Chapter 2


In the many years that I have been teaching intuition I felt something was missing. So I used my intuition to find out what it was. I always thought that there was one form of intuition to tune in to love or fear depending on how you see life, as a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty person. However, if you understand that we live in a dualistic world of opposites – war/peace, affluence/poverty, etc. – you can see that there are also two polarities of intuition: love is at one end of the sound spectrum and fear is at the other. One form serves the ego and the other serves love. One has a high pitch (love) and one has a low pitch (fear). Ego-based intuition looks to keep you protected; it makes decisions through the filter of the ego, which also means any psychological baggage that you may be carrying will be added into the filter of your intuition. Perhaps this is why many people don’t feel safe trusting their intuition; they are listening to the wrong form of knowing. When you listen to love it has no words, but it knows profoundly. It speaks of joy and resolution; it moves past fear toward love.

Gut versus heart instinct

Ego intuition is also known as a ‘gut instinct.’ Knowing when something feels bad is a good thing, but avoiding situations or people without knowing ‘why’ is limiting. Living a life of self-protection isn’t really living. But this is what we are programmed to do; the ego protects the physical body. The bottom three chakras connect to the body and protect it. The solar plexus reaches out from the body and reads people and/or situations. It then takes this information to the sacral chakra, which turns it into a feeling. The feeling is taken into the gut brain; yes there is a brain in your gut! Embedded in the line of the intestines is the enteric nervous system, with hundreds of millions of neurons – one-thousandth the number in your brain. This network is termed the second brain and controls the gut function. Gut neurons communicate with the brain through the vagus nerve, which runs from the base of the brain to the chest and abdomen. The clearest connection between the gut and the mind, this is how we experience anxiety and stress. We’ve all experienced those moments of fear or stress when your guts literally feel like they are churning or liquid.

One way of interpreting or understanding this mind–gut connection is through the chakras. Our solar plexus chakra picks up signals from people or situations and looks for them to be dangerous; a repeat of something that hurt us in our past, or simply is not in alignment with what we want. This information is then absorbed by the sacral chakra and turned into emotions. The gut brain then reads these emotions and sends this information for analysis by the brain, which tries to digest it logically by using words. In this way, you can see how our stomach is our understanding of what we are digesting from the outside world – not just in our food and water, but our emotions, too – which also goes some way to explaining why conditions such as coeliac disease and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) are often linked to stress and anxiety.

Although gut instinct is very important, as discussed in the previous chapter it can lead to problems if we have a very active solar plexus. What makes the solar plexus active is our psychology; it is our belief in our capacity to feel safe in the world. If we don’t trust ourselves to cope, or trust the world to be a good place, our solar plexus will be overactive and give us the intuitive heads-up on impending doom all the time. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress with no sign of a real cause. Often this is the case with empaths; they just become too sensitive. Rather than trying to change your chakras, which know far better than your ego, start to look at your psychology and the underlying causes of your stress, anxiety, and fears.

Resolving them could be as simple as making a list of every amazing thing you have ever done, of all the wonderful acts of human kindness you see. Start to unravel the belief that the world isn’t safe, and build upon the positive belief in you. Developing your heart- or love-based intuition will also change the messages your gut is giving you, too. Unlike gut intuition, love-based intuition doesn’t work on the development of the ego’s belief in its problems and fears. Instead it shines a light into the only real truth there is… love.

Love-based intuition

When I work with a client I take their belief in their problems seriously, but I don’t consider they have a problem. To me, some are in a holding pattern of unhappiness while they are waiting for more information. I give them that information so that they can move through the thing that is holding them in their ego. This way, between the two of us, we can bring more love into life. During the session, if I am not feeling love for the client I usually conclude the appointment.

