May 9

Continually Stretching

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.


If we are going to continue to press on in our Christian walk, we must make sure that we have the strength and energy to do so. To “press on” implies that we exert a steady force against something; and I think one of those somethings is a hardened heart. Often unknowingly, we allow little things to build up inside of us. Slowly, these small subtle obstructions form very large blockages, which over a period of time clog our spiritual arteries and harden our hearts by depriving them of access to their life source. We must do whatever it takes to ensure that these blockages have no place in our lives as followers of Jesus, because they hinder our ability to run freely.

We must never think that we have arrived, for the moment that we do, we become stagnant and complacent. Instead, we must always fervently seek after the heart of God. We will never “arrive” on this side of eternity because there is always more of God to press into and so much more to accomplish for his purpose and kingdom.

We must commit to continually pressing against those things that would pull us back and toward those things that make us run unhindered. If Jesus has left us on planet Earth, then there is obviously still more ahead for us to do; he did not leave us here so that we could retire. Determine to never stop but to keep pressing on. Don’t allow complacency, apathy, weariness, indifference, hurt, offense, insecurity, fear, doubt, bitterness, or unforgiveness to clog up your arteries. Keep your heart strong and free so that you can keep pressing forward.


Do you feel that you have arrived, or are you still pressing on?

Identify some of the things that Jesus has “laid up for you” that you have not yet obtained.