Speaking Task One

Independent Task: Single-Question Prompt

For this task, you will develop and verbally deliver a personal-opinion argument in 45 seconds. The task order follows.

Prompt Types

For this task, you will answer a single-question prompt, for example:

Prompt     Why do people travel? Develop your opinion using examples and reasons.

Where have you seen single-question prompts before? The independent essay. In fact, independent Speaking Task #1 is really just a mini independent essay. However, instead of developing your argument in writing, you will develop it in 15 seconds, then deliver it verbally in 45 seconds.

How can you develop and deliver a mini verbal independent essay in 60 seconds? By changing G+3TiC=C to G+TiC=C.

G+TiC=C will help you give the speaking raters what they are trained to listen for: an independent spoken response that demonstrates OPDUL=C.


Note the changes to OPDUL=C under Language Use. For this task, the raters will also rate your *Delivery.


When you speak, the speaking raters will measure the proficiency of your delivery in these three areas: fluency, automaticity and pronunciation.

    Fluency Fluency means how easily (naturally) you speak. Do you speak smoothly and confidently, or do you hesitate and speak in fragments?
    Automaticity Automaticity means how fast you think and speak. Do you pause to translate, or do you think and speak automatically without pausing to translate?
    Pronunciation Pronunciation means how proficiently you produce the sound of English words. Do you stress the right syllables with accurate intonation and volume, or not?

Speaking Subjectively

Speaking subjectively means speaking about yourself. You are the subject, for example:

“Hi, my name is Lilliana. I’m an architect from Buenos Aries, Argentina. Last year, I graduated from university. Now, I’m working for an architect in Barcelona, Spain. I have been so busy, but I love it. It’s like a dream come true. Next year, I will return to Argentina and start my own business.”

Notice how Lilliana is speaking about herself using the first person singular (I am… I graduated… I have been…I will return…). Because Lilliana is speaking subjectively, she is confident about what she is saying. She is confident because when she talks about herself, she makes fewer mistakes even when using idioms (“It’s like a dream come true!”).

Fewer mistakes = greater language use proficiency = greater coherence = a higher score.

Basic Response

For a basic spoken response, you must be able to organize your personal-opinion argument quickly and proficiently while speaking subjectively. In this section, you will learn these basic but essential speaking strategies. Later on in this chapter, you will learn how to develop a basic response into an advanced response to maximize scoring.

1. Basic Response: Step-by-Step

Before you begin independent Speaking Task # 1, you will hear the directions for the speaking section. The directions will last approximately two minutes. Do not dismiss them. As you listen to the directions, make an G+TiC=C note map.

Step #1 Make a G+TiC=C note map; include transitions.

G = personally
TiC = for example
C = for those reasons

Step #2 Read the prompt.

When the speaking directions end, the prompt will appear on your screen. A narrator will read it.

Prompt     Why do people travel? Develop your opinion using examples and reasons.

Step #3 Develop ideas (15 seconds).

When the narrator stops speaking, a countdown clock will appear on your screen. You will have 15 seconds to develop your response. The clock will count down (15, 14, 13…). On your note map, jot down your opinion and one example.

G = personally travel to learn
TiC = for example Manhattan
C = for those reasons

Step #4 Speak (45 seconds).

When the countdown clock reaches zero, you will hear a “Beep!” Look at your note map. It is your guide. Start speaking. Speak subjectively. State your opinion, then your supporting illustration. End with your conclusion. On the next page, notice how the opinion is restated in the conclusion. By restating your opinion in your conclusion, you will know exactly what to say and you will save time.

When you are finished speaking, speaking task two will immediately appear on your screen. Be ready for it.

Now check the sample practice response for Coherence using the proficiency checklist. Remember to ask “yes-no” questions starting with Organization.

   Does the response demonstrate organization?
The speaker uses deduction as a method of organization. This demonstrates organization. Yes No _
   Does the response demonstrate progression?
Because the speaker uses deduction, the ideas progress from general to specific. This demonstrates progression. Yes No _

a. Does the introduction demonstrate development?
The speaker says, “Personally, I like traveling because it is a learning experience.” This is an opinion. It is arguable, supportable, a complete sentence and not a question. This demonstrates introduction development. Yes No _

b. Does the hodvj demonstrate development?
The speaker uses the supporting illustration of Manhattan and develops it to describe the lesson learned from visiting Ground Zero. This demonstrates body development. Yes No _

c. Does the conclusion demonstrate development?
The speaker restates her opinion in the conclusion. This demonstrates conclusion development. Yes No _

a. Does the response demonstrate topical unity?
The speaker focuses on the topic of Manhattan and the lesson she learned there. There are no topic digressions. This demonstrates topical unity. Yes No _

b. Does the response demonstrate grammatical unity?
The transitions (TiC) and (TO) are correct. This demonstrates grammatical unity. Yes No _

a. Does the speaker demonstrate proficient language use?
The speaker uses an adverb clause of reason (“because it [traveling] is a learning experience”) for the opinion and the superlative “most interesting” to describe the example Ground Zero. In addition, the speaker says “Ground Zero is like a big hole in the heart of the city.” This figure of speech (idiom) is a simile using like to make a direct comparison. There are no mistakes in syntax. Combined, this demonstrates proficient language use. Yes No _

Note: We cannot evaluate the next three steps: delivery. However, when you practice in class, or alone with a recording device, ask these three questions.

a. Is the speaker’s fluency proficient?

