Acherontia atropos (Death’s-head Hawk moth)
Ackery, Phil
African butterflies
Alkaloids and butterflies
Allan, David
Amelia tropical storm
American Painted Lady
commercialization of
description of
American wasp beetle (Reesa vespulae)
Antennae, butterflies vs. moths
Anthrenus museorum
Anthrenus sarnicus (carpet beetle)
caterpillar nectar and
caterpillars and
caterpillars eating of
El Segundo Blues and
Palos Verdes Blues and
Apache del Bosque
Apollo butterflies
pupation of
rape and
Arabuke-Sokoke preserve
Aristolochic acids
Army ants
Asian swallowtail caterpillars
Assassin bugs
Attagenus smirnovi (brown carpet beetle)
Australian Big Greasy butterflies
Australian Common Imperial Blue butterflies
Aztecs and ritual sacrifices

in caterpillars
eggs and
Baltimore Checkerspot
defense strategies of
description of
pupa of
Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge
Barrie, James M.
Bates, Henry Walter
background of
as beetle expert
butterflies and
collection of
evolution and
explorations of
life after explorations
mimicry and
typical collecting attire/day of
See also Batesian mimicry
Batesian mimicry
Bats and moths
Berwickshire Naturalists Field Club
of Costa Rica
at El Segundo dunes
mitigation of
museum work and
Biology of Butterflies, The (Ackery and Vane-Wright)
Birds and caterpillars
Biscuit/drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum)
Black Swallowtail
bad taste of
as “hill-topping” butterfly
mimicry and
Black Tiger Swallowtails
Blue jays
Monarch butterflies and
spotting caterpillars by
Bonner, Arthur
Borneo and ants/caterpillars
Brahma and butterflies
Bright Copper caterpillar
British Natural History Museum
beetle pests of
biodiversity and
butterflies and
collecting for
collection maintenance and
collection use
description of
eating insects and
history of
moths and
religion and
Rothschild’s collection to
visit to
Brown carpet beetle (Attagenus smirnovi)
Brush-footed butterflies
changes in pupation
description of
Burton, Richard
beauty and
colors/patterns overview
commercialization of
as fairies
flowers and
gardens and
historical abundance of
humans love of
identifying of
learning ability of
loss of
mating of
moths vs.
as new dimension
seasonal differences in
as solace
spiders and
storytelling and
use of
Butterflies of Costa Rica, The (DeVries)
Butterfly Farm, The
Butterfly farming
Butterfly houses
Butterfly kachina
“Butterfly moths”
Butterfly ranching

Cabbage White
color and
description of
learning ability of
mating of
California Sister
California White Tip
of caterpillars
colors/patterns of
Carotenoid pigments
Carpet beetle (Anthrenus sarnicus)
Carter, David
ant associations of
breathing by
dangers to
defense strategies of
descriptions of
eating by
growth/instars of
hiding by
instars appearance
instars behavior
plant strategies against
running from predators
sensory detectors of
as social larvae
time spent as
toxic species of
Cheeseman, Evelyn
Chickadees and caterpillars
Children’s Eternal Forest
China and butterflies
Chrysalis. See Pupa/pupation
Chuang Tze
in Costa Rica
description of
Cloudless Sulphurs
Coast buckwheat
Collecting and nature
Collecting butterflies
historical change in
as insanity (1700’s)
“golden age” of
as naturalists
Colorado Hairstreak
as camouflage
as distraction
evolution of
females/males use of
gender differences in
heat and
humans response to
pigments and
scales and
seasons and
sources of color
upper/under differences in
Common Sulphur
Concentration camps and butterflies
Costa Rica
biodiversity of
ecotourism of
Costa Rica Entomological Supply company (CRES)
Cruise, Tom

Darwin, Charles
Bates and
British Natural History Museum and
evolution and
evolution of color
writings of
Death’s-head Hawk moth (Acherontia atropos)
“Defecation ecology”
Desert hackberry
DeVries, Philip
ants/caterpillar associations
butterfly emergence
on collecting morphos
88 butterfly
species loss
Dillard, Annie
Dimorphic Bark Wing
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson)
Drugstore/biscuit beetle (Stegobium paniceum)
description of
by Pipevine Swallowtails
plant color and

