1. WM/Kathleen Hill, 11/4/80; Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston, 1948), 409–410.
2. Churchill, Storm, 410; CAB 100/1; Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fraser of North Cape, “Churchill and the Navy,” in Sir James Marchant, ed., Winston Spencer Churchill: Servant of Crown and Commonwealth (London, 1954), 78–79; Jonn Higham recollections in conversation with Martin Gilbert, 3/1/82.
3. Hansard 9/6/39; Churchill, Storm, 331; CAB 16/11.
4. Fraser, in Marchant, 81.
5. ChP 4/123.
6. Sir John Colville, The Churchillians (London, 1981), 88.
7. T. R. Fehrenbach, F.D.R.’s Undeclared War 1939–1941 (New York, 1967).
8. Francis L. Loewenheim, Harold D. Langley, and Manfred Jonas, eds., Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence (New York, 1975), 5.
9. New York Sun 9/2/39; NYT 8/20/14, 9/4/39.
10. Fehrenbach, 42–43.
11. Churchill, Storm, 440–441.
12. Admiralty Papers 199/1928; ChP 4/123.
13. Churchill, Storm, 421; WM/Lady Soames, 10/9/80; Mary Soames, Clementine Churchill: The Biography of a Marriage (Boston, 1979), 372.
14. Diana Cooper, Trumpet from the Steep (London, 1960), 37.
15. Pim Papers; Arthur Marder, From the Dardanelles to Oran (London, 1974), 29; Fraser, in Marchant, 87.
16. Pim Papers.
17. Pim Papers.
18. Recollections of Bernard Sendall in conversation with Martin Gilbert, 11/14/79; Shakespeare Papers.
19. Churchill, Storm, 411; Fraser, in Marchant, 79–80; Arthur Marder, “Winston Is Back: Churchill at the Admiralty,” English Historical Review, Supplement 5 (Aberdeen, 1972), 2; Marder, Dardanelles, 106–107.
20. Turner Catledge, My Life and the Times (New York, 1971), 157.
21. Marder, English Historical Review, 2; Admiralty Papers 205/2.
22. Charles Eade, ed., Churchill by His Contemporaries (New York, 1954), 121; Fraser, in Marchant, 78–80.
23. Führer’s Conferences on Naval Affairs, 1939 (mimeographed by British Admiralty, London, 1947), 13–14.
24. DBFP series 3, vol. VII, no. 283.
25. ND C-189, C-190.
26. Churchill, Storm, 163–164.
27. DBFP series 3, vol. VIII, no. 283.
28. Hansard 9/26/39.
29. Hansard 9/26/39.
30. WSCHCS 6160–6164 (10/1/39).
31. Winston S. Churchill, The World Crisis, 5 vols. and The Aftermath (New York, 1923–1931), II, 391.
32. Churchill, Storm, 429.
33. Chiefs of Staff, 17 of 1939; CAB 79/1; Stephen Roskill, The War at Sea, 3 vols. (London, 1954), I, 78–80.
34. Churchill, Storm, 433–444.
35. CAB 65/1; Admiralty Papers 205/2.
36. William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (New York, 1960), 646.
37. Churchill, Storm, 433.
38. Brian Gardner, Churchill in Power: As Seen by His Contemporaries (Boston, 1970), 27; Hansard 11/8/39; CAB 65/1.
39. William L. Shirer, Berlin Diary (New York, 1941), 237.
40. WM/Lady Soames; Soames, 372.
41. Churchill, Storm, 528, 527; Soames, 374; Templewood Papers.
42. Marder, English Historical Review, 2; J. H. Godfrey, Naval Memoirs of Admiral J. H. Godfrey (privately printed, 1964–1965), I, vi, 35.
