Time Doesn’t Heal All
Samantha and The Triad brought boxes into Devonte’s grandmother’s new house in New Carrolton, Maryland, as Devonte sat in the living room on the sofa. The three-bedroom home was just the right size and she was beside herself with joy. When the last boxes were brought in, The Triad placed up her new curtains trying to get her crib together.
Over the months Devonte, Lauren and Mario’s relationship grew weirder to all those around. For starters they would spend a lot of time over Aubrey’s and when they weren’t with her they would go to the movies, dinner and even many vacations together. It was as if Lauren had two boyfriends and certain members of the Harrington family were starting to get jealous of the grown dynamic.
Aubrey walked up to Devonte and sat next to him. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”
He laughed. “Why? Because you don’t deserve it?”
She laughed. “You’re still hurting over that white girl getting killed aren’t you?” she paused. “And now you want to take it out on me.”
“You don’t know what you talking about,” he said as he adjusted his shades.
“I know enough to realize that being mad at other people won’t bring her back. Aubrey looked around the living room again and said, “I can’t believe this is all mine. And that my grandson gave it to me.”
He smiled and she grabbed his hand. “Come with me. I want you to see something right quick.”
He stood up and she walked him to the back of the house, in the kitchen. When they made it to a sliding door she pushed it to the right revealing a large backyard. “Because of you I can grow my own vegetables now.” She hugged him again and looked up at him. “All organics from now on.” She said excitedly. “Now I have something I want to give to you.”
Devonte clicked his mouth a few times and walked over to the kitchen table…she followed. “You don’t have to do anything for me.” He sat down and readjusted the cross on his chest. “I can buy anything I desire.”
“Except this,” she replied. She strolled over to a red ceramic cookie jar on the counter shaped like a heart, picked up the top and looked inside. Aubrey removed a small piece of paper, advanced toward him and placed it in his hand. “It’s yours.”
He took it from her. “What is this?”
“Your father’s address.”
“Why you giving this to me now?” he paused. Months ago he wanted it but now he wasn’t interested. “You aren’t afraid I would still kill this nigga?”
She sighed and sat next to him. “Because the lifestyle you’re leading will soon lead to death. And before you die I want you to make right with those who you can’t forgive.”
He felt gut punched. “Why would you say some shit like that to me?” he yelled. “Fuck wrong with you? I bought you this house and that’s how you come at me?”
“You are living foul, Devonte. You don’t think I know how you getting this money? Having folks running around here calling you God?” she said waving him off. “You have a darkness surrounding you that you had since you were a child. I finally understand it but before you leave here I want you to make peace.”
He slammed the paper on the table. “I’m not interested in him or Angela.”
She opened and closed her mouth as the right words left her. “Son—”
“Grandma, I don’t care about dude no more. Do you know the only thing he ever gave me? A pair of Jordan’s. And the only reason he did that was to get in my mother’s pussy.” His posture was rigid. “He wasn’t interested in me so why should I be interested in him. Tell him to fuck off.”
“He doesn’t know I’m telling you.”
Devonte’s eyes widened and then he laughed. “So you want me to go begging for daddy back?” he asked sarcastically. “Come on, grams. I’m a grown man. I don’t need daddy no more.”
Aubrey looked lovingly at her grandson. She walked over to the table, picked up the address and tucked it in his front jean pocket. “I’m not sure, but I think he’s changed now. He’s a preacher at a church and if you knew what kind of lifestyle your father led you would be surprised.” She paused. “Go introduce yourself and see what happens.”
“This shit is crazy,” he said shaking his head. “I’m not doing that shit.”
“What have you ever done unselfishly? With no strings attached? I mean have you ever loved another without expecting anything in return? In life, love is the only thing that sets us free.”
Samantha walked into the kitchen, her bare feet scratching against the floor. “God, is there anything else I can do for you?” She asked wide-eyed.
“Not now, Sam,” he said still irritated with Aubrey.
She smiled at his grandmother and Devonte before walking away.
“That child is touched,” she said under her breath.
“Aren’t we all?”
“God, Mario and Lauren are here,” Chicago said entering the kitchen. “They said they have good news.”
“Tell them to come back,” he said standing up.
Mario and Lauren walked into the kitchen holding hands. While Lauren’s top lip was tucked into her mouth, Mario was so excited he couldn’t keep still. Throughout the weeks he had grown close to Aubrey and even began to see Devonte a little differently. He could never forgive him for what he made him do to Asher, but he realized in order for him to lead his life it had to be done.
“What’s up?” Devonte said, sensing Lauren’s uncomfortable energy.
“We’re getting married,” he said excitedly. “I asked and she said yes.”
Aubrey slapped her hands against her face and then hugged Mario tightly, while Devonte and Lauren stood quietly in the same space.