“Out of Parsifal I make a religion.”
– Adolf Hitler, September 30, 1923
On April 2, 1938, Adolf Hitler had just entered Vienna in triumph. His homeland, Austria, had joined the Third Reich after a bloodless invasion and a resounding vote of approval. He was returning in power and glory to the city where he had been poor and despised, with only the city’s museums as refuges from the cold of the street. As a young man in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of the Hofburg Palace, he had contemplated the regalia of the medieval Holy Roman Emperors. Today, he gazed upon them again. The crown and sword of the Hohenstaufens remained in their cases, as did the Hapsburg crown jewels. Only one relic had been removed, by a special team of Ahnenerbe custodians who had entered Austria under cover and seized it in the first minutes of the Anschluss. Their leader, SS Standartenführer Conrad Buch, now stepped forward and extended the Spear of Destiny to his Führer.
While he was an impoverished failure in Vienna, Hitler had somehow scraped together the money to attend the opera. His first experience of Wagner’s Lohengrin had been a life-changing event, and he soaked up as much of the composer’s cocktail of Teutonic myth, racial exaltation, and theatrical power as he could. Hitler was particularly obsessed with Parsifal, Wagner’s enigmatic opera about the motherless knight who redeems the Order of the Grail by recovering the spear that left the Grail King Amfortas wounded. Parsifal seizes the spear from the evil magician Klingsor, an act that shatters Klingsor’s power, but must spend years searching for the Grail Castle before he can use its power to heal the king and restore the land. Wagner equates the Spear of the Grail legend with the holy lance that pierced Jesus’ side during the Crucifixion – although he never refers explicitly to Christ in the opera’s libretto.
The fate of the Roman centurion’s lance that pierced Christ’s side remains unknown. The Lance of Longinus may have traveled to Britain with Joseph of Arimathea, or been passed down as a cult object through the years by secretly Christian legionaries. It appears in hagiography as the Lance of St. Maurice, who used it to rally his legion of martyrs in 286, as the Spear of Constantine, who used it to win the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312, and as the Holy Lance of Antioch, uncovered during a Turkish siege of the Crusader city in 1098. The fate of those objects is unknown. In more orthodox Church history, the Holy Lance is reported by travelers in Jerusalem from the 6th century; when Jerusalem fell to the Persian emperor Chosroes II in 615 he broke off the spear’s tip and sent the shard to the Byzantine emperor Heraclius. Heraclius defeated Chosroes, recaptured the whole spear and returned it to Constantinople; Baldwin II sold the lance-tip to King Louis IX of France, who enthroned it in his church of Sainte-Chapelle. (The lance-tip vanished during the French Revolution.) The lance in Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, but Sultan Bayezid II sent it to the Pope in 1492 as a bribe. Ever since, it has lain beneath the dome of St. Peter’s; Hitler never tried to remove it.
Hitler depicted as Parsifal, with the Nazi banner in place of the Spear. Hitler interpreted Parsifal as a story of racial, not spiritual redemption, saying: “It is not the Christian religion of compassion that is acclaimed, but pure noble blood ... The king is suffering from the incurable ailment of corrupted blood. The uninitiated but pure [Parsifal] is tempted to abandon himself in Klingsor’s magic garden to the lusts and excesses of corrupt civilization [Kundry] ... For myself, I have the most intimate familiarity with Wagner’s mental processes. At every stage of my life I come back to him ... If we strip Parsifal of every poetic element, we learn from it that selection and renewal are possible only amid the continuous tension of a lasting struggle.” (Peter Newark Pictures / The Bridgeman Art Library)
The Spear of Vienna, however, was another matter. The Holy Roman Emperors held that spear in the Hofburg as a symbol of their ability to rule. Before them, the kings of Germany wielded it, in direct line from Charlemagne. Charlemagne took the spear from the Germanic Lombards when he proclaimed himself their king in 774. At some point in time, smiths inserted one of the nails of the True Cross into the base of the spear; possibly at the accession of Aripert, the first Catholic king of the Lombards, in 653. The royal Lombard dynasty was called the Guningi, meaning “wielders of Gungnir,” Wotan’s spear; their kings claimed power by grasping the royal lance. In short, Buch may have not intended the gift of the spear as invoking Christian power at all, but as the exaltation and proclamation of a new Wotanist kingship of Germany, and Hitler may have received it in that spirit.
Brigadeführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the Austrian SS, oversaw the shipment of the spear (along with the rest of the imperial regalia and several additional crates of treasure) to the city of Nuremberg. Nuremberg was not only the cult city of the Nazi movement, it had also been the home of the spear from 1424 to 1796, the spear and the other regalia being moved to Vienna only when it seemed that Napoleon might seize the treasure and whatever occult power it possessed. Kaltenbrunner had the spear enshrined in St. Katherine’s Cathedral, where it rested until the RAF bombing raid on Nuremberg of August 29, 1942 damaged the church. (Churchill never commented on the rumor that he targeted the cathedral deliberately to destroy Hitler’s sacred talisman.) Burgomaster Willi Leibel transferred the spear to a bank vault, then in 1943 to a tunnel beneath Nuremberg Castle. When another suspiciously well-aimed RAF raid nearly destroyed the tunnel on October 13, 1944, Leibel moved it again, to a cave beneath a school on the Panier Platz.
Unlike the reappearing spear, the Ark of the Covenant had vanished completely. Contradictory apocryphal texts suggest that the Ark was carried off to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar or hidden by the prophet Jeremiah, but 2 Chronicles 12:9 seems very clear: “So Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, and took away the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king’s house; he took all away.” On March 17, 1939, the Alsatian archaeologist Pierre Montet discovered the tomb of the Pharaoh Shoshenq I, the Biblical “Shishak,” at Tanis, the capital of the 22nd Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Inside was a hieroglyphic fresco making it clear that the victorious Egyptians had taken the Ark of the Covenant to Tanis.
Montet tried to keep the discovery secret until he could translate the script, but word leaked out in the French occult underworld. Two secret societies immediately sent agents to find the Ark before Montet could: the Polaires and the Veilleurs (“Watchers”). The Polaires had emerged in Paris in the mid-1920s as an “Agarthist” movement inspired by Ossendowski’s book and by a mysterious oracle discovered by two music students. Concerned with astral projection, the lost polar continent, and the lost treasures of the Cathars, they wanted primarily to eclipse their rivals. Their former guru, the anti-modernist esoteric scholar René Guénon, lived in Cairo; his occult contacts doubtless brought in the Polaires.
Prior to Montet’s discovery, the eccentric American evangelist Antonia Frederick Futterer (male, despite the name) claimed to have discovered the Ark in 1926 in a cave high atop Mt. Nebo in the Transjordan. According to a report by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Futterer received a map to the Ark from “a German specialist recently arrived from Germany.” Was this an Ahnenerbe or Veilleurist spoiling operation, or did the “tunnel lined with hieroglyphics” that Futterer discovered hold some other occult truth? (PD-US)
The Alsatian chemist and theosophist René Schwaller de Lubicz founded the Veilleurs in 1919 in the aftermath of the war; their goal was to install a “Synarchist” government modeled on Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s description of Agartha. Schwaller considered the swastika the operative symbol of society, denounced lower races, and designed a uniform for the Veilleurs featuring a brown shirt and jackboots. He officially dissolved his order in 1922, but it remained active on the French right wing as La Cagoule (“The Hood”). In 1928 Schwaller moved to Luxor in Upper Egypt, to interpret its architecture and inscriptions according to his own mystical insights. When he heard about the discovery at Tanis, he called on his old brown-shirted colleagues – who included Rudolf Hess.