43. Marder, English Historical Review, 9.
44. ChP 19/3; Churchill, Storm, 465.
45. ChP 19/3; Churchill, Storm, 465.
46. Captain J. S. S. Litchfield to the author; Marder, English Historical Review, 3; Churchill, Storm, 414.
47. Hansard 12/6/39; Churchill, Storm, 414, 505–508, 706–711; Marder, English Historical Review, 10, 28; CAB 65/6.
48. Admiralty Papers 199/1928; Churchill, Storm, 413–414.
49. Admiralty Papers 205/5, 199/19.
50. Admiralty Papers 199/1928, 205/5; Marder, English Historical Review, 31–38; WSC VI, 26–27, 37–38.
51. Fraser, in Marchant, 78.
52. Fraser, in Marchant, 78; ChP 19/3, 25/4; CAB 16/132; Weir Papers.
53. S. W. Roskill, “Marder, Churchill, and the Admiralty 1932–42,” RUSI Journal, December 1972.
54. Admiralty Papers 205/6.
55. Vice-Admiral R. D. Oliver to the author; Marder, English Historical Review, 22.
56. Donald McLachan, “Naval Intelligence in the Second World War,” RUSI Journal, 112, August 1967, 244.
57. CAB 66/1; Admiralty papers 199/1928.
58. Charles Stuart, ed., The Reith Diaries (London, 1975), 249; CAB 132/33.
59. B. H. Liddell Hart, The Memoirs of Captain Liddell Hart, 2 vols. (London, 1965), II, 27.
60. Charles de Gaulle, Le fil de l’épée (Paris, 1932).
61. Robert Wernick, Blitzkrieg (New York, 1976), 24.
62. Churchill, Storm, 450, 442.
63. Churchill, Storm, 451.
64. CAB 61/11.
65. CAB 65/1; Command Paper 6144 (Treaty Series No. 58) 1939.
66. B. H. Liddell Hart, History of the Second World War (New York, 1971), 18; William L. Shirer, The Collapse of the Third Republic (New York, 1969), 519; Churchill, Storm, 558.
67. Churchill, Storm, 451; CAB 83/3, 92/111; WSC VI, 15.
68. Hoare Diary, Templewood Papers; CAB 66/1; ChP 4/131.
69. CAB 65/1, 100/1; L. S. Amery, My Political Life, 3 vols. (London, 1953), III, 330; E. L. Spears, Assignment to Catastrophe, 2 vols. (New York, 1955), I 31–32; Hugh Dalton, Memoirs, 1931–1945: The Fateful Years (London, 1957), 274.
70. R. J. Minney, The Private Papers of Hore-Belisha (London, 1960), 251; Iain Macleod, Neville Chamberlain (New York, 1962), 286.
71. Hansard 9/6/39; Spears, I, 29; Dalton, 274, 277.
72. Sir Keith Feiling, The Life of Neville Chamberlain (London, 1946), 440.
73. Churchill, Storm, 574–575.
74. Dalton, 292; L. F. Ellis, The War in France and Flanders (London, 1953), 30–31; Viscount Templewood, Nine Troubled Years (London, 1954), 428.
75. General Maurice Gustave Gamelin, Servir, 3 vols. (Paris, 1947), II, 413–416, 424–425; Sir Lewis B. Namier, Diplomatic Prelude (London, 1948), 459–460.
76. Gamelin, I, 23–24; Événements, II, 276–278.
77. Gamelin, I, 24.
78. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 840.
79. TMWC XI, 350; TMWC X, 519.
80. TWCXII, 1086.
81. Franz Haider diary, 9/7/39.
82. Jacques Minart, P.C. Vincennes Secteur 4, 2 vols. (Paris, 1945), I, 19–20; Gamelin, III, 60–61, 55.
83. Général André Beaufre, Le Drame de 1940 (Paris, 1965), 189; Général Charles de Gaulle, Mémoires de Guerre, 3 vols. (Paris, 1954), I, 22.
84. TMWC I, 257.
85. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 744.
86. A. J. P. Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War (New York, 1962), 228 fn. 4.
87. Virginia Cowles, Winston Churchill: The Era and the Man (New York, 1953), 313.
88. WSCHCS 6160–6164 (10/1/39; verse form added).
89. WSCHCS 6160–6164.
90. Sir John Colville, The Fringes of Power: 10 Downing Street Diaries 1939–1955 (New York, 1985), 29; Templewood Papers; Chamberlain Papers.
91. Shirer, Berlin Diary, 229; Time 10/16/39.
92. WSCHCS 6171–6175 (11/12/39).
93. WSCHCS 6171–6175 (11/12/39).
94. Colville, Fringes, 50; Harold Nicolson, Diaries and Letters, 1930–1962, edited by Nigel Nicolson, 3 vols. (London, 1966), II, 59.
95. WSCHCS 6183–6186 (1/20/40; verse form added).
96. Hoare diary, Templewood Papers; ChP 23/3.
97. CAB 11/39; Général Paul-Emile Tournoux, “Les origines de la ligne Maginot,” Revue d’Histoire de la Deuxième Mondiale, No. 33, January 1959, 14.
