Hi, Dad,

Liv here. Sorry I haven’t written in a couple of weeks. Things here have been a bit mad. And by mad, I mean completely barmy. Good news is, after the psych evaluation SNAFU, I’m finally aboard! We shipped out two days back, and Private 1st Class Olivia Klein is an official crew member aboard battlecarrier Alexander-78V

Yes, your little girl is actually in space. I’m going to say it again because it’s an amazing word and I like the sound of it. Space. See?


Can you believe that? It actually does my head in if I think about it too much, so I’m trying not to.

I’ve been assigned to the main neurogramming team under Major Wolf. It’s so weird. I studied his work on artificial intelligence at the academy, and now I’m actually working with him. He seems lovely. He’s also very tall.

The crew all seems nice. I get to meet the Artificial Intelligence Defense Analytics Network tomorrow, which will be amazing. It’s one thing to do theory work in a university lab. It’s another to meet the actual, pulsing heart of a UTA battlecarrier.

Anyway. Miss you much.

Liv xo