in meditation, process, stages, 213-214
into head, process, result, 214
right, definition, 213
Action, five factors involved, 110
All, union with, 195
definition, 93
stage, three parts, results, 97-98
between higher and lower selves, 72-73
of soul and personality, attainment, 52
Awareness, human states, 34
Bhagavad Gita ,
quotations, 73, 78, 100, 110
Blavatsky, H. P., quotations, 138, 285
and soul, intermediary, 87
cells, over-stimulation, correction, 255-256
centering oneself in, 108, 214
control by mind, 205
coordination with mind, 126
coordination with mind and soul, 180-181, 205
functions, 103, 105, 110-111, 123
illumination, 247
in meditation process, 211-215
points of contact, 163-164, 169, 170-172
reception of impressions from soul, 104
Breathing exercises in meditation, 220-223
Browning, Robert, quotation, 82-83
Chinese, method, 186-188, 194
Tibetan, method, 185-186, 194
Celibacy, true, 258-259
indwelling, meaning, 97
Son of God, 247
Christianity, method, 193-194
Clairvoyance, nature of, 84
cultivation, means, 106-107
definition, 99, 104-105, 106
development, form, 206, 207, 228-229
exercise, results, 108
stage, 99-108
Conscience, voice, 97
Consciousness, focussing in head, 212-213, 214, 215
act, ascension, 86
agency, 137-138
definitions, 99, 139-140, 141
description, 137-138
effects, 165
stage, 132-144
Cosmic Fire , quotation, 113-116
Culture, attainments, 32-33, 35-36
Dangers in meditation practices, 109, 135, 229, 242, 251, 261
Deity, revelation, 55
Desire, transcending, 109
definition, 97-98
inducement, 97
Discrimination in meditation, need for, 243-262
comparison with West, 5, 677, 119-120, 123, 147
education, 42, 44
system, defects, 42
definitions, 167-168
production, 160, 167
definitions, 28, 33-34, 36
developments needed, 27-28, 30, 45
in East, 32, 40-42, 44
in West, 40, 42-44
New Age, 39
of intuition, 29
present, faults, 30-31, 42-45
process, divergence of Eastern and Western methods, 119
purpose and goals, 23, 28, 31, 33-34
through meditation, 28, 39, 50-53
transformations, 19, 21-24
Educators, functions, 15, 33, 38-39
Emotional body, functions, 57-58
Emotions, control by mind, 210-211
Energy, manifestations, 240-241, 254-262
“Fiery furnace”, men in, symbolism of story, 94-95
building, 241
soul in, 51
glory bidden behind, 77
reality behind, 116
rejection, 75
as object of education, ascertainment, 75
cognizing, method, 157-158
finding in meditation, 181-182
Kingdom of, reality, assurance of, 177
Kingdom of, entrance, 125
knowledge of, 80
oneness with, attainment, means, 72
revelation of purpose, method, 123
seeing in Light, 83-84
union with, attainment, 182-183, 189, 194
awareness, 165
consciousness, 202-203, 246
of practical mystics, savior of world, 205-267
Hallucinations, occurrence, 246
future, 9
raised into realm of spirit, 31
Idea, definition, 238
Ideas, energizing, 240-241
Identification in meditation, 113, 116
attainment, 84, 151, 154-155, 158
definitions, 99, 148-149, 153, 155-156
of mind and brain, source, 168-169, 247-248
astral, 160, 166-168
mental, 149-150, 159-165
physical, 160, 169-172
spiritual, 173, 178-183
forms prevalent, 243-246, 248-251, 252-254
world of, 84
Imagination, use in meditation, 206, 223-225
Inhibition, danger, 109
definition, 99
production, 183
in education, 25
nature of, 26-27
transmutation, 79-80
and instinct, 26-27
definitions, 26, 162, 163
demonstration, 27
development by education, 29
nature of, 181
penetration, 6
query, 10-11
relation. to illumination, 159, 160
relation to mind, 25, 26, 180
method of cognizing God, 157-158
production, 67
requirements, 95-96
direct, of God, 80
direct, of Reality, 70-71, 74, 77
information; and understanding, 32
mergence into wisdom, 80
Law of Rebirth, 41, 52
Liberation of soul, 97-98
God in, seeing, 83-84
in the head–
description, 171
halo, 172
occurrence, 149, 172, 215
production, 214-215, 220
recognition, 170
of indwelling Son of God, 82
Light of the Soul , quotation, 81
Magnetic field between soul and personality, 214
definition, 76
divinity, 68
evolutionary progress, 126-127
Marriage, status, 258-259
in the Heart, explanation, 97
obedience to, 96-97
work with disciples, 247-248
Matter, Soul, and Spirit, 138
attainments, X
basic differentiations and distinctions, 105
contrast with prayer, 65-68
dangers, 109, 135
definitions, 39, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 99, 204
on area of pituitary body, 212, 214
on astral nature, 210-211
on brain, 211, 212
on mind. See under Mind.
