Allerton, Gloria, and Richard Allerton. The Re-Birth of Pontiac. Pontiac, MI: self-published, 1986.

Annett, Bruce J. Jr. Asylum: Pontiac’s Grand Monument from the Gilded Age. Pontiac, MI: Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society.

Automobile Quarterly Magazine. “GM: The First 75 Years of Transportation Products.” Detroit: General Motors Corporation, 1983.

Brieger, Gottfried. Pontiac, Michigan: A Postcard Album. Chicago: Arcadia Publishing, 2000.

Everts, L. H. and Company. The History of Oakland County, Michigan 18171877. Philadelphia: self-published, 1877.

Gavrilovich, Peter, and Bill McGraw. The Detroit Almanac. Detroit: Detroit Free Press, 2001.

Green, Mary, and Irma Johnson. Three Feathers, The Story of Pontiac. Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, 1960.

Gunnell, John. GMC The First 100 Years. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2002.

Hagman, Arthur A., ed. Oakland County Book of History. Pontiac, MI: Oakland County, 1970.

McAlester, Virginia, and Lee McAlester. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.

Oakland County. Out of Small Beginnings. Pontiac, MI: self-published, 1976.

Pontiac High School. Quiver, 1942. Pontiac, MI: self-published, 1942.

———. Quiver, 1957. Pontiac, MI: self-published, 1957.

Shcramm, Jack E., William H. Henning, and Richard R. Andrews. When Eastern Michigan Rode the Rails. Glendale, CA: Interurban Press, 1984.

Woods, Esmo. Pontiac The Making of a U.S. Automobile Capital 18181950. Pontiac, MI: self-published, 1991.

Various newspaper clippings from the local Pontiac newspapers, including the Pontiac Press with articles by Joe Haas.