IN THE MORNING, Sean made some fried bread in the camp oven and ate it with jam. It was as appetising as sun-baked roadkill. Everything felt ugly and unpleasant. It brought back the old days for Sean, like a really bad acid trip, the world twisted, awry, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air. Even Hamu was jittery, eyes darting around, like the menace was something that could be seen and might attack them at any moment. Sean sat by the fire, a tin mug of tea in one hand, a piece of fried bread in the other. Hamu rolled his eyes and Sean felt death all around.

With the dog close by he walked to Uncle Wire’s shed. Fighting hard to concentrate, he unearthed a pair of sandals and an old jumper that smelled of smoke and eels. Sean held it over his nose while he poured petrol through Uncle Wire’s house. He threw a match from the door and was lost in the roar of the flames and the exploding windows. Uncle Wire’s ammunition woke him up, shotgun shells and .308 cartridges cracking and banging in the inferno. Hamu and Sean watched from under the old totara tree at the head of the drive. When the fire started to die down, Sean said goodbye to Uncle Wire, to his family, to the place that had been his home, and started out across the paddock.

It was an eight-kilometre walk into Ngahere, about two hours. He could have driven, but the keys to both his car and Uncle Wire’s truck had been in the burning houses, and hot-wiring vehicles was not among his life skills. Instinct kept him moving slowly, giving him time to get his head around the things he suspected he’d find. Sean’s dread grew with every step, Uncle Wire’s sandals going flip-flop as the sole of the right one came loose.

Sean used to work in Ngahere sometimes. He’d laid concrete drives and floors, and built fences for the cheap houses sold to starry-eyed young couples with lounge suites and whiteware on hock, freshly sown lawns and roadside plantings that looked like twigs stuck in clay by kids. The suburb was up on a hill, but nonetheless Te Rina had renamed it ‘The Sunken Village’.

‘You wouldn’t laugh if you had to live there,’ Sean had said to her.

It always felt to him like every other fibro-and-chipboard suburb where the kids tagged the fences — ‘Hip-hop rules, OK?’ — and the council collected the rates and commissioned sociological surveys with stirring recommendations that nobody could afford to implement.

Sean walked into the place, trying to focus his apprehension, thinking mainly of friends he’d had, and wondering whether or not they’d survived. Had any of them been forced to watch family members die around them? Had they burned and buried spouses and children? His imagination worked overtime but the stench brought him back with a nasty jolt. He should have expected it, but it quite took him by surprise.

Hamu’s growl made him turn. Out of a drive charged three dogs, barking and snarling. Hamu didn’t hesitate. He crouched as the lead dog, a heavy-jawed, spiked-collar mastiff cross, leapt at Sean. Hamu sprang and took the attacker by the throat. Sean seized the second dog around the neck and swung him, breaking his back on the kerb. The third dog fled. Hamu had his opponent, about twice his size, by the throat and on his back.

As he moved to one side for a better purchase Sean knee-dropped the mastiff and heard his ribs break. Hamu ripped his throat open. It must have taken all of five seconds.

Sean sat down on the kerb by the dog he’d killed. Hamu was growling, his hackles and his tail up, ready for any other attackers.

‘Good dog,’ Sean said. ‘You did really well.’

Hamu knew he had and wagged his tail, before giving his enemy’s corpse another bite in the neck and a shake. Sean remembered Uncle Wire telling him what a good pig dog he’d been in his younger years, baling and holding some very large boars. He thought of all the mean dogs — rotties, staffy crosses, pit bulls, ridgebacks and mastiff crosses — that he’d seen held in check only by owners meaner than themselves. He looked at Hamu.

‘Well, mate, we’d better get used to shite like that,’ he said. Hamu wagged and panted.

They didn’t go into the house where the dogs had been. There was no traffic, no noise anywhere; there were no people, no motor mowers, no chainsaws or hedge trimmers. Sean was aware of little more than the stench, like the smell in Uncle Wire’s house, not as concentrated but more pervasive, multiplied a thousand times and filtered through closed doors. He thought again of what it meant. Hundreds and hundreds of dead people. Bodies in every house, and he was only on the edge of the suburb. He couldn’t help himself. He threw up, sitting there on the kerb, Hamu sniffing round apparently unfazed. He thought of disease, rats. He was dirty. The stink made even shallow breaths feel disgusting.