Some people are not ready for that kind of love or breakthrough. This in no way means my consultations are fluffy; a kick up the backside can be just as loving as offering a hand to hold. But if I don’t love them I know I had my ego filter on during the appointment. This means, for example, if I’ve had a bad relationship with a rock star ex-boyfriend, I might see bad things about my client’s relationship with her fabulous rock star boyfriend. Ego intuition looks everywhere for information that might be useful. Love intuition simply listens for the sound resonance: is it in alignment or is it not? As the intuitive inquirer, you can then become curious about what you feel and receive more accurate information. The trick is to stay in the higher pitch of a loving resonance. Love expands, fear limits. We want to make decisions in life from the heart, not from the head.

Not how but why

All this is useful knowledge in becoming more intuitive but the main thing about intuition is not the how, but the why. Why do you want to use intuition? The purpose behind your intuition will also play a very large part in how strong your intuition becomes. The main reason most people want to use intuition is the avoidance of pain. You might think this is a limited perspective on the use of intuition but during my many years teaching intuition in London, I would interview students who wanted to develop their intuitive skills. I would start each interview by asking why they wanted to learn. Some would answer that they wanted to help others, but most would say they wanted to trust their intuition for decision-making.

In life people often feel they want to be on the ‘right’ path, heading in the ‘right’ direction, with the ‘right’ partner, job, etc. The belief that you are heading in the ‘wrong’ direction is a belief that ‘it’ will lead to pain and disappointment. What it often leads to is actually learning, as if life somehow knew better than we did and took us exactly where we needed to be; to learn what we needed to know. All the worry about the ‘wrong’ direction just made us unhappy. By trying to avoid pain, going around the mountain, it takes us longer to be living ‘on purpose,’ and what’s more we are miserably worried while doing it. The avoidance of pain activates your fear-based intuitive knowing; you will then read the world to be a scary place. If you don’t believe you can handle what life can throw at you, you will avoid living fully. And one thing I know for sure is life never gives you more than you can handle. You might need to learn some juggling tricks, but never so many balls that you drop them all.

It is fear that will usually drive someone to seek the guidance of a psychic. This can be boiled down to:

Yet if pain is a necessary growth tool, you might find your intuition is being limited to small, imprisoning answers. Ego-based intuition seeks the avoidance of pain. Love-based intuition seeks growth and positive evolution. Love perceives pain as a growth tool or an emotional warning message and not as a negative thing to be avoided.

So now you know that intuition will not work well without the following three factors – purpose, love, and curiosity – being part of the reason that you are seeking answers.


When we make decisions by thinking alone, we limit ourselves to ideas based on information that we already know. Intuition will guide us to make decisions with our heart and also step into a ‘knowing’ that isn’t conscious. However, this intuitive guidance system only works if there is purpose. So you couldn’t expect to be guided by simply thinking, ‘What should I do with my life?’ The emerging desire behind the question might be:

Simply adding purpose to a day can also create more intuitive knowing throughout that day.

Purpose could also be described as ‘intention,’ which we discussed briefly in the previous chapter. Setting out what you want from a day, a week, or even a year gives your inner guidance system a focus with which to work. Use your imagination, step into wonder, and create purpose from a space of being excited.

Knowing what you want

When learning intuition in a classroom, many students will practice giving readings to each other. Unless the seeker has a purpose behind the reading, the intuitive information is weak. At the start of all of my consultations, I always ask my clients, ‘What do you want to get out of this session?’ If they didn’t originally come with an intention, it gets them to think about a purpose and makes the session stronger.

Being as famous as I am as an intuitive (please, lower your eyebrows) I find many clients come to see me without a purpose, just to see what I have to say. But if you haven’t got much going on in your life then there won’t be much to see. For example, a client raved about me to her friend (in a good way, of course) and so her friend came to see me and wanted amazing insights into her rather uninteresting life. I’m not being mean here, but I wouldn’t let them pay me for a service I can’t provide. However, instructions for an amazing life are revealed upon the impact of my foot on a behind.

More seriously, it is worth just accepting that we all go through times when we are stable and not growing, just as the Earth goes into winter. Intuition for some people is about solving problems – that is what gives it purpose, and without that purpose, intuition doesn’t work for them.

