sex the delicate and lightly
lubricated flower or, flower or, sea life of erect pipe or the convulsed vulvic flower
shapes shared with others those animals and plants
i left the man on the floor with it, someone must care for the young, the
preadolescent children, in a black dress on second avenue, first avenue was first
on it a different care, on second avenue on second there is no change without a bit of
stroking without some sex returned in the chicken cafe
then i can carry the dead chicken, with the vultures head attached too, all the way to
the new houses on the edge of the desert
talk to saint talk to, lib-bay, beau-ty, yes, is the good
anthropos, andromeda, multimedia wind and rain
beauty the good is, blow suffer a blow though? suffer it why, purifying
lying there, dont do another ill. bad hawk scream, aguila arizona, desolate on
the way to a little water appears near wickenberg. there was a stream there wasnt there
lib-by, all of it, come here liquid for pai, pain dance, force not
performed as such, no art of it. thats how painful it was, blew through the
house like an alien personality of my own
sensitive eyes swimming, trapped next to a food counter
blow of force and of life, stop carrying a dead chicken, saint open again so i can see i
want to see see it the message from all whove ever lived
drink jerez de la frontera, cross the border into, into a room of the good
it is instead of what they call god or some piece partial name,
integral, the leaves beyond number glitter like scales or pieces being one, one shining
a union, an un, a hyssop nonhybridian nonpantocrator
fills. fascinting fascinating light of non doom, no doom
mood nair thedniw, come come, hop to in, in the kitc kitchen of breaking cant break it
the good these piece not really a broke al at all, know gla what do the dead say,
mouths frozen throats vibrant they say in the field, near those houses at the border,
in the light of the game where no ones playing, that struggles are becoming nothing,
as we die into a ring around the black sea full
of fish like us, i got scared
and pulled back up into supposedly awake. beckons clumsi the mono, evening
morning star, fluster faster and tear, tear open the wide silver foil lake, the skull
leaders vanish, and we are left with silver water flowing
inside here the good moves along these walls is the lighting up itself of, it does that
rippling band the wind of the color, green or brown, or pupl purple
is there a loss
the everyo the embryo of what we live for to care of. we live to care for baby baby and
go hope your gauge is on empty, so you wont be machine more ingrown
or rubies there of this blood, would make you kill to see it, the blood of martyrs ruby
clas face and see what color, come to stay, axoh, tear eyes
the tears are looking for a place to alight in, they arent rain theyre desolation
the tears are searching for you and will find you