Within you is a wonderful system of checks and balances that is designed to keep you, your auric field, and your physical body in perfect operating order. I call this system the balancing system. This balancing system holds your personal pattern of wholeness. Whenever anything is out of balance in your energy bodies or in your physical body, it automatically seeks to regain balance. Most of this system runs beneath the level of your conscious awareness. The wisdom held in this area of your being is probably much greater than you realize. We are just beginning to learn how to utilize it consciously.
In the past, we have not thought much about our balancing system, because it directly opposes the concept of entropy that falls out of M-1 metaphysics. The second law of thermodynamics shows that systems are continually breaking down and deteriorating and that you can’t get more energy out of a system than you put into it. If you leave a piece of iron out in the rain, it will rust. Wood rots; leaves decay; and we get old and die. Energy is always lost out of a system. You can’t build a perpetual motion machine. Within the M-1 system, we expect deterioration in everything.
But if this law applied to the entire world, it would mean a reversal in evolution, which, as we can see by simply looking around us, isn’t true. Biological forms are continually evolving into more highly developed, intelligent, and specialized systems.
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., a biochemist and author of A New Science of Life, The Presence of the Past, and The Rebirth of Nature, studied biological systems and developed the concept of morphogenetic fields and the theory of morphic resonance. His work shows that biological forms continually evolve through an underlying intelligent unified life field, the morphogenetic field. This life field automatically maintains health or seeks to return to it. This field is not only alive and constantly unfolding, but it has morphic resonance with all other life fields. That is, it is in contact with and communicates with all other life-forms. What happens to one creature will be communicated to all other creatures through morphic resonance. What one creature learns will eventually be transmitted to all other creatures.
Your balancing system is a morphogenetic field, based on the universal life principle of order that comes out of M-3 metaphysics and the holographic model. Evolution continually builds more complicated and highly evolved forms of life with more intelligence and capabilities. This continual building requires more order and balance within each more complicated system. Within every living organism is a predilection for balance and order. In terms of energy fields, this means a predilection toward balance and coherence within your field. Plus, it means that your field naturally tends toward synchronicity with all life energy fields. Your basic nature is to be in sync with all life.
On the physical level, your balancing system works automatically. If your stomach needs more acid, it doesn’t bother to tell you about it—it just produces more. If you need more oxygen, your body simply breathes faster and deeper.
If, on the other hand, the body needs something it cannot give itself, the balancing system works through your senses to let you know to take care of it. In the first level of the field, you experience all body sensations. If you are thirsty, it is through the first level of the field that you will know it. Since everything in the energy field can be seen in terms of frequencies, when you are thirsty, the first level of your auric field will be low in the frequency of water. In other words, a lack of the water frequency at the first level of the field brings about the feeling of thirstiness.
When the first level of the field gets low in energy—say, from a lot of activity—its normal pulsations slow down and its lines get dull. You experience this change in your field by feeling tired. In this way, the first level of your field constantly tells you how to take care of your body. It tells you when you need exercise, sleep, food, and cooler or warmer clothes, when you need to change positions, clear your nasal passages, go to the bathroom, and so on. Feeling good, healthy, and energized corresponds to a charged, balanced, and coherent first auric field level.
As I began to delve into these processes with my patients, it became clear that directive messages telling patients what needed attending to were coming from all aspects of their lives. Your balancing system helps you take better care of yourself on all levels. When you do, feel, or think things that are not healthy for you, your balancing system will send messages to you in order to convince you to make your behavior healthier for you in all aspects of your life, including your personal relationships, your profession, your environment, and your spirituality. These messages come from the other levels of your auric field and will, again, be from the simple feeling of discomfort. The type of discomfort will correspond with the types of life experiences associated with each of the levels of the auric field, as was discussed in Chapter 2. Psychological discomfort or pain will come from imbalance in the levels associated with your psychological functioning, levels two and three. Pain or discomfort in relationship will come from imbalance in level four, while spiritual discomfort or pain will come from imbalance in levels five, six, and seven.
Keep an eye out for these different forms of messages from your balancing system. Stay tuned in and pay attention to how you feel in your various life situations. How do you feel about your psychological balance? How do you feel around the people you associate with? Do you feel spiritually connected and fulfilled?
