My Third Eye Is Bigger Than Your Third Eye
What is the deal with psychics? They’re everywhere. They’re on the radio, in newspapers, on podcasts, and all over the television! They have shops downtown, uptown, in the sticks, in the burbs. If you live in Jersey they’ll come right up to you and tell you about your dead uncle Fred.
Back in the day, psychics were few and far between. The market was untapped. Fewer people believed in psychics, so there were fewer people who wanted readings. But if you wanted to make a name for yourself, it was easier—there were very few of us around.
Now more and more people are waking up. They see the value of psychics and they feel their own abilities. People are much more open to getting a reading.
In the old days, people had the decency to sneak behind buildings or hide in the basement to do a reading. Now it’s all so public
I bought shoes the other day and the clerk asked me if I was psychic; he said he recognized me from some event I did and asked if I would be willing to give him a reading. (What I was willing to give him was a mint. This poor guy could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon with that breath.)
I couldn’t imagine talking to him for an hour face-to-face. But that kind of request never happened when I was young.
Now classes and teachers are everywhere. This means more people want readings, but there are also more psychics doing them.
So, what the hell’s going on? Why are so many people interested, aware, and in tune with all this psychic crap? Well, I’ll tell you what’s going on. My sister, Echo, and people like her have changed the game—that’s what.
Echo started teaching psychic development classes forty years ago. And she’s damn good at it. She has a calming, understanding nature. When you couple that with her knowledge and her nonjudgmental, motherly approach, it makes her a really effective teacher.
She actually cares about psychics and the psychic community. Which is more than I can say for myself.
She is so effective that a lot of her students not only started doing readings, but they also started teaching people. And then those students started teaching people too and it kept building and building, and now you can’t spit without hitting a psychic or someone who’s “opening up” psychically.
Do I think that’s a bad thing? Well, that depends. On the plus side, it has the scientists, the engineers, and the logical types scratching their heads and looking less logical with every denial.
And it has the religious folks looking like hypocrites and naysayers because it doesn’t fit their idea of what God is supposed to be.
And it gives the people with psychic abilities a safe place to practice and express themselves. That’s always a good thing in my book.
On the bad side, all the exposure lends itself to frauds and fakes. It also has some people believing psychics have more power than your average person and that psychics have all the answers and wisdom. That, to me, is a bad thing.
What Makes Psychics Tick?
What makes us tick? First, let’s be honest: being a psychic is a weird, odd, spooky kind of job that a lot of people look down on. And it’s not something people normally seek out to do. You never hear a school guidance counselor say, “Gee, Billy, I think you should forget being a bioengineer, I have a great psychic development class you should look into.”
Being a psychic isn’t taken that seriously as a real job. When someone says they went to a psychic, most people think, “Wow, you’re gullible.” Wives don’t tell their husbands they’ve come to see me because they don’t want to be looked at as stupid. Guys practically come in disguise so no one will see them coming or going. Psychic work is looked at as an oddity, rather than a job.
Just the name itself seems to signify something other than legitimacy. I’ve gotten into arguments with people I’ve known for years who have suggested that being a psychic is just entertainment, telling people what they want to hear.
It is getting better, but some psychics still don’t even look at it as a job. They see it as a higher purpose, a special calling, a “thing” that separates them from normal people.
But to me it’s a job. A weird job? Yes, but still just a job.
So back to the original question: What makes us tick, why do we do it?
We do this job because we have to do it.
The thing is, once you see a ghost, witness accurate reading after reading, and watch the cream cheese actually float across the table unassisted, there’s no turning back. Your life is permanently altered.
When you’re a psychic, you feel things and hear things—even other people’s thoughts—that are sometimes to your own detriment. It’s pretty common for me to hear a person’s thoughts when I first meet them. Not always deep thoughts or run-on sentences, but words and opinions. It’s like hearing a talk radio station, but you can only pick up some of the conversation. The bummer is that it’s not always nice thoughts.
I’ll also run across people who assume I am picking up on their thoughts. And that can be just as awkward, because they’re visibly uncomfortable with me.
What they don’t know is that I don’t care. I figure everyone has a right to their own thoughts. All the readings I’ve done have taught me not to judge. I realized early on that everybody has that “other side.”
Back when I was young and excited about what I do, a woman came to me for a reading. She was dressed in a business suit, well-groomed and eager to talk about the new ventures she was getting involved in. She announced that she wasn’t interested in her personal side; she just wanted to know about business.
I preferred doing business readings because it was more straightforward. Less emotion, more black-and-white. I liked how direct she was and by all accounts it was going to be a fun reading for me.
But as I opened up psychically, all I saw was a large dog, a black and brown Great Dane. I asked her if she recently lost a dog, thinking she might be grieving, but she shook her head no, so I continued to focus on her profession. Still, every time I tried, all I could see was that dog.
Finally, frustrated and confused, I asked her what the deal was with the dog. I was taught not to ask leading questions, but my curiosity got the best of me. Besides, nothing else was coming; there were no words, no explanation, just this dog.
When I asked, she looked down and tears started to come to her eyes. It was clear something was up. I offered to change the subject, because clearly she didn’t come to talk about the dog. I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about it either because I wasn’t a pet psychic. But instead of replying, she just sat there in silence.
Finally, in a quiet voice she said she had become very close to her pet.
I was a pet lover myself. “So what if she likes her dog? It’s not like she’s sleeping with it,” I thought. But then I started getting images of her and the dog, and they weren’t just being pals.
They were showing me that they had become intimate.
Now I really didn’t know what to say. I had never seen this before and it was surreal, to say the least. Thoughts were now racing through my head. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I flipped a rod and my imagination was running amok. She certainly didn’t look like the type of person who’d be doing what I thought they might be doing, and if I suggested she was and she wasn’t, I’d look like the creep.
My mother’s words, “Don’t judge,” kept coming into my head. Still, I struggled to come to terms with what I was feeling. The images were coming in stronger now and I knew I had to say something. I imagined what my mother would do and it calmed me down.
I took her hand and said, “I think it went further than just being close.” And with that, she started crying heavily.
I told her I understood how these things could happen, that I was sure this wasn’t her initial intent, that things just got out of hand and how the shame must be unbearable. I said all these things as calmly and with as much love as I could muster, even though inside I was barfing and screaming at the same time.
We talked for over an hour about her relationship with her dog. We talked about the complications it caused with other men, how the dog would get upset when she brought a date home, to the point that it was no longer safe for her to do so. We got so involved with the dog talk that we never got into the business questions she had originally come to discuss.
When she left, her energy was considerably lighter; she seemed unburdened and more at peace. Maybe confessing to someone was all she needed to do, or maybe not being judged and stoned to death for what she had done was the relief she needed. Whatever it was, it helped her. From that day on, I knew I couldn’t judge another person for what they had done. I might throw away the couch we sat on, but I wasn’t going to judge.