Yes _ No _

b. Does the speaker demonstrate automaticity?

Yes _ No _

c. Is the speaker’s pronunciation proficient?

Yes _ No _

Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.

Does the response (argument) demonstrate coherence?
Because the speaker has proficiently demonstrated Organization, Progression, Development, Unity and Language Use, the response is coherent (OPDUL=C). The speaker’s argument is clear: “Traveling to Manhattan was definitely a great learning experience.” Yes No _

Mapped out, you can see how G+TiC=C gives the speaking raters what they are trained to listen for: a coherent spoken response that demonstrates OPDUL=C. Note: Transitions (T) are in bold, the supporting illustration (i) in italics, the opinion (G) and the conclusions (C) underlined.

Notice how the concluding sentences (TiC) state cause-and-effect relationships.

“Looking at it made me realize that sometimes you just have to see things with your own eyes. That way you can understand what really happened.”

Cause-and-effect relationships are the reasons stated in the prompt.

Prompt     Why do people travel? Develop your opinion using examples and reasons.


Rating Yourself

If you are preparing for the TOEFL iBT alone, use a recording device to record your voice. When you playback your response, rate your response using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist, then score yourself using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide. Identify those parts of OPDUL=C you need to improve for greater coherence, then record the same response with revisions. Playback the same response. Check it again using OPDUL=C, then rate it again.

By repeating the same response, you will be able to automatically remember G+TiC=C

Rating in a Class

When preparing for the TOEFL iBT in a TOEFL class, ask your instructor and classmates to check your response for coherence using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist in the appendix, then rate your response using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide. Repeat the same response until you remember G+TiC=C automatically and can proficiently demonstrate OPDUL=C.

TASK: Rate the response about traveling and learning on page 166 using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320. Compare your rating to the one on page 340. Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.


Do I have to use all 45 seconds? Is there some rule?

No. There is no official rule that says you have to speak for all 45 seconds.

A long response does not always mean a coherent response. On the contrary, a long response often means a lack of coherence (OPDUL=C). Some test-takers simply speak and speak, thinking more is better. Wrong. Your job is to deliver a response that proficiently demonstrates OPDUL=C. Do so using G+TiC=C.

How Long Should My Response Be?

Everyone speaks at a different pace. However, using G+TiC=C and speaking at a natural pace, you will able to deliver a response that demonstrates OPDUL=C in 45 seconds. The following map illustrates approximate time divisions for each step of G+TiC=C.

You are reading this example. On test day, you will pause and hesitate when you speak and thus use more time.

TASK: For practice timing yourself while you speak, read the sample responses throughout this chapter.

2. Basic Response: Step-by-Step

Let’s map out another single-question response. Remember to use G+TiC=C and the four steps to demonstrate OPDUL=C in your response.

Step #1 Make a G+TiC=C note map; include transitions.

Step #2 Read the prompt.

When the speaking directions end, the prompt will appear on your screen. A narrator will read it.

Prompt     Should teenagers work during high school? Why? Give illustrations and reasons to develop your argument

Step #3 Develop ideas (15 seconds).

When the narrator stops reading the prompt, a countdown clock will appear on your screen. It will count down (15, 14, 13…). You will have 15 seconds to develop your response. Remember to use personal experience examples to support your opinion.

Step #4 Speak (45 seconds).

When the countdown clock reaches zero, you will hear a “Beep!” Look at your note map. Start speaking. State your opinion first, then your example. End with your conclusion.

I agree.

For example, when I was a high school student, I had a job at a bookstore. It was, you know, fun. You should do it. You will really like it too. I guarantee.

So that’s all I have to say. I think it’s clear what I think.

Words: 49

Check this sample practice response for Coherence using the proficiency checklist.

Does the response demonstrate organization?
The speaker uses neither deduction nor induction. This demonstrates a lack of organization. Yes _ No X

Does the response demonstrate progression?
Because the speaker does not use a method of organization, the ideas do not progress. This demonstrates a lack of progression. Yes _ No X

a. Does the introduction demonstrate development?
The speaker says, “I agree.” This is not an opinion. It is a fact. It is not arguable. This demonstrates a lack of introduction development. Yes_ No X

b. Does the body demonstrate development?

The speaker does not develop a specific example. This demonstrates a lack of body development. Yes _ No X

c. Does the conclusion demonstrate development?

The speaker does not restate his opinion at the end. This demonstrates a lack of conclusion development. Yes _ No X

a. Does the response demonstrate topical unity?

The speaker focuses on the topic of working in high school. This demonstrates topical unity. Yes _ No _

b. Does the response demonstrate grammatical unity?

The transitions (TiC) and (TO) are correct. This demonstrates grammatical unity. Yes _ No _

a. Does the speaker demonstrate proficient language use?

There are no mistakes in syntax; however, the speaker uses only simple sentences. There are no idioms. There is no advanced vocabularly. This demonstrates a lack of language use. Yes _ No X

Note: We cannot evaluate the next three steps: delivery. However, when you practice in class, or alone with a recording device, ask these three questions.

a Is the speaker’s fluency proficient? Yes _ No _
b. Does the speaker demonstrate automaticity? Yes _ No _
c. Is the speaker’s pronunciation proficient? Yes _ No _

Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.