You can change the situations in which you don’t feel good, no matter what they are. They are unhealthy. You may need more nourishment in some areas. You may wish to spend less time in other areas. You may choose to leave behind certain situations, let go and let your life change. Once you learn the stages you will need to go through to change your health and your life (see Chapter 7) and the true, natural human needs that you do have that will bring about health once they are fulfilled (see Chapter 8), the rest of this book will give you the specific and detailed information you can use to balance your life. This will bring health and joy into your life.
You may, however, convince yourself that it is easier to acclimate yourself to an unhealthy situation than to change it. Many people remain in denial about many areas of their lives because it seems either too difficult or impossible to change them. For some, the price seems just too high to take the chance of changing. It seems easier to convince yourself to accept less from life than you want or need than to pay a price that seems too high to take the chance of changing. This sort of denial can persist for years until life circumstances force a change, usually in terms of a personal crisis. Unfortunately, it is just this sort of thing that causes a great many of the physical difficulties that people have.
How and when you respond to an imbalance, and therefore to the discomfort signals from your balancing system in your auric levels, has a great deal to do with your body’s health. The more you are able to respond to these requests, the better shape you will keep your body in and the stronger you will keep your immune system to fight off any possible illness.
To maintain your health, it is necessary to keep yourself aligned with your balancing system. If you find yourself in ill health, the work before you is to consciously align yourself with your balancing system, to reinstate its wisdom, and to follow its guidance. Most people ignore a great many of these messages when it is inconvenient to honor them. Let’s look at a simple example of what happens when a message is ignored.
If you do not give your body the sleep it needs when it needs it, your body will go into an overdrive state. Your adrenals will give you the extra energy to continue your activity. If you make a habit of this, you will begin to experience the hyped-up state of adrenal overdrive as normal. That means that you will no longer be able to recognize the “I’m tired and need rest” message coming from your body’s balancing system. If you continue to run on overdrive, your adrenal glands will become worn out, and you may go into a “burnout.” What happens in a burnout, as a lot of therapists know, is that you simply lose most of your energy. And you cannot easily get it back. Even if you get a burst of energy, it will not last long, and you will have to rest. Sometimes it takes as much as three months to return to a normal work schedule. You have not only worn out your normal energy sources from your body’s metabolic processes, but you have also worn out your reserve, which is drawn from the adrenals.
Find out the amount of rest your body needs and when it needs it. Remember, there are general guidelines for sleeping at night, but everyone is different. When does your body like to sleep? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you need seven, eight, or nine good hours of sleep at night? Set your own schedule.
Give yourself a break during the time of day that you usually get tired. In addition to getting the full night’s rest that you need, I have found that a quick five-to-ten-minute rest as soon as you get tired is a big help. This is a must for anyone with back problems. Most re-injuries happen when a person is either tired or hungry. Find creative new ways to rest for short periods of time no matter where you are. For example, you can do a little simple meditation if you have five minutes to sit alone in your office or even in the bathroom. Do this by sitting still, with back straight and eyes closed, and breathing deeply while keeping your mind focused on a light in the center of your head. It will do wonders, and no one will miss you. If you have an office door you can close for a few minutes, bring a little rug or even a large beach towel to work. At break time, close your office door, put the towel on the floor, He down on it with your legs, bent at the knees, up on the seat of your chair. The chair should be high enough to just give a little tug on the back of your knees so that it very slightly lifts your back. Other ways to rest are to take frequent stretches or go for short walks. You will find your day going much smoother. If you are self-employed, then you have more control over your work schedule than if you have a nine-to-five job. But even people with full, regular schedules can train themselves to rest on breaks. If you work as a health-care professional or in consulting, be sure not to schedule appointments back to back for long periods of time. For example, I like to take a thirty-to-forty-five-minute nap right after lunch on the days when I teach long training programs. It completely refreshes me, and I come back to the work as if a new day were beginning. Most people do not realize how free they are to schedule these things. It’s kind of like meditation or exercise; when you finally decide to do it, you have no difficulty finding the time.
Your balancing system works with food as well. When you need nourishment, you get hungry. You have an appestat within your system. It works much like the thermostat on your furnace, which turns the furnace on and off according to the temperature at which you set it. If you have been able to keep in touch with your appestat in a clear way, you will be hungry only when your body needs nourishment. And you will desire the kind of food that will give you exactly what your body needs each time you get hungry. You will also know how much your body needs. You will stop eating when your body has had enough, rather than “cleaning your plate,” as if the food were more important than what it is for.