This 1895 painting by Edwin Austin Abbey depicts Galahad as “King of Sarras” attaining the Holy Grail. The 13th-century Prose Lancelot describes Sarras as an “island” between Britain and Palestine and places it in Egypt. Other sources conflate Sarras with the mysterious mountain of Munsalvaesche (Montsalvat) mentioned in Parzival, and describe it as a mountainous kingdom. One wing of the Ahnenerbe believed that the Grail kingdom of Sarras was the Aryan Visigothic kingdom in the Spanish Pyrenees, especially the region around Saragossa. In October 1940, Himmler visited Spain and with an Ahnenerbe escort toured the mountainside monastery at Montserrat (a potential candidate for Montsalvat) near Barcelona. Whether he sought to confirm or contradict Rahn’s placement of the Grail in France remains unknown. (Library of Congress)
Hess had briefly joined the Veilleurs while at loose ends in 1919, but by 1939 he served a new master. He ordered an Ahnenerbe team to Tanis to seize the Ark by force if necessary. The squabbling and infighting of the two French conspiracies, and Hess’ insistence on micro-managing the operation from Berlin, created near chaos at Tanis. The American government’s Inquiry Group (a team of Middle Eastern intelligence specialists recruited in 1918, with a growing interest in occult matters) picked up Hess’ transmissions and sent their own team to Egypt, headed by an archaeologist from Marshall College in Connecticut. After a series of ambushes, firefights, and considerable damage to the dig site (which incidentally prevented Montet from being able to publish his findings), the Ark was in Washington D.C. and Hess’ Ahnenerbe team were all dead.
Otto Rahn (1904–39?) in the Grotto of Lombrives in 1931, before he joined the SS. With the resources of the Ahnenerbe, Rahn deciphered the petroglyphs in the Grotto to deduce the location of the Grail. Lombrives is the largest open cave system in Europe, located near Tarascon (another cognate with Sarras?) in the French Pyrenees. Its opening near Ornolac is just 11 miles from the Cathar stronghold at Montségur on the other side of the ridge, and the Lombrives cave complex extends easily twice that distance. (PD-US)
In 1929, a young historian named Otto Rahn joined the Polaires in Paris. He was obsessed with the Cathars, dualist heretics whose principality in the south of France the Church extirpated in the 13th century. Believing that they held the secret of the Holy Grail, he used his Polaire contacts to visit a small Cathar community in Montségur, where the Cathars had made their last stand in 1244. In 1931 and 1932 he explored the area thoroughly, taking hundreds of photographs of various caves and grottos. In 1933 he published some of the results of his research as Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Crusade Against the Grail), a neo-Wagnerian screed hailing the Cathars as a pure-blooded elite destroyed for their beliefs by a hateful alien religion. He hinted that the Grail was, as the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach described it in Parzival, a “stone fallen from heaven,” and that the Cathars derived their purity from its power.
Even in 1932, Rahn was given to wearing clothing embroidered with the Sieg-rune of the SS. By 1935, Rahn was on Himmler’s personal staff, working closely with Wiligut at stone circles and ruins all over Germany. The next year, he traveled to Iceland on Ahnenerbe business; in 1937 SS Untersturmführer Rahn published another work of Cathar mysticism, Luzifers Hofgesind (Lucifer’s Courtiers) and returned briefly to Montségur. That fall, he served a mysterious tour at the old Templar castle and new concentration camp at Dachau; the official story of a “disciplinary action” was obvious disinformation. He spent 1938 researching a new book about Orpheus, who descended into the underworld and returned; that year it also transpired that Rahn had not filled out a racial purity form. A public purge of Rahn would have been too much, given Wiligut’s near-simultaneous forced resignation: Hitler might possibly have shut down the Ahnenerbe, or transfer it to Rosenberg. On May 18, 1939, SS Obersturmführer Rahn’s obituary appeared in the Völkische Beobachter, stating that the expert outdoorsman had died on a low mountain in the Tyrol in March.
