July 13

Separate and Distinct

Daughters of kings are among your honored women; at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir.

PSALM 45:9

When we women going for God’s “all” stop a moment to dissect our lives, we discover the number of different roles we can play on any given day is remarkable: wife, mom, sister, grandparent, friend, neighbor, employee, mentor, counselor, and on it goes. Just like an actress/friend of mine, who had to make thirty-four costume changes in a single play, we can race around on the stage of life trying to make sure we’ve got all our props and costumes worked out for each “audience” and unending “performance.”

As I thought about it, I began to realize that more challenging than costume changes for that actress was the fact that she had to keep each of her roles separate and distinct. How was it that she never came on stage in the right scene, but as the wrong character?

When I asked her how she did it, she told me something that I believe is a key for us too. She could completely shake off the last character by bringing herself back to the awareness of who she really was — a working actress living in St. Louis — before she moved into the next character. She always remembered to come from that clean perspective of her own identity, and by doing so, she could keep each character unique.

With so many roles to fulfill on any given day (and they can change at any moment!), it is little wonder that at times we feel like we are suffering from a multiple personality disorder; we can be pulled in all different directions based on the demands of people around us and their expectations or needs of us. But as we remain secure in our primary identity as children of the King, everything else we do will flow from this secure place.


What do you intentionally do to remind yourself of who you really are?