And where was he going, anyway? What was he going to do? If there were other survivors where would he find them? Suddenly he was fighting the feeling of being in very deep trouble, way out of his depth. Words like confused and lonely didn’t even come close. Frightened didn’t cut it either. He felt a whisker away from giggling, babbling madness, like he was right on the edge of some mental precipice, all his footholds crumbled away and nothing to hold onto.

Hamu stuck his nose right in Sean’s ear. It was cold and wet and utterly shocking and it brought him back to earth like a handful of ice down the neck. Now he knew where to go. The place where everyone went to get what they needed — the mall. With its supermarket and specialty stores, it was probably the closest thing in Ngahere to a marae or a community centre — always somebody there using the public seating, the play area for the kids and the coffee bar where people gathered and gossiped.

Sean rose and started walking. His sandal sole got looser and doubled under his foot, tripped him and landed him face down on the grass verge, his nose in the mud and Hamu’s nose once again in his ear.

He should have known. The mall had always been full of light and life, purpose and activity, good smells and bright colours. It was dark now, and it stank. The reek of rotting food in the supermarket freezers seeped through the smashed doors and filled the empty concourse. The gloom was barely relieved by the merest smudge of light filtering through two or three tiny skylights. Sean picked his way carefully through the broken glass and into the supermarket, trying to ignore the smell. He grabbed two cans of baked beans and a packet of rice, not really out of need, more out of habit, and to Hamu’s obvious regret turned and crunched his way back out the door.

The man probably didn’t mean to give Sean a fright, but he certainly did, blood-streaked in the half-light and making noises like a landed fish drowning in the air. His eyes were ringed with black, like a kid who’d been at the mascara, and, from the look of him, Sean could see they’d each given the other a terrible turn. They sized each other up. They were both thinking the same thing — A live person. What do I do now?

The fellow collected his wits before Sean, and held out his hand.

‘My name’s Brian,’ he said. ‘Everyone’s dead.’ They stood there in silence, too shocked for relief, able to do nothing more than stare. Eventually Sean found his voice.

‘These sandals are stuffed. I need some new ones.’

Hamu bounced, pleased to see another human.

Neither of them said a word as they walked around the mall to the shoe shop. Still without speaking, Brian smashed the window with a Property Press box. Inside Sean found a pair of high boots with steel toecaps and in the shop next door a pair of thick wool socks. Back outside in the open air the smell was dreadful, but at least they could see. They sat on a bench and Sean struggled into his new footwear. His companion seemed unreal in his faded jeans and Hallensteins check shirt, one side hanging out and the buttons in the wrong holes.

Brian hugged himself and rocked. Maybe, like Sean, he was trying to cope with alternating waves of grief, shock and numbness. Sean turned and saw him looking.

‘I know you,’ Brian said. ‘My Sarah was in your Kiri’s class at school.’ His voice faded off.

‘Where’s your family now?’ Sean remembered open days at the Ngahere Primary School.

‘I buried them. I had them inside for a week but I couldn’t take the smell any more.’

‘I burned my family,’ Sean told him, and with nothing else to say they just sat side by side, staring into space. Eventually they moved, both at the same time. Sean shifted along the seat so their hips were touching and Brian put an arm around Sean’s shoulders. They were both weeping silently.

‘What are we going to do?’ Brian asked.

‘Stick together,’ was all Sean could think to say. They sat in silence for a few more minutes, then Sean spoke again.

‘Had any trouble with dogs?’ Brian nodded, then gestured towards the mall.

‘We’d better arm ourselves.’

In the gloom of a mall sports shop they could see rifles and shotguns in racks, chained by their trigger guards. It seemed to Sean that Brian moved like he was sleepwalking. They used bolt cutters from the next-door hardware shop to liberate a shotgun each, but as they picked up Rambo knives Brian came right back into the moment.

‘What about these other rifles?’ he said. ‘What if some video game freak decides to blow away anyone left?’

Sean was still thinking about what he’d said, wondering who’d smashed the supermarket doors, when Brian ducked back into the hardware store and came out with a sledgehammer, walking stooped with a low-browed glare like a Cro-Magnon warrior. Carefully he took each rifle, laid it on the floor and pounded the breech.

‘That should slow them up,’ he said, tossing the sledge into a corner. ‘And now for us. Do you want to come home to my place?’

Sean looked at him. He had dark rings round his eyes, a week of stubble, hair unkempt and clothes like he’d just butchered a sheep. Sean kept wanting to just drift away, to wake up, to be somewhere else. But Brian was sounding more self-assured, more centred, certainly more together than he had at first. Sean was starting to feel like he was losing his grip. He kept having to tell himself to focus, to concentrate, to stay with it.