This picture of Otto Rahn was taken during his Ahnenerbe service. Note his characteristic archaeologist’s fedora. (PD-US)
Otto Rahn knew too much to be allowed to live. But he also knew things Himmler needed, such as the possible location of the Grail. So Wolff turned him over to the Brotherhood of Death to be reconditioned into a proper state of Kadavergehorsam, “corpse-like obedience.” Then he sent him off to Syria under Foreign Ministry cover (using the name “Rudolph Rahn”) to check on the rumor of another Grail discovery near Alexandretta. Wolff decided not to order the Cathar Grail recovered at once: the ongoing circus in Egypt demonstrated what happened when French mystics discovered something. Rahn spent the next four years building his diplomatic cover, liaising with the Afrika Korps on occult matters, and mounting the occasional treasure hunt. When Wolff transferred to Italy, he had Rahn appointed ambassador to Rome. Spurred by the threat of an Allied invasion of France, Wolff sent Rahn to collect the Grail from a grotto near Montségur in March 1944, supervised by the increasingly geweckt Otto Skorzeny. After evading a Polaire astral hunting team, Rahn and Skorzeny returned to Berlin with the Grail.
In 1925, bookseller Gregor A. Gregorius (born Eugen Grosche) founded a Pansophic magical lodge with, among others, Albin Grau, the set designer for the film Nosferatu. After an organizational wrangle with Aleister Crowley in 1928, Gregorius split his followers off as the Fraternitas Saturnii, or Brotherhood of Saturn. Gregorius identified Saturn, Lucifer, and Wotan as a single being called “the GOTOS entity.” His new lodge was explicitly “Luciferian,” dedicated to channeling astral demonic power from the “sphere of Saturn” through the “gates of the square” using drugs and sexual rituals, even vampirism.
The Saturnians’ enthusiasm for the “left-hand path” attracted many magi in the late Weimar sorcerous scene; the rune-magician and dowser Karl Spiesberger was a Saturnian Brother. But Saturn fell afoul of Wotan: the Gestapo seized Gregorius’ bookshop in 1936. He fled to Switzerland and then to Italy, only to be extradited by the Salo government in 1943. Sturmbannführer Dr. Heinrich Fesel of RSHA Amt VII (an astrologer himself and former Saturnian Brother) engineered Gregorius’ mysterious release from the Leipzig city jail, possibly as part of Kaltenbrunner’s shadowy Projekt Leo (see below). In 1945, he became a police constable in Dresden, something impossible without Kaltenbrunner’s patronage.
In early 1944, with the Eastern Front near collapse and an Allied landing imminent, Himmler authorized the recovery of the Cathar Grail from Montségur in Vichy France, by then under German occupation. On March 15, SS Obersturmführer Otto Rahn (officially dead for five years) and a squad of Sonderverband Z Hexensoldaten seconded to SS-Jäger-Bataillon 502 rappelled down the side of the 1,200m mountain to enter a subterranean grotto beneath the Cathar fortress. Rahn carried one of the Yaktavian Bells, recovered on an earlier Ahnenerbe expedition to Madagascar, using its vibrations to create a resonant wave within the Grail. Having lowered in pieces and rebuilt in situ an experimental hydrophone to detect echoed responses, Rahn’s command rapidly navigated the maze of tunnels and caverns beneath the mountain to discover the original Cathar treasure-house.
Rahn’s men wear the Waffen-SS uniform, although with the original Ahnenerbe maroon piping. Many Hexensoldaten, having been trained in knot- and cord-magic, were reluctant to discard parts of their old insignia (which could also be used against them in “voodoo dolls” or other poppet-magic) despite the official change to pale blue.