I never saw her again after that, but I wasn’t expecting to. I was probably the last person she’d want to see after confessing something like that. Still, it was a major lesson for me. It made listening and picking up on other odd things seem easy.
I’ve come to understand that we are not in this alone. Money and power are not the reasons we are here. Everything has a reason and every action has a cause. You realize that nobody is better than the next person. And most of all, you realize that everybody is here to learn.
We need to share the information and feelings we get from Spirit, because if we don’t, we feel nuts! It builds up inside, all this information just sits there, and we need the release. And when we do release it, we feel better and we feel calmer.
So, what makes us tick? The need to share what we feel.
Who Are These Psychics?
That’s a damn good question. Of course, everyone is different—individual snowflakes that we are—but we do have common traits that sometimes separate us from the normal folks.
First, just know that most psychics are a little touched—you have to be to do the job. My mom used to tell us that in the old days most of the people in the psych ward were just psychics who didn’t know how to deal with being psychic. Her thought was this: Everyone has a gift. Some people are really good with math, some people are creative, some can sing, some can talk binary. And some people just have a natural psychic ability. She contended that because some people just have that ability, Spirit was attracted to them.
But most people were uncomfortable with that idea, and the people around them sure didn’t want to go there either. So for the sake of everybody, it was easier to assume you were off your rocker than to think you might have psychic abilities.
I used to wish I had that option. I would have checked myself into some psych ward, taken some pills, stared out the window, and drooled all day. But lucky me, I had an enthusiastic psychic mom.
You have to be a little nutty because you have to be willing to step out from the stigma of being a psychic and allow it to just happen.
Whether you believe in psychics or not, you have to know that with every reading, every psychic puts themself out there. They risk everything—their reputation, their income, their self-worth—just by opening their mouth. You have to be a little off to do that. A lot of us don’t advertise; it’s all word of mouth. So, if we have a bad day, it could mean our careers.
It does get easier with time and confidence, but I’ve been doing this for over forty years and I still get a little worried before I do a reading.
Psychics “feel” things—people, animals, trees, and fairies. We moon bathe and we stargaze. We have legitimate conversations with ourselves, out loud.
Some of us talk to rocks. Some of us sleep with rocks, and that’s a fact. Others hug trees. Literally, we hug trees. We space out and drift away, like we’re watching the tide slowly recede.
One day I walked into a bookstore, hoping to find any evidence that my first book still existed, when I saw this young, attractive woman—probably in her early twenties—also looking at books.
She was flanked by two young, hip fellows whose sole purpose was to pose indifferently at anyone who dared to look their way.
Normally I block people out—I have that Shallow Hal thing where I don’t always see the person’s outside, but I do see the inner person, the real one. But by doing this, I sometimes see things I don’t care about or judge, like flaws, or fears, or the occasional suicidal thought. So it’s easier for me to pretend nobody’s there.
But there I was, staring at this young woman. And it wasn’t because she was beautiful. I have a daughter the same age, and anyone not named Trump will tell you that when you have a daughter you don’t look at young women the same way.
I was staring at her because she had some of the darkest energy I had seen in a long time. I was taken aback by how troubled she must be, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out if I should say something to her or leave it be.
Generally speaking, it’s a no-no to do what the old psychics called “ambush readings”—going up, unsolicited, to a stranger and giving them psychic information. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked by someone and gotten information on them—often deep, life-altering stuff. And some psychics actually make a living off of ambush readings. But it’s considered tacky and egocentric by the old-school psychics, because it becomes more about the person saying it than the information they are giving.
So back to the diva in training in the bookstore. As I was trying to figure out what to do, the three of them started walking toward me. One of her handlers—a guy with the tightest pants I’ve ever seen on a man—looked at me and rolled his eyes, saying sarcastically, “Take a picture.” His friend, who was also dripping in hip, rolled his eyes at me as well as they walked by. When the girl passed, she looked at me with a smirky smile and said with a laugh, “Don’t worry, honey, I’m used to it.”
I suppose I should have been more aware of my looking at her, but come on, I wasn’t ogling. It was more along the lines of a caveman looking at an airplane. And psychics don’t just look at people because they have black holes like trauma mama; we see auras, spirits, lights, and all sorts of things around people. It can be downright distracting.
I tried stand-up comedy for about a minute in the ’80s, but I got so distracted by all the activity in the audience that I couldn’t get through a set. Ghosts were showing up everywhere. They were pointing at people they wanted me to talk to, showing me pictures of possible futures for these people. Showing me warnings, like they wanted me to stop the jokes and warn Ethel she was going to get a dwi.
I could hear people’s thoughts: how bad they thought I was, what they wished they were doing instead of watching me. I could hear people thinking about their taxes and lawn fertilizer. I heard one lady wondering if she fed her fish. I wanted to tell everybody to shut up so I could make them laugh, but the only sounds in the room were crickets.
I’ve had other times when people got the wrong impression from my stare. Sometimes I’ll meet someone and their guides will say something funny about them.
It has been my experience that we all have spirit guides around us. Not like dead relatives or friends, but actual guides. These are souls that have been around the block a few times, experienced life, seen things, done things. They come without judgments and without guilt. They are here to support and learn from us, and if we ever need them, we just simply need to ask.
These guides are the people I talk to, the ones who tell me what’s what. Sometimes I can see them when I do readings for people, and I can always hear them. They show me pictures, possible futures, and blocks that stop us from achieving those possibilities. They come in all shapes and sizes, and some don’t appear to even come from this world. But they try so hard to show us a way, even if we can’t see it ourselves. I’ll get more into them later.
Back to the story. I once met this rather large, gay football player. Right before I shook his hand, his guides brought up how he always wanted to be a cowboy (guides have a sense of humor too). Something about this huge guy riding a horse struck me as funny, so when I shook his hand, I was smirking. He must have asked me out twelve times.
Psychics can also be moody. One minute, we’re the life of the party; the next, we just want to be left alone.
Sure you’re the life of the party for the first ten minutes, but that’s because the word hasn’t yet gotten out that there’s a psychic at the party. You get to mingle, say hello, walk around, make a comment or two, and nobody gives you the “does that have meaning?” vibe people tend to give when they find out you’re a psychic.
But sooner or later, somebody will come up and start asking questions. Dumb questions, questions we’ve all heard a zillion times. The word gets out, the weirdness starts, and that’s when we want to flee like Deadheads at a Taylor Swift concert. But that first ten minutes? Oh baby!
Because of the constant information we get, we fidget and move about. We’re not always comfortable in our skin.