Does the response (argument) demonstrate coherence?

The speaker does not demonstrate a method of organization. Because there is no method of organization, the ideas do not progress or develop. Because the ideas do not progress or develop, there is no demonstration of language use. The result is a serious lack of coherence (OPDUL=C). Yes _ No X

According to the Independent Speaking Rating Guide (page 320), this response will score in the 1.5-2.0 range. If you (the speaker) want a higher score, you must revise those parts of OPDUL=C that received an X. The Xs are your revision checklist. By identifying problem areas, you can focus on revising them when you practice. This, in turn, will make you test ready. On the next page, read the same response revised.

Personally, I think that high school students should work while going to school.

For example, when I was a high school student, I had a job at an English bookstore in Budapest, Hungary. I worked every Saturday and Sunday, and sometimes at night during the week. I loved it because I was always meeting foreigners who spoke English. By helping them find books, I was able to practice my English. It was great because at school, I only learned grammar from books, but at the bookstore I was learning conversational English. Not only that but I made money for myself. This helped me because I didn’t always have to ask my parents for money for books and other things. As you can see, by working at the bookstore I killed two birds with one stone.

In conclusion, I believe that all high school students should work part-time during high school.

Words: 150

TASK: Rate this response using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320. Compare your rating to the one on page 340. Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.

Rhetorical Strategies

Rhetorical strategies demonstrate topic development (OPDUL=C) and language use (OPDUL=C). These, in turn, demonstrate coherence (OPDUL=C). The work-and-high-school essay demonstrates a variety of rhetorical strategies, including:

the writer working in a bookstore in Budapest, Hungary;
the writer’s personal story of working in a bookstore;
English bookstore…worked every Saturday and Sunday and sometimes at night…I loved it;
- work at the bookstore (cause) make money (effect);
- work at the bookstore (cause) “kill two birds with one stone” (effect);
- work at bookstore (cause) learn conversational English (effect);
- work at the bookstore (cause) no longer depend on parents for money (effect);
learn English grammar at high school v. learn conversational English at the bookstore.

3. Basic Response: Step-by-Step

Let’s map out another single-question response. Remember to use G+TiC=C and the four steps to demonstrate OPDUL=C in your response.

Step #1 Make a G+TiC=C note map; include transitions.

Step #2 Read the prompt.

Prompt     People are living longer. Why? Develop your position using examples and reasons.

Step #3 Develop ideas (15 seconds).

Step #4 Speak (45 seconds).

Personally, I contend that people are living longer because they are taking better care of themselves.

For example, my grandfather is eighty. When he was younger, he used to smoke and drink a lot. Also, he never ate very well. Then, when he was fifty, he had heart attack. He was in the hospital for a long time. The doctor told him he should stop smoking and drinking, and start eating better. That’s what my grandfather did. Now, he doesn’t drink or smoke anymore. Also, he eats lots of healthy food like salads and fish, and he exercises every day. As a result, he feels much better than before and has lots more energy.

By changing his lifestyle, my grandfather is definitely going to live longer because he is taking better care of himself.

Words: 134

TASK: Check this response for coherence using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist on page 318, then rate it using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320. Compare your rating to the one on page 340. Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.

Do I always have to say “For example” when I start to give my example?

No. “For example” is simply there to remind you that you need a transition after you state your opinion.

Below, you will find synonymous examples for “for example.” Remember: You can use these examples in your independent essay as well.

Personally, I contend that people are living longer because they are taking better care of themselves.

For example, my grandfather…

A good example is my grandfather…
An excellent example is my grandfather…
A good illustration is my eighty-year-old grandfather…
An illustration to support my opinion is my grandfather…
My grandfather, who is eighty, is an excellent illustration.

Four Common Problems

Read the following prompt and the response.

Prompt     In your view, what was the greatest invention of the twentieth century? Why? Give examples and reasons to support your argument.

Personally, I believe that the greatest invention of the twentieth century was women developing and winning many special rights they never had before from countries that didn’t care about them, and I believe this is a good thing for all women.

For example, women were very successful. They did a lot of very important things that changed their lives. They won many rights they never had before.

Women winning rights was the greatest invention of the twentieth century because it helped them so much.

Words: 84

This response contains four common problems you should avoid on test day.

1. Overstated Opinion

Read the speaker’s opinion once again.

Personally, I believe that the greatest invention of the twentieth century was women developing and winning many special rights they never had before from countries that didn’t care about them and I believe this is a good thing for all women.

This test-taker is overstating her opinion. To overstate means to say too much. Avoid overstating your opinion by delivering it in one concise sentence, for example:

Personally, I believe that the greatest invention of the twentieth century was women winning many rights.

2. Lack of Topic Development

Read the supporting illustration from the same response.

For example, women were very successful. They did a lot of very important things that changed their lives. They won many rights they never had before.

In this body paragraph, does the test-taker develop a specific personal example to support her opinion? Is there a cause-and-effect relationship providing a reason? No. Because there is a lack of topic development (OPDUL=C), there is a lack of coherence (OPDUL=C). This will result in a lower score.

