He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Many people begin their race with their eyes fixed on Jesus but get distracted and end up focusing on numerous other things: people, possessions, position, status, gifts, their spouses, their careers. They think that these things will complete them as a person and help them achieve their destiny. But the apostle Paul warns us that only Jesus can and will do this for us.
The source of our completion is found nowhere else but in Christ. Nothing else in life can totally fulfill us — not our marriage partner, children, any amount of material possessions, accolades, or achievements — as important to life as they may be. God loves to bless our lives and he gives us many precious gifts in the form of people and material blessings, but these are not the goal of our lives.
Our goal is to complete the course set out for us by God and become more and more like Jesus along the way. Jesus is both the beginning and the end of our race. We must be watchful. When we find ourselves feeling emptied out, distracted, and exhausted, it might be because we have lost sight of the source of our completion. If so, it’s time to refocus, fixing our eyes on Jesus once again.
What action do you need to take in order to refocus your attention on Jesus?