A lot of us are heavy or fat. The weight feels grounding, like the lead sinker that holds down a helium balloon. Others drink, gamble, or sleep around. One of the best psychics I ever knew did all three. He eventually lost his gifts and his life, but for him, the vices were the only way to deal with the voices. Many psychics drink to silence the voices or calm their minds, but it doesn’t always work.
Others have found us aloof or spacy or even unsocial, but they don’t understand that there’s usually more than one conversation going on when we meet people.
We call ourselves lightworkers or mediums or channels. “Love and light” means “have a nice day.” The Universe means God. We don’t just live our life, we go on journeys. We throw around words like chakras, Reiki, and auras. A porthole has nothing to do with boats and Mercury retrograde isn’t the name of a band, although it should be. We get our charts done. We find twin flames. We regress.
Most psychics try to act normal and have normal conversations to fit in. But when you have three or four dead people talking to you about all the issues and woes of the person you’ve just met, it gets complicated. It becomes almost impossible to pay attention to a living person talking about their best friend’s new hairdo when the dead people around them are talking about cancer.
So How Does This Work?
What Separates Psychics from Each Other?
In a word, filters. We all have different filters. They come from our life experiences, what we were taught, or what we want for others.
Let’s start with my filter. I never wanted to be a psychic, not even a little. My mom and her teachers wanted this for me. They thought since the information came so easily to me, I had to do it. I saw auras at an early age and I saw spirits constantly. I knew things were going to happen before they happened and I could feel and hear people’s thoughts before I could ride a two-wheeler. Once I realized everybody didn’t feel these things, I saw it as a punishment. As a kid, I thought psychics were a joke. They were weird, heavy-thinking people with no sense of humor. I hated that. I felt it added unnecessary drama to an already dramatic field. It made me weird, my family weird, everything weird. I wanted to prove that all this stuff wasn’t real and that it was just the imagination of lonely, gullible people.
But the more I saw, the more I realized that the people who didn’t believe were the true idiots. It was far easier to prove this was real than to prove that it wasn’t.
I gave in and I started doing readings. But just know that my filter is tainted with my resentment at having this so-called gift. In my mind, it’s one of the lesser gifts handed out. Like if Santa dug around his empty bag and pulled out a used comb, that’s what it feels like for me to be a psychic.
I believe in sharing psychics. There are plenty of times I can’t get something on a person. Maybe I’m having a bad day, or maybe I want to go golfing and the thought of giving a reading makes me a little sick. Or maybe another psychic is supposed to do the reading because their words will be more effective.
That’s not normal in my world, to refer people to someone else. Most psychics want to believe their words are divinely inspired, that they are the only ones qualified to give you the information, because it’s coming from God. It goes from God, to them, to you. Nobody else, just them.
I’ve had people ask me to please not let anybody know they came to me, because they were worried their psychic would find out and not talk to them anymore. Fuck that. If you ever have a psychic threaten not to see you if you go to someone else, please tell them Michael Bodine thinks they’re an asshole! They won’t care, but it tickles my heart just thinking you might tell them.
I get why people want to covet their clients. You work really hard to make sure the reading goes well and it hurts your feelings when they think somebody else will do a better job. But it’s really not about the psychic. It’s always about the message.
Don’t Squeeze the Shaman
I’m not a big fan of religion. I think if psychics push their religious beliefs on someone else, it gets dicey. It becomes more about those beliefs than about the reading.
I know there’s a God, but to me it’s a force, a power. Not a man with a white beard and staff. I believe it’s a presence that every one of us can tap into if we ask. I have felt the power and felt the love, and was changed by it when I did.
I believe in Jesus, but I believe he was a kind, loving man who was crucified by assholes and died because of it, and not for my sins. I believe religion is about power and control.
I believe these things because I observe. I see the wars and crime and hatred created by religion. I feel the judgments from people who are religious, the hypocrisy. “A bible in one hand and a gun in the other” kind of thinking. And the moral belief that somehow their God is better than your God.
In my experience, religion has caused pain. My mother was confronted by so-called Christians her whole life, as is my sister, as am I. Even in my own family I have a relative who is a serious right-wing Christian, and we have to be careful not to mention what we do in front of him because it upsets him. In fact, he prefers we not mention we’re even related to him when we do public speaking because he’s that uncomfortable.
That’s what bothers me the most about religion. The fear. How in the hell are people so afraid of the devil if their God is so all-powerful?
Religion, in all its good intention, has been just the opposite of what I assumed it was meant to be.
This isn’t to say psychics don’t have spiritual representatives. We do. They are called shamans, and in many ways, they act as a sort of spiritual base for the psychic community.
The first time I met a shaman I was probably around eleven years old. It was at one of those psychic camps my mother would drag me to. That particular camp was about the higher purpose of being a psychic. Spirituality, God, Rah, whatever being it was that brought you closer to pure love and understanding. Fun stuff for an eleven-year-old.
There were ministers, new age people, hippies. There were educated people, not-so-educated people, people of all different colors and backgrounds, all interested in getting closer to God.
A woman was speaking on a stage seventy-five feet in front of where my mother and I were standing, talking about her experiences finding God. She had that “God is in me” vibe. When I looked around at the crowd gathered to hear her speak, they all blended in, they all had that same vibe, as though maybe with everybody being together, the group would attract higher souls and maybe they would get answers. It felt that way to me, an atmosphere of excitement.
Except this one guy who was by himself, sitting in the corner, hitting a drum. The drumming caught my attention first because you don’t see a lot of people just hitting a drum, especially when people are listening to a speaker, but nobody seemed to mind. But then I noticed he didn’t seem as excited or concerned as the rest of the group. He seemed content just hitting his drum.
I tapped my mother on the shoulder, as she was concentrating on the current speaker, and asked her who this Ringo was. She gave me a “What the hell are you talking about?” face and I pointed to the guy hitting the drum. She paused for a second and then said, “Oh, he’s a shaman honey, he’s like a Native American holy man,” and she went back to watching the person on stage.
“Really?” I said. “Does he have a band?” She looked back at me, not in the mood to answer my stupid question, and told me to go ask him myself, then went back to watching the speaker.
Normally my mother didn’t trust me, unescorted, to talk to anyone in a place like that, because I had a tendency to embarrass myself or the person I talked to. But either she was so enthralled by the speaker and didn’t want to be interrupted or she didn’t think whatever I could say or do would upset the drum-pounding shaman. Either way, I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass to be charming, so I went over to start a conversation.
“I hear you’re a shaman,” I said. “How’d you get that job?” He lifted his head and gazed at me with a smile. He continued to beat his drum. He put up his finger to indicate he just needed a moment, and after ten seconds or so he stopped beating his drum, put the drumstick down, and said a quick prayer to himself. He then greeted me with another smile and told me to sit.