on pineal gland area, 212-213, 214
for education, 52
goal, 50, 65, 238
importance, 61
in education, 39, 58-61
in world of men, 199, 208-210
instrument, 8
learning, rules, 241-262
objectives, 83-87, 91, 123
ordered process, 77-78, 82
practice, beginning, 199-200, 205-208
practice, daily, instructions, 216-234
practice, requirements, 239
preparation for, 75
relation to education, 28
in East, 41-42
in discovery of unity, 55-56, 117
in illumination, 76-77
in knowledge, 80-81
in soul contact, 61, 63
physical, 211
psychological and physiological, 210-215
transcendental, 178-183
requirements preceding, 97-98
revelation through, 70-71, 77
science, basis, 49
stage in process of meditation, 108-116
stages, 93, 98-173
tapping the subconscious, 250-251
technique. mastery, 199, 205-208
transcending mind, 116, 131
value in education, 3
with seed, method, 108-109, 130, 131
with seed, results, 111-112, 113, 116, 131
without seed, stage, 133-134
Memory training, present methods, supplanting, 3
discipline, self-imposed, 39
See also Mind.
Milarepa, achievement, 117
as instrument of soul, 140, 143
blankness, danger, 109
body, development, 58
by intuition, 25
by soul, 205, 210
in contemplation, 154-155
in meditation, 39, 130, 154, 205, 225-227, 229
requirement for meditation, 100
results, 205, 238-239
coordination with brain and soul, 180-181, 205
definitions, 101-102, 105
effects of illumination, 159-160, 164-165
effects of meditation, 132, 210-211, 213, 214-215
factor in meditation, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87
focussing, 125, 153
functions, 7-8, 101-104, 110-111
guiding and directing, 163
holding passive, 141-142
holding steady, 154-155, 156
illumination, 148, 247
nature of, 121
orientation to soul, 66, 87
penetration through surfaces, 37
refocussing, 125
registration of divinity, 122, 125
reorientation, 59
training, 4, 7, 8, 40, 43, 50-51, 106-108, 147
transcending in meditation, 116, 131
Universal, characteristics, 123, 159
Universal, rapport with, 165
use at will, 121, 124-125, 140
use in meditation, 125, 188
activity, 103, 123
restraint, results, 63
Minds trained and developed, value, 239-240
definition, 67-68
production, 67
search, 152-153
Mystical endeavor, goal, 55
attainments, 13-15, 16
concern, 85
goal, 37
practical, 45, 265-267
two types, 14
New Age, 4, 28, 39, 40, 45
New Race, nature of, 183
Nirvana, attainment, 187-l88
Obedience to Master, 96-97
Oneness, sense of, development, 54
Orientation to soul, 66, 87
Oversoul, fragments, 53-54
Over-stimulation, symptoms and correction, 254-261
Patanjali on–
absorption in Reality, 136
awareness of the Self, 77, 151
concentration, 105
illumination, 84, 151, 152, 191
isolated unity, 190-191
omniscience, 151
one-pointedness, 110
sense of personality, 179
spiritual reading, 96
transfer of consciousness, IX
union with the soul, 63, 93
aspects, 178-180
control by soul, 52
coordination, 60
definition, 51
integrated. transcending, 72
Pineal gland–
functions, 164, 211, 212-213, 214
region, withdrawal of consciousness into, 214
vibration in unison with pituitary body, 214
Pituitary body–
functions, 164, 211, 212, 214
vibration in unison with pineal gland, 214
contact with, means, 239