Living on purpose: the science bit

In any scientific study, any experiment needs to be repeatable for a large percentage of the tests, in order for the results to be accepted as ‘proven.’ Dr. Caroline Watt, a founder of the Koestler Parapsychology Unit research group in the Psychology Department of the University of Edinburgh has been conducting experiments on Psy energy, but including what I perceive to be the missing elements of ‘love’ and ‘purpose.’ To me, these are the most important elements in any test on right-brain ability.

In July 2008, Caroline courageously gave a talk at a meeting for the Society for Psychical Research. The audience was mainly composed of the Skeptics Society, who seemed to be mostly unhappy with Caroline’s findings and discounted them as best as they could. In her lecture she described a scientific test in which a subject was asked to concentrate on the flame of a candle. In another room a person, we shall call the ‘sender,’ was given times at which they were to send help in the form of positive thoughts to the person trying to keep focused on the candle. It was found that when the sender transmitted energetic help, the person concentrating on the flame was able to focus more (even though they didn’t know when this help was coming). Participants had a variety of different beliefs: those tested by believer experimenters showed the ‘remote helping’ effect; those tested by skeptical experimenters did not show any effect.

The same experiment was recreated by my students under less scientific conditions, and we discovered the same results. This indicates that when we create an energetic bond, we could say a bond of loving energy, there is intuition. Without this loving bond there is no intuition. I have found this with clients and, as I said earlier, I can honestly only work with clients where I can create this bond. I don’t feel intuitively linked to people all the time. However, if I think of the wonder of creation and the beauty that can be found in all people and the love, my intuition opens to allow me to receive information once again.


Often when we look for intuitive knowing it’s because we are trying to avoid something going ‘wrong.’ What happens when we try and control life is that we step into the left hemisphere of the brain. This is the action mind; it calculates and works on logic. When this part of the brain is active, the intuitive mind in the right hemisphere of the brain is receiving information, but you can’t hear it because the left hemisphere is busy in a state of concern or worry. If we take a moment to consider ‘What would love say to this?’ then we open the channels to be able to hear our intuitive knowing.

Of course, there are many ways in which we can ‘hear.’ This may come as a feeling in your body. So when you pose the question ‘What would love say to this?’ put your hand on your heart, so that you have a better connection with your body. The more we love in a day, the more our intuition works. This could be feeling a sense of love about anything: taking a moment to appreciate a flower or the first cup of coffee in the morning. Being present with a moment of love, appreciation, or gratitude heightens intuitive awareness. The practice of mindfulness can help enhance intuition. Mindfulness is developed by an attentive awareness to things in the present moment and is often used as a meditation tool, for example an attentive awareness and focus on the breath. When we are fully present with something, or someone, there is love. If you have ever tried to really look into another person’s eyes you will feel a development of love between the two of you. Even with a perfect stranger. Without love there is no purpose for intuition and therefore there is no intuition. This is true, even if you are getting paid to be intuitive and you love money; there will still be no purpose for intuition. Intuition is a gift that cannot be bought; it can only be received, and its wrapping is love.

Having purpose and love behind your intuition means that your intuitive knowing becomes part of a self-development practice rather than an avoidance of pain. It makes you feel secure enough in yourself to make braver, more empowered decisions based in love and not fear. It also means that we can hear others more clearly when we become aware of the root cause of our needs.

Trusting your intuition

A question that comes up all the time in workshops and courses is, ‘How can I tell the difference between my imagination and my intuition?’ The answer to this question is really quite complex, as it isn’t just imagination that gets in the way of your intuitive knowing – so let’s break it down.

First, it’s important to say that the imagination is a vital aspect of intuition. Imagination is formed in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is also the center of your intuition. In addition, your imagination is your tool for manifestation, so if you find yourself getting strong images, ideas, feelings, or thoughts then you need to pay them the same amount of attention. Whether imagination or intuition, you need to heed both.