‘Everything’s changed,’ Brian said. ‘We have to think differently. There’s nothing left now.’

Nothing. The word really hurt. Then Sean’s stomach rumbled, loud enough for Brian to hear.

‘C’mon,’ he said. ‘We can fire up my barbecue.’

Halfway to Brian’s place, five dogs came barrelling out of a driveway, not barking till they were nearly on the two men. Sean and Brian were both knocked over. They didn’t have time to raise their shotguns before they had snapping snarling dogs right in their faces. Sean was on his back with a rottie by the neck, losing the fight to keep the hundred-pound beast away from his throat when he remembered his new knife.

‘Use your knife, mate!’ he yelled as he detached a hand and grabbed for his, hoping it wouldn’t stick in the sheath and give the rottie time to get its teeth into him. He pulled the knife free and stuck the dog under its left leg, the blade sliding between its ribs just as its teeth closed on his neck. He struggled to heave it off as it convulsed and a great gout of blood splashed on the footpath and up into his face.

Back on his feet, shaking and unsteady, he saw Hamu had two dogs on him, one on either side, darting and tearing. He kicked one in the balls as hard as he could and left Hamu to deal to the other while he turned to Brian.

His friend was getting bad trouble from the other two dogs, one of them hanging off his forearm while he held the throat of the other. Sean cut the first dog’s throat and stuck the second beast the same way as his rottie. He turned back to Hamu. The dog was panting and bleeding while his attacker had joined his mate who was yelping and hobbling up the road. He could see one of Hamu’s ears was badly torn. Legs gone all rubbery he sat down on the kerb, Brian beside him. Hamu stalked and growled around the three corpses lying in the road. Brian spoke first.

‘I think my arm’s broken.’ Sean looked at him, clothes torn and bloody, cradling his chewed limb.

‘You look like shit too.’

It must have sounded normal, like Brian’s reply.

‘Yeah, well, you’re no fucking oil painting yourself.’

As they grinned at each other, a middle-aged woman and two teenage boys came rushing towards them down the drive, calling out ‘Are you okay?’ like they’d just had an accident or fallen off a pushbike. Sean shook his head and asked himself if the apparition was for real.

‘Come up to the house, we’ll get you cleaned up,’ the woman said. She looked at the dead dogs and shuddered. ‘They’ve had us trapped in here for four days. I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t come along.’

She looked at Sean and burst into tears. One boy reached for her hand. The other glanced in her direction and then at the dead rottie. Sean moved to the woman, put his arms around her and started talking the sort of soothing nonsense he’d become used to talking to a hurt child. She clung to him sobbing, while he patted and stroked and tried to reassure her. He wasn’t sure how well it worked for her, but it did wonders for him. She was warm and soft and she smelled good. Sean was instantly in the old familiar role of comforting somebody, his own fears and inadequacies put conveniently to one side. After a while she pulled away and looked at him, a faint shame and a massive relief showing.

‘Sorry about that,’ she said. ‘All this has been just awful. I haven’t known if I was awake or having a nightmare.’ The relief on her face intensified. ‘I thought we might have been the only ones left.’

Suddenly Sean’s tiny store of confidence vanished. Here were people alive and his thoughts and feelings went tumbling about like flood-borne debris. He mumbled and shuffled, and it was Brian who stepped forward and spoke.

‘I think my arm’s broken. We could use a bit of help.’ Without waiting for an answer he started walking up the drive.

Marie, that was her name, had a gas bottle hooked up and she heated some water on the stove. She’d been able to cook, she said. Pasta and tins of soup she’d found in the cupboards. It wasn’t her house. Chased by the dogs she’d run in there with the two boys.

‘It was horrible,’ Marie said. ‘The two old people in here were dead and we had to drag them outside.’ Bet that was a nice job, Sean was thinking, when Marie spoke again. ‘We had to listen to the dogs eating them. Disgusting.’

‘What’s with the boy who won’t talk?’ Sean asked. ‘Shock?’

‘Something like that,’ Marie said. ‘He hasn’t spoken since I found him.’ Sean looked at the boy. He had the thousand-yard stare Sean had sometimes seen on accident victims when working as a journalist.

‘I found him at the mall. He won’t look at me but I know he hears me. He was helping me carry some food when we found Kevin.’ She indicated the other boy with a nod. He gave a wary half-smile. ‘But we had to drop the food when the dogs chased us in here.’

Sean looked at the silent boy. He was eating from a bag of lollies. Sean tried talking to him.