My first intention was to get a quick explanation and be on my way, but as with everything in that world, there was no such thing as a quick explanation. I knew if I sat I might be there a while, and normally I would have declined. But there was nothing else to do, my mom was in a trance, and I was in the middle of nowhere. “Screw it,” I thought, “I’ll chat with the shaman.”
I sat down and folded my legs like his. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties, he had shoulder-length, light brown hair, a medium build, and an overall pleasantness to him. He extended his hand and said his name was Shamus. I shook his hand and introduced myself, but before I took my next breath I had to mention his title. “You’re Shamus the shaman?” I asked with a grin. “Yeah,” he said, unfazed by my ignorance. He asked why I was there.
I went into the story of my mother and how she would drag me to different psychic camps all over the country so I could be more evolved and complete. He replied with the usual “your mom sounds cool” talk and we eventually got back to my original question: what is a shaman?
He told me he didn’t seek out being a shaman, but rather Spirit sought him out. He said he started having dreams that Spirit wanted his service, then started hearing voices and seeing signs. All of this sounded like the typical story I heard from people back then: Spirit coming to them, asking them to trust their inner voice, their eyes. But this guy said he was told to go to the woods and find a hollow tree. He was told to put his clenched hand inside the tree and keep it there overnight. He said if Spirit wanted him to become a shaman, Spirit would leave something in his hand the next day. So, he did what he was told. And the next day when he took his hand out of the hollow tree, he opened his fist and there was a clump of moss with a single bud.
He said he decided to study with medicine men and participate in different Native American ceremonies. He said he had a long way to go before his path was truly shown to him, but he felt at peace knowing he was at least on a path.
I asked him about the drumming and he said it was a form of meditation, prayer. He said he felt it called ancient spirits and elders, and it helped calm him.
I liked him. I really didn’t care much for most of the people I met there, but I did like this guy. I liked him because he didn’t try to sell me anything, he didn’t patronize me, he wasn’t mental, and because he felt real, like he was just as amazed at all of this as I was. I could feel his strength.
Since that time, I’ve met many other shamans, some more believable than others. Some seemed to have an agenda, some just called themselves shamans to fit in.
I was once at event with a bunch of different healers, psychics, and spiritualists a while back and I ran into a guy on my way out to the car to get more things. He was leaning against the wall with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, digging for a light. He asked me if I had a match. I don’t smoke, but I happened to have a lighter for candles, so I gave it to him.
He was about forty years old, thin, with long, scraggly hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a suit, but it looked like he’d been wearing it for a month straight. He looked beat up, tired. He lit his cigarette and learned back against the wall. He said thank you, and as I was walking away, he stopped me. “Hey,” he said, “aren’t you Michael Bodine?” I stopped and said I was. A smile came across his face. “I’ve heard of you,” he said.
“I hope it was good,” I shot back and he motioned me over to chat. “Oh yeah, all good,” and he extended his hand. “I’m Carl,” he said, “Carl the shaman.”
I laughed to myself. “You’re a shaman?” I asked.
He said, “Oh yeah, got the calling years ago.” He took a deep drag from his cigarette and exhaled as if to release all the years of torment he had gone through. “It’s been hard,” he said softly.
“Damn, Carl,” I replied, “I’m sorry,” and I tried to give him the best “I care” vibe I could muster. “Well,” he said as he looked down, coughed up something from the bottom of his liver, and spat it out, “it’s a calling.”
I had the sense that he wanted to carry on the conversation, talk war stories, but I almost threw up from watching him spit and I was truly in a hurry. I wanted to get out of there as quick as I could. “Callings can suck, Carl,” I said as I motioned to move, “but it was nice to meet you.”
He saw I wanted to go and I could see the disappointment in his face. Again, he took a deep drag from his cigarette. “No worries,” he said. “I gotta pick up my old lady at the strip club anyway.”
Now I’m feeling sorry for the guy. I put my arms out to give him a hug, but he recoiled. “Sorry man,” he said, “I’m not a big hugger.”
“Of course not,” I thought to myself, and that was the last I saw of Carl the shaman.
If you come across a person who says they’re a shaman, use your intuition. Just like with everybody else in this field, you have your Shamuses and you have your Carls.
I don’t care if you’re an atheist or a Christian, if you pray to Allah or a pumpkin, I respect whatever your beliefs are.
I also don’t believe it’s a choice to be gay, though some psychics do. I think it’s a gene thing. In the simplest terms, I believe there are two sides—one very gay side and one not gay at all side, and all sorts of degrees in between. If you have a little gay in you, maybe you do have a choice, but in my mind, it’s not really a choice. And honestly, I don’t care. I feel bad for some gay people because I know they struggle with it.
One of my favorite people in the world, someone I greatly admire, struggled for years because he was married, had three kids, and was bisexual. You couldn’t find a more understanding, intelligent, and responsible man. But when it all came out that he was bi and his wife told his world, all his fears were justified. After three years, two of his adult kids still won’t talk to him.
But I don’t always live as my higher self. I’ve let negative influences affect my judgment before, too.
I walked into a McDonald’s one day. I was in a hurry, hungry, and not in the mood. The only thing I wanted was a Big Mac, hold the onions. The last time I was there, I ordered the same thing, but instead of holding the onions, they piled them on. This time I was ready, I was going to make sure they held the onions, even if I had to watch them actually hold them. The person who was helping me was not a native English speaker. I was short on time and was already frustrated with the time spent waiting in line. I tried several times to explain what I wanted, but every time I repeated it, he only shook his head and looked lost.
My patience was nonexistent and asked another person to come and help, because obviously this guy was struggling, but they were too busy with someone else, so I was stuck with this guy.
I could see his anger at me, which in turn further pissed me off.
Finally, I told him to forget it. I was pissed, he was pissed, and we both gave each other the stink eye as I walked out.
I couldn’t help thinking what an asshole this guy was for being mad at me. Clearly I was the victim here. Wasn’t the customer always supposed to be right?
When I got to my car I was still bugged. Something wasn’t right, I knew that. But I kept trying to pinpoint what it was. I went over it and over it, and finally I asked my guides what was the dang deal.
I always forget not to ask these questions unless I really want the answer. When you talk to spirit guides all day they aren’t shy about sharing their perspective, and in this case it was like they put me right inside his soul. Suddenly I felt his unhappiness, his anguish. I could feel his fear and embarrassment at not being able to speak our language. I felt his loneliness at being so far from his home. I could feel how badly he missed his life, but I could also feel how hard his life back home really was. I knew he was going to give up, quit. And I could hear his worry at what he was going to tell his sister when he quit. The anger and hopelessness was overwhelming, and to top it all off, I could see how he saw me.
