More years ago than I care to admit, two people came into my life by way of a critique group and have stayed with me through thick and thin and relocations. Julie Parks and Doug Hewitt have helped shape my writing more than they will ever know. From the earliest, laughable, manuscripts to the finished product, they pushed me to write better, cleaner, and more focused. Thank you both for your continued support.
To Doug, Cindy Bullard, Demetria Gray, and Sandra Rathbone—thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, rereading, and reading again in this journey to bring Michael “Gypsy” Moran to life.
To my editor, Toni Kirkpatrick, and editorial assistant, Jennifer Letwack—you’re two of the best hand-holders ever! Thank you for loving Gypsy.
To Robert Randisi and the Private Eye Writers of America—thank you for making this possible.
To the people of Wink, Texas—thank you for welcoming me into your little town. I knew the moment I saw the name of the town, that was it. Gypsy’s story could not have been told anywhere else.
To the neighborhood kids who grew up in Shannon Hills during the 60s and 70s—we were part of something good. We dreamed big. And sometimes those dreams came true.
And to Sam the cocker—thanks for sitting beside me on the couch while I plotted, researched, and wrote. You were the inspiration for Jasper. Except Jasper was a border collie and you’re a cocker spaniel. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Cockers are pretty cool, too.