Donna Jean McDunn resides in Iowa, U.S.A. She lives on a small 18 acre farm with her husband of nearly forty-four years, surrounded by two dogs, four inside cats and five outside cats.
Holidays and weekends are often spent with their three daughters and son-in-laws, who have blessed them with eight grandchildren.
Donna Jean began writing seriously in 2008 and her first book, Nightmares, was published by MuseItUp Publishing, in May 2013.
In 2012 her short story, Trapped, was selected from over 100 entrants and published by Buddapuss Ink in an anthology, Mystery Times Nine 2012 and is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format.
Other short stories have also been published online at Page & Spine: The Front Page, Stories That Lift, Bumples Magazine, Knowonder Magazine and The Pink Chameleon.
To learn more about Donna Jean and her work, check out her blog at: http:www.donnajeanmcdunn.wordpress. com or friend her on Facebook.
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