To clean
- Pour 1 teaspoon of cheap shampoo into each boot and place in a pillowcase.
- Wash in the washing machine with cold water on the gentle cycle.
- When drying, stuff old towels inside each boot and dry in the shade.
To clean canvas
- Mix 2 cups of uniodised salt in a small bucket of water.
- Apply the mixture with a brush or broom.
- Leave to dry.
- Rinse the salt off with water.
To clean plastic
- Clean with water.
- If very dirty, add 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to the water.
- Wipe plastic attachments with 2 drops of glycerine on a cloth.
To clean raffia
- Raffia attracts bugs, so hose or wash regularly.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of uniodised salt in 1 cup of water. Allow to dissolve.
- Wipe the salt solution across the surface with rolled up pantyhose.
- When dry, brush off the salt.
- Spray with surface insecticide spray.
On carpet/upholstery
- For fresh stains, remove excess by blotting with paper towel.
- Place white vinegar on a cloth and wring tightly so it’s damp but not wet. Blot over the mark.
- For old stains, turn on an ultraviolet light in a darkened room and the urine stains will show up yellow.
- Mark around the stains with a piece of white chalk.
- Blot inside the chalk marks with white vinegar on a cloth.
- Alternatively, for fresh and old stains, fill a bucket with cold water and enough dishwashing liquid to generate a sudsy mix.
- Scrub with only the suds on a toothbrush using as little water as possible.
- Wipe with a damp cloth.
- In all cases, absorb moisture by covering the area with paper towel. Place a book on top of the paper towel to assist with absorption.
- Never soak urine stains because it pushes the stain further into the fibres.
On cotton/fabric
- Remove excess under the tap using cold water.
- Blot with or soak in white vinegar.
- Wash according to the fabric. Dry on the clothesline or clothes airer.
On mattress
- Place white vinegar on a cloth and wring tightly so it’s damp but not wet. Blot over the mark.
- Alternatively, add a little dishwashing liquid to water to generate a sudsy mix. Scrub only the suds into the stain with a cloth.
- In both cases, put the mattress in the sun if possible. If not, use paper towel with a book on top to absorb moisture and dry with a hair dryer.
- Neutralise the smell by wiping with lemon juice on a cloth.
On stone/timber
- If the urine has penetrated, mix plaster of Paris and water to the consistency of peanut butter.
- To each cup of mixture, add 2 teaspoons of white vinegar.
- Spread 5 mm to 1 cm thick over the stain.
- Allow to dry completely. If it feels cold on the back of your hand, it’s not dry.
- When dry, brush off with a broom.