Look at the following maps. The supporting example in Map A lacks development. In contrast, Map B has a supporting example that is well-developed. If you want a high score, your response should look like Map B.

Lack of development, especially in the body paragraphe(s), is a big reason why test-takers score low on independent Speaking Task # 1.

3. Lack of Subjectivity

Why was this test-taker unable to develop a supporting example for women’s rights? Because she was trying to speak objectively. In her own language, she knew what she wanted to say objectively, but she couldn’t translate it into objective English in 45 seconds. In the end, she became frustrated and lost focus. As a result, she hesitated too much. This demonstrated a lack of proficient language use (OPDUL=C), specifically fluency and automaticity. The result was a lack of coherence (OPDUL=C).

Avoid “big” topics. Don’t talk about Einstein or Bill Gates. Talk subjectively. Talk about you. When you talk about your own experience, you are more confident. Because you are more confident, you make fewer mistakes. Fewer mistakes = increased language use proficiency = greater coherence = a higher score.

4. Off Topic Response

Read the prompt once again. Notice that the topic in the prompt is “the greatest invention of the twentieth century.” This test-taker, however, talks about “women’s rights.” Women’s rights is not an invention. It is a political idea. An invention, in this context, means an original material idea, i.e., Marcian Edward Hoff, Jr. inventing the microprocessor.

Carefully read the prompt. Make sure you understand it before you respond. Make sure you are “on topic” (talking about the topic in the prompt) not “off topic” (talking about a different topic), for example:

Personally, I think that the car was the greatest invention of the twentieth century.

For example, I am from Turkey. I remember my mother and father telling me how they had a horse before they had a car. The horse was very important because it did everything, such as work in the fields and take vegetables to market. Using a horse, though, was very slow. Everything took so much time. But then my father bought a car and everything changed completely. He could go places more quickly and he could take more vegetables to market. Best of all, he took my mother to the hospital to have me.

In conclusion, I think that for me and my family, the greatest invention of the twentieth century was the car.

Words: 128

TASK: Check the previous response for coherence using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist on page 318, then rate it using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320. Compare your rating to the one in the answer key on page 340. Note: For this response, the speaker’s delivery was proficient.

Help! - My Response is Too Long!

Listed below are reasons why your response is longer than 45 seconds.

Reason #1 Your opinion is too long.
  1. Make your opinion shorter.

  2. State your opinion in one concise sentence.

  3. State your opinion in 5 seconds or less.

  4. Speak faster; try not to hesitate.

Reason #2 When the clock starts, you are not speaking right away. As a result, you are losing valuable seconds at the start.
Solution Start speaking right after the beep. Remember: The speaking tasks come up fast. Be ready for them
Reason #3 You are being too careful. When you are too careful, you slow down to pronounce correctly. When you slow down, you waste time. You also decrease fluency and automaticity.
  1. Speak at a natural pace.

  2. Record your voice, then play it back. You will know if you are speaking too slowly. If so, speak faster.

Reason #4 You are pausing or hesitating too much. Record your voice and play it back. You will soon know if you are pausing or hesitating too much. Pausing and hesitating wastes time. Pausing and hesitating will also decrease fluency and automaticity.
  1. Avoid pauses; try not to hesitate.

  2. Practice reading sample responses until you speak confidently and at the right speed.

  3. Ask a native speaker to demonstrate the right speed.

Reason #5 You are pausing and/or hesitating too much because you have not memorized G+TiC=C.
  1. Memorize G+TiC=C.

  2. Practice reading sample responses.

Reason #6
Your supporting illustration (TiC) contains too much information.
  1. Do not include information that is not important or off topic.

  2. Develop one example only (G+TiC=C). Remember: One well-developed example is better than two examples that lack development.

Reason #7 Your conclusion is too long.
  1. State your conclusion in five seconds or less.

  2. Simply repeat your opinion.

Reason #8 The clock makes you so nervous you can’t speak.
  1. Do not time yourself when you practice. Just speak. When you are more confident, time yourself.

Help! - My Response is Too Short!

Listed below are reasons why your response is too short.

Reason #1


You are nervous. When you are nervous, you speak too fast and finish too soon.

  1. Record your voice and play it back. You will soon know if you are speaking too fast. If so, slow down.

Reason #2    Your supporting illustration is too short. If your example is too short, it will lack development.
  1. Include more details when you develop your supporting example. Identify all place names and people names. Remember: Be specific. If you studied mechanical engineering at Tsinghua University in China from 2000 to 2003, say, “I studied mechanical engineering at Tsinghua University in China from 2000 to 2003.”

Reason #3    You speak, then suddenly stop because you are shy or afraid, or feel stupid.
  1. Practice reading into a recording device. Read an English magazine article or a book while recording. This will help you develop confidence speaking into a microphone.

  2. Take an ESL class to develop your speaking skills and your confidence.

  3. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Reason #4    You are not confident using G+TiC=C.
  1. Practice developing and delivering responses until you have memorized G+TiC=C and you can remember it automatically without notes.

Reason #5    You blank out.
Solution 1.   
  1. You are trying too hard or are too nervous. Try to relax. When you practice speaking, don’t time yourself, just speak until you are confident. When you are more confident, then time yourself.

