I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
All too often we compartmentalize our lives, each segment demanding a different “us.” We become actors, taking on the role we think we’re supposed to play — depending on our audience or circumstances. For example, at church or with our Christian friends, we’re supposed to be a Christian, so we act like one (some of us could win an Oscar for our performances). At work, we try to act like a Christian because we’re supposed to be one, but there we don’t have to play the role too well because our coworkers are not quite as familiar with the Christian “script.” When we go home, we act like our real selves, because we believe that our secret is safe with our family. Then the doorbell rings. It’s amazing how quickly we can shift and play the part of the perfect family, even if moments before, our house was more like the perfect storm.
Living in this cycle is exhausting and, more importantly, it is not the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. He wants us to have an integrated life in which we are the same person everywhere, to everyone. If we find ourselves playing different roles in different places, then we need to stop and ask ourselves why. Jesus came to set us free; when we have to pretend, we are not free.
Allow Jesus access to every part of you everywhere you go, and you will find that you will increasingly be conformed and transformed into his image. The more you meditate on his Word, the more like him you will become and the less like the old “you” you’ll need to act. Transformation is possible. Consistency is possible. Authenticity is possible.
Are you the same person everywhere you go?
If not, then why?