Film Noir
Kevin Young
Woke up dead
Tired, in my arms
an empty
An instead. Tried
sleeping it off,
My hangover of her,
wishing for some hair
Of the dog—or slow purr—
My tongue
white, eyes red.
The light my eye hurts
I am in chalk, an outline,
a back-alley body
Afraid this face
in the mirror (that hides
My strychnine mouthwash)
may be the only one left.
Do I need again
to lose my skin, start
A new town, man?
Grow a beard
Or become one?
I’m sick of taking
It on the chin, of waking
gimlet-eyed from the gin—
Shoe soles like carpet,
or excuses, grown thin.
Cloudy tap water.
One dusty aspirin.
Outside my newsprint
curtains—the black
& white of words,
What I can no more weather
I watch till I’m sure
no light remains
Night staining the streets clean
My reputation
exceeds me. Temptation
littering the bar, chanteuse
piano-perched, her sifter
of brandy empty. Fifths
of watered whisky.
or a week, I’m no good
to anyone, soft-
boiled, unsalted.
her quinine kisses
her microphone caress.
Wanted to hold her like her
two-faced fur stole,
that foxy smile.
(Instead teethmarks
punctuate my skin
like perforated parentheses.)
Barkeep’s glass
eye like an olive
The sharks circling the pool
table in the back, sniffing
out green. Felt
myself losing my arm
wrestle bout between
& something stronger.
Step on out
into the cold—under
the awning bouncers
stomp & nod
like hunched horses,
their breath billowing.
Lovers pass in hansom
cabs. Who will stop for me,
screech at my jaywalk, honk
to let me in? The moon
winking its way across sky,
I hail like Mary
The Charon Cab Co.
to sail through the city—
my cabbie, an escapee
from the state, swerves
& swears at the salt-
covered cars
brushing so close
you could lean out
into wind & plant
each one a kiss.
Leaving the coffin-cold
theater in winter
Single-barrel moon
aimed above us
He escorted & told me
lies I wanted
To warm my ears
The moon’s lazy eye
razored shut
The two of us
fought that hawk
Walking through wind
across a world that once
Seemed so flat I feared
I might could fall off—
Now Flora, every horizon
got another behind it
Least that’s what
Mama would say—Just you wait—
But I hightailed it north
& changed my name.
Beneath the shrapnel sky
I wanted to run
From here to the train
& buy me a ticket one way—
I’m tired of eviction
The radio’s same station
Playing woe & blues
Said tired of eviction
the radio’s same station
Arguing whose man is whose.
I want some diesel bound
south, making all stops—
No more neighbor’s
whooping cough
No more leaky
solos from the faucets
Or landlords who pinch,
swapping winks for late rent.
Graveyard-shift moon
that turns men mad—
Let me trade fire
escape for front porch
Let me ride
sunset down to where
Train’s the only whistle
& a girl don’t got to cry
to keep herself company
Where moonshine ain’t just sky
& you can catch catfish
Sure as a man—bearded, polite—
already fixed up & fried.