A privileged, spoiled white man, with no patience or understanding of other people. The guides were kind enough to also point out that he was learning another language, while I could barely speak English. All this as I was driving down the freeway. I went from feeling self-righteous in my anger to being ashamed at my own ignorance.
If that wasn’t enough, they also pointed out the missed opportunity. I could have been kind, I could have smiled and eased his mind. I could have somehow reminded him how impressive it was that he was learning another language when I only knew one. I could have told him to hang in there, that he would get it, but instead I gave him the stink eye and probably the final excuse to give up. That haunted me for a long time, not only how I was, but the missed opportunity to make someone else feel better. It still bothers me, and I won’t do that again.
So, my filters are just like everyone else’s—influenced by my experiences. The stuff I don’t know could fill the barney blue. But I’m open to learning.
Some psychics are very religious, so when they do a reading, they tend to refer to God a lot, or suggest that you may need more God in your life, if they think you don’t have enough.
Some psychics are into fitness or taking care of your body, so they may make a comment or two about your looks or physical appearance, maybe even suggest you get into better shape. Other psychics may not be comfortable with gay people or the Amish or another group of people, so that thinking gets in the way of a proper reading.
If you go to a psychic who doesn’t share your mindset, try another one. You’ll find one who understands your lifestyle.
These issues have nothing to do with Spirit. Spirit is way beyond the ignorance we humans have. They couldn’t care less if you sing show tunes, or if you believe the world is only two thousand years old. They don’t judge you, they love you with all their being. Their only hope is that you feel better about your experience here, while you are still here.
It’s not our job to judge people. There are psychics out there that make people cry because they didn’t like their appearance or sexual orientation.
I know this because they come to me, nervous, thinking I will do the same thing.
Maybe the next time you get a reading and the psychic tells you to mix in a salad or repent your sins, you’ll know it’s not coming from Spirit but rather someone who needs to clean their filter.
The Different Types of
Psychics and What They Do
Some people don’t know that there are many different types of psychics and we don’t all do the same thing.
For instance, many people assume I can help locate their pets, wallets, rings and other stuff because I’m a psychic; psychics are just supposed to know that stuff.
I would love to help people find whatever they lost, but first I have to find my wallet, my ring, and my house. I lose things all the time. This doesn’t make me a bad psychic; it makes it frustrating to hang out with me or be in a hurry to get somewhere when I can’t find my keys.
And yes, I know psychics who do find things, but maybe they suck at seeing the future.
My point is that we all do things a little differently and we all pick up things in different ways.
You have your mediums (who talk to the dead), your channelers (who become the dead), and your intuitives (who sense what’s happening). You have seers (who use objects to see your life). You have the past life people, the present-day people, and your future folks.
Some psychics find bodies (I hate that job) and some talk to cats. You have healers who are psychic, and you have the general all-purpose psychics who do a little of it all. That’s the category I fall more into.
No two psychics are the same, just like no two people are really the same. They each offer different services and each one is different from the other.
The darlings of the group are the mediums. People love a good medium. They talk to your friends and relatives on the other side, and they confirm, through the information they give you, that there is life after death. And they have a spooky, eerie vibe to them that gives you the impression something cool is about to happen.
They’re called mediums for just that reason: they’re a link between the living and the dead. That’s also how a lot of them get their information: the deceased actually show up and start talking to them. Regular all-purpose psychics have that once in a while, but mediums experience that most of the time.
The media loves mediums. They’re dramatic, they got spunk, and there’s a feeling of showmanship when you watch them perform, like you’re watching a magic show, except it’s actually real most of the time.
And they can really be impactful. When you’ve got a good medium working the room, pulling stuff seemingly out of nowhere, telling you about how your mother died or a childhood memory or a name that fits, it can blow your mind. You scratch your head trying to figure out how they knew the stuff they did.
Now the skeptical types will assume it all came from the internet. That when you bought your ticket the medium looked you up on Google and got the info they needed, and then threw out your info hoping you’d get it. And I’m sure that does happen.
But it doesn’t happen all the time. I’ve been to mediums that wouldn’t have a clue what the internet was, I’ve been to mediums before there was an internet, and they still knew things. There is some amazing talent out there and they are very real.
When I was a kid, true mediums were rare. They were much more underground than they are today and they did their work in small, private groups. You had to be very quiet when you went to a medium, so they could concentrate on the messages. They didn’t ask questions. They made statements such as “There’s a person here whose name is Frank, and he died of a heart attack and he wants his daughter to know he’s okay. His daughter is in this part of the room,” and they’d point to a part of the room. Then they’d go on to someone else. Their job was to reassure people that their loved ones were still around them, that they still cared, and that they would visit them from time to time. This could be tremendously helpful to people because they would find peace of mind.
It’s a great beginning to understanding Spirit and what’s out there. But that’s what a medium is to me: the beginning. Some mediums claim they can also give predictions and some psychics also claim to be mediums. It can get confusing. I think what happens is that some mediums are told by the dead around them what’s going to happen to someone and some psychics talk to your relatives who just show up. But in my little head, mediums talk to your friends and relatives who have passed and a psychic gives predictions and fills in the blanks. I say talking to Uncle Harry about his gout is boring as hell, but if that’s what floats your boat, more power to you.
The problem for me is that too many of the so-called “real mediums” ask so many questions. They fish. They don’t directly address the person they’re giving the information to. For instance, they ask the group if anyone knows a Frank, or they ask the group if anybody lost a father to a heart attack, instead of telling them.
Mediums also tend to have more of a God complex.
I get it, it’s hard not to be a diva when somebody is always blowing smoke up your ass, but it goes against the whole evolved thing we’re supposed to be practicing.
The famous ones won’t give you the time of day. I know my sister has dealt with the some of the biggies and they’ve turned out to be assholes, or at least they were to her. Now she would never admit that; she sees good in everyone. But based on how they treated her and how they acted with her, it was pretty clear to me that these folks needed a time out.
They hold huge events and charge a lot of dough, but only connect with a few people in the audience. I’m sure in their mind it’s justified entertainment. But I think it loses that intimacy and authenticity. And a part me even understands why these divas turn into assholes. I’m sure they have a ton of people bugging them all the time for the stupidest things and they just want to be left alone. I even get bugged and I’m underground.
But get a friggin’ handler or at least don’t be such a
blatant dick to people.
This profession isn’t strong enough yet to handle arrogance like that. It doesn’t do anybody any good to have you walking around thinking you’re better than everybody else.
It also leaves the door wide open for the ignorant skeptics to come in and judge all psychics by their actions. I’m not saying psychics aren’t also divas; there are more and more of them popping up all the time. But I prefer the humble ones. They seem to get it more than the divas.