Ecotourism, Costa Rica
dangers to
description of
Egyptians and butterflies
88/89 butterfly
El Segundo Blue
ants and
conservation of
description/life history of
dune system habitat of
habitat damage
El Segundo Giant Flower-loving Fly
El Segundo Jerusalem Cricket
El Segundo Spineflower
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Department of Defense and
El Segundo Blue and
enactment of
English Large Blue
European Map butterflies
European Orange-tip
Bates and
of colors/patterns
Darwin and
mating and
of butterflies
of caterpillars

Fairies and butterflies
False heads
Flea collections
“Flea Lady”
Flight pattern and mimicry
Flowering plants
butterflies and
color change in
Flyway for water birds
ejection of
moths and
Frass chains
Fungi and eggs

Gelasius I, Pope
Genetic diversity
Giant Birdwing
Gilbert, Larry
Snout butterflies/larvae
Glanville, Lady Eleanor
Glanville, Richard
Glanville Fritillary
description of
rarity of
Goldblum, Jeff
Goldenrod Stowaway
Grapevine Epimenis
Gray Cracker
camouflage of
territorial behavior of
Gray hairstreaks
Graylings mating
Great Southern Whites
Greeks and butterflies
Green Hairstreak
Green turtles
Gulf Fritillaries

Haggerstone Entomological Society
description of
false heads of
Hawkmoth in Madagascar
Hawksbill turtles
colors and
flight muscles and
Heliconius genus
Bates and
mimicry and
mimicry rings of
picture of
rape in
as “smart” butterflies
description of
Monarch semihibernation
“Hill-topping” butterflies
Holloway, Jeremy

Imaginal disks (wing buds)
Industrial Revolution
Insect eating
“Interference effect” (feeding)

Java and butterflies
Jurassic Park
Juvenile hormones

Kafka, Franz
Kenya and butterfly ranching
Krakatau eruption and butterflies
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth

Lantana bush (Lantana camara)
Large Heath butterflies
Large Whites
egg laying by
Miriam Rothschild and
timing of chrysalis
LAX airport
Leatherback turtles
“Leech in the teapot”
order of
origin of term
Lindbergh, Charles
Linnean Society
Livingston, Stanley
Loggerhead turtles
Lolita (Nabokov)
Long-tailed Blues
Long-tailed Skippers
description of
foraging behavior of
Loth, Daryl
“Love dust”
Luna moth

Madrone caterpillars
Magnetic compass navigation
Malayan Archipelago
Malthus, Thomas R.
Marbled Fritillary
Marbled Whites
of Australian Big Greasy
of Cabbage White
evolution and
female vs. male strategies
Graylings and
“hill-topping” butterflies and
patrolling vs. territories
pupal mating
of Queen butterflies
of Sharp-veined Whites
territorial behavior in
of Tiger Swallowtail
of Zebra Longwing
Mating plugs
Mattoni, Rudi
McKenzie, Sir Compton
Mead, Theodore
Meek, A.S.
Melanin pigment
Metalmark caterpillars
ant associations and
chemical alarm of
sound/vibratory call of
Metamorphosis (Kafka)
Metamorphosis. See Pupa/pupation
butterflies and
migrating Monarchs and
of larvae
of Monarchs
movement patterns with
navigation by magnetic compass
navigation by sun
by other animals
of Painted Lady
population increases and
regular vs. irregular
as seasonal pattern
of snout butterflies
temperature and
thermals and
Milkweed Butterflies, Their Cladistics and Biology (Ackery and Vane-Wright)
cardenolides in
Monarch caterpillars and
Monarchs and
Bates and
Batesian mimicry
of caterpillars
of flight pattern
gender-based morphs and
mimicry rings
Mullerian mimicry
in Queen butterflies
in Tiger Swallowtail
warning colors of
Mimicry rings
Mischief (ship)
Mission Impossible
Molting description
bad taste of
commercialization of
metamorphosis picture of
migration of
milkweeds and
as mimics
pupa of
reproductively immature adults in
Monkeys and caterpillars
Monteverde Cloud Forest
Morpho cypris
color of
description of
bats and
butterflies vs.
cultural associations with
mating of
as pests
range of adaptations
scent and
silk and
spiders and
Moths of Borneo (Holloway)
Mountain Silver-spot
Muller, Fritz
Mullerian mimicry
Museum beetles

Nabokov, Vladimir
ant/caterpillar associations
on metamorphosis
obsession with butterflies
timelessness and
National Wildlife Federation
Naturalist on the River Amazon, The (Bates)
Natural selection
Darwin/Wallace and
description of
New Guinea biological diversity
Nijhout, Frederik
Northern Blue
“Note on Coleopterous Insects Frequenting Damp Places” (Bates)
Nymphalid ground plan

