April 30

The Church That Jesus Is Building

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.


I love the opportunity that Nick and I have to build the local church throughout the world. I love the diversity of the church — the differences in worship expressions, culture, tradition, music styles, people, programs, and services. It would look boring and bland if everyone were the same everywhere, if there were only a single expression of God’s greatness.

No one denomination, tradition, church, ministry, or tribe displays all of God’s greatness any more than one star reflects all the glory of God; but together we certainly reflect more than any of us do alone. The diversity of his church is breathtaking. She is stunning throughout all the earth, truly the hope of the world.

We must be very careful that we only speak words of life and hope about the bride of Christ. In the same way that no groom would like anyone to make a negative comment about his bride, her wedding dress, makeup, perfume, character, or personality, let’s ensure that we do not make negative comments about the way somebody different from us chooses to worship Jesus. Unity is not uniformity, and it is our differences that make Christ’s bride sparkle and dazzle. Let’s not ever divide what should always be united.

Let’s determine to love, serve, and build what Jesus is building: his church.


Do you love God’s church, even the parts that are different from you?