Channelers are the performance artists of the group. The very first channelers I saw when I was a kid were amazing. Like mediums, their job was to show you that Spirit existed. They did this by allowing a spirit to come inside them, like a positive possession. The fun thing was watching them transform from who they were when they came in to whatever spirits would enter their bodies! These people would actually change right in front of you. Even their hair color would change. You were so busy being amazed that you barely listened to what they had to say, which was usually, “Love is good, we are God, and don’t forget to tip your waiter on the way out.” It was some generic message, but who cares? It was a great show. If you didn’t believe in Spirit after that, you were just ridiculous.
But now, channelers are people who claim to have Spirit speak through them. They don’t really change, but just kind of perform the reading instead. Now the benefit of this is that it’s way more dramatic than your average reading. You get a show and a reading. Other channelers don’t actually perform the reading, but “channel” certain people—usually famous ones like Albert Einstein or Cleopatra. Sometimes the title of the person they’re channeling might be “Orf the warrior” or “Barf the apprentice.” But you’ll never get “Bob from accounting.” The names have to be interesting, mystical. Whatever the name they choose, bring some popcorn and enjoy the performance. If you can get past the gyrations (which I never could), listen to the message. It’s a good time.
The next group is seers. This group isn’t as flashy as your mediums or channelers, but they’re visual. They use tarot cards, tea leaves, chicken bones, and yes, the occasional crystal ball. These were my favorite psychics when I was a kid because they tended to be more traditional, less flashy. It’s hard to be stuck up with chicken bones in your pocket. And they seemed interested in whatever they got.
My mother was a tarot reader. First, she would ask you to shuffle her deck until you were told to stop. Now most times a voice never told you to stop, you just got sick of shuffling. But in her mind that was the same thing. She would then hold the deck in her hands and give you a reading first before looking at the cards, and then she would begin. She used the cards as more of a guide; not for her, but for the person getting the reading. Each card had pictures on it, some with more details than others. She would point out things in your life that correlated to the cards. If you were feeling blue, she would point out the person on the card who had their head down and explain that it was you. For some people, the cards really helped. She didn’t need them, but they suited her personality.
Tea leafers and chicken boners, rune users and crystal ballers all work along the same lines that tarot card people do, but they see things that a non-psychic person doesn’t always see. I like a good bone seer, because they don’t care whether you like what they have to say or not. They do their thing: they hand you old, creepy bones and ask you to hold them. Then they tell you to toss them on the table, and then they study them. They see pictures and images just based on how they land or where they end up.
I’d just see bones when I look at them, but a good seer can see everything from your first love to your biggest fear. It’s surprising how accurate those people can be.
Same thing with tea leaf people. They give you a cup of tea, you drink it, and when you’re done the tea leaves are at the bottom. They can tell you what’s going on with your life by seeing pictures in the leaves.
I always liked the idea of it: drinking tea, relaxing, and getting a reading. Again, it wasn’t about the leaves; it was about what the psychic was getting. But the personal touch made it interesting, at least to me. They just used whatever medium they had to express it.
Now we get to the average Joe psychics, the water boys of the group. This is where I fall.
Unlike the first few groups, these people don’t have a lot of flair. They may wear mirrors around their necks and like breathable clothes, but flair? Not so much. Mediums are lousy with flair, maybe too much for some. Channelers have flair, but mostly in their performance; they tend to be broad in their strokes. And seers? Well, they just look around a lot, like Japanese tourists at a Hooters.
The water boy psychics can be a bit boring compared to the others. You can walk by one and not even know they’re a psychic. Mediums will come right up and scare the crap out of you. Regular psychics are more reserved most of the time; they use sunscreen and most of them tend to be hippyish, earthy people. They know their place is on the sidelines, giving you hope and encouragement. Newer ones are more enthusiastic, but generally speaking, your average Joe or Jane psychic is pretty reserved. Most people who come to us are thirsty—some very thirsty—for knowledge. Our job is to quench that thirst with hope and prove that there’s love and power around them. Tell them that they are on the right path or the wrong one and how to fix it. We’re cheerleaders, we spur you on with data about your lives, past and present. We point out the future opportunities to give you that hope, so when you walk away you feel better inside, calmer, reassured.
We aren’t better or worse than the other psychics, we just offer a different package.
I don’t mean to leave out the pet psychics, I just don’t know that much about them. My sister Nikki used to talk to animals. When she first told me, I thought she was off her rocker, but the people who came to her were really helped, they swore by her. She could tell what was bothering the person’s pet and how to treat them; she just knew. It wasn’t my cup of tea—I have a hard enough time with people. But who can argue with results?
How Can You Tell the
Good Ones from the Bad?
Part of the learning process when it came to being a psychic and getting answers was actually getting readings. It was important to get the perspective of the person being read before you were the reader. At least that’s what I was told.
Everybody does readings in different ways. Some are floaty, some are direct, some you don’t know what they hell they are. But if you observed someone getting a reading, you could see what worked and what didn’t.
When I would come home from school, my mother would whisk me into the kitchen, where all the budding new psychics were hanging out, practicing their talents and discovering their chakras. New “clients” were hard to come by back then because psychics were considered evil.Packs of Christians and Jehovah’s Witnesses would patrol the neighborhoods, looking for stray cats and converts. You didn’t dare advertise or draw attention to yourself as a psychic! Salem of 1692 was just like yesterday to some of these people; you had to be careful not to light a match around some of them. Everything had to stay on the hush-hush. When someone we didn’t recognize came over, they always had to have a reference. We didn’t want any riffraff. That left slim pickings for people to practice on. They only had each other; when a fresh body walked into the room, it was like a pack of wolves looking at a steak.
For me, it was nice to be wanted, but I learned quickly that it wasn’t about me—they just needed somebody, anybody with a pulse.
My mother would purposely steer me to the one who was most accurate that day. She knew my attention span was akin to a squirrel at a hoedown, so her best bet was putting me with someone who could keep my attention.
When I first started being the guinea pig, it was kind of fun. They were learning, I was learning, and when they got something right it was exciting for both of us. Like when you put a puzzle together: “That goes there; this goes here; oh fun, I can see it now.” That sort of thing.
I found myself rooting for people to get things correct. Even if the person was off, I tried to make it work. If they said I was good in math even though I was flunking, I would say, “Well, I was good in math class today, I didn’t get kicked out. So yeah, I was good in math.” Anything to encourage them. I wanted to be a good little guinea pig. I wanted them to feel good about what they were picking up.
But apparently my approach was the wrong way to go. Our teacher, Birdie, thought false encouragement was more harmful than good. I think her exact words were, “Michael, do you want people to lie to you? Then don’t lie to them.” Birdie, or Buzzkill, as I liked to call her, hated inexactitude. She wanted people to be clear on what they got, to the point, not fluffy.
