July 9

Rest for God’s People

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God.


Nick and I are very aware that we lead unbelievably full lives. It is not unusual for us to be in several countries in the space of one month. We travel with our two young children and have many offices and staff to oversee around the world.

We are constantly teaching, preaching, writing books, opening new offices for The A21 Campaign, and dealing with all the issues of running an international ministry. But we have learned that in the midst of all the pressures and demands on our lives and time, we cannot afford not to take time out to rest and recuperate.

In order to stay fresh creatively and ensure that we are hearing from God, we need to make time in our lives to simply “do nothing.” We are always reminding each other that we need to enjoy the journey, and that if we are going to actually go the distance, rest is essential. To help that process, we schedule times of recreation during our week and ensure that we have restful family vacations.

In my early years of ministry, I rarely if ever took the time to rest and recreate, and the resulting physical and emotional toll on my life almost took me out of the race. I have learned the hard way that if I am going to cross the finish line, I must make time to rest!

Rest is not just a good idea but God’s idea. He showed us the importance of it by modeling it for us himself. Rest is part of God’s plan for our lives and if we cooperate with it, we will find that we run with a greater efficiency and purpose. God’s desire for us is not that we merely “rest from work,” but that we “work from a place of rest,” abiding in him and allowing him to recharge our spiritual batteries.


Do you allow the pressures of life to drive you?

How are you making rest a priority in your life?