‘E pehea ana koe, e tama?’ he said. The boy gave him a quick and piercing glance, then, while Sean watched, his eyes glazed over and the faraway look returned.

‘His name’s Hemi,’ Marie said. ‘Kevin knew him at school.’

They had no way of telling if Brian’s arm was broken. Marie bandaged it with a torn-up sheet and a splint cut out of some plywood they found in the garage. Sean lost himself in the activity, the lunatic edge of some of the panic and despair he could feel buzzing around like a swarm of wasps fading and receding. Marie found disinfectant in the medicine cabinet, cleaned up both men, and gave them a stern warning about infection.

‘It’s gloomy in here,’ she said in the half-dark kitchen. ‘And by the way, keep any cuts or scratches clean. No antibiotics now.’ She turned around to Hamu who was watching them, unconcerned. ‘What about that dog’s ear?’

Sean took a close look at the dog. Hamu needed cleaning up and stitching. They did the business on the kitchen table, Kevin and Hemi holding him while Marie and Sean handled the repairs. Hamu’s struggles and yelps mixed with Sean’s memories of an old film about the Crimean War. He could see the dog was completely bemused by being up on the holiest of holies and as soon as they finished he dived underneath, peering out at everyone like they were strange and not to be trusted.

By then they were all looking at each other like they were a bit strange. It seemed to Sean like they’d dressed all the wounds and with nothing else to do immersed themselves again in their personal nightmares. As soon as he saw what was happening he moved to restore whatever equilibrium they’d been able to achieve.

‘How about some food?’ he said. ‘You guys got any left?’

They did. Pasta and soup.

‘This is great,’ said Sean. ‘Bet those guys at the Last Supper would like to be here. It’s another bundle of laughs.’ Marie gave a faint and dutiful smile.

The light faded while they ate, and they cleared and washed up by candlelight. Sean was used to the dim flickering light, but the stink leaking through the closed doors and windows was disturbing. They all but clung to each other, their solidarity unspoken and their big fear forming: What if there’s just us?

When it was completely dark outside they moved into the lounge, into the luxury of soft armchairs and a couch. They had a mug of black tea each. A candle burned in a willow-pattern cup on the coffee table in the middle of the room, and a National Geographic stood out against the black Warehouse finish. The two boys sat either side of Sean on the couch. Brian leaned back in an armchair in the shadows on the other side of the room, his eyes glazed from the painkillers he’d been chewing. The moon was rising, its pale light soft on the eyes and bright enough to see by.

‘Tell us your story,’ Brian said to Marie. There was a long silence. Sean and Brian watched her recalling something painful.

‘My husband’s dead. He was a bastard. He used to get drunk, come home late and thump me. I’d spit in his food and worse. I thought I hated his guts and I just don’t understand why I miss him.’

‘What happened after he died?’ Sean asked. The talk felt comforting despite its dreadful content.

‘I dragged him out to the shed after I recovered,’ she said. ‘Then I went looking for food. That’s when I found these two.’ She looked lovingly at Kevin and Hemi. ‘I’ve got a son and a daughter in Auckland, but I don’t expect I’ll hear from them.’ They all sat in the candlelight thinking of their lost families. Kevin nodded off, falling bonelessly against Sean. Hemi watched while they laid him on the couch and Marie covered him with a blanket.

‘What about you two?’ asked Marie. She listened horrified to the tale of the cremation and burial of their families.

‘There might be others,’ she said. ‘People trapped like us by dogs. Could you stand looking for them? Calling out? Walking around?’

‘Nothing better to do,’ joked Brian. He sounded slurred from the painkillers and Sean suddenly wished he had some dak.

He needed to shift the awful reality he could see was hitting each person in the room, anything to give him a break from the bad dream. Any shred of normality was welcome while they tried to cope with the deaths of their families and the stench, foul and horrid. Dead people were all around. Dogs were trying to kill them. There was no power. No lights. Soon, he thought, no running water or sewerage. Cars weren’t safe either. What if one broke down or ran out of gas? What about disease and infection? Who was left anyway? How would they find them?

But at least they’d survived and they’d found each other. If they did discover anyone else maybe they’d be right around the twist with shock and horror, unable to live with what had happened. Sean had a sudden flash of them as extras in an ‘after-the-Bomb’ movie, all gone a bit weird. But this morning there had been only him. Now there were five of them, and things felt more possible.

That night they bedded down on the lounge floor. Sean lay awake for several hours, trying not to think of all the dangers they faced, and, when that failed, trying to see what they could do about them.