So, after our chat I started being more critical. I started asking for more information, not just generalities. It was from those experiences that I learned how to be the kind of psychic I would want to go see. Blunt, to the point. I didn’t like all the bullshit theatrics; I didn’t see it as necessary. If you had the information, I needed to hear it.
One of my favorite psychics back then was just like that. He didn’t care if people liked him or not; he said whatever came into his head. He wasn’t for everybody. In fact, I think he pissed off more people than he helped, but maybe that’s another reason I liked him.
The first time we talked I sat down and said hi. He looked me over and said, “So, what are you, ten?”
“Yeah, about that,” I replied.
“Well, what the hell do you want to know? If the Easter bunny is real? Well I got bad news for you, kid.”
“No,” I said, “I don’t want to know anything. I want to go watch Gilligan’s Island, but my mother’s making me do this.”
“Who’s your mom?” he asked.
“Mae, the one that lives here,” I sarcastically replied.
His demeanor changed and a smile came across his face. “Oh, you must be Mikey.”
“Yeah.” I said back. “So whatever you got to say, go ahead and say it so I can get out of here.”
He laughed. “Look kid, you’re ten, you’re going to go through so many changes in the next few years it would take a month to explain, so do us both a favor and go watch Gilligan.” Then he gave me that “sorry, but come on” look and went back to reading his Seth Speaks book.
I was surprised but impressed; everybody else tried to woo me in the hopes that I would report back how great they were. This guy couldn’t have cared less.
I thought to myself that if I ever did this stuff, that’s how I wanted to be.
As I got older I grew to like him even more, but he struggled with alcohol and drugs, and one day he just stopped coming by. I don’t know exactly what happened to him, but the rumor was that he drank himself to death. I think he was just one of those people who couldn’t deal with all the voices he heard.
Budding psychics aren’t always exact. If fact, they tend to be extremely vague because they don’t trust themselves with the information. They feel things out, they second-guess. They want to sound confident, so some of them speak with more authority, but that doesn’t make them more accurate.
There was a guy I used to call “Oh boy Bob.” The first time I sat down to talk to him, he looked at me, then looked down, and then said, “Oh boy, this is bad.” I sat there and stared at him; nobody had ever done that before. “What do you mean, bad?” I asked.
“Well,” he said, “it just feels bad when I look at your face.” I stood up and yelled for my mom. One of the perks of having a reading at your house when you’re ten is that you can yell for your mother when things freak you out. My mom came over and asked me what was wrong. I told her, Bob here thinks something bad is going to happen to me. My mother smiled and calmly asked Bob what he was picking up. Bob seemed tortured. He kept shaking his head, closing his eyes like he was trying to remember and forget something all at the same time.
“See mom?” I said. “I think I’m going to die!”
“No honey, you’re not going to die.” She then asked Bob again what he was picking up. He paused for a month and then finally said, “I think you’re going to get a surprise test in math tomorrow.”
I looked at Bob, I looked at my mom, then back at Bob. “Okay, that’s it!” I exclaimed. “I’m going over to Bobby’s house.” And I got up and left.
I practically soiled myself thinking all sorts of terrible things and this guy was spazzing over a math test. That’s the thing about readings; it can be a nerve-racking experience. I knew most of what these people were picking up was hit or miss, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. What if Bob was on to something?
Every time I got a reading from Bob he did the same thing. He’d start off by saying, “Oh boy, this doesn’t look good,” or “Oh boy, this is bad,” but it always turned out to be something simple. I forgot to feed the dog or my bike was going to get a flat.
I think for Bob it was about getting your attention, not necessarily about what he had to say. I still know psychics like that today.
Bob eventually went into the insurance game, and as far as I know, he did okay. I think his “holy crap this is bad” approach worked better for him in that line of work. Still, I am grateful to him. Since getting readings from Bob, I take them all with a grain of salt.
Even with the different kinds of psychics, there are also different kinds of personalities and experiences.
There are the people who are just starting out. I call them “newbies.” To me, these are the people who have only been doing it for a little while. They have that fresh, new, psychic glow. Their eyes are bright and they have a firm command of the English language. They have a spring in their step, an excitement to their words, and a genuine enthusiasm for what they do. They can’t wait to answer your questions because it’s all so fascinating. They know everything there is to know within hours of becoming psychic, and a few of them you want to punch in the face.
Some newbies only last a couple of years or so. Some come out of the gate after just a few classes thinking they are now professional psychics.
A lot of those people burn out quickly, having realized how hard this job really is. If they get through the first five years, they usually stay.
Then there are the people who have been doing it fifteen to twenty years. They’ve got a nice rhythm, they know what they can do and what they can’t do. They’re more tempered than your average newbie, not as excited; but still, they have an interest in what they do. They care.
Maybe some of them feel like they’re in a rut, like “Jesus, this was just supposed to be a hobby and here I am twenty years later,” but they don’t come off like that. The ego suit has pretty much worn off by then. Some can come off as entitled, but they have their niche and it works. So, in my opinion, your middle psychic has a nice blend—not too eager, not too jaded.
Then there are the ones who have been doing it awhile.
Imagine you’re a chef and you make a really good burger. I’m not talking about your ordinary, run-of-the-mill burger, but a melt in your mouth, “holy crap, this is good” burger. And it’s exciting that you can make this burger. Yes, there are a ton of burgers out there, but yours is really good. And you love the compliments you get from people who are just trying your burger. It’s unique, it’s fun, it satisfies that hunger like nothing they’ve tried, and everybody wants one. They write stories about your burger. It’s on tv and talk shows. You are truly a great chef for having the ability to make such a great burger.
Okay, now imagine that a couple years go by. People are still loving your burger and they still can’t believe how great it is, but when you hear that, it doesn’t have the same weight. They still do stories about your burger, but they only want to talk about how it all began and you’ve told that story so many times you’re starting to get tired of it. Still, it is a pretty good burger and it has been good to you, so you keep smiling and making the burger.
Now imagine forty years go by. You’re still making that same damn burger. You tried making omelets and pancakes. You even tried making spaghetti. But nobody wanted any of those; they just want that same, stinking burger you’ve made a million times. It’s a curse now, not a blessing. When people tell you how wonderful it is, you don’t feel joy and excitement. You just want to smash it in their face and twist it while the cheese drips slowly off their chin. But you can’t, because you’re known for that burger. It’s tied to your name. What else would you do after forty years?
So you keep making them, and while half of you is praying people will still like them, the other half is hoping you have a stroke.
Toasty psychics walk around with their eyes half shut and their lower lips slight drooping. They get bored and impatient easily. When they do get information, they say it quickly, so they don’t forget it. Their only goal in starting a reading is to get it over with as fast as they can so they can go watch a movie and eat bad food. They don’t care if the information changes your life; they’ve heard that shit a million times.