Here’s how your appestat works in terms of the auric field. You get hungry because you are low on certain frequencies in your field that can be found in certain foods that you are usually accustomed to eating (assuming you have a full, balanced diet). The lack of such frequencies triggers hunger for the specific foods that contain those frequencies. When the frequencies are replaced, you are no longer hungry for the food that corresponds to the particular frequency, which is now fully charged in your field. You may, however, still be hungry for the frequencies that did not get replaced. Therefore, it is important to find that type of food to fill your frequency needs.
Whenever anything needs extra attention and you ignore the message of discomfort from your balancing system, it will give you a louder message in the form of pain. If this message is not regarded as important, it will get louder still. How? The pain will get stronger. This will continue until you do something about it.
Ask yourself, Where is the discomfort or pain in my body? How long have I known about it? What have I done about it? If you ask yourself these questions, you will almost immediately be aware of discomfort within you that you have taught yourself to ignore, possibly for years. We all do it. The longer we ignore the messages and the symptoms, the louder the messages will get. The symptoms will become stronger. We even create disease by simply refusing to respond to these messages and take care of ourselves.
So why do we stay in this denial? There is one major reason. It is our fear. Under our denial lies our fear. We fear whatever we will have to face if we come out of the denial. I call fear the internal tiger.
Everyone has fears. What are yours? It is your fear that slows and blocks your response-ability to the messages from your balancing system. When you do not respond to your balancing system, you create more pain in your life. Your fear and your denial of it bring you closer to creating the very thing you fear in your life by blocking your natural ability to regain balance. This holds true for everyone, for all diseases, and even for people who don’t consider themselves ill. (Physicians have stated that there are usually many diseases going on within normal human beings who consider themselves healthy.)
If you accept that your denial of your fear blocks your natural healing and growth process, it will be easier to remember that your symptoms are your friends. They keep you informed about your state of health. How well are you able to respond to them? What is your response-ability?
Denial can be a very costly thing. For example, a person came to me in a great deal of denial. She was overweight and wore very thick makeup, sunglasses, and a wig. I couldn’t tell what she really looked like. She told me that she had just ended a relationship, lost her house, and had neither friends nor money. She had a large cancerous tumor growing in her jaw and throat area. It had been diagnosed two years earlier and treatment prescribed. She decided to “heal” it herself with no help because she had “healed” her cat. By the time she got to me, it appeared from my Higher Sense Perception that the tumor was impinging on her spinal cord in the neck area. Her arms tingled from the pressure on her nerves. Obviously, she needed more than I could give her. The probability of my being able to shrink the tumor in time to stop damage to her spinal column was extremely low. She had come too late to me. She needed treatment from a physician, like surgery and chemotherapy, right away. I convinced her to go to another physician, one who worked with healers, but she didn’t show for her appointment with him. Nor did she return for any more healings. I never saw her again. Most people do not stay in that kind of denial very long. Her fear was very great.
Denial can postpone a solution to a problem for so long that when the solution comes it is drastic. A friend of mine experienced a sudden change brought about by strong denial on the fourth level of the auric field. She was in denial about the state of her marriage. Her husband told her to come home for lunch on the day of her birthday because he had a surprise for her. When she got there, he told her that he was leaving her for another woman. In fact, he had spent the morning moving half the furniture out. He left, and that was that. She had had no idea there was a problem with their marriage. It was a very painful crisis to live through. Obviously, the shock changed her life quite a bit.
Why was she in denial? Because she was afraid that if she admitted to communication problems in her marriage, she would not be able to solve them. She feared she would lose her marriage. She did. It was hard. She may have been able to work it out with her ex-husband, or make the change in a less shocking way, if her denial had not been so strong and if she had been able to face her internal tiger. She is remarried now, in a much more communicative relationship. She is quite pleased with the final results.
It is important to believe in your balancing system and at the same time to be open to input from health-care professionals and friends you trust. If you get conflicting messages, keep pursuing an answer that will solve the conflict. If a physician says there is nothing wrong but your balancing system doesn’t agree, get another opinion from another physician. Believe in and follow through on the messages coming from your balancing system. You will be grateful that you did.
