Guests of Space

Anselm Hollo

Guten Tag Herr Schopenhauer Bonjour Monsieur Cioran

good morning Mr. Swift how are you Mr. Burroughs

once again history the unstoppable proves you right

species no better than smart rat (maybe not even as smart)

evolutionary leap? my foot, my foot in three-foot hole

but let all peaceful mutants leap for spring

calloo callay, while they still may—

watch it! don’t twist that ankle!

don’t step into that three-foot hole!

“and wisdom has not come” “against wisdom as such”

oh, it is apt to give a gopher tantrums!

anecdotal befuddlement. infinite terminators.

toujours a mountain eased a previous you;

should it feel easier, writing? I don’t think so. No.


here have I summed my sighs, playing cards with the dead

in a broke-down shack on the old memory banks

e’en though my thoughts like hounds

pursue me through swift speedy time

feathered with flying hours

but could have sat there for many more hours

listened to poet friends reading

words by an absent friend whose work we love

in the name of Annah the Allmaiziful,

 the Everliving, the bringer of plurabilities

concretized, concertized, temporally minute

progressions of actions, swirling mists of the past

“you have a lot of stuff here, you know?”

“yes     now run on home”


Once you’ve said something, you can’t unsay it

Once you haven’t said anything, it remains unsaid

and anything you can’t say well, it’s unsayable

All right now that we got that out of the way

we need some particulars

but where did I put them, where are my particulars?

“Here they are, sir.”   Oh, thanks.   Today’s mail:

3 books of poems, 1 cigar catalogue

the poems look great, so does the catalogue

“But aren’t you trying to quit?”

Mel Tormé died, Charismatic didn’t make it today

the fifth of June nineteen-ninety-nine

And in a restaurant called The Europa Ninety-three

warlords consult on a respite from murder and mayhem


 (i.m. Hannes Hollo, 1959–1999)

Fought the hungry ghosts here on Earth

“What is man?” asked the King

Alcuin’s reply: “A guest of space.”    And time yes time:

The past lies before us, the future comes up from behind

Walking on Primrose Hill or Isle of Wight beaches

Iowa City streets scrambling up snow-covered deer track

To Doc Holliday’s grave in Glenwood Springs

His helmet now shall make a hive for bees

He fought the hungry ghosts here on Earth

Strong & resourceful on his best days,

Patient kind and presente

Returning those with him to here & now

But just as we settle in with our Pepsi and popcorn

THE END rolls up   too soon   always too soon


and of course it won’t do, it won’t do at all

Herzen again: “Suffering inescapable,

infallible knowledge

neither attainable nor needed”

sound of swans’ wings

over the quarry ponds at Grez

look up! the departed sail on

to some picture-book Norway

and Mr. P old ga-ga cantor

among the ruins of Europe

writes to his missus “where are they?

where are they?”   old “genius” snows falling

on his head in his head

(no, it won’t do, it won’t do at all)


Private they are, the sums of grief, “impossibly private”

“There probably is some intelligence at work here”

“Yes, but I don’t want to know what it is”

Elizabethans considered a nosebleed a symptom of love

But if’n the wind don’t blow through it   it don’t make it

& what if the ‘personal’ prove as tiresome as the ‘public’?

Mawkish messages to the dear departed? No

That is not given to you to do

Nor can you really get behind idealized forebears

Getting wiped out while attacking some barn

“Did you say barn?”   In the glorious South or any other

Cardinal direction   & now this old Cardinal

(Universal Life Church) hums

Cani capilli mei compedes    “Gray hairs are my chains”


Against meaning, lunatic, real,

Possible in appearance, you work a line,

Be like a larger logic to defy

The dumbly trembling unities

(quotation fringe is blue)

Your self helps us from prose & down

Into an orange: “Hail my effort, you people”

“Stand and deliver!”

But stubborn world is time & airy dung

Insists on legible distance, inhabited heaps

“As Lacan points out”

Never mind what Never mind Never mind

Sing the old huddles (persons bowed down

With age or heavy wraps


& should I buy this Scientific American

to see how the quest for immortality is going?

got the one on space exploration

 … such incredible hardships ahead …

calling twenty-nine ninety-nine in this old English

but we are just learning to walk

and time is a voice goes a-roaming

“just a chickadee in the rain”

Green House almost ready now

oh they too have their troubles

the beloved intuitive abstract expressive painter

the ever-distracted monkish poet

musing upon the Malevich square on Hitler’s upper lip

and the fact that “questo” does not mean “quest”


the human being talks it talks

and talks and talks      even to

itself so “hating speech” what was

that about? no speak no talk no read no write

now that sounds like the dead except

some of them do read them-

selves into our ears

day and night

when The Slinger passed on

it left me restless

the way one was restless

after a teenage rendezvous

“driving somewhere, fast

with the windows rolled down”


I’ll write a poem about nothing

absolutely nothing

not about myself

or youth or love or any person

I’ll write it riding along

half asleep in the sun

and then I’ll send it to a friend

signed, William of Aquitaine

nine hundred years ago

and ever since we’ve raged

in shirts red black and blue

we’ve raged still do

in our dream rooms asking the air

mad questions about nothing


Equipped with human heart’s dizzy gyroscope

In the yellow submarine we lived oh my darlings

Is it now all just imaging?

No more imagining     in The Momentous Events

In Small Rooms Hotel    the brain is?

“Don’t remember the time I was born

Don’t want to remember the time I die”

Old troll stands in secret memory garden

Gazes at mirror globe’s beloved faces

Through time they move as “guests of space”

 Yes that we are he thinks remembers Alcuin’s answer

When Pippin son of Carolus asked him “what is man”

& Cousin Louis: “You will always do wrong

You must try to get used to that, my son”


My first computer:

Poor old workhorse machine

Just an advanced version of the clay tablet

Archaic box, you still work

Humming that hum I found so irritating

22 years ago

(used to say “this thing’s

no smarter than an amoeba”)

Waiting for me to write

A word and then another

And another

But I shouldn’t have said what I said just then

Because only a few days later

It went from hum to loud groan    And died


There’s words, and there’s hair

And hair and hair … Would you know

Evocative if you saw it?

Or have you not had the Enigma

Reversal Experience?

“What’s that? What’s that?”

They cringe and snarl

It has to do with the minutely sensational

Say I, with what’s little enough but enough

As when you turn the radio on

And it is the right music

Even when It introduces sadness

And one understands little

Of what’s going on


and thus we woo our wit with gentle memoranda

birthday thoughts about mother long gone

& her madcap cocaine-addled sister

Aunt Karin I never knew, her son cousin Peter

ever wistful but such a smile   now gone too

dusk road games    dust road fumes

REALITY is WET today

“How big is the mind?

How could we avoid dissolving in our own private oceans?”

asks Randolph Healy dear Irish poet

 beat, beat    “It’s a strange, strange world we live in,

Captain Jack”    and who was that and why

(look up at the sky, bro, look up at the sky)



are not the Countess of Tripoli

And I

  am not dead yet

unlike Jaufre Rudel

So now I can tell you about

The most interesting metrics of The Horse

To wit, the rack, the fox trot, the amble

Four-beat gaits with each beat

Evenly spaced gliding and smooth

In perfect cadence and rapid succession

The legs on either side move together

The hind leg striking the ground

Slightly before the foreleg!


Poetry can be so many more things

Than what people mostly believe it is.

And there were years when nobody died.