service of, 247
Posture in meditation, 218-220
Prayer, contrast with meditation, 65-68
Psychic nature, subjugation, results, 63
approach to, Laws, 63, 68, 70-74
behind forms, 116
and science, 15, 37
definition, 29
divine, waiting for in meditation, 135-136
through meditation, 70-71, 77
Savior, world, 265-267
Science of spiritual knowledge, 16-17
Secret Doctrine , quotation from, 138
Seed thought, use in meditation, 108, 109, 228, 229-232, 238
and not-Self, 225
real, knowledge of, attainment, 63, 178
Self-culture, attainment, 32-33
Self-discipline, 39, 52, 61
Self-education, meditation in, 39, 58-61
Sense activity, effect of meditation, 213
Senses, five, synthesis by sixth, 214
Sensitivity, excessive, symptoms and cure, 257
Service, cooperative, 246-248
Sex life, stimulation by meditation, cure, 257-260
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, symbolism, 94-95
Sitting for development, 261-262
Solar plexus centre–
functions, 212
over-stimulation, symptoms and correction, 256-257
use, 108
activity, 40, 105
awareness of, 45
contact with, 58-59, 114-115
control of personality, 52, 82
coordination with mind and brain, 180-181, 205
definitions, 52-55, 81|
discovery, 33
expression, 54-55, 85, 246-247
illumination of mind and brain, 247-248
in Eastern system, 41
in every form, 51
kingdom of, entrance, 68, 183-184
liberation, 97-98
nature of, 41, 47, 154
one-ness with, achievement, 72
powers, unfoldment, 84-85
type, imposition, 39-40
type, production and emergence, 40
union with, 59-60, 82
union with, practices inducing, 93, 98-173
work in meditation, 105, 111-112
definition, 15-16
reading, meaning, 95-96
Subconscious, tapping in meditation, 250-251
Sufism, method, 191-192, 194
Sutratma, definition, 225
Symbol, interpretations, 113-116
Synthesis of East and West, 4, 5, 6-7, 17-18, 24
Technique of development, 16-17
Telepathic communications, types, 165-166
Telepathy, spiritual, 159-160, 165
Thinker, work in meditation, 105
into mystic world, 37
nature of, 8, 105
life, control, 260
process leading inward from outer form, value, 237-238
contact with, 243-246
creation, 103
definition, 79
of energy, 260-261
of instincts, 79-80
Truths, transcendental, direct experience of, 178
between soul and its vehicles, 63, 80
in meditation, means, 222-223
science, requirements, 82, 86-87
with God, attainment, 182-183
with Universal, 81-82
Unity, isolated, state of, 190-191
Vishnu Purana , quotation, 137
attainment by meditation, 71-72
in contemplation, 140-141
of mystic, 67-68, 69, 70
spiritual, 84
Visualization in meditation, 223-225
Vital body, functions, 57
Voice of the Silence, meaning of term, 97
Way of the Soul, divisions, 184-185
Way of Union, definition, 72-73
comparison with East, 5, 6-7, 119-120, 123, 147
education, 42-44
Will, use, 188, 205, 228, 229, 234
Will-to-be, evocation, 39
Will-to-know, 39, 59
attainment, 80
of East, basis, 7
Word made flesh, definition, 97
automatic, 248-250, 251
illuminated, 160, 165
inspirational, true, characteristics, 251-253
resulting from meditation, 248-253
definition, 81
discipline in self-mastery, 6
Hindu, method, 188-191, 194
Raja, definition, 81
definitions, 158, 189
knowledge of Self, attainment, 63