For example, a friend of mine was told by a physician that the tumor growing in her mouth was not malignant. He even took a biopsy. However, she continued to have dreams about black strings of waste that needed to be pulled out of her mouth. She even had a dream about having cancer removed from her mouth. She didn’t know what to do about the two different messages she was getting. She finally went for another biopsy that showed a malignancy. Fortunately, she did go back before the cancer had metastasized. Unfortunately, it was eight months later and radiation therapy was needed. It is several years now since her treatment, and she is fine.
In my fifteen-year practice as a healer, I found that most patients know the cause of their illness when they come. They speak about it in the first few moments of their intake interview. Many times, they also know what is wrong physically. They may not know the technical name for their problem, but they do know something is wrong. Usually they know what body organs are involved. I have found that the balancing system will very often give information about a disease before it is bad enough to show up on many of the tests that our medical system uses for diagnosis. This means the patient knows about it long before it is provable in our medical system. Here are some good examples where people believed themselves, even though they were unable to get answers right away.
David tried to get help for six years from many different physicians and health-care professionals for his symptoms of exhaustion and poor digestion. All the tests, including blood, urine, and hair analysis tests, showed him to be disease free. Many physicians told him that it was all in his head and that he should stop thinking about it and get on with his life. Apparently, his problem was what is called subclinical, meaning the tests weren’t accurate enough to show it. David’s symptoms of exhaustion and poor digestion persisted. Finally, he came to me. When he came, he was sure he had an infection in his liver, and he thought it was hepatitis. By examining his energy field, I was able to see that he had multiple infections throughout his abdomen. I was also able to psychically read a drug that would help his condition. David got a prescription from a physician who agreed with my findings. With a combination of the drug and healings, David’s health was restored.
A woman I’ll call Ellen came to me after seeing many physicians for about six months. Again her balancing system gave her information that was subclinical. They could find nothing wrong and told her she was a hypochondriac. That diagnosis, of course, didn’t take her symptoms away. She continued to weaken every day. When she came to her healing, I was able to see “psychically” that she was being poisoned by fumes coming up through the floorboards of her home and that she was also allergic to the dust from old carpets that had been there for years. I also “read” that she needed to take her children and herself to a psycho-immunologist to get checked out. I told her to get rid of the carpets and get the furnace inspected.
It turned out that she had just bought the house and moved in about six months earlier. Then she remembered that she kept thinking that her illness had something to do with her house, but she wasn’t sure what. She returned home after the healing and had the furnace inspected. It indeed was leaking gas in several places. She replaced the furnace, threw out the old carpets, and immediately started getting better. She is quite well now. After examining her children, the psycho-immunologist said that if the leaks had continued for only a couple more weeks, both her children would have been brain damaged and she would have been very ill.
As I continued to delve into the processes of the balancing system with my patients, it became clear that the directive messages coming from all aspects of their lives had a similarity. These messages worked holographically. Their basic content was the same. If an individual was having problems with the pancreas, which plays an important role in the digestion of sweets, most likely they were having trouble with sweetness in other areas of their lives. And clear distress signals were being given in those areas as well. For example, people having trouble digesting sugar will also have trouble experiencing sweetness in other areas of their lives, such as in relationships to spouse or family, or in their work, or in their pastimes. Here we have another example of the holographic functioning of the universe.
Let’s look at this phenomenon from the perspective of the auric field. Sweetness in the first level of the field is experienced as physical taste. In the second, it is experienced in the sweetness of a good relationship to oneself. In the third, it is a sweet thought; in the fourth, the sweetness that comes in intimacy; in the fifth, the sweetness in clear divine will; in the sixth, the sweetness of spiritual ecstasy; in the seventh, the sweetness of universal mind. And beyond that there is the cosmic energy of sweetness threaded throughout the tapestry of the universe.
Another way to look at the concept of a difficulty being threaded holographically throughout your life is to consider the relationships of frequency bands within the auric field. Since the levels of the HEF can be seen as frequency bands, each personal experience correlates to these energy frequency bands. A personal experience of sweetness can be seen as a different frequency or frequency band for each level of the field. These frequencies of sweetness of the different levels of the field relate to each other as harmonics, or overtones, do in music.