  2. Forget about trying to demonstrate OPDUL=C. Just speak. The more you speak, the more confident you will become.

Clean Start

A clean start means you start speaking with no hesitation. You state your opinion clearly and succinctly, then progress to your supporting illustration, for example:

G = Personally, I think that students should have part-time jobs while in high school.
TiC = For example, when I was a high school student, I had a job at an English bookstore in Budapest, Hungary. My job was to put books on the shelves and help customers.

Rough Start

A rough start means you are using conversational (non academic) English. This will result in a lack of fluency and automaticity (OPDUL=C), and coherence (OPDUL=C), for example:

G = Yo. I think it’s good. Working in high school. Everybody should do it. Make some money. Cool.
TiC = A good example? There are lots. Really.

Clean End

A clean end means you clearly and succinctly restate your opinion and stop. Resist the temptation to say more or to correct yourself, for example:

C = For those reasons, working in a bookstore in high school really helped me to become more independent and responsible.

Rough End

A rough end means you are speaking conversationally. This will result in a lack of fluency and automaticity (OPDUL=C), and coherence (OPDUL=C), for example:

C = Working was, you know, fun. Everybody should do it. That’s all. No. Actually, I hated it. Money causes nothing but problems. Is this microphone on?

Advanced Strategies

To maximize scoring, apply the following advanced strategies to develop a basic response into an advanced response.


One way to develop a basic response into an advanced response is by adding a second body paragraph. Do so by changing G+TiC=C to G+2TiC=C.

A second body paragraph will result in greater topic development (OPDUL=C). For example, read the following prompt.

Prompt     Which person has been the greatest influence in your life? Give examples and reasons to support and develop your opinion.

Now read the sample response on the next page.

Personally, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life.

For example, I am now in America working as an au pair. An au pair is like a babysitter who lives with an American family. I am doing this for a year in Stamford, Connecticut. At first I didn’t want to come to America and leave all my friends in Estonia, but my mother said it would be a great experience and a great way to develop my English. She was right. Living with an American family has been a wonderful experience and my English is so much better.

Also, my mother is my inspiration. When I was growing up, she was a high school teacher. This was strange because all my friends’ mothers were housewives. But my mother wanted to work. She always told me to just follow my heart. I remember these words whenever I have problems in America, and they give me strength.

For those reasons, my mother has been the biggest influence in my life.

Words: 173


Which is better? G+TiC=C or G+2TiC=C?

If can demonstrate OPDUL=C using G+TiC=C, good. G+2TiC=C? Great.

What about G+3TiC=C?

If you try and develop three examples (G+3TiC=C), you will run out of time trying to develop all three body paragraphs.

What if I keep running out of time when practicing using G+2TiC=C?

Develop only one example using G+TiC=C.

One well-developed example is better than two or three examples that lack development.

Advanced Introduction Strategies

To maximize scoring, apply the following advanced introduction strategies to develop a basic response into an advanced response.

Simple Hooks

A simple hook uses the information in the prompt. In the following examples, notice how the hook comes first, followed by the transition and the opinion. Combined, they form the introduction (G) of your response.

introduction (G) = hook + transition + opinion

a. Or Question Hook

For this hook, start with an or question. Next, give a transition, then answer the question. The answer is your opinion, for example:

G Is surfing the internet dangerous or not? From my point of view, I believe that surfing the net is not dangerous.

b. Restate-the-Prompt Hook

For this hook, first restate the prompt. Next, give a transition, then state your opinion, for example:

G The question is whether fast food is good or bad for children. As far as I’m concerned, I think fast food is bad for children.

c. Pro-Con Hook

For this hook, state the pro (positive) side and the con (negative) side of the argument. Next, give a transition, then state your opinion, for example:

G Some think that homeschooling is best for children while others argue that children should go to a regular school. In my estimation, I believe that homeschooling is best for children.

d. General Fact + Question Hook

For this hook, start with a general fact. Next, ask an or question. Write a transition, then answer the question. The answer is your opinion, for example:

G Children all over the world watch a lot of television every day. Is it good or bad for them? Personally, I think it is bad for them.

Complex Hooks

A complex hook uses information from researched sources, information you bring to the test. For complex hook strategies you can use to develop your introduction for this speaking task, see Complex Hooks for the Independent Essay.

Watch the clock. Hooks can use up a lot of time.

Inverted-Pyramid Introduction

Why is a hook an effective strategy? Because your introduction (hook + transition + opinion) will look like an inverted (upside down) pyramid in which the ideas progress from general to specific.

The raters will listen for an inverted-pyramid introduction. An inverted-pyramid introduction demonstrates OPDUL=C.

Predictor Thesis

To maximize scoring, start your response with a predictor thesis. Because you only have 45 seconds to speak, develop a predictor thesis with two predictors only (G+2TiC=C), for example:

Look at the following predictor thesis. Notice how each predictor becomes a topic sentence in each body paragraph. Notice also how she becomes the topic identifier My mother in each body paragraph topic sentence (TiC).

Predictor Thesis: Using Synonyms

Look at the following predictor thesis.

Personally, I think that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

To demonstrate language use, replace “Personally” with a synonymous phrase, for example:

Next, look at the main verb think followed by that.

Personally, I think that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

Replace think that with a synonymous phrase. This will demonstrate language use (OPDUL=C).

