
A few years ago, a reader sent us a snapshot of her smiling dog, Peppy, and suggested that we include it in our magazine, The Bark, and launch a Smiling Dog contest. We thought it was a great idea, and did just that. Since then, we’ve published thousands of photos—both in the magazine and online—of dogs displaying their boundless enthusiasm for life. Each time I open my e-mail, I’m greeted by a batch of new entries—I ooh and aah over the sweetest of puppies, romp with the pack, take adventure-filled trips or am moved by the sincere seniors. I feel that I must have the best job in the world. Not only do I get to befriend these joyous dogs, but I’m also able to introduce them to the readers of my magazine and now to you, the readers of this book.

Smiling, the purest form of communication, is indeed universal—we do it, dogs do it. Want proof? You’ll find it here. Dig in, delight awaits . . . here come the smiling dogs!

—Claudia Kawczynska

Editor-in-chief, The Bark