Pendulum divination goes back to the Romans or before, and even pendulum dowsing over a map dates from at least the 18th century. However, in 1906 the French priest Abbé Alexis Mermet began to use the pendulum to “dowse” harmful energy flows within the human body, setting off a new occult fad for radiesthesia (a term coined in 1930 combining “radiation” and “aesthesia,” or “feeling”) across Western Europe. Tarot-diviner A.F. Glahn published Radio der Natur (Radio of Nature) in 1925, about the use of the pendulum to detect disease or crime, heal wounds, dowse for metals, or communicate with the stars. He was recruited by the MFA as a pendulum seer and died of heart failure in 1941 after working with Thule fragments from Greenland. (Mel Gordon Archive)
The lost oasis of Zerzura, the City of the Birds, fascinated an elite group of adventurers and explorers based in Cairo in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Called the Zerzura Club, it included many future members of Britain’s famed Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), including Ralph Bagnold. Its most exotic member was a gifted pilot and Hungarian count named László Almásy. The son of a noted explorer of Central Asia, Almásy was an initiate of the ONT and, given his interest in mystical Asia and Arabia, possibly aligned with the “Turanian” neo-pagan and racialist wing of the Hungarian Etelköz movement. He was also a spy for the Italian fascist military, charting possible oases and observing British security in Egypt.
With his occult background, Almásy knew that Zerzura was more than an oasis, or even a famous treasure-house. He was familiar with the legends that it had been built by exiled Templars, and was guarded by the fearsome djinn. Its name also evoked the Aryan legend of the Simurgh, the bird who remembered all the ages of the world. Convinced that Zerzura held the key to occult knowledge and power over the entire East, Almásy deliberately misidentified a mundane Egyptian wadi as Zerzura to his adventuring friends. In 1940, after Hungary became part of the Axis, Almásy joined the Luftwaffe and shared his information with the Abwehr. Transferred to Libya with the Afrika Korps, Almásy found himself working with old Templarist comrades in the MFA on a series of secret occult missions in the deserts and tomb complexes of Egypt.
The MFA could not keep the existence of Zerzura secret from the SS forever. Almásy was ordered to provide the coordinates of the true Zerzura to the Ahnenerbe for a Sonderverband Z strike planned for Walpurgisnacht 1942. A jealous von Knobelsdorff refused his offer to accompany the venture, to Almásy’s good fortune as it happened. Obersturmbannführer Reiner Galt mounted a frontal assault on the City of the Birds after a botched attempt to exorcise its djinn defender. A third of Kompanie Donar were killed or maddened; Galt and his immediate command staff disappeared without a trace. (In 1961, Mossad special agents found dog tags from Galt’s men for sale in Leopoldville in the Congo.) Almásy continued special operations for the MFA, establishing the secret “Dora” airfields in the Sahara that later allowed much of Germany’s saucer fleet to escape capture.
SS Obersturmbannführer Reiner Galt’s presumptuous assault on the djinn guardian of Zerzura certainly sealed the fate of Kompanie Donar’s April 30, 1942 assault on the City of the Birds, probably doomed the whole Sonderverband Z project, and possibly altered the course of the war. Without control of (or an alliance with) the djinn of Zerzura, the Afrika Korps could not outflank the British forces in Egypt; three months later, Rommel’s last offensive ground to a halt at El Alamein.
The Sdkfz 250 carries a modified version of Marius Zippermayr’s Wirbelringkanone (“vortex-ring cannon”), using compressed hydrogen to fire a miniature cyclone at a target. Intended as an antiaircraft weapon, the Ahnenerbe repurposed it as a runic sound-and-air projector: the Odal-rune (representing “blood and soil”) “grounds” the djinn, a being of air and fire. The halftrack itself carries standard anti-magic precautions, including mirrors and inscribed scrolls copied from the black terma of Agartha; the Ka-, Yr-, and Lagu-runes painted on the Greif provide magical invisibility. The rune-mage (per normal SS practice with the Afrika Korps, wearing a standard DAK uniform with no SS badge except his Hagal-rune tab) summons the djinn with blood poured in the Gibor-rune “arising” pattern and a congeries of spheres.