  1. In my experience, I feel that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

  2. In my view, I posit that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

  3. From my perspective, I contend that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

  4. Personally speaking, I believe that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

  5. In my estimation, I postulate that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

  6. From my perspective, I reason that customers should be allowed to return purchased items for a full refund within thirty days.

Look at a following response with a predictor thesis. Notice that the predictors unite with each body paragraph topic sentence. This demonstrates organization, progression, development, unity and language use (OPDUL=C).This demonstrates coherence (OPDUL=C).

Personally speaking, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life because she encourages and inspires me.

My mother encourages me. For example, I’m now in America working as an au pair. An au pair is like a babysitter who lives with an American family. I am doing this for a year in Stamford, Connecticut. At first I didn’t want to come to America and leave all my friends in Estonia, but my mother said it would be a great experience and a great way to develop my English. She was right. Living with an American family has been a wonderful experience and my English is so much better.

Also, my mother inspires me. When I was growing up, she was a high school teacher. This was strange because all my friends’ mothers were housewives. But my mother wanted to work. She always told me to just follow my heart. I remember these words whenever I have problems in America, and they give me strength.

For those reasons, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life.

Words: 185

Only by practicing will you know if you can develop and deliver a spoken response that demonstrates a predictor thesis and OPDUL=C in 45 seconds.
Watch the clock. A predictor thesis can use up a lot of time.
A predictor thesis is an excellent advanced strategy; however, if your body paragraphs are not well-developed, a predictor thesis will not substantially increase your score. A predictor thesis and well-developed body paragraphs will substantially increase your score.

The Rhetorical Why

The rhetorical why is a question you ask and answer yourself at the start of your argument. Asking yourself why is like having a conversation with yourself. More importantly, it signals the start of your argument. It is also a good way to start speaking, especially if you are nervous or shy. Look at the following examples.

Personally, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life. Why has my mother been the biggest influence in my life? Because she encourages and inspires me.

In my opinion, exercising is good for you. Why is exercising good for you? Because it reduces stress and helps you sleep.

In the previous examples, notice how the rhetorical why is followed by the predictor. Notice also that the predictor begins with “Because.” “Because” signals the start of your argument.

Often a rhetorical why is reduced to simply “Why?”, for example:

Personally, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life. Why? Because she encourages and inspires me.

In my opinion, exercising is good for you. Why? Because it reduces stress and helps you sleep.

By simply asking why, you will save time. Use that time to develop your supporting illustrations.
You can use the rhetorical why when writing your independent essay.

Advanced Conclusion Strategies

To maximize scoring, apply the following advanced conclusion strategies to develop a basic response essay into an advanced response.

a. Suggestion

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a suggestion.

C    In sum, I assert that video games are a bad influence on kids. Instead of playing video games, I think that parents should make their kids go outside and play.

C    As I have illustrated, video games are a bad influence on kids. If you want healthy kids, I suggest that you turn off the computer for a few hours every day and make your kids go outside and play.

b. Suggestion + Prediction

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a suggestion and a prediction. Notice how the prediction contains the auxiliary verb “will” to describe a future action.

C     In the final analysis, I contend that playing sports is good for children. They should try and play a winter sport like hockey and a summer sport like soccer or baseball. It will teach them how to socialize and be team players.

C     In the end, I think that it’s better to spend the money you make. Be like me and spend all the money you earn. By doing so, you will be happy and never worry about tomorrow.

c. Warning + Prediction

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a warning that contains a prediction of future of events.

C     It goes without saying that global warming is a serious problem. The ice at the North Pole is melting so fast that soon there will be no more ice, just water.

C     As far as I’m concerned, I believe that a new factory in my home town is a good idea. It will create a lot of new jobs and provide more tax money, money the town can use to build new roads and bridges.

d. Rhetorical Question

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a rhetorical question. A rhetorical question makes your reader think about your argument after your response has ended.

C     Suffice it to say, I think that a new factory in my hometown is a good idea. Yes, there will be some pollution, but aren’t jobs more important?

C     In my estimation, I believe that homeschooling is not good for children. Do you really want your kids to miss the fun of going to school every day?

e. Call-To-Action

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, then end with a call-to-action. Call-to-action means you are telling people to do something (take action) with an emphatic (strong) voice.

C     In sum, I conclude that video games are a bad influence on kids. Parents, turn off the computer. Now!

C     Finally, I believe that recycling is a good way to help the planet. Don’t throw paper and plastic away. Recycle!

f. Call-To-Action + Rhetorical Question

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, give a call-to-action, then end with a rhetorical question.

C     In closing, I believe that video games are a bad influence on kids. Parents, turn off the computer! Do you really want violent kids?

C     When all is said and done, I contend that recycling is important. Save the planet! Can you imagine a world full of garbage?

You can also ask a rhetorical question first, then end with a call-to-action.

C     In closing, I conclude that video games are not good for children. Do you really want violent kids? Parents, turn off the computer. Now!

C     When all is said and done, I assert that computers are important for fun and for learning. Can you imagine a world without computers? Be happy. Be productive. Buy a computer!

g. Suggestion + Prediction + Rhetorical Question

For this strategy, start with a transition, restate your opinion, make a suggestion and a prediction, then end with a rhetorical question.

