Chapter Six


It’s still hard to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. I’m holding Minerva and she’s clearly alive, but I nearly lost her. I know much about magic, but I’ve never felt any of it before. I felt everything as if I were there in her vision.

I can’t let go. I should. We are not lovers. It’s completely inappropriate to have her nearly naked and in my arms, but I saw her dragged nearly to her death. I felt her panic and heard her screams.

“Jonah, are you all right?” she whispers.

“No. I’m not.” I caress the curve of her back. I flatten my palm between her shoulder blades and feel her lungs expand and contract.

“I’ll not leave this earth this day, my friend. You may ease your grip.” The panic has left her voice, and now she’s soothing me.

I pull back and cup her cheek. “I thought I’d lost you. I saw you go under that muck. It was a dream, but it wasn’t.”

“How did you know it was Orin? I thought you’d never seen him.” She grabs the front of the towel and supports her own weight.

“Because you thought his name when you first heard him.” Everything was from her mind to mine, but I was also separate.

“Did you see the hawk?” she asks.

“Yes, but I don’t think Orin could see her.” Reluctantly, I release her.

“No. He didn’t seem to even notice her watching and warning. I don’t know what any of this means.” She looks at the coverlet. “I’m sorry you were worried and thank you for coming to my aid.”

It feels like a dismissal, but I can’t leave her just yet. “How do we protect against such an attack? That was far too close for my liking.”

“Mine as well.”

Standing, I pace the room. It would be my bedchamber if these were normal days. As it is, Minerva is in my bed. Not entirely unwanted, but certainly odd.

“Jonah?” She stands and secures the towel better. With the wet cloth clinging to every beautiful curve, she’s stunning.

Despite the fact that my desires are not likely to come to pass, as the lady is resistant, I long to explore every inch of her. A man can dream. “Yes?”

“If you will step outside and let me dress, we can speak of creating a talisman of some kind.” She blushes, and it’s the most alluring thing I’ve ever seen.

“You are certain you’re all right?” It shouldn’t be this hard to leave her presence.

With a soft smile, she nods. “Thanks to you, I’m fine. Perhaps a bit terrified, but alive enough to be embarrassed by what you have seen of me.”

I can’t stop the chuckle that escapes, but I move toward the door. I’ll have to fix the bolt. “I’ll fix this before you go to bed tonight.”

The pink of her cheeks deepens. “Perhaps I won’t throw it anymore, in case you need to get in and rescue me again.”

My shaft responds as I wonder if that’s an invitation to more than a rescue. I try not to think on it, let my trousers tent, and leave no doubt as to my desire. Turning to leave, I stop and say, “Mina, you have no cause to be embarrassed. Every inch of you is perfect as far as I can see.” Without waiting for her response, I step into the hallway and head to the parlor.

At the desk, I gather a pen and paper. I never liked sitting at a desk, so I take the ink too, then go to the table and sit on the love seat. I write down everything I saw and felt while inside Minerva’s vision. As I finish the last sentence, Minerva and Bellamy arrive with a tea tray.

“I found some biscuits in the kitchen. I hope you don’t mind that we brought them with the tea.” Bellamy sits beside me and looks at my scribblings.

“I was afraid it might fade, and I wanted to make sure I wrote it all down.”

Minerva places the tray on the table, then rounds to me and looks at the paper. “That was smart. I should do the same, and then we can compare.”

I hand her the recounting. “Or you might just read mine and see if you have anything to add.”

Our fingers touch as she takes the pages, and the spark of her skin flows through me like lightning.

Her stare shoots to mine and locks for an instant before she looks away.

Bellamy pours the tea while Minerva paces and reads. “You felt as if you were drowning too?”

“I did. But I never lost sight of the real world. What were you doing before you had the vision? I mean—” I try not to think of her naked in the tub. “I know you were bathing, but was there anything else that might have made you vulnerable?”

She sits, takes her tea, and sighs before she sips it. “I cleared my mind and stilled my breathing as one does to let magic flow through. I do this every day. Sometimes several times a day.”

“I do the same, though magic has not found me as yet.” I keep my tone light despite my regret for not feeling magic as witches do.

“Most witches will meditate on magic regularly.” Bellamy taps her fingernail on the edge of the teacup. “Orin will know this, of course. He uses it as a time of vulnerability.”

“How do we protect against it?” I must keep Minerva safe. I know she is stronger than me in many ways, but the compulsion to protect her is seared into my soul.

“We make a charm or talisman with herbs and magic, and then we test it.” Minerva’s shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath.

Inside, she’s worried her magic isn’t enough. The vision has rattled her confidence.