But they’re good, man are they good. They’ve got the signs down pat, they’ve got the bullshit figured out, and they know what you’re going to say before you say it.
So each kind has good and bad points. The newbies are excited and fresh, but not very experienced. They may not know all the nuances yet, but they make up for it with passion.
The middle folks are steady: they know their shit and they care, but maybe they get a bit predictable. Nothing wrong with that.
And your burnt-out psychics are grumpy; they just want to tell you the info and get out. They are accurate, they are to the point, and they think you’re stupid if you don’t listen.
There are some other things you should know when you decide who to go to.
First, there’s the question of where the best psychics are located. Some say California psychics are better than New York psychics or midwestern psychics are more real than southern psychics. What’s true is that California psychics are more laid back because they live in frickin’ California! Eastern psychics are more blunt because that’s how people are in the East. Midwest psychics are more grounded because midwestern people tend to be that way, and southern psychics are more traditional because that’s how they are down South. It doesn’t mean one group is more evolved or better than the next. It means those are the filters you’ll receive your reading through. You want a more grounded reading, call someone from the Midwest. You want a little gumbo with your cards, call the South.
Whenever I go to California, I get booked a lot, because people want a different point of view than the ones they get from the Cali psychics. Not better, just different.
There’s also a rotten side of the community.
Some psychics like to bad-mouth other psychics; it’s actually pretty common. With more and more psychics out there and more of a battle for your third eye dough, it’s tough. People look for an edge, and a lot of them don’t mind throwing another psychic under the bus to find it.
Another psychic wrote a book two years after my first book came out and used the same title. He knew about my book, he just didn’t care.
To a lot of psychics, it’s about business, and that’s all.
I’ve heard terrible things about myself throughout the years—horrible things about my character, my readings, my sexual orientation. I get that it’s better to be talked about than not to be talked about at all, but some of it’s not even true!
Then there are the competitive psychics. They enter competitions to see who’s the best. You’ll see them all over. “The best psychic in so-and-so.” I never understood that, because anybody who has done this for more than five years knows there are so many things that determine what a good reading is. It’s like “so-and-so is the best lover.” Nobody is the best lover for everybody; it’s about the connection, the chemistry, the trust. All those things determine what a good reading is and everybody is different.
It’s not about the psychic. We are just the messengers. Those competitions are about who the psychics know and how many people they have following them, not about their abilities. But because psychics are looking for an edge, they do that stuff.
Others call themselves masters. That’s another stupid thing, because one of the first laws of spirituality is humility. If you go around calling yourself a master, it means you missed lesson number one.
I am acutely aware of all the fake, phony, lying, conning shysters out there in the psychic community. I’m reminded of them every time I’m introduced as a psychic. A lot of people assume it’s all fake and a way to con the weak and vulnerable. It’s easier to think that than to take it seriously, because that kind of thinking opens up a big can of worms, and I get that. But anything that makes us look fake or phony makes it harder for the ones who are legit. And there are a lot of legit, good psychics out there (and they don’t all smell like patchouli).
Do your research, get referrals, and remember just to take what makes sense to you. It has to feel right. If it’s just advice, tell them you already have a Magic 8-Ball. If they ask too many questions, suggest they pay you. Don’t be afraid of coincidence. If you’re thinking about getting a reading and your friend calls you up out of the blue and says she just saw a psychic who blew her mind, put two and two together. That’s how these things work sometimes.
What’s the Best Way to
Get the Most out of Your Reading?
When you do decide to get a reading, go in with an open mind. It doesn’t have to be completely open; a little skepticism is a good thing when you get a reading. But don’t walk in with a “fuck you” attitude. Psychics can feel that.
Newbies get nervous, middle ones get impatient, and toasty psychics get pissed. Leave a little wiggle room.
If you want specific answers, ask specific questions. So many people come to me and say, “Just tell me what you get.” That’s like going to a restaurant and telling the waiter, “Bring me what you feel like.”
What I tell people who say that to me is, “At least give me an area to start with.” Love, health, work, travel, something, anything. I don’t need information, I need a direction. In fact, for me, too much information screws up my head.
I start thinking about things and then it all gets goofy.
Have questions.
Don’t start off talking about how wonderful the last psychic you went to was. If they were so wonderful, why didn’t you go back?
I know a lot of people go to more than one psychic. I have no problem with that, but don’t set up a competition. Again, it’s about the message, not the messenger.
I’m a future guy, I deal mostly with events to come. The most maddening thing to me is when a person is presented with an opportunity, but they refuse to see it.
For me, the best readings are when the person gets it, when they see the opportunities and are willing to take advantage of them.
The ones that suck are the people who try to trick you. They tell you false information in hopes they can trip you up. I’ve done many readings where the person will ask me about their kids when they don’t have any or ask about their relationship when they’re not in one. I’ve had celebrities disguise their voices to try to confuse me or say they’re straight when they’re gay.
Psychics are supposed to give you hope, hope that there’s meaning to your life, hope that things will work out, hope that you’re not alone in your day-to-day life. They’re also there to help you with answers, things that you can’t just figure out alone.
You can do what you want when you get a reading, but if you’re looking for answers, just like everything else, you get what you put in.
I walked into a fast-food restaurant not long ago to grab a snack. It was noon and the place was packed with people coming and going, getting their food, everything efficient and not a lot of warmth. But the girl helping us did have warmth. She was friendly, bright, easy to talk to, and one of those people who actually cared whether you were there or not.
Most people didn’t have time for her pleasantries—they just wanted their food so they could get on with their day—but her personality didn’t go unnoticed to the man in front of me. He was a businessman wearing a suit, in his late forties or early fifties. He seemed excited to talk to her because her engaging manner was hard to ignore. They conversed a bit and as they did, he asked her if she’d ever been in sales. She smiled and said no, that this was in fact her first job. She said she’d thought about sales, but the opportunity never came up. He pulled out his card and presented it to her. He owned a small but thriving company and told her he thought with her personality and charm, she would be a perfect fit for a position he was looking to fill. She smiled and thanked the man. She got his food and, as he took it, he suggested she look his company up online and contact him if she was interested.
She again thanked the man and waved to him as he took his food and left. She greeted me with a smile and proceeded to ask me what I would like. I told her what I wanted and she chatted with me while she added it all up. As she waited for my food to come, her coworker came up to her and started to complain that she just didn’t think she wanted to keep working there. The long hours and hard work were taking their toll, and she asked the girl what she thought. The girl paused for a bit and said, “Oh I can’t keep doing this either, but I have no clue what else I could do.”
The card was literally still warm in her pocket from the owner of a company who would hire her on the spot and she didn’t know what else she could do?!
Be willing to open your eyes.