There are many flea products on the market that are made from chemicals intended to kill the pests in your pet’s coat. This may seem like an easy and effective option, but remember that chemicals toxic enough to kill fleas are not going to be healthy for your pet. Putting these chemicals directly on your dog’s coat—the easiest place for him to ingest them—just doesn’t make sense. We offer an alternative, in the form of powdered herbs meant to repel the fleas, while being harmless to your dog.
• Eucalyptus
• Rosemary
• Lavender
• Fennel
• Yellow dock
• Pennyroyal
01. Combine as many of the powdered herbs as you can find.
02. Mix together equal parts of each herb in a shaker-top jar.
03. Brush your pet’s coat backward with your hand or a comb while sprinkling the powder onto the base of the hairs. Apply sparingly, paying special attention to the neck, back, and belly.
04. Put your pet outside for a little while afterward, so his pests escape into your yard, not your carpet.