From Preterient
Susan Howe
Teachings on Style and the Flower
In 1402, the Japanese Noh performer and aesthetician Zeami Motokiyo wrote several items concerning the practice of the Noh in relation to an actor’s age. He said a boy’s voice begins to achieve its proper pitch at eleven or twelve, only then can he begin to understand the noh.
But this flower is not the true flower not yet.
Irish Literary Revival
1926. Mary Manning having wandered on the Brontë moors in Yorkshire, carries a copy of The Scholar Gypsy home to Dublin. She always takes it with her when she goes out walking. It is 1948. I am to read aloud the last three paragraphs of Wuthering Heights for the sixth grade public reading contest at the Buckingham School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The book is my mother’s choice. Poetry is our covenant. She believes tables move without contact I am skeptical. If what is present to the mind at one time is distinct from what is present in another what is belief? Hoosh. Not in the Catholic graveyard not in the Protestant one either. Bird in the hand worth two of its own emptiness. This flower, taken from a scrap of paper, is said to be the Ammellus or Italian starwort of Virgil. Long ago Ogham stones were erected to commemorate the dead in rune-like ciphers then memory for voices then the rapid movement of ballads. Nearly all go to Scotland anglicity. I have no option but to be faithful to unlucky half human half unassuaged desiring dark shade you first Catherine. Lexical attention must be guarded from the dark age of childhood though lengthen night and shorten day. You are my altar vow. This cowslip is a favorite among fairies.
The Gate
A double cowslip bears one flower out of another. It remains in pastures long after the grass has been eaten away a stage name under the true one
Mind the hidden
Dedication to M enough
to the wood if you have
aconite and poppy she
said “Lie still, sleep well”
Quiet for it is a small
world of covered bone
Come veil the thought of
I shall dress primrose
Rookh which stray
account the dark sea-
robber’s map rose
of a hundred leaves
who learns ARABY
Even in the old story
arrow ragged Lallah
Boiled milk was greatly
appreciated a step on the
road to luxury and there
was slim made of bitter
potatoes broken up when
kindly cottagers strove
to cherish and welcome
Patrick Brontë’s childhood
Their guest strove well
Homemade bread was
fadge the raised soda
bap or scone came later
baked on a griddle or
girdle while baking was
called “harning” but
mashing up potatoes
in meal and flour was
called “baking”
Advanced from Emdale cabin
to Lisnacreevy cottage neither
sought nor accepted sympathy
Hoarded his savings he didn’t
dread hobgoblins Mrs. Gaskell
exaggerated the facts in this
matter as have many others
Carried his webs to Banbridge
Could weave and read at once
At supper sowans fine enough to
thread a needle the Brontë mind
never ran smoothly his children
were given ghost stories monsters
I am grateful archaeology Galway
oral history warcry boat curragh
When stealthy in shawl slumber
speaking from memory set forth
by moonlight written fact Irish
only in name limestone traveller
Mary Manning presents this
book to her Dear Sister as a
token not to be appreciated
so must act esteem affection
Affection take this book Dear
to every moment she cannot
Invisible she grows tired and
beside vast catacomb Thebes
Reader of poetry this book
contains all poetry THOOR
BALLYEE in seven notes for
stage representation May
countryside you reader of
poetry that I am forgotten
Long notes seem necessary
Unworthy players ask for
legend familiar in legend
the arrow king and no king
A character walks on thatch
bridge across the deep stage
Material image and her mate
Chanting within her role she
cannot step beyond invisible
right foot lifted in half step
Where is he going because this
play is famous for April sage
green kagota kneeling piety is
a dominant restraint he does
not stoop as in pitiful reign
Noh lies in its concentration
You child of Atsumori old cloak
faded gown sleeve flung open
Fabled founder in darkness
in Greek authentic helmet
illumination his heirs and
assigns forever as if wives
in themselves loosened the
murderous shawls so they act
astonishment but all terror
exactly as I have written I
am in ash blue gray Kogota
costume till the one here who
is the child Chorus comes in
Now Ireland in rebellion I
am arrived at upper memory
eroded base on shallow step