C     In the final analysis, I conclude that video games are a bad influence on kids. If you are a parent, tell your kids to turn the computer off and go outside. Doing so will make your kids happier and healthier. Isn’t that how you want your kids to grow up?

C     All in all, I believe that the internet is great for research. If you need information fast, just log on to the internet. You can google whatever you’re looking for and you will find it fast. What more could you ask for?

h. Predictor Thesis Restated in Your Conclusion

To develop your conclusion, restate your predictor thesis in your conclusion. After you restate your predictor thesis, add a conclusion strategy.

C     It goes without saying that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life because she encourages and inspires me. I hope that when I have a daughter, I can encourage and inspire her.

i. Predictor Conclusion + Synonyms

Look the following predictor thesis restated in the conclusion.

C     In conclusion, I believe that students should work part-time while going to high school.

To demonstrate language use, replace the transition “In conclusion” with a synonymous phrase, for example:

Pyramid Conclusion

Why is an advanced conclusion an effective strategy? Because your conclusion will look like a pyramid in which the ideas progress from specific to general.

The speaking raters will listen for a pyramid introduction. A pyramid introduction demonstrates OPDUL=C.

Advanced Responses

The following responses demonstrate how advanced strategies can turn a basic response into an advanced response. As you read each response, notice that it is really just a mini independent essay. In other words, the strategies for the Independent Essay and Speaking Task # 1 (and for Speaking Task #2) are interchangeable.

TASK: For practice, time yourself as you read each sample response out loud. You have 45 seconds.

Sample #1

Prompt     Why do people travel? Develop your opinion using examples and reasons.

People travel for many reasons. Some travel for fun. Others travel to learn about new cultures. From my experience, I like traveling because it’s a learning experience.

For example, last year I went to Manhattan. I visited many famous places like The Met and Radio City Music Hall. The most interesting place was Ground Zero. Ground Zero is where the World Trade Center once stood. Now, it’s nothing but a big hole. On TV it doesn’t look so big. But seeing it in person, I had no idea it was so huge. It’s like a big hole in the heart of the city. Looking at it made me realize that sometimes you just have to see things with your own eyes. That way you can understand what really happened.

It goes without saying that traveling to Manhattan was a great learning experience for me. If you want to learn about a new culture, you should travel. Go for it! You’ll have a great time.

Words: 164

Sample #2

Prompt     Should teenagers work during high school? Why? Give illustrations and reasons to develop your argument.

The question is should teenagers work during high school. Personally, I think that all students should work while going to high school.

For example, when I was a high school student, I had a job at an English bookstore in Budapest, Hungary. I worked every Saturday and Sunday, and sometimes at night during the week. I loved it because I was always meeting foreigners who spoke English. By helping them find books, I was able to practice my English. It was great because at school, I only learned grammar from books, but at the bookstore I was learning conversational English. Not only that but I made money for myself. This helped me because I didn’t always have to ask my parents for money for books and other things. As you can see, by working at the bookstore I killed two birds with one stone.

To sum up, I believe that all high school students should work part-time during high school. It’s a great experience that will open many new doors. Isn’t that what life’s all about?

Words: 176

Sample #3

Prompt     In your view, what was the greatest invention of the twentieth century? Why? Give examples and reasons to support your argument.

There were so many inventions in the last century, such as the airplane and the microprocessor. Yet in my opinion, I can honestly say that the car was the greatest invention in the twentieth century. Why? Let me explain.

I am from Turkey. I remember my mother and father telling me how they had a horse before they had a car. The horse was very important because it did everything, such as work in the fields and take vegetables to market. Using a horse, though, was very slow. Everything took so much time. But then my father bought a car and everything changed completely. Like day and night. Suddenly, my father could go places more quickly and he could take more vegetables to market. Best of all, he took my mother to the hospital to have me.

In conclusion, I think that for me and my family, the greatest invention of the twentieth century was the car. No car. No me.

Words: 161

Sample #4

Prompt     These days people are living longer. Why? Develop your position using examples and reasons.

Why are people living longer these days? Personally, I contend that people are living longer because they are taking better care of themselves.

A good example is my grandfather. When he was younger, he used to smoke and drink a lot. Also, he never ate very well. Then when he was fifty, he had heart attack. He was in the hospital for a long time. The doctor told him he should stop smoking and drinking, and start eating better. That’s what my grandfather did. Now, he doesn’t drink or smoke anymore. Also, he eats lots of healthy food like salads and fish, and he exercises every day. As a result, he feels much better than before and has lots more energy.

As you can see, by changing his lifestyle, my grandfather is definitely going to live longer because he is taking better care of himself. If you want to live longer, you should take care of yourself too.

Words: 158

Sample #5

Prompt     Which person has been the greatest influence in your life? Give examples and reasons to support and develop your opinion.

A lot of people have influenced my life. However, it goes without saying that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life because she encourages and inspires me.

My mother encourages me. For example, I’m now in America working as an au pair. An au pair is like a babysitter who lives with an American family. I’m doing this for a year in Stamford, Connecticut. At first I didn’t want to come to America and leave all my friends in Estonia, but my mother said it would be a great experience and a great way to develop my English. She was right. Living with an American family has been a wonderful experience and my English is so much better.