I wait for her to look at me, and say, “It will be enough.”

She frowns, but nods.

“How do we test it?” I drink down my tea and take a biscuit.

Bellamy shrugs. “She’ll clear her mind and let magic flow in, and you’ll make sure nothing evil reaches her.” She sips her tea, then looks at Minerva over the rim. “Perhaps with your clothes on the next time.”

I have to hold down my laugh.

Minerva looks ready to jump across the table at her aunt.

Unconcerned, Bellamy laughs.

After tea, I go to my still room. I collect herbs and elements that will make a good protection charm: bay leaf, barley, birch bark, carnation.

“I admit I snooped in here the other day.” Minerva stands in the doorway, her hands crossed over her chest.

Just the sight of her is pure joy. “I know you did, but you needn’t have been stealthy. You are welcome in here or anywhere on the property. I have no secrets.”

“No secrets. I didn’t know there were adults without something to hide.” She steps inside the long, narrow room. There’s a large window and the light hits her just so, making her look like an angel.

The only other door leads to where I’ve been sleeping since the Honeywells’ arrival. It’s only a small bed and wardrobe, but I can’t think of that bed with Minerva so close.

“You’ve been in my head. Did you find anything I should keep to myself?” I crush the birch bark in my mortar with the herbs, barley, and the pollen from the carnation.

“You might hide your untoward thoughts of me,” she whispers.

I put the mortar and pestle on my worktable and face her. “If that were possible, Mina, I would do it. You want no part of this. I have seen it in your thoughts. Someone hurt you very deeply, that I know. There again, I wish we had been childhood friends. Then I would know why you are unreachable.”

Emotions of every kind cross her pretty face until she lands on annoyance, and props her fists on her hips. “We have known each other for only a few days. Do you think I should fall at your feet in that amount of time?”

I close the distance until I’m inches from her. “I never wish you at my feet. You are far above me, Minerva Honeywell.”

“Then what do you want?” Sorrow, that I have brought, fills her.

I press my thumb to the crease between her eyes and smooth it. “Nothing. I have no rights to anything. My purpose is to see to your comfort here and hope you will tell the Windsor coven nice things about me. I never wish to make you uncomfortable. Despite our mental connection, I will try to quiet my feelings.”

Confusion tugs at her soft features. She struggles internally, but I avoid listening to her inner turmoil. It seems, if I make an effort, I can halt the receiving of random thoughts as one might block a conversation not meant for their ears.

She gapes. “How did you do that?”

“What did I do?” I ask, looking at the mortar to see if something miraculous happened to my mixture.

“I couldn’t hear your mind. I can’t hear it now.” It’s hard to tell if she’s excited or disappointed. Her hands shake as she touches my forehead.

“I pushed the things you were thinking aside and ignored them, for want of a better word.” I return my attention to the mixture and fix my intention on protection of those I care about.

Minerva watches. When I’ve finished, she draws four stones from her pocket. “Amethyst would be better, but I found these perfectly round stones by your creek and thought them very fine. If you will permit me, I will infuse your protection blend into the stones.”

“You don’t want to know that my potion is correct?”

She presses her fingers inside the mortar. “You are a fine apothecary, and in that way a healer. I do not doubt your skills, Jonah.”

It’s gratifying to hear her trust in me. I gather four small bowls and measure a portion of the mix into each one.

Minerva places a stone in each of the bowls. She waves a hand over them and closes her eyes but says nothing.

I hear nothing in her mind. “Should I leave you?”

She shakes her head. “No. You are part of this spell. Goddess said it would take us both, and with her in mind, I need your help.”

“Anything.” My thoughts return to when I believed I might lose her, and I must push that aside.

Minerva closes her eyes. “Together as is divined, we bless and protect.”

I fidget, as I don’t know exactly what I’m meant to do. I look from the bowls to her, and back again.

Taking my hand, Minerva presses my palm to the center of her chest.

I’m on fire with need and riffled with confusion, but touching her skin is a piece of heaven. I stare at her beautiful face, and she gazes into my eyes. Her flesh heats beneath my hand, which spans most of her chest, and my fingers touch her throat.

Her heart beats hard and fast, and mine matches the rhythm. Where my skin meets hers grows almost too hot to touch, though I don’t move. I would burn for her, so there’s no reason to back away.

Aglow with golden magic, she says, “As we are one, we conjure. As we are one, we protect. Those in our circle, we safeguard and shield from evil. I for him.” She nods at me.

“And I for her.”

Static and magic flow through me. My hair stands on end. I can’t look away from her sparkling eyes as they glow red hot.