Odyssey (Homer)
“On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species” (Wallace)
On the Principle of Population (Malthus)
Orange Sulphur
Origin of Species (Darwin)
Orr, Bert
plant selection for
site selection for
Ovipositor description
Owen, Richard
Owl butterflies
caterpillars of
description of
parasitic wasps and

Painted Ladies
color and
commercialization of
migration of
pupa of
Palos Verdes Blue
Panama and ants/caterpillars
Papaj, Dan
Papua New Guinea
butterfly ranching in
collecting in
Paradise Birdwing
Pará River
Parasitic flies
caterpillars and
in eggs
Parasitic wasps
Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillars
caterpillars and
in eggs
plant chemical signals and
Passion vine plant
Patterns. See Colors/patterns
Peacock butterflies
defense reaction of
description of
Perez, Sandra
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Petiver, James
collections of
Eleanor Glanville and
butterflies and
in Grayling mating
moths and
moths/spiders and
Physics string theory
Pipevine plant
Pipevine Swallowtails
bad taste of
color of
drumming by
egg laying site selection
larvae food requirements
learning ability of
nectaring picture of
ovipositing by
alkaloids from
chemical signals of
defense strategies of
toxins of
as butterfly food
as caterpillar food
by butterflies
by honeybees
Pope Gelasius I
description of
diet of
mating and
mimicry and
Postnuptial flight
Psychonotis julie
Puddling behavior
Pupal mating
boldly colored pupa
changes before
changes during
description of
emergence from
movements/sounds of
time spent in
Pyle, Robert

Quakers in Monteverde
Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing
collecting of
description of
Queen butterflies
mating behavior of
mimicry in
Queen Swallowtail

in Apollo butterflies
in Heliconius
in Monarchs
Red Admirals
Red Cracker
Red-spotted Purple
Reesa vespulae (American wasp beetle)
Reserva Bosque Nubosa
Rhapsody in Green
Rogers, Will
Roland, Marcel
Rothschild, Charles
Rothschild, Lord Walter
Rothschild, Miriam
butterflies/concentration camps
on Monarch mating
on Morpho cypris
as naturalist
Royal Geographical Society

Saint Vincent
San Cristobal island
San Diego Horned Lizard
Santa Elena Reserve
Scales on wings
Scarlet Tiger moth
Schumacher, E.
Seasons and morph differences
Semihibernation, Monarchs
Sharp-veined Whites
Silence of the Lambs
Silk production
Skipper caterpillars
emergence of
leaf shelters of
waste ejection by
egg laying by
foraging behavior of
migration of
pupation of
Sloane, Sir Hans
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher)
Smell perception
in butterflies
in caterpillars
of moths
Snout butterflies
1921 migration of
1978 migration of
description of
pupation of
Solitary Red Admiral
Solomon Islands
Sound/vibration perception
Southern Festoon
Special Conservation Achievement Award
description of
of Monarch butterflies
ovipositing and
of Queen butterflies
sphragis and
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiral flights
Stegobium paniceum (biscuit/drugstore beetle)
Stevenson, Robert
Stonecrop Blue butterfly
String theory
Sun navigation
description of
emerging caterpillars of
mimicry rings and

Taoist master Chuang Tze
Taste perception
in butterflies
in caterpillars
Taxonomy and museums
Tennent, John
Texas Dutchman’s pipe
Thermals and migration
Tiger Swallowtail
color and
mating behavior of
mimicry and
Tikopia island
Time counting and caterpillars
Tortuguero, Costa Rico
Touch perception
Toxic caterpillars
Two-tailed Pasha
Type specimen
Tyrannosaurus rex

U.S. Department of Defense

Vane-Wright, Dick
Variegated Fritillary
bad taste of
mimicry of
Virginia snakeroot plant
Viruses and eggs
Vision. See Eyes
Visual landmarks, navigation
Voyage of the Beagle (Darwin)

Wallace, Alfred Russel
Wasps. See Parasitic wasps
Waterhouse, Alfred
Weiss, Martha
butterfly experiments by
“defecation ecology” and
flower color change and
honeybee experiments by
Western Tiger Swallowtail
caterpillar defense strategies
description of
lifespan of
picture of
White Admiral
Wilson, Edward O.
Wing buds (imaginal disks)


Yellow Tiger Swallowtails
Yucca moth

Zebra butterflies
Zebra Longwing
description of
diet of
mating of
Zoologist, The