May 23

Reaching Out

This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”


When we are not fully awakened to God in our lives, we miss the thrill of seeing him at work. It’s like the time Nick and I took our girls to Disneyland, and Catherine fell asleep just before the evening fireworks display. All day long, she had been anticipating the show in the sky that night. But we had seen so many sights and wonders that, by evening, she was tired. We let her drift into sleep.

Later, the show in the sky over, she awoke as we were headed back to the parking lot to go home. “Mummy,” she cried, “why didn’t you wake me up?” She had slept through the only part she had really wanted to see. How many of us do exactly the same thing? We end up sleepwalking through this thing called life, oblivious to the needs of people around us, the pain of our world, and ignorant of the very purpose for which God created us and placed us upon this earth.

What a great tragedy it would be to come to the end of life only to discover that we never really lived, that we were never fully awake. Perhaps today would be a great day to walk around with our eyes wide open, our spiritual ears alert, our hearts tender, and our expectations high. God wants you to colabor with him in his harvest, but a laborer must be awake to work.

A daring adventure awaits the awake.


Do you feel like you are awake to the needs of those around you?

If not, what have you missed?