With one hand still on mine at her chest, she waves her hand over the bowls. They burst into flame like little oil pots. “Four elements, four stones, four hearts. Let no blackness fall or evil see. As we will, so mote it be.”

As the fires die, so does the spark against my skin.

The gold in her irises returns to blue, yet the intensity remains. She makes no move to step away or pull my hand from her.

I swallow the lump in my throat and wish my aching shaft were not so obvious. “That was amazing. I’ve never felt magic in this way before.”

“It was different for me too.” Her tongue peeks out and wets her bottom lip.

I can’t look away, nor am I willing to pull back. As long as she holds my hand to her chest, I will happily have it there. I caress the soft flesh at her throat. “How so?”

“More intense and full of earth and water.” She touches my cheek, and her fingers are hot.

“You’re a fire witch.”

She colors and pulls back.

I trap her hand between mine. “Only because you wish to put distance between us, Mina, not because you think I’m judging you. I find no fault in fire magic. Any magic may be used for light or dark.”

Her throat bobs. “Why must you be so nice?”

“Most of my neighbors would describe me as a solitary man with little to say.” Even as we speak, I still push aside her thoughts, though her feelings are harder to ignore as she grows more aroused.

“I will have to learn to manage this connection between us. I know you want me, and it is exceedingly distracting.” Her chest rises and falls quickly.

Taking her hand away from mine, I caress around her neck and pull her close. My cock presses hard between us. “I don’t think we need a magical connection to notice what you do to me physically, Mina.”

Eyes locked with hers, I lower my mouth, looking for some sign that she wants me to stop. When there is only desire, I capture her lips.

Her warm lips grow hotter as I worry the bottom, then the top between mine.

With a soft sigh, Minerva wraps her arms around my neck and toys with my hair. Her breasts press against my chest as she lifts to her tiptoes to draw closer.

I wrap my arm around her, nearly lifting her from her feet, and when she gasps, delve my tongue inside her perfect mouth.

She grows warmer, as she did with the magic.

Our tongues meld and play and slide together. My shaft is rock hard, and she rubs herself against me, moaning.

Her fingers flame, and the scent of burning hair fills the still room.

Minerva jumps back, and gasping, clutches her hands together. “I burned you.” The fear in her is wild like a cornered beast.

I step closer, but she backs up. “I am unharmed.”

“I could have killed you. What was I thinking?” She backs herself into the doorway.

“Don’t run, Mina. You didn’t harm me. I suspect you did harm someone else once. Would you care to tell me about it?” I want to take her into my arms and make her see that whatever she fears, I will protect her, but of course, I have no idea if that’s true.

“You should be horrified, and you shouldn’t call me Mina.” Her step back inside is tentative.

I shrug and look in the little bowls. In each one is a stone with a pattern of Hecate’s Wheel embedded in it. The intricate symbol is both beautiful and impressive magic. Inside the circle is a maze, and at the center, another circle with the crossroads within. I pick up one still-warm stone. “This is very fine magic.”

She returns to my side and looks at her work. “I think they will make suitable protection for Trent, Aunt Bellamy, you, and me. Still, we should test the charms. I will try to meditate on magic tomorrow if you will stay close.” Her head bows. “Why are you not afraid? I could have burned you and set the entire still room aflame.”

I take her hand and kiss it before going to the shelf for a few leather cords. I knot each stone into a bracelet. I put two in my pocket, then tie a third around Minerva’s left wrist. Once done, I kiss her inner wrist at her pulse. “I’ll never fear you or your magic. I don’t believe you can harm me.”

She looks ready to burst into tears as she ties the last bracelet around my wrist. “I have harmed someone. I could do you great ill. I would hate myself if that happened.”

I turn my back to her. “Am I burned? Is my hair singed?”

She touches my neck and runs her fingers through my hair. “You are not. I smelled the burning. How can you not be red and blistered?”

Her fingers are magical even with only a light touch. I push down my rocketing desire and face her. “I don’t know all the answers. I have no magic. I only know in here.” I press my hand to my heart. “That you can never hurt me.”

She bites her bottom lip. “I will tell you what happened in the past, if only to deter your interest. Will you promise to keep my secret?”

If it’s possible for a heart to expand, mine is about to burst from my chest. She trusts me, and it is more than I could ever dream of. “All your secrets are safe, Mina. Why don’t we deliver these charms and then take a walk to the pond? It’s only a short walk south of where we sat by the creek.”

It’s hard not to hear her doubts, as she screams them so loudly in her head. But she doesn’t doubt me, only herself. We have that in common.