98. WSCHCS 6183–6186 (1/20/40).
99. Churchill, Storm, 541; Liddell Hart, Second World War, 45.
100. Kay Halle, The Irrepressible Churchill: A Treasury of Winston Churchill’s Wit (New York, 1967), 153.
101. WSCHCS 6171–6175 (11/12/39).
102. B. Baxter, Men, Martyrs, and Mountebanks (London, 1940), 251; Cowles, 312–313.
103. Nicolson, II, 34–35, 37, 38.
104. Laurence Thompson, 1940 (New York 1966), 32.
105. WSCHCS 6171–6175 (11/12/39); Colville, Fringes, 108; N. Chamberlain Papers, diary.
106. Cowles, 311; Gardner, 21.
107. Churchill, Storm, 495.
108. Churchill, Storm, 494–495.
109. Soames, 374; Fraser, in Marchant, 81.
110. Soames, 374; Diana Cooper, 37; WM/Lady Soames; WM/Lady Diana Cooper.
111. Thompson, 24.
112. Times 10/5/39; ChP 1/355.
113. WM/Lady Soames.
114. Thompson, 17.
115. WM/Lady Soames.
116. Feiling, 424; Churchill, Storm, 549; Fehrenbach, 45.
117. T. Harrison and C. Madge, eds., War Begins at Home (London, 1940), 39; Margery Allingham, The Oaken Heart (London, 1941), 84; Thompson, 14.
118. Time 1/22/40.
119. Colville, Fringes, 116; Thompson, 15; ChP 19/2.
120. Times 12/26/39.
121. Thompson, 13–28 passim.
122. Thompson, 13–28 passim.
123. Thompson, 13–28 passim.
124. Thompson, 16.
125. Telford Taylor, The Breaking Wave: The Second World War in the Summer of 1940 (New York, 1967), 39.
126. CAB 65/3.
127. ChP 19/2.
128. ND L-52; DGFP series D, vol. VIII, no. 224.
129. WM/William L. Shirer, 7/20/71; Emmanuel Beau de Loménie, La Mort de la Troisième République (Paris, 1951), 128–129.
130. Foreign Relations of the U.S., 1940, I, 107.
131. Churchill, Storm, 479.
132. Time 9/18/39; Shirer, Berlin Diary, 9/26/39.
133. Alphonse Goutard, 1940: La Guerre des Occasions Perdus (Paris, 1956), 234.
134. Shirer, Collapse, 535–536.
135. Goutard, 132–133.
136. CAB 83/3; Churchill, Storm, 558–559.
137. Événements, III, 690, Beaufre, 232; Shirer, Collapse, 620–621.
138. Shirer, Collapse, 183–187.
139. Time 12/18/39.
140. Ronald Steel, Walter Lippmann and the American Century (Boston, 1980), 381.
141. Goutard, 131.
142. Goutard, 131; Événements, II, 281–282; Shirer, Collapse, 533–534
143. CAB 65/1.
144. CAB 65/1; ChP 19/3; Eade, ed., 122.
145. CAB 65/1; ChP 19/3; Churchill, Storm, 554.
146. Churchill, Storm, 561–562.
147. Sir Philip Vian, Action This Day: A War Memoir (London, 1960), 26.
148. Marder, English Historical Review, 31 fn.
149. Churchill, Storm, 561–562; Nicolson, II, 59.
150. Churchill, Storm, 562, 564.
151. Churchill, Storm, 564; Vian, 26; ChP 19/5.
152. WSC VI, 154.
153. Churchill, Storm, 563; Marder, English Historical Review, 30; Thompson, 51.
154. Nicolson, II, 59.
155. ChP 9/143.
156. ChP 9/143.
157. Templewood Papers; ChP 8/658.
158. Thompson.
159. ND 004-PS; DGFP series D, vol. VIII, no. 663–33; ND C-63; NCA, Suppl. B, 1543–47.
160. Churchill, Storm, 564; ND C-66.
161. ND CD-170, C-166; FCNA, 1939, 27, 51.
162. FCNA, 1939, 51, 53–57; Jodl diary, 12/13/39; Halder diary, 12/14/39; Liddell Hart, Second World War, 54–55.
163. Shirer, Berlin Diary, 307.
164. Liddell Hart, Second World War, 56; ND 063-C; DGFP series D, vol. VIII, no. 644.
165. Thompson, 56; Colville, Fringes, 40, 76.
166. Churchill, Storm, 571–581; CAB 66/5, 65/11; Admiralty Papers 1/10795; CAB 65/12; Chief of Staff 64 (40); CAB 79/85; CAB 65/12.
