Only gone for a day. A few hours. For a quart of milk. And there they are, their bright, tongue-waggy faces at the window, at the door as it opens, their furry feet pawing at our pant legs in happy reunion. Luggage dropped. Laptop laid down. Milk set on counter. We’re on the ground, they’re in our arms. We’re theirs. They’re ours. We’re home.
FRANKIE stands proud on his porch. He smiles into the sun and watches the white cat across the street.
Sammy loved to hunt for lizards, which were abundant in our backyard on Iberville Street in New Orleans, where we lived before Hurricane Katrina. But he didn’t have much luck catching them. So on this day when his daddy arrived home from work with a lizard for him, Sammy was beside himself with joy.
SOPHIE is an exuberant little dog with a passion for life, biscuits and walks in the woods.
Both dogs are Save a Sato rescues from Puerto Rico and now serve as the welcoming committee, greeting visitors to our home with their smiles.
BENJI loves to run full speed to greet me
DogJoy is running toward your human. PeopleJoy is knowing your dog is smiling because she’s running toward you!
Belle is a homeless dog at an all-breed rescue who enthusiastically greets all who come in, positive that they are there only to take her home!
Cooper is equal parts sweet and sassy. Seen here enjoying his job as a backyard wood chipper.