
I would like to say a special thank you to:

My family, for the journey that has made me who I am.

Louis, for the light you bring into my life every day.

Dr. Fratellone, for renewing my faith in doctors and dear friends.

Rick Byrd, for everything.

Frankie Beans, my 13-year-old constant, unwavering friend and companion.

Old friends who try their best to understand.

New friends in the celiac community who were the first to reach out to me and tell me I was not alone in this.

Celiac bloggers who write endlessly in search of answers, antidotes, recipes, and some laughter. I especially want to mention my friend Gluten Dude, who speaks with honesty, passion, and great wit.

Larry and David, who have joined me on this quest to bring Jennifer’s Way into the future with great respect and care.

All who have helped make this book a reality.

My staff at the bakery and loyal customers, who say thank you every day and make it all worthwhile.

Dr. Mendel, who finally diagnosed me and put a name to the struggle.

Finally thank you to God, the universe, for guiding me and giving me the unending strength to keep moving forward.

Love to you all!