167. John Eking and the editors of Time-Life Books, Battles for Scandinavia (Chicago, 1981), 47.
168. Churchill, Storm, 591–592.
169. Churchill, Storm, 582; CAB 65/12; Liddell Hart, Second World War, 58.
170. Admiralty Papers 205/2.
171. Admiralty Papers 116/4240; CAB 65/12.
172. Colville, Fringes, 94–95; CAB 65/6.
173. Churchill, Storm, 583, 582; Colville, Fringes, 95.
174. NCA, Supplement B, 1543–477; Liddell Hart, Second World War, 58.
175. Times 4/6/40.
176. Hansard 4/ 11/40.
177. Liddell Hart, Second World War, 52; Marder, English Historical Review, 55.
178. Roskill, War at Sea, I, 179; CAB 65/11; Sir Eric Seal’s letter to the author, 9/8/71; Marder, English Historical Review, 57.
179. Gamelin, III, 866; Paul Baudouin, The Private Diaries of Paul Baudouin (London, 1953). 41.
180. Liddell Hart, Second World War, 62; Churchill, Storm, 624–627.
181. Shirer, Berlin Diary, 314; Admiralty Papers 116/4471; Churchill, Storm, 601; Nicolson, II, 70.
182. Colville, Fringes, 101; The Listener 5/6/40.
183. CAB 65/6; Colville, Fringes, 90; Thompson, 57; Daily Mail 4/11/40.
184. Shirer, Berlin Diary; Liddell Hart, Second World War, 59.
185. Jodl diary in Shirer, Rise and Fall, 709.
186. Churchill, Storm, 619; Shirer, Berlin Diary, 315, 320.
187. CAB 65/12, 21/1388; Churchill, Storm, 614.
188. Churchill, Storm, 624, 626–627.
189. Churchill, Storm, 623.
190. Hansard 5/8/40.
191. Shirer, Collapse, 569; Nicolson, II, 74.
192. CAB 99/3; Shirer, Berlin Diary, 324–326; Nicolson, II, 74–75.
193. Hansard 3/3/40; Seal Papers.
194. Événements, II, 359–360, 361–363.
195. Baudouin, 25.
196. WM/Sir William Deakin, 10/5/80; F. W. Deakin, “Churchill The Historian,” Schweizer Monatshefte Nr. 4 (Zurich, 1970).
197. F. W. Deakin.
198. Times 4/4/40; Daily Mail 4/4/40; ChP 2/392, 2/395.
199. Nicolson, II, 74–75.
200. Nicolson, II, 74–75; ChP 4/131; Thompson, 70.
201. Robert Rhodes James, Chips, The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon (London, 1967), 243; Col. Roderick Macleod and Denis Kelly, eds., The Ironside Diaries 1937–1940 (London, 1962), 293.
202. ChP 3/131, 2/393.
203. ChP 19/2.
204. ChP 1/99/1929; CAB 79/4.
205. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 944; WM/William L. Shirer, 7/20/80.
206. N. Chamberlain Papers, diary.
207. Evening Standard 5/6/40; Halifax Papers, diary.
208. Hansard 5/7/40.
209. Nicolson, II, 76; Hansard 5/7/40; Thompson, 80.
210. Nicolson, II, 76; Hansard 5/7/40.
211. Hansard 5/7/40; Nicolson, II, 77.
212. Nicolson, II, 77.
213. Hansard 5/7/40 (italics added).
214. Churchill, Storm, 659; Nicolson, II, 77; Rhodes James, Chips, 243, 245.
215. Henri de Kerillis, Français, void la vérité (New York, 1942), 247; Clare Luce, Europe in the Spring (New York, 1940), 246, 126–127.
216. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 716.
217. Dalton, 304–305.
218. Daily Herald 5/8/40.
219. WM/Malcolm MacDonald, 11/6/80; Dalton, 305–306; Hansard 5/8/40.
220. Thompson, 82–83.
221. Nicolson, II, 78; Hansard 5/8/40.
222. Churchill, Storm, 659.
223. F. Owen, Tempestuous Journey (London, 1954), 748.
224. Hansard 5/8/40 (italics added).
225. WM/Macmillan; Harold Macmillan, The Blast of War 1939–1945 (London, 1967), 74.
226. Dalton, 306; Rhodes James, Chips, 246; WM/R. A. Butler, 12/5/80.
227. Hansard 5/8/40; Rhodes James, Chips, 246.
228. Rhodes James, Chips, 246; John Peck, “Bull and Benediction,” unpublished typescript, 96–97 (published in WSC VI, 298–299).