In the scenario of reading or tuning in to another person, if what you are receiving feels different to your normal self then it is very rarely your imagination. You might get some meaning confused when you send the information from the non-verbal right hemisphere to the verbal left hemisphere of the brain, but it is unlikely that you are completely wrong. The way we explain things to another person in this context is so important. The person may not be able to accept being told that they have lots of ‘problems,’ but can understand that they have a lot of ‘issues.’ A subtle change of language can make all the difference. Choosing the right words is an intuitive art form that takes lots of practice.

Many people believe that what they receive through their intuitive clairvoyance is just their own mind because the images they are seeing are from their life. The truth is your life experience is all you have to create the tools you can use. If you were asked to picture a church, you might see one you know or one that is a combination of churches you have seen before. You might just see a cross, if this is the symbol of a church for you. It is unlikely, however, that you have designed a church in your mind from scratch, but people somehow think that they should see the exact church in relation to the person they are reading. That just isn’t possible. This also depends on your intuitive type:

So, as another example, if you wanted to talk about your friend’s partner, your memory may present an image of your own partner, a family member, or another friend. It could be that this person shares the same personality trait, name, or characteristic.

Many people take the route of using tools such as tarot cards to access the intuitive mind. The image on the tarot card opens the right hemisphere of the brain. Regardless of what the card means by the definition in the guidebook, people relate to the character archetypes on the cards and downloads of intuitive knowing can be accessed. However, it is not the images on the cards that form the intuition, they are just a tool to access a talent that you already have in your imagination and memories. In fact, the world is one big tarot pack.


The third and final trick to finding the meaning behind your intuitive information is to become curious about it. If you were to put this curiosity into words you might say, ‘Why am I seeing this?’ However, avoid words if you can, as this will shift you from the non-verbal right hemisphere to the verbal left hemisphere. You simply need to think of the ‘feeling’ you get when you are curious – that is what you are looking for.

As you continue to be curious, often another wave of information comes through. You might have already voiced or acknowledged the first images or feelings and, as you do so, more information comes through to you. If you stay curious, more unfolds and your curiosity takes you deeper into the information. The energy becomes stronger, the curiosity becomes deeper, and love starts to flow.

This curiosity can make you feel like you are the observer of mankind. As you become more curious you feel more love, which lifts your vibration higher. If you are doing a reading for someone else, it then allows that you see much more of this person as you are lifted in vibration. It is the curiosity, the love, and the purpose to help heal that takes you to the depth of understanding. At this point you no longer have to worry about your imagination, as you are connected, almost as if you and the person you are reading are one, as you ‘see’ them with total compassion and understanding.

If you put your hand in water that is the same temperature as your hand, you will barely feel the water; yet if you are colder or hotter than the water the difference is more apparent. The same works with vibration. If you, as the intuitive, have a higher vibration, which is closer to love, the easier it is to see the complexities of the other person’s vibration. This allows you to receive more intuitive knowledge, which directs you to the points in the person’s life where any ‘discord’ first originated.

As part of your intuition, you will often receive flashbacks from your past, or flashes of your present along with information. Some can be memory replay, but it is the most vivid memories playing back that you need to take note of and heed. Intuition also comes during states of heightened awareness. I call this a ‘cartoon state’ as that’s what it looks like. It is a moment in a day when you notice that your consciousness has shifted somehow. The world suddenly sharpens into focus, the colors are brighter, and the shapes are more 3D. Perhaps a conversation next to you becomes louder and they’re talking about the very thing you were just thinking about; or the radio is playing ‘that song’ with the words you needed to hear. This state of heightened awareness is also known as one form of ‘awakening’ as you are fully in the present moment and less in the ego state of awareness.

Cartoon state

In one of my cartoon states, I was walking to my office off Pall Mall in Piccadilly where I’d been working on Thursdays for a while, and had a happy little routine for my 10am start. But today was different.

