


Circe watched, unseen, as yet another family reunion unfolded in Vythos. Epimetheus was happy to see all of his brothers, but when he got to Prometheus, the two acted like little kids, shoving and mock-punching each other before hugging and laughing.

A dull ache throbbed in her belly. She wanted someone to be this happy to see her.

She was being unfair; Nereus always treated her like she was a member of his family. But she wanted more. Someone to be hers. She wasn’t envious of the bond between the Titan twins. What she longed for was a connection like what Titans shared with their soulmates.

For a moment in time, she’d thought she had it, with Odysseas. He’d been a liar and master manipulator, who broke her heart and stomped on it. It never healed since. It made sense she couldn’t open it to Eros. And she couldn’t have told him about Magda being Aphrodite sooner. She didn’t control her visions, but she knew deep inside when and how each was to be used. She couldn’t ignore all the rules of her gift just because she... was fond of a male.

Circe shoved her thoughts away from Eros and what might have been, and to the here and now. With so many Titans awake and bonded, the Titanesses would soon start getting back memories of their past lives. Maybe Eros wasn’t wrong to let them know who they were before. It’d be easier for them to accept the changes to come.

He still shouldn’t have done it. He’d promised not to. And the betrayal stung, the pain twisting in her gut with that of losing him.

No. She hadn’t lost him. She never had him. They just had fun together. And the only reason she wanted to make up was that he was extremely good in bed, and not that she missed him. Even if she cried herself to sleep at night.

She waved, and the scenery before her changed to her bedroom. It felt empty and cold without Eros.

This was stupid. He had to hear her out. She was doing what was best for everyone, and had been since she first came into her powers. She couldn’t be held accountable for protecting a secret that wasn’t hers to share.

She found him in their clearing, where he’d stopped her from ending her life after Odysseus admitted his love for her had been a lie—a ploy to get back to the woman his heart really beat for. For centuries after, Eros would meet her here, to catch up and laugh about the follies of humanity, and then, much later, to fuck her against the ancient Tremythia tree.

Now he leaned against that same tree, ripping handfuls of grass out of the moist earth.

She sank to the ground beside him. “You’re not joining the party?”

“Didn’t feel like it.” He didn’t even glance at her.

Circe leaned back too and thumped her head against the trunk. “Can we be done with this? With the sulking and the not talking to each other?” And the not touching and the not kissing and the not fucking. Chaos, she wanted him inside her now.

When he faced her, his eyes blazed. “Sulking? You knew my father was alive, knew who he was, and you never told me. You erased me from his mind. I’m not sulking; I’m fucking furious.”

She reached out to touch his arm, but snatched back her hand when he narrowed his eyes. “Aphrodite begged me to make him forget anything that would compound the hurt of her loss. I swore to her.”

Eros blinked to his feet and hovered over her. “She was dead, and I was in your bed. Your loyalties sure are screwed up. And then she was back, and you didn’t even tell me. I almost fucked you while you looked like Magda.”

“I stopped you.”

Eros might as well not have heard her weak protest. “Why do you even bother try to fix things between us? You can have any man you want. Not like you have real feelings for me.” His tone was still angry, but she heard the hurt beneath it. “Do you?” he asked.

Did she? “I...” She squeezed her eyes shut. How could she admit to something that terrified her?

When she opened them again, Eros wasn’t there.

She climbed to her feet, feeling every year that had passed by her youthful body. She was barely upright, when a vision slammed into her, hard enough to send her stumbling backward.

Kronos was awake.




(but keep reading for a sneak peek of Book 5 – A Titaness for the Titan)

NIKOLETA PICKED UP her pace, digging blindly in her bag for her key fob. Where was that thing? A couple feet from the car, she stopped, so she could look through the mess of old receipts, tissues, lipsticks, and other random stuff that had found their way in there. Ah huh. Key in hand, she raised her head and froze. The blond guy from earlier tonight leaned on the driver’s door, inches from her. How did he get there without her noticing?

“Told you—I’m a god. Eros, at your service.” His dazzling smile did nothing to make her feel less threatened.

She pressed the button on the fob that unfolded the key, and held it so it protruded between middle- and ring-finger knuckles. Holding his gaze, she took a step back. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to take you to your destiny.” His arms hung loosely at his sides, his hands empty, but his casual pose emanated power that scared her. Plus he sounded completely nuts.

The throbbing behind her left eye started again. Perfect timing. “Please, step aside. I want to go home.” She kept her voice cool, though her pulse thrummed in her temples.

“The pain is back, because it needs you to remember. The whole world needs you to remember.” His gaze was soft, but his ramblings still made no sense.

She should find her phone. Call the police. But she can’t look away from him. Yell. Yell for Paris.

She opened her mouth, but no sound made it up her throat. What the—

“I don’t normally do things this way, but we’re out of time. Kronos is awake, and we need you to bring Coeus out of stasis and bond with him.” The man—Eros—cupped her cheeks with both hands, so fast, she didn’t have time to react. And then the pain was back full force, carried on a blinding white light.



Need more? The last book in the TITANS series, Coeus and Nikoleta’s story will be out September 15.



WANT MORE TITANS? Get the FREE prequel, Under, HERE and make sure you’ve read Book 1, A Nereid for the Titan, Book 2, A Maid for the Titan, and Book 3 – A Guard for the Titan.

Sign up for Sotia’s Newsletter, and get your FREE copy of Breathe – TITANS 2.5

Curious about Nerites’ mom? Read about it in Book 3.5 – Above: A TITANS Novelette

And of course, don’t forget to get Book 5 – A Titaness for the Titan, on September 15!



INTO VAMPIRE URBAN Fantasy? Read the Vampire Cherry series!

#0 Cherry Pop – FREEBIE, #1 Cherry Stem, #2 Cherry Blossom, #3 Cherry Pie, #3.5 Cherry Christmas - FREEBIE (a Vampire Cherry/Paranormal Vampire Investigator crossover)

And continue with Paranormal Vampire Investigator #1 Cherry Stem and the Pissed-off Ghost



IN THE MOOD FOR CONTEMPORARY Ménage? Threefold is what you need!

#1 Colin – FREEBIE, #2 Brad, #3 Becca


Sotia shares her life and living quarters with her husband, their son, and two rescue dogs, one of which may be part-pony. Sappy movies make her cry, and she wishes she could take in all the stray dogs in the world.

Sotia spent her formative years reading anything she could get her hands on, including steamy romances her grandma would frown upon—nah, Grandma would totally approve.

Hailing from the land of Olympians and Titans, Sotia could only resist writing about mythical immortals for so long. Her mythology romance boasts hot, powerful Alphas, who can handle sassy ladies and will stop at nothing to make them happy.

True love exists, and Sotia is determined to give her fated couples a happy ending!

To know more about Sotia, get your hands on freebies, and be the first to hear about new releases, click HERE.
