Text copyright © 2008
by Corbett Marshall and Jim Deskevich.
Foreword copyright © 2008
by Chronicle Books.
Photography copyright © 2008
by Aimée Herring.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available.
ISBN: 978-0-8118-7207-2
Manufactured in China.
Photo Styling: Ingrid Leese
As with any craft project, it is important that all the instructions are followed carefully, as failure to do so could result in injury. Every effort has been made to present the information in this book in a clear, complete, and accurate manner; however, not every situation can be anticipated and there can be no substitute for common sense. Check product labels to make sure that the materials you use are safe and nontoxic. Be careful when handling dangerous objects. The authors and Chronicle Books hereby disclaim any and all liability resulting from injuries or damage caused during the production or use of the projects in this book.
Chronicle Books LLC
680 Second Street
San Francisco, California 94107