229. Hansard 5/8/40.
230. Alfred Duff Cooper, Old Men Forget (New York, 1954), 279.
231. Nicolson, II, 79–80; Dalton, 306.
232. Churchill, Storm, 661.
233. Adam Sykes and Iain Sproat, eds. The Wit of Sir Winston (London, 1965), 75; Colville, Fringes, 89.
234. Churchill, Storm, 661.
235. Thompson, 82, 83.
236. Dalton, 310.
237. Earl of Avon, The Reckoning (London, 1965), 96.
238. Dalton, 308; Thompson, 88.
239. Thompson, 89.
240. Thompson, 78–80; Dalton, 306–307, 309.
241. Avon, Reckoning, 96–97.
242. WM/Macmillan; Macmillan, Blast, 72; Amery, III, 361.
243. ChP 2/392.
244. Churchill, Storm, 661; Thompson, 91–92.
245. Churchill, Storm, 661–662; Thompson, 91–92.
246. Halifax Papers, diary, 5/9/40.
247. Thompson, 90; Churchill, Storm, 662–663.
248. Churchill, Storm, 662–663; WM/Viscount Head, 11/19/80.
249. Earl of Birkenhead, Life of Lord Halifax (London, 1965), 454.
250. David Dilks, ed., The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan O.M. 1938–1945 (New York, 1972), 280; Birkenhead, 454; Churchill, Storm, 662–663.
251. Rhodes James, Chips, 248; WM/Kathleen Hill, 11/4/80; ChP 2/413; Avon, Reckoning, 97; WSC VI, 305.
252. Shirer, Rise and Fall, 723.
253. Liddell Hart, Second World War, 66–67.
254. Allen Dulles, Germany’s Underground (New York, 1947), 58–61. According to W. L. Shirer, Sas personally confirmed this account with him after the war.
255. Événements, IX, 2758–2760; Anatole de Monzie, Ci-devant (Paris, 1942), 44; Baudouin, 44–48.
256. Baudouin, 44–48.
257. Paul Reynaud, Au Coeur de la mêlée, 1930–1945 (Paris, 1951), 412.
258. Churchill, Storm, 662; CAB 64/7; WSC VI, 306.
259. Templewood, 431–432; Times, News Chronicle 5/10/40; CAB 83/3.
260. Shirer, Collapse, 605.
261. CAB 65/7.
262. J. C. Reith, Into the Wind (London, 1949), 382; Halifax Papers, diary, 5/10/40.
263. Avon, Reckoning, 97–98; Templewood, 432; Nicolson, II, 82.
264. Churchill, Storm, 662; Avon, Reckoning, 94–98.
265. CAB 65/7; Stuart, 250; Macleod and Kelly, 303–304.
266. Dalton, 311–312.
267. CAB 65/7.
268. CAB 65/7; Avon, Reckoning, 98.
269. John W. Wheeler-Bennett, King George VI, His Life and Reign (London, 1958), 443–444.
270. Churchill, Storm, 665.
271. Churchill, Storm, 665; W. H. Thompson, Sixty Minutes with Winston Churchill (London, 1953), 44–45.
272. WSC VI, 311.
273. Churchill, Storm, 666.
274. Nicolson, II, 83–84.
275. Churchill, Storm, 666–667.
276. Reed Whittemore, “Churchill and the Limitations of Myth,” Yale Review, Winter 1955; Wheeler-Bennett, George VI, 446.
277. John Evelyn Wrench, Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times (London, 1955), 415; Colville, Fringes, 122; WM/Sir John Colville, 10/8/80.
278. News Chronicle 1/1/40; Nicolson, I, 85.
279. Hansard 5/13/40 (verse form added).
280. WSCHCS 6220–6223 (5/19/40).
281. WSCHCS 6231–6238 (6/18/40).
282. ChP 4/194; Isaiah Berlin, Mr. Churchill in 1940 (London, 1940), 26, 29.
283. Winston S. Churchill, Their Finest Hour, (Boston, 1949), 21–22.
284. Lord Moran, Churchill. Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran: The Struggle for Survival (1940–1965) (Boston, 1966), 959.
285. Hansard 10/8/40.
286. Hansard 11/23/32.