If an auric field has difficulty metabolizing a particular frequency into the auric field on one level, it will probably have a similar difficulty metabolizing its related harmonics on the other levels of the field as well. Health requires that a person be able to accept and assimilate (that is, metabolize) sweetness into all the levels of the auric field.
So now let us restate the basic questions from the holographic point of view. Where is the discomfort/pain in your life? How long have you known about it? And what have you done about it? The longer you have ignored or denied it, the more serious the situation probably is.
Once you have found the discomfort, check all the other areas of your life and find how the same thread of discomfort is there, woven through your whole existence. You see, that is the real problem—that which is woven through your whole life. It injures you in all areas of your life, not just the one that shows it most.
If you have back trouble, what other areas of your life are you backing out of? I immediately look for something the patient has always wanted to do and never thought they really could. This particular problem has a great deal to do with the deeper spiritual longing each of us carries within us. This longing directs our life from a spiritual level. It is usually on the edge of consciousness. Sometimes the person hasn’t thought about it for years. Other times, they are just afraid to try, or they avoid it. Usually there are internal voices that say, “Who do you think you are?” or, “You’re not good enough,” or, “There’s not enough _____ to do it.”
One patient who was working for a large electronics machine company in sales was bed-ridden 80 percent of his time when he came to me. With HSP, I could clearly see that he had a lot of good inventive ideas that he was not putting forth to his company. His back improved to a certain degree in the healing work, but it didn’t really get healthy until he put some time in on his special projects. The company is using them now, and he is much better. He was able to devote part of his time to research and design work. It was something he had always longed to do.
If your legs are weak, how are you not standing up for yourself in all other areas of your life? Many times people with leg problems do not defend themselves. Or in other cases, they do not earn their own incomes. Sometimes, they just plain need to be taken care of, and this is the only way they can ask. When the original need or longing is filled, healing speeds up. One woman who was bed-ridden for ten years after an operation had her whole family taking care of her. She finally had her fill and had the bright idea of hiring a dog walker to walk with her. It worked, and she is much freer now.
If you have trouble assimilating foods, what else in your life that comes to you as nourishment do you have trouble assimilating? One particular patient, a middle-aged woman who had digestive problems, also had trouble receiving nourishment coming to her from friends. She was just afraid that whatever she received would be harmful. She had very bad eating habits and would simply not bother to have three meals a day. During her healing process, she found a good diet that nourished her body. With her strength growing, she was also able to allow others to give to her in ways she never had before. Her friends encouraged her to give herself things that she would never have bought for herself before. Her husband took her on vacations, something she had never done before. She got a new house and furnished it for the first time in her life.
If you have thyroid problems, how are you doing regulating the energy in your life? (The thyroid regulates energy metabolism in the body.) Joan, a busy businesswoman, worked all the time, for years, until she overtaxed her thyroid. She was unable to regulate where she spent her energy in her life, splurging it all in her work. When Joan read Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life, she saw that a statement related to thyroid problems is, “When is it going to be my turn?” Joan said she really related to that. She always had the next job to do and never had time for herself. Joan finally quit her job and now lives a much more subdued life.
The liver is associated with how you “live” your life. I know a man who has a sluggish liver and the rest of his life is sluggish also. He never really got out there and did what he wanted. He has spent a lot of time smoking pot and wishing he could be a singer.
If you look from the perspective that these people simply didn’t know how to metabolize the energies they needed directly into their fields, their experiences make sense. Working with people in this way helps them find and stop the lies they are living in their lives and promotes a great deal of healing.
Of course, one doesn’t just tell somebody, “Oh, your legs are weak. You aren’t standing up for yourself.” This is not a statement of love. Rather, it is important to lead the person into self-knowledge. Healers not only fill in the missing frequencies in the field but teach clients how to metabolize them for themselves. The patients must learn that they are betraying themselves by not giving themselves what they long for in their lives. The healer shows them how their particular physical problem is much more than just weak legs or a sluggish liver. It is a dissatisfaction of the soul that they really wish to heal.
The holographic model works well in such teachings. Disease is really a very simple thing. So is knowing its cause. But most people are not taught to recognize that kind of “knowing.” Healers are. I would therefore say that the main job of any healer is to educate the patient back into a state of familiarity with his or her balancing systems, that deeper place within us that remembers who we are, what we need, and how we heal ourselves.