

I hope that while reading this book you have had some ‘lightbulb moments’ that have, perhaps, put some missing pieces together in your learning.

My lightbulb moment happened soon after I moved to San Francisco. As intuition has no words, in all honesty, I thought I was being led to the ‘love of my life;’ a romantic connection who lived in a house overlooking the ocean. In fact, I did find the most profound love; I found the love I have for myself as I am – the whole of me, warts and all. The me that emerges when that irritating voice in my head isn’t trying to change me. In fact, I even loved my inner critic; all the parts of me had a purpose; ego and everything. Nothing needed to change except how I was listening to myself. I realized that nothing had to change in other people except my perception of them, and nothing needed to change in my life except for the belief that a change in my outside world would change my inner feelings.

Why didn’t I know this before? If I had eaten all the self-help books I had ever read, it would have taken a truck to move me and yet still I didn’t know until, following my intuition, I moved to San Francisco and then I knew:

Stop right now, put your hand on your heart, breathe, and become curious about the power you hold. Become curious about the changes you experience. Allow yourself to open and then be curious about that. Keep going and you’ll find you keep on expanding until you get to a point where your eyes are running with tears and you’re laughing for having never seen this in yourself before. Really, keep going and you feel as if you are one with everything – one in the whole.

My time in San Francisco also delivered the picture from all the dots I had been putting together for years. The dots I joined together are these:

When you listen with intuitive ears you hear a different world. You become awake to it. You then behave differently. People change how they react to you. Don’t believe me? Just try walking around with a smile on your face for half a day, then for the rest of the day look annoyed, you’ll soon see. When your community becomes inspired by your change, they will change, too. Due to the law of resonance parts of the world will change until a tipping point is reached.

We do know how to change the world and the reason we are not doing it is fear and feelings of separation. Intuition kicks fear into perspective, you might still feel fearful but you act anyway because you know it’s going to be okay. We feel separate because we are too scared to come together. It is a basic human desire to feel love, not just romantic love but all love; it’s the fear that stops us.

Changing your inner landscape: fear to love

Yes we could all sit in our bedrooms and think positive thoughts and that would help shift consciousness, but intuition is the key to shifting your inner landscape into the outside world. Understanding by knowing on the inside is how to react on the outside.

The human being has a marvelous capacity to cope with any kind of living condition and to make it work for them. We are happy to stay in a microcosm of what we know. We often don’t question how we know what we know. At the root of how we know what we know is often just a TV commercial, a news broadcast, a conversation, or just the way we were brought up to accept that this is the way it has always been.

For example, I grew up in the north of England, once the center of heavy industry and coal mining in the UK. I remember standing at the end of the road where I lived, watching two of the great chimney towers being demolished with explosives. Factories were part of my landscape, and as a child I didn’t think anything of it. I even thought the flames that came out of the chimneys were pretty. I didn’t see the big clouds of grey smoke as disturbing. You live with what you know, often in blind acceptance.

It takes a great mind to think outside of these parameters. It takes a leap of consciousness to imagine something else. Perhaps this ‘something else’ doesn’t even exist yet. Everything that exists started in someone’s imagination, often building on someone else’s creation. We know how to build and reshape, but we don’t seem to know how to tone down and do less. The closure of the factories and coal pits in the north of England caused massive unemployment and hardship in the 1970s and 80s but, as ever, the region mostly bounced back, became creative and found different avenues. For example, Manchester flourished and became a hub for new music in the 1990s, and many of the slag heaps were landscaped into healthy, vibrant, recreational parks.

It is my belief, from reading all of the information, that until we intuitively relook at what we already know, we can’t see the bigger picture of how the world could be reshaped to become sustainable. We fear this kind of change, but we forget who we are because the average human being has an immense capacity to cope with any kind of living condition and make it work.

Over the next few years we are likely to feel as though we are in a bottleneck. We’ve had plenty of space so far, but in order to fit through the neck of the bottle and find real freedom we’re going to have to let go of many of the things we once found to be important. We will likely try to hang on to what we have and push with our shoulders and elbows, trying to keep hold of our fake values. If we do that, we will keep slipping down the bottle and only make things harder for ourselves. The bottleneck is a birth canal and you can’t be born without letting go of your stuff. You have to shed layers of your ego until you are small enough to fit through the gap. It might be painful, but only if you fight it. We can’t predict the future, but you can choose to imagine and let go of old patterns. The rug cannot be pulled out from under you when you’re dancing on it. Bracing and holding on will only see you landing flat on your behind.

Seeing the world with intuitive eyes

We can change; we just need to start looking at things with a fresh set of eyes. These new eyes are intuitive and full of curiosity. When a person goes traveling to a new place, they are curious about it. They meet the most wonderful people and experience the most amazing coincidences. When we are home, we don’t look through the same curious eyes; home seems dull. But if we do look around us with curiosity we find coincidences occurring, we meet marvelous new people, we make connections that serve our purpose, and we find new romantic partners.

We are like the traveler who, with one small shift, becomes curious. When we are curious we find messages in the world, and answers to questions before we even ask. Life is like the cloud that passes overhead, its shape reminding us of a bunny rabbit and making us smile. Become curious about why you are seeing a rabbit and you’ll find the cloud works like a tarot card. Intuitive information is in everything that the right hemisphere of your brain can access, showing you a message from your higher consciousness. When you use intuitive eyes and ears, you overhear a conversation on the train differently, and see that a ripped-up bag has a meaningful shape. Life becomes exciting, full of wonder, and above all magical.

With this new set of eyes comes a new set of actions. When you change one person’s emotions the law of resonance means there is a knock-on effect to the whole of humanity. Simply being kind can be a tipping point. Give to others the same kind of values you would wish for in a perfect world. Use your imagination and ask yourself: ‘What in my current reality isn’t as important as it should be?’ Then imagine a new one and live life as if this version of reality was the correct one.

Whether a decision was brave or stupid can only be decided with hindsight. Choose to be brave as the chances are it will never turn out to be stupid. If you don’t like your past, rewrite it; be more positive, because you’re no longer living in the past, but your memory of it. As we know, memory can be faulty, so what’s wrong with changing the past so that it has a more positive effect on your present beliefs?

Intuition gives you all of the answers you have been running around trying to find. They are already inside you, waiting to emerge. The ego would like to keep you running like a headless chicken, as your emerging love dissolves the ego layer by layer. You were born at this time for something important; you feel it inside. When you hear this you assume it is your ego talking but it is your awareness; it’s your ego that tells you it’s your ego! You are here to shift perspective toward love and away from fear. This is your purpose. You can do it anywhere, living any life. All you need to do is choose love in any situation. Love doesn’t get abused, it just kindly points out its choice to keep you moving toward it and not to be pulled down by others’ fear. It’s the simplest revolution in the world; it doesn’t need red flags, marching bands, or guns. It doesn’t need strong conversations or megaphones on street corners. It just needs us to choose love and to keep choosing it.

While the world is in this transition toward love over ego, our intuition works as a bridge. Using intuition we can see behind a person’s ego to their loving self. We don’t have to talk to the head, we talk to the heart, and we can hear the heart beating behind whatever is said. Our intuitive heart empowers others to come from the heart and not the ego, too. We will live in a mixed-up society for a while, but when you are not mixed up you can become part of the tuning vibration of love. Until we reach the tipping point and live in harmony, think about it: what can you do to make the world a better place?

Laugh a lot and have a really good time. Enjoy life. Love yourself and others and if you’re struggling with any of that, become curious and use intuition to find out why. Be happy, that’s the best you can be for everyone else.