First, I was nearly hit by a bus (London buses take no prisoners). Then a man cleaning the street nearly hit me with a broom when he suddenly decided to wield it over his head as if he was dancing in Mary Poppins. I finally got to the big doors just as they closed in front of me (and had to press the buzzer to open them again). But none of this felt bad. In fact, I was intrigued, and started to look inward as I was curious about my cartoon state. I usually turn off my phone at the door but on that day, because of the bizarre events of the morning so far, intuitively I kept it on silent and next to me on the desk. I’m glad I did, because if I hadn’t taken notice of the signs, I would have missed an incredibly important phone call.

Curiosity + love + purpose = understanding

It is the curiosity, the love, and the purpose to help heal that takes you to the depths of understanding. From the way you look at advertising billboards, overhear someone’s loud phone conversation, or notice patterns in the clouds; when you look at the world with curious eyes everything can have a strange sense of coincidence about it. It changes the world from being a place where you exist to a place that exists within you. When you look at the world through curious eyes you are able to be in unison with what really matters. You meet people who can aid you in your purpose, you find shortcuts you didn’t know existed, and you feel part of everything. Simply put, life becomes less of a struggle and more of an intuitive flow in the right direction.

Predominantly, all intuitive information feels positive. You might be driving a car and have a positive feeling about turning left, rather than a bad feeling about going straight on; it is rare to have a bad feeling about the road ahead. If you ever examine an intuitive knowing after the event, you might say, ‘I knew I shouldn’t have done that.’ But it doesn’t mean the feeling was negative.

Positive intuition

A few years ago, when I worked on a cruise ship with a boyfriend, we stopped at a port in Namibia and had the chance to go quad biking in the desert. I was a bit of a girl racer in my youth and used to ride motorbikes and race old cars round a track, so usually I’d have jumped at the chance. But that day I felt really strongly that I wanted to explore in a 4×4 instead. The more my partner talked about the quad bikes, the more determined I felt that the 4×4 would be better. All I could tell him was that I ‘had a bad feeling about the bikes.’ Actually, this was not the case – I just had a positive feeling about the 4×4. Sadly, my intuition was correct and my boyfriend had an accident and broke his collarbone, which resulted in him being sent off the ship and the loss of his job. Sometimes, it’s difficult not to say ‘I told you so,’ but it is also very difficult to wring your girlfriend’s neck with one hand.

We are programmed to listen for the negative, so we rarely say, ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ The human ego is trying to protect the physical body, so it tends to look for the negative. Ego makes its decisions from fear; it needs everything to be kept limited. So if you have a fear about something, it’s unlikely to be your intuition talking. So why doesn’t intuition work with fear? Intuition works from a loving vibration, and is always trying to keep you in touch with love and your true potential. But when you are in the middle of feeling scared about something, it is hard to feel your intuition, as the positive loving vibration is having a hard time fighting though the fear.

Think of it this way: imagine that everything is made of chords of energy, like a harp. The truth of a situation can be felt as if it were sound. You know when everything is in harmony because it sounds and feels right. You can hear a clear sound with no discord. However, if the tuning changes, you can hear and sense the difference as everything becomes a little off key. You are still attuned to the chords, but something is off. This is very much how it sounds to an intuitive when someone lies, if something difficult has taken place in a space, or just when someone is feeling a little off color.

Now imagine that you are that harp: your emotions are the strings, you feel the vibrations of the world through the resonance. If your strings are not tuned correctly then you might think the world is out of tune, when in actual fact it is your emotions. This is the single biggest problem with intuitive knowing. If your emotional strings are being pulled and triggered, it becomes hard to know if you are having an intuitive reaction to something or if it is a past experience having an emotional repeat.

