My heart is not proud, LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
PSALM 131:1
One year for my birthday I got the most wonderful, bright pink Vespa, which I absolutely adore, and Nick booked me on a riding course to ensure that I learned to drive the thing safely! The course was spread over two days and the whole time the instructor kept on telling me, “Keep your head up. You’ve got to look in the direction you want to go.” He explained to me that (a) I should not look at anything I wanted to avoid running into, and (b) I should always keep looking further ahead than where I was. He must have told me this a hundred times over those two days, but what great lessons for our spiritual life! We need to keep looking up and keep looking ahead.
When it comes to the purposes of God, it’s all about perspective. Many of us are locked in the prison of our current circumstances because we have lost perspective regarding his promises for our lives. Instead we have focused on where we are, where we have been, and, worse still, the very things we want to avoid. We will go nowhere until we gain a true perspective and begin to speak words of faith, life, and thanksgiving into our present situation. We need to lift our heads and look forward in the direction in which we want to go. God has a promise for our future that is much greater than where we are right now. God has promises for our marriage, our children, our health and prosperity — every aspect of our lives — all of which are much bigger than we can currently see or understand. We need to look up and begin to see what God has for us, because he has so much more!
In your quest to follow God more closely, how can you keep looking ahead in the direction you want to go?