Also, my mother inspires me. When I was growing up, my mother was a high school teacher. This was strange because all my friends’ mothers were housewives. But my mother wanted to work. She always told me to just follow your heart. I remember these words whenever I have problems in America, and they give me strength.

As you can see, my mother has been the biggest influence in my life because she encourages and inspires me. I hope that when I have a daughter, I can encourage and inspire her.

Words: 210

The advanced responses are really good. Is it really possible to develop and deliver these kinds of responses in 45 seconds on test day?

Yes, but only if you practice a lot. By doing so, you will know exactly what to do on test day without guessing. You will also learn how to manage your time.

TOEFL is an English language proficiency test and a time-management test.

Emergency Response

What if you can’t develop a response for this task? What if you blank out? What should you do? Follow these four steps and deliver an emergency response.

Step #1 Make a G+TiC=C note map; include transitions.

Step #2 Read the prompt.

Make sure you understand the prompt before you respond. Make sure you are “on topic” (talking about the topic in the prompt) not “off topic” (talking about a different topic).

Prompt     Can a pet change a person’s behavior? Explain your position using supporting illustrations and reasons.

Step #3 Develop ideas (15 seconds).

Step #4 Speak (45 seconds).

If you blank out, do not state an opinion at first. Instead, tell a personal story. When you tell a personal story, you are using induction, TiC=C. Look at the following example using induction as a method of organization. Notice how the response progresses from specific (TiC; the story of the test-taker’s brother) to a conclusion (C) about the benefits of pets for autistic children based on the example.

My younger brother has autism and for a long time he never talked to anybody. Also, he would get angry really easily for reasons nobody could understand. Then one day the doctor told my parents that they should get a dog. We never had a dog or any pets before, but my parents really wanted to make my brother happy, so we got a dog and called him Happy. Well, I’m telling you, it was amazing. My brother loves Happy. Before my brother was always quiet and angry, but with Happy, my brother always talks and smiles. The change was amazing. Now, my brother and Happy are just like best friends.

As you can see, a pet can really change a someone’s life. If you have a brother or sister with the autism, I recommend that you to get a dog or a cat. It will make them smile like you’ve never seen before.

Words: 154

We all love to tell stories. Use this innate human ability to develop an emergency response for independent Speaking Tasks #1 and #2, and for the Independent Essay.

Contrarian Response

What if you think the question in the prompt is strange, doesn’t make sense, or is not asking the right question? How can you respond? In this case, develop a contrarian response. Read the following prompt, then read the contrarian response.

Prompt     How has technology made the world a better place? Develop your argument using examples and reasons.

Has technology made the world a better place? No. Technology has not made the world a better place. This is only what people in rich countries believe.

For example, here in America people think that everybody is the same all over the world. Everybody has a car and a laptop, and a cell phone. But this is not true. Why not? Because two-thirds of the people in the world, over 3 billion people, make less than one American dollar a day. Moreover, these same people have no education. Because they have no education, they don’t have good jobs, or the money to buy computers and iPods. Most are lucky if they eat one meal a day. Come to my country, and you will see that this is true.

In conclusion, technology has not made the world a better place. If anything, technology has simply drawn a clearer line between the majority poor and the minority rich.

Words: 156

Make sure your contrarian response is a serious argument. Even if you think that the prompt is asking the wrong question, you must still demonstrate OPDUL=C.

Speaking Practice

TASK: Using G+TiC=C or G+2TiC=C and the four steps, develop and deliver a basic response that demonstrates OPDUL=C for each of the following prompts you have already studied (see the end of the chapter for a step-by-step guide). If you have trouble, go back and look at the sample responses for help. Use a recording device and check each response for coherence using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist on page 318. Rate each response using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320.

Why do people travel? Develop your opinion using examples and reasons.

Should teenagers work during high school? Why? Give illustrations and reasons to develop your argument.

Which technology in the past fifty years has changed your life the most? Why? Develop your position using examples and reasons.

In your view, what was the greatest invention of the twentieth century? Why? Give examples and reasons to support your argument.

These days people are living longer. Why? Develop your position using examples and reasons.

Which person has been the greatest influence in your life? Give examples and reasons to support and develop your opinion.

More Speaking Practice

TASK: Using G+TiC=C or G+2TiC=C and the four steps, develop and deliver a response for each of the following prompts. Use a recording device and check each response for coherence using the Independent Speaking Proficiency Checklist on page 318. Rate each response using the Independent Speaking Rating Guide on page 320.

Many people leave their home country. Why? Give examples and reasons to support your argument.

What is your idea of the perfect neighborhood? Support your position with illustrations and reasons.

Why is the car important in daily life? Develop your response using examples and reasons.

When is the best time to go on a vacation? Support your argument using examples and reasons.

Why do some people never get married? Use examples and reasons to develop your argument.

What Have You Learned?

In this chapter, you learned how to develop, revise and deliver a variety of spoken responses for single-question prompts using G+TiC=C and the four steps. By doing so, you can demonstrate OPDUL=C in your response.

#1 Make a G+TiC=C note map; include transitions.

#2 Read the prompt.

#3 Develop ideas (15 seconds).

#4 Speak (45 seconds).

Test-takers who get high independent speaking scores have practiced speaking a lot.