To overcome this, you need to simply trust yourself as the instrument that all the tunes of life are played upon. If you can trust you as an intuitive tool, you know all of your information is correct. However, it would be asking a lot to expect you to be emotionally in tune and balanced at all times. We are all learning and we all go out of balance from time to time. Even the Earth goes into winter, but as humans we expect to be always in a time of personal growth; springtime all the time. It’s just not possible. The trick is to intuitively understand your seasons. It is okay to have a harmonizing wobble in life; you’ll notice that the Earth also lets off the occasional volcano and earthquake, too. The trick is to intuitively know what you are listening for over the commotion of everyday existence. You are listening for the loving pitch: it feels a little like excitement or joy; it feels a little silly and childlike. That simply is what intuition feels like. It never feels heavy or bad. You know to trust your intuition when you can hear that gentle sound no matter what other discord is going on around it.

That might seem difficult, but now you have the explanation for what intuition feels like in words, I have no doubt that you will feel it more often.

A common cause for a drop in intuition

People always tell you that you have to think ‘positive,’ but when you’re deep in the throes of feeling negative it is normally the last thing you want to hear. So, it might help to know that ‘being’ positive is just as important.

Imagine your mind has two floors and an elevator to move between them. Floor one is the neocortex, which makes all of your brilliant decisions: it is intuitive, inspired, and motivated. Then there is the basement, the reptilian brain (the affectionate term for the basal ganglia, but more on that later), which is in charge of keeping the body safe and reacts to hostile or frightening situations. Its normal way of dealing with fear can be well remembered using four Fs:

  1. Flight: run away; get out of there.
  2. Fight: stand still and I’ll give you a bunch of fives in the shape of a fist.
  3. Freeze: most animals and insects do this; they keep still and play dead or are paralyzed with fear.
  4. Food: give the body energy to help it cope with the situation.

What’s important here is to understand that we cannot be on both floors at the same time, which means that these parts of the brain are not active simultaneously. What activates the elevator to go up or down is not situations in your life, but how you feel about them emotionally. The emotions that correspond with your basement include:

You can see why when you are in the grip of any of these emotions, it is impossible to see a way out, as you’re on the wrong floor. The part of the brain that works out solutions isn’t the one you’re functioning from.

I remember if I fell into boredom as a child I would be told ‘If you’re bored go and do something,’ but when you’re bored you simply can’t think. When you remember your school days, you might recall that in classes you weren’t good at or were taught by a boring teacher, you just couldn’t think. This is also an important point if you’re being bullied (either at school or as an adult) because when you are unhappy or fearful you go into the basement of your mind, which delivers one of the four Fs: flight, fight, freeze, or food.

The mind, however, works with the body to make sure that we stay at floor one with an open and fully functioning mind. This is where you help the body out because before you hit the emotion of ‘overwhelm’ you can take some physical activity, which will enable your body to release serotonin (the happy hormone), which also makes you feel more relaxed, joyful, and produces a sense of wellbeing. There are lots of ways to do this: exercise, take time out for meditation, laugh, sing, dance, play with animals and children, or simply find some way to have fun and head back to the first floor.

We must actively switch our mind and look for the positive in a negative situation. In fact anything that makes you feel:

These emotions all exist on the first floor.


Every morning you are reborn; the elevator is reset to floor one as you wake up refreshed and ready. Your mind does this by dreaming. Anything that is still causing you stress at the end of the day will be worked through at night in your dreams. It explains why some mornings you still feel tired because you’ve had a night of unraveling in your dreams. Imagine your mind has a recycle can for every issue that you didn’t deal with during the day. Some of these issues are yours, some other peoples, and some are from TV shows or the media – the subconscious mind can’t always tell the difference. At night we sort through the recycling, process the useful stuff, and chuck out what we don’t need. If there’s a lot to process we might wake up, so we can go through the rest and not start the new day with it hanging over us. However, then what often happens is that we add to the can with thoughts of ‘If I don’t get some sleep, I’ll be useless tomorrow’ and then start panicking.

However, there is a school of thought that says we are meant to wake up partway through the night; that the best insights are at 3 a.m. If I wake up I often do something, perhaps write a blog, go to the bathroom, or even clean the house. Then I find that I fall asleep much more quickly without stressing about it. It is almost a sacred time, my time; I am not expected to do anything, no one needs me. Using that time to daydream in my mind in pictures about beautiful things I am grateful for often brings me back to sleep. You will really help yourself solve the problems of the day if you take some time to do some happy stuff or simply ‘sleep on it.’ You might also find that at around 3:30 to 4 p.m. you have a dip in energy and really want an afternoon nap. If you imagine that at 3:30 a.m. your masculine dynamic starts work preparing you for the day and stays with you working until 3:30 p.m. then your female dynamic comes and allows you to process all the emotions behind all of the work your male dynamic has been doing. This is the balance of doing and being.

Although I have to say that I do love a sleep in the afternoon; I call it spiritual research. Please see the above as permission for you to do the same. Just don’t forget to pick up the kids from school.


If you’re a nighttime thinker you might also want to take a look at your diet. More than two glasses of wine and you may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with your heart beating fast and feelings of anxiety. There is a surprising amount of sugar in wine (and beer), and when your blood sugar drops rapidly it can cause you to wake up. Caffeine is a bit of an obvious culprit in preventing you from getting to sleep, so pay attention to what you are drinking in the afternoon. Heavy meals eaten late at night can be hard to digest and too much dairy can cause a buildup of mucus, which can lead to waking yourself up snoring… or being smothered by your partner.

As more is understood by medical science about having a brain in the gut, more links are drawn between our emotions and conditions such as IBS and feelings of anxiety (butterflies) in the stomach. Eating well and getting a great night’s sleep are all part of looking after your intuition as well as your body. You only get one body, so taking time to look after it is the single most important part of your day. If you are overstressed, overworked, or overwhelmed then do everything in your power to change it or find help. Nothing is more important than being healthy and happy. And there is no such thing as a happy tomorrow if you’re killing yourself for it today.

Staying on the first floor

Intuition, synchronicity, insights, awareness, and clarity are all on the first floor. When people tell me they have lost their intuition, they often don’t realize it went at the same time that they stopped being happy. They look for intuition to give them a lead into happiness, but happiness leads them to intuition. There are two solutions to this: one is to listen for your intuition first thing in the morning before any fearful thoughts drop the elevator; the other is to find something that takes you out of a place of fear. I can’t tell you what works for you, as you are unique, but I know if you’re in that space you might find it difficult to think of it for yourself.

One answer is to look for it when you are happy, try and pay attention to what was going on to lead you there. Make a note of it so you have a reference should you one day lose yourself. I have a weekly practice, listed below, which keeps me on floor one and they are the four supports of my life:

  1. I dance ‘five rhythms’ or ‘ecstatic’ dance on my own or with a group. I allow emotions to come up from my body and mind, anything I was too busy to realize at the time, and I dance them out.
  2. I put on songs from musicals and I sing them as loud as I can with as many actions as possible. There is a phrase that I was taught at drama school by my friend Neil, and I have used it ever since – ‘Musicals Therapy’.
  3. I listen to the radio: I have spur-of-the-moment song and dance breakouts with all the moves. It could happen at any time and I do stop work to allow it.
  4. I am nice to everyone when I first meet them; I make jokes and act a little eccentric. People might think I am a little crazy, and they’re maybe more than a little right, but I am fighting for my sanity. But then perhaps it is the crazy people who think they are normal, the normal question whether they are crazy!

If I am communicating from floor one, I am in flow. I don’t freeze, I don’t fight, I don’t run away, and I don’t pig out on chips! Also there’s a fifth ‘F’ (fornication) that is just the best for releasing the happy hormone when you’re with the right person.

Happiness is like a beach ball in the water of your emotions. No matter how many of your thoughts try to hold it down, it will always float to the top. You don’t have to think about happiness and how to make yourself happy; you just need to allow it to float to the top of your life, by giving it the time and space to do so. As Albert Einstein said, ‘The only real valuable thing is intuition,’ and developing love-based intuition will give you inner guidance for less fearful decision-making.