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Journey to the Afterlife

Comforting Messages & Lessons
from Loved Ones in Spirit

Kristy Robinett

Journey to the Afterlife reveals the true nature of heaven, hell, and the in-between from spirits who are there. Join Kristy Robinett as she shares soul-stirring messages from her many years of practice as a professional psychic medium. This book answers the most persistent questions about the afterlife, showing what kinds of lessons are learned as spirits evolve and grow in light and peace. Have you ever wondered what heaven is like? Or how a child’s experience of the afterlife is different than an adult’s? Is there such a thing as hell or purgatory?

With dozens of moving case studies and remarkable examples, Journey to the Afterlife shows how our loved ones are given the opportunity to grow and find happiness on the other side. These messages are a great comfort to Kristy’s clients, and they will touch your heart while helping you move forward on your own personal journey.

978-0-7387-5269-